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Game dying


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I honestly don't see the major issue you all seem to be complaining about. This is a MMORPG / Online game. You do not need to go from out of story to end game in a matter of days,months etc. So some of the gold is being lowered. You can still go do Battleground if that is what you enjoy. You have a new dungeon to learn and run for a better bracelet / new weapon tier (if your the dungeon path) to work on over time. Make friends, join a fun clan and just enjoy the game for what it is a time killer and entertainment. Sure there is now 8 Daily Challenges, and more Unity levels to go through but is there anything saying you 'must' cap your unity or do all of those dungeons a day? Just the voice in your head my friend.

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It's the lizard brain in all of us that screams into that empty chasm concerning the state of a game we care about; it's very much relative to our own enjoyment and struggles.


The game isn't dead until NCsoft releases a shutdown announcement, so try to enjoy things while they last, because they may not be here forever.  :)

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

I honestly don't see the major issue you all seem to be complaining about. This is a MMORPG / Online game. You do not need to go from out of story to end game in a matter of days,months etc. So some of the gold is being lowered. You can still go do Battleground if that is what you enjoy. You have a new dungeon to learn and run for a better bracelet / new weapon tier (if your the dungeon path) to work on over time. Make friends, join a fun clan and just enjoy the game for what it is a time killer and entertainment. Sure there is now 8 Daily Challenges, and more Unity levels to go through but is there anything saying you 'must' cap your unity or do all of those dungeons a day? Just the voice in your head my friend.

I realy start liking your zynism.

1. there are a lot of players playing since release and they are not even close to "endgame gear" since NC-Soft threw update after update at us and people usualy cant spend thousands of EUR / US$ per month or play 8-12 hours per day to keep up.

2. every time people are close to catch up NC-Soft lower the Gold and Material income so its getting even harder to catch up for lower geared players, while requirements constantly keeps raising.

A few month ago my Aransu 3 Gunner alt with all assesouirs at stage 3 had no problem to find a MSP 1-6 Multi Group. Meanwhile my primary alt with Arans 6, TT-Ring 9, TT Earring 10, Phrohecy neck 10, New Glove and Bracelet 10 and holds 800k- 1Mio dps even struggles to find a group because my alt is still under 1700AP

3. Instead of raising the rewards for HM they lowering the rewards for EM. Thats exactly how our world works, making the strong / rich stronger / more rich while the others getting more weak and poor. The gap between high and low geared players, wich already is quite big will even getting bigger.

4. Most lower geared wont have any chance to do the HM daily. We are not in Asia where people dont care about your gear and / or a wipe. In our region all thats count is gear and if you wipe, at least 1 or 2 wil instant reagequit.

5. You also need at least 6 DC to get all rewards which means more time to invest by lower gold/mat income.


And please dont tell me go find a clan even i realy have a nice clan there is not much we do together except for raiding cause People are way to much spread out in their online times.


Overall its less the voice in "your" head, its more the community whm force you to keep up or get lost, which is also part of killing the game.
So no its not only to blame NC-Soft for bad decissions, its also to blame the community. The combination of both scared away a lot of good players, and some of them i realy miss :/


vor 3 Stunden schrieb Neoyoshi:

The game isn't dead until NCsoft releases a shutdown announcement, so try to enjoy things while they last, because they may not be here forever.  :)

What its only a matter of time as we saw how quickly it happend to MxM.

"The question shouldnt be: Will it happens again, it should be: When will it happens"


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8 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Overall its less the voice in "your" head, its more the community whm force you to keep up or get lost, which is also part of killing the game.
So no its not only to blame NC-Soft for bad decissions, its also to blame the community. The combination of both scared away a lot of good players, and some of them i realy miss :/

It really isn't on NCSoft for the way the community is though is what I'm saying. Unless your doing raids working on the next tier gear, you do not need what 95% of the community recruits for to do dungeons etc.. Also knowing this game is meant to be played on multiple characters and for those unwilling to swipe or do just that, then yes they are at a huge disadvantage. It is a poor game design but its the design we have to deal with if you want to continue playing this game. At least you have a option while limited for free items during events, some games don't even offer that and just offer at most a outfit by doing said event.

And yes I've stated a lot that as things get rolled out people don't have time to adjust due to update after update when it really should of been spaced out more so people could adjust, use systems that might be in place during one update to catch up so when / if it was removed they'd be in a better spot but that is just how it goes sometimes. Also, while they do lower the amount of gold from some dungeons they also shuffle it to others. I mean just doing moon refuge a day is 4 gold for killing some easy monsters and picking up loot which if you do it in stride with the repeatable quest you can honestly make up to 24 gold just in like 5-10 mins (which anyone can do due to spider parties or moon tide bay).

In general though it is the community that needs to change its way of thinking. You have some groups on Korea that are somewhat like ours that want to try to limit you but for the most part they just don't care because honestly the content is easy. I for one will say this, if at anytime someone needs a run, new or old and doesn't know the mechanics or just needs help they are always welcome to my discord and to run it with my clan as we will take the time to explain things even while we carry so you learn.

-Ryunosuke Takahashi (Nightmare Syndicate Leader -Yura)

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Il y a 9 heures, Merlin DE a dit :

Overall its less the voice in "your" head, its more the community whm force you to keep up or get lost, which is also part of killing the game.

So no its not only to blame NC-Soft for bad decissions, its also to blame the community. The combination of both scared away a lot of good players, and some of them i realy miss :/

il y a une heure, Kitsune Takahashi a dit :

It really isn't on NCSoft for the way the community is though is what I'm saying. Unless your doing raids working on the next tier gear, you do not need what 95% of the community recruits for to do dungeons etc.. 


Your people are funny with that statement, "its Community fault aswell"lol...This is entirely NCsoft fault, this game is build around "farming" even korean probably didnt had a game that grindy, but they let no time to the NA/EU people to even take 1 Week break those past years, event after event, agressive patch after agressive patch, they formed a Community of people who no longer here to have fun but to login to endless farming ...and because of that system yes most of people requiere more AP for every content, cause more AP = faster clear and we clearly all need to optimize our time in this game, the tremoundous lvl of farm in this game doesnt allow most of us to wipe on dungeons or to chill recruit newbs / proper gear.

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1 hour ago, moveZneedle said:

BnS isnt going anywhere any time soon,if theres a game that shuts down next it will be Aion or Lineage 2[hopefully both go]

BnS is still making a lot of money for NCsoft worldwide,MxM shut down on every region it released on,


You actually bring up a really good point i was thinking about just earlier this morning;  Lineage 2 is still in active service; and i remember that being in closed beta waaaaaay back in 2001 or 2002- in the days when i frequented a PC cafe and one of the staff members was talking about the game.


So it occurred to me, "why would Blade & Soul be in any danger when there are much older and less revenue-robust games in NCsoft's catalog?"


And we keep seeing Blade & Soul receive game updates; i get e-mails about a new update regularly.  I personally hope to see BnS thrive long enough to see it in the UE4 update, because UE3 is really making me feel like i should take up a drug habit or something to ease the pain. (that got a bit dark, hehe- just kidding, don't do drugs!)

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2 hours ago, ombremq said:

Your people are funny with that statement, "its Community fault aswell"lol...This is entirely NCsoft fault, this game is build around "farming" even korean probably didnt had a game that grindy, but they let no time to the NA/EU people to even take 1 Week break those past years, event after event, agressive patch after agressive patch, they formed a Community of people who no longer here to have fun but to login to endless farming ...and because of that system yes most of people requiere more AP for every content, cause more AP = faster clear and we clearly all need to optimize our time in this game, the tremoundous lvl of farm in this game doesnt allow most of us to wipe on dungeons or to chill recruit newbs / proper gear.

There is the common attitude I speak of. Ap means very little and I really hope you understand that if not then that is a whole another issue then everything we are speaking about. Had a Aransu 9 party for example just today in Shadowmoor, they considered me a carry at Rift 6 but couldn't take it off me and they caused a wipe a few times before I explained how to cheese the mechanic for the first boss since you are no longer required to do the crystal mechanic. You'd be surprised how many high AP players I have to school on my various characters in higher content.

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il y a 30 minutes, Kitsune Takahashi a dit :

There is the common attitude I speak of. Ap means very little and I really hope you understand that if not then that is a whole another issue then everything we are speaking about. Had a Aransu 9 party for example just today in Shadowmoor, they considered me a carry at Rift 6 but couldn't take it off me and they caused a wipe a few times before I explained how to cheese the mechanic for the first boss since you are no longer required to do the crystal mechanic. You'd be surprised how many high AP players I have to school on my various characters in higher content.

Aransu 9 pt as example? lol? you got traped because you joined a party of VT geared people, VT is a 2 years + old content, people pug it or dont event do it, so i dont think you understood the concept of more AP =  clearing fast, if i want content to be cleared fast i'll ask for almost every dungeons /raid at least TT geared people...
There is one more parameter you have to take into consideration more AP=  better knowledge aswell, you have less chance to be traped by a full TT group than a full VT group and why is that when both group suposed to be able to clear reguarding their gear? is because the aransu group is the "new area" of people late in content, those people probably going to run Warped citadel TT geared in few months we could be nice like you and teach world how dungeons work but once again the solution to avoid the experience you just faced going to be to rise the requierement for those dungeons and i can't blame people doing that,  this game isnt build to chill around

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43 minutes ago, ombremq said:

Aransu 9 pt as example? lol? you got traped because you joined a party of VT geared people, VT is a 2 years + old content, people pug it or dont event do it, so i dont think you understood the concept of more AP =  clearing fast, if i want content to be cleared fast i'll ask for almost every dungeons /raid at least TT geared people...
There is one more parameter you have to take into consideration more AP=  better knowledge aswell, you have less chance to be traped by a full TT group than a full VT group and why is that when both group suposed to be able to clear reguarding their gear? is because the aransu group is the "new area" of people late in content, those people probably going to run Warped citadel TT geared in few months we could be nice like you and teach world how dungeons work but once again the solution to avoid the experience you just faced going to be to rise the requierement for those dungeons and i can't blame people doing that,  this game isnt build to chill around

Was a example and yes I do get the concept. Since many of you guys want to burn down everything and then when it comes to actually needing to do mechanics most know next to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about them (was my example). More AP doesn't equal knowledge as someone could of always bought the account so they didn't have to start from level 1, they could of whaled out like some people do, voucher then figure, "Oh I'll just learn how to play later". Plenty of examples can be supplied in that regard. It is fine, you do you, I / we will do us if we decide to be helpful but don't come and try to say that the community isn't in part to blame.

Also, the whole point of my post is the difference in gear compared to mine was to show you that gear and AP do not equal knowledge and sometimes depending on the amount of screwball players it will also make runs longer due to wiping. Why else do you think Ocean Discord Server came to be in the first place? Also I was considered the "trap" as you so nicely put it and carried that Aransu 9 party (Glided Gems minus Garnet / 1 Set floats on my account so yea)  My Destroyer's BNS Tree

Edited by Kitsune Takahashi
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il y a 33 minutes, Kitsune Takahashi a dit :

Was a example and yes I do get the concept. Since many of you guys want to burn down everything and then when it comes to actually needing to do mechanics most know next to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about them (was my example). More AP doesn't equal knowledge as someone could of always bought the account so they didn't have to start from level 1, they could of whaled out like some people do, voucher then figure....

Problem is most of time you taking nosense argument to prove your point, "someone can buy account", "i found an outdated VT geared group but i was even less geared so that prove my point"? seriously? you really think that in this game just "knowledge" wise out of 100 different group you going to find more trap TT geared players than VT geared players?
You still don't understand that game fault? press F11 and look at all those group in challenge mode, i don't see any VT geared people and i do not think they burn down everything to skip mechs. So meanwhie all those high AP training/doing last content dungeons/raid "IN HARD MODE" , what rest doing, those sweet low AP we have to take care about or else we mean person? they doing nothing but old content ! because game doesnt allow them to have access to last content in a decent amout of time, so once they reach our state we will be probably done farming those dungeons and cant take the risk to wipe it cause other endgame dungeons to focus farming 100+ times. On good game they don't face that problem, devs are smart and release a content that allow everyone to participat day 1.

In this game devs made sort to create a huge gap btw us so once again high AP = early acesss for last game content = more training , more knowledge more dps more everything...less AP is for most case more struggling for everycontents .In few months when they'll release new dungeons to farm, most of us gonna ask more AP to avoid learning group/low dps because as i keep repeating , we don't have that luxury in BnS, game design not community...


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Am 9.9.2019 um 22:09 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

do you require to have max gear / end game (completely maxed out) to do any content currently? No you do not.

You dont need max gear for dungeons. Thats right. But in a healthy and good designed game where everyone have the same chances (chasher or not) which is not the case in B&S... it should be possible to reach that gear without money in an acceptable amount of time. I have 2k+ AP ET gear (but not max!) and i dont pay for it... BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... i play since release... doing DC with 9 characters a day (one of them my main where i do everything that gives gold etc) and i cant reach  the same things like cashers in this game.. fact.^^


There is no need but you want to reach things and you should be able to do that. Which is not the case. Its like a 2nd job... i love rankings... no chance when i dont "work" that hard on my gear... no way.. and even then i cant reach top ranks. There you need gear....


Am 9.9.2019 um 22:09 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

If people want to blow their money on unity stones then so be it.

Thats one of the biggest problems imo... people ignore/tolerate/accept p2w even when they see it just because they think that way... you can buy stones and combine stones where you need weeks/months for it. Full purple on archer release? For casher yes.. for non casher no. Have fun collecting the stones while others already do rangings etc with better stones + more dps than you.^^ 


Am 9.9.2019 um 22:09 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

It is still a 40% failure rate going to legendary (EST on %) that everyone else has.

That doesn't make it better that you was able to buy them for real money but not with hmcoins.....

By buying this stones you already skip the first chance to fail (blue -> purple) stones. Which is another advantage.


Am 9.9.2019 um 22:09 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Stage 1 Soul - End game (current @ 221 Sacred Vials)
87,958 gold to buy them currently at 398 gold (lowest price on market as of this post)
97.7 days for me to reach that with my current income of 900 gold a day from my account doing dailies which takes but 2 hours daily.

Tell that to an average geared player who have not "2kk" alts, dont play 8+ hours a day and not since 2+ years or since release. :)

I know what i am talking about. i play since release and i have 2k+ AP (how said above) and i know how much you have to do ingame for all this things.

And even with this income you only calculated the SOUL!! You know there is a heart, talisman, pet, weapon, accs, etc. in this game?^^ They all cost a lot of gold/materials.

With my comment i meant EVERYTHING not only the soul. I know it was an example.^^ Calculate everything and we talk again. :) nearly 100 days for just 1 item without upgrading everything else? gg.

Do you need a 2nd job? Thats what you have to do in this game to be top or high geared. Its insane and horrible imo.

Am 9.9.2019 um 22:09 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Sure I get most of you guys want to jump on a game and instantly have fun and not need to grind or have stuff handed to you well some of you guys are like that but if you actually check the numbers saying you will never catch up to those who 'whale' out is just stupid. I'm sorry.

How said above^^ i play since release and saw everything in this game and its definitely not low gear friendly... definitely not^^ I wouldn't start the game from now on without everything. Too much work without being able to catch up to do high rankings in gear oriented game modes.... unless you pay.


Am 9.9.2019 um 22:09 schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Explain to me again on how I'm unable to catch up? That isn't even taking into account the free items I can obtain from those 'boring' events you all speak of? Even less gold / time by my standard to max out my Pet Aura (160 per pod and 73,600 gold needed for them).

You need time.. a LOT time... The most precious currency ever. And very much of it. Too much to get to where the cashers are. How said: you will never reach max gear in this game without spending money. But that should be possible in a healthy and good designed game. This game company is horribly money hungry.

I am thankful that you try to discuss that without insultings etc. not like others.. but i did so much in this game and it burns me out... 9 characters on this event everyday + DC + raids etc... you should do something for your gear.. definitely!... but not as much as here.... but hey.. we will see it some days when all the whales use the treasure trove to pay for things where you and i need a year or longer to reach them.... and they only need 2 days for it !!!! And then they do gear based rankings and earn even more advantages. GG

Edited by CrazyDude90
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24 minutes ago, CrazyDude90 said:

never said that you require it. But in a healthy and good designed game where everyone have the same chances (chasher or not) which is not the case in B&S... it should be possible to reach that gear without money in an acceptable amount of time. I have 2k+ AP ET gear (but not max!) and i dont pay for it... BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... i play since release... doing DC with 9 characters a day (one of them my main where i do everything that gives gold etc) and i cant reach  the same things like cashers in this game.. fact.^^


There is no need but you want to reach things and you should be able to do that. Which is not the case. Its like a 2nd job... i love rankings... no chance when i dont "work" that hard on my gear... no way.. and even then i cant reach top. There you need gear....


then so be it? xD Thats the problem... people ignore p2w even when they see it just because they think that way... you can buy stones and combine stones where you need weeks/months for it. Full purple on archer release? For casher yes.. for non casher no. Have fun collecting the stones while others already do rangings etc with better stones + more dps than you.^^ 


That doesn't make it better that you was able to buy them for real money but not with hmcoins.....

By buying this stones you already skip the first chance to fail (blue -> purple) stones. Which is another advantage.


Tell that to an average geared player who have not "2kk" alts, dont play 8+ hours a day and not since 2+ years or since release. :)

I know what i am talking about. i play since release and i have 2k+ AP (how said above) and i know how much you have to do ingame for all this things.

And even with this income you only calculated the SOUL!! You know there is a heart, talisman, pet, weapon, accs, etc. in this game?^^ They all cost a lot of gold/materials.

With my comment i meant EVERYTHING not only the soul. I know it was an example.^^ Calculate everything and we talk again. :) nearly 100 days for just 1 item without upgrading everything else? gg.

Do you need a 2nd job? Thats what you have to do in this game to be top or high geared. Its insane and horrible imo.

How said above^^ i play since release and saw everything in this game and its definitely not low gear friendly... definitely not^^ I wouldn't start the game from now on without everything. Too much work without being able to catch up to do high rankings in gear oriented game modes.... unless you pay.


You need time.. a LOT time... The most precious currency ever. And very much of it. Too much to get to where the cashers are. How said: you will never reach max gear in this game without spending money. But that should be possible in a healthy and good designed game. This game company is horribly money hungry.

I am thankful that you try to discuss that without insultings etc. not like others.. but i did so much in this game and it burns me out... 9 characters on this event everyday + DC + raids etc... you should do something for your gear.. definitely!... but not as much as here.... but hey.. we will see it some days when all the whales use the treasure trove to pay for things where you and i need a year or longer to reach them.... and they only need 2 days for it !!!! And then they do gear based rankings and earn even more advantages. GG

I personally play as my own pace and the math I did for the soul you seem to take out of context as that was income based on what I currently make daily. It was to show that to get to current max it is still possible for those free players to obtain. Of course that doesn't include the heart / pet aura and talisman however pet aura would take less time or about the same now with the upcoming release of another tier. Which could be done once you reach a decent tier of weapon and do your other earring,ring,bracelet,gloves. The only real reason to be at max gear is to reach top spots for competitive pvp (6vs6).

Edit: Forgot to mention "If" I was really worried about my DPS and being in the #1 spot in the meter I would just actually spend the gold I make in order to upgrade my characters instead of helping out clan members catch up. Which includes on my archer which I know with min. gear will be doing some good numbers regardless.

34 minutes ago, ombremq said:

Problem is most of time you taking nosense argument to prove your point, "someone can buy account", "i found an outdated VT geared group but i was even less geared so that prove my point"? seriously? you really think that in this game just "knowledge" wise out of 100 different group you going to find more trap TT geared players than VT geared players?
You still don't understand that game fault? press F11 and look at all those group in challenge mode, i don't see any VT geared people and i do not think they burn down everything to skip mechs. So meanwhie all those high AP training/doing last content dungeons/raid "IN HARD MODE" , what rest doing, those sweet low AP we have to take care about or else we mean person? they doing nothing but old content ! because game doesnt allow them to have access to last content in a decent amout of time, so once they reach our state we will be probably done farming those dungeons and cant take the risk to wipe it cause other endgame dungeons to focus farming 100+ times. On good game they don't face that problem, devs are smart and release a content that allow everyone to participat day 1.

In this game devs made sort to create a huge gap btw us so once again high AP = early acesss for last game content = more training , more knowledge more dps more everything...less AP is for most case more struggling for everycontents .In few months when they'll release new dungeons to farm, most of us gonna ask more AP to avoid learning group/low dps because as i keep repeating , we don't have that luxury in BnS, game design not community...

The does doesn't allow them to do the latest content. Seriously so when I see players recruit for Nightfall wanting players to have Celestial gear in order to do it, is the game saying that? Like wise with Scarlet. Hell I still see requirements on Skybreak / MSP, but that is NCSoft and not the community. Got ya. The people that actually do challenge mode are a exception but how many actually do that? As of today 60 teams. So 600 characters (w/o actually going through and checking how many might be the same account / team with alts). With the exception of raids though everyone can do for the most part on day 1 barring actually knowing the mechanics newer dungeons that are released. It is the community that raises the bar of gear "they" require for players to do stuff. That is all I'm saying.

In the end I will continue to enjoy the game, players will continue to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ and it gives me something fun to read most mornings for my breakfast so keep it up guys =)

Edited by Kitsune Takahashi
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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

the math I did for the soul you seem to take out of context as that was income based on what I currently make daily.

I know^^


vor 8 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

It was to show that to get to current max it is still possible for those free players to obtain.

But you will not reach it in an acceptable healthy time until new gear comes... you will always be behind. And you only have this kind of "income" with a lot of work before. You need many alts, a LOT of free time (too much imo!) to do all this things and people for raids etc. which is not easy to find for low geared people in the game. Sure.. I am able to hold my gear because i have all of this things.. but not the average player.. the majority of players. They dont have (example!) 8 alts doing events + DC + multiple raids and so on. They dont have the time. Lets be honest.. would you do that again starting from zero? i dont think so. And we know why... its a horrible and unhealthy grind.


vor 13 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Which could be done once you reach a decent tier of weapon and do your other earring,ring,bracelet,gloves.

That sounds so easy when you say it like this xD I think this is one good example why i think the most people (with gear) forgot how hard it was to get it without many alts etc.
Sure you can start with the rest of the gear then but you need a horrible amount of grind for all items. Now petgems, higher unity stones, new bracelete comes too WITHOUT making it easier to get the old stuff or more materials... many people dont have the old things max and new gear comes... thats how it works and thats what i meant earlier: you will be always behind. Compared to now its harder (you need more time) to get the same amount of unity exp through quests. You will get lesser gold from dungeons, etc. Sounds like a nice change for new players and or mid geared people who dont have time to play the game 6+ hours. :)

vor 15 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

I personally play as my own pace

And thats fine but you will never reach max. without money even if you try it. New gear and other things come too fast. (as mentioned above)


vor 16 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

The only real reason to be at max gear is to reach top spots for competitive pvp (6vs6).

6v6 and every other gear based rankings where you get hmcoins.^^ Oh right.... they are all placed by whales who have max gear and now they get hmcoins too. xD

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9 minutes ago, CrazyDude90 said:

And thats fine but you will never reach max. without money even if you try it. New gear and other things come too fast. (as mentioned above)

Well I don't play enough to turn this into a '2nd job' and still do just fine. That is also why the ranking system needs to be changed in my opinion to best rank on your account counts, not every character on the account but that is a subject for another day. Always being behind in the content isn't too bad. I make gold, help out friends, relax and enjoy the game and reductions bump me up a tier. I'm in no rush to be maxed or really care seriously about this game competitively as their are much better choices for that type of play. As for would I start all of that over, I'm not exactly normal as I don't mind the grind so much and I'm used to it from other games which were to be frank much much harder then this. But to each their own right?

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb ombremq:

Your people are funny with that statement, "its Community fault aswell"lol...This is entirely NCsoft fault, this game is build around "farming" even korean probably didnt had a game that grindy, but they let no time to the NA/EU people to even take 1 Week break those past years, event after event, agressive patch after agressive patch, they formed a Community of people who no longer here to have fun but to login to endless farming ...and because of that system yes most of people requiere more AP for every content, cause more AP = faster clear and we clearly all need to optimize our time in this game, the tremoundous lvl of farm in this game doesnt allow most of us to wipe on dungeons or to chill recruit newbs / proper gear.

Made my day LoL. thats one of the most stupid arguments i have ever seen.
While people requesting 1800ap for TSM i just go hit LFP and most times im out of the dungeon, while that guy still is recruiting another 2 or 3 people for his 1800AP TSM group.

So tell me what saves more time? Spending 5 minutes to recruit a high ap group or going with a mixed group and maybe need 30 seconds more to kill the final boss?
Oh and im close to 1900ap and a GC9 full tt geared FM and dont mind "carrying" 1 or 2 "lowies"


vor 13 Stunden schrieb Javice:

and here are some dungeon gold changes, pretty big nerf if you ask me ....

Yeah making it even harder for lower geared to catch up, great idea as always. NC-Soft seems to be realy learning resitent guess they still havent lost enough players.


vor 9 Stunden schrieb ombremq:

Aransu 9 pt as example? lol? you got traped because you joined a party of VT geared people, VT is a 2 years + old content, people pug it or dont event do it, so i dont think you understood the concept of more AP =  clearing fast, if i want content to be cleared fast i'll ask for almost every dungeons /raid at least TT geared people...

Good Luck since the majority, at least on EU server still is VT geared. BTW: if you are on EU server, can i have your ingame name, to know who i should avoid running with. I dont like those "elitists" thinking AP is everything. On every dungeon up to BC it doenst take me much longer with an LFP party to clear it. The opposite is the case. I waste more time recruiting High AP people and waiting for a complete party then doing this BS with a LFP party.
Oh and BTW, there are even people who buy clear VT runs. So dont pretend the majority of the playerbase is TT+ geared.



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il y a une heure, Merlin DE a dit :

Made my day LoL. thats one of the most stupid arguments i have ever seen.
While people requesting 1800ap for TSM i just go hit LFP and most times im out of the dungeon, while that guy still is recruiting another 2 or 3 people for his 1800AP TSM group.

So tell me what saves more time? ....

What save more time? Create an high AP static group to daily repeat same dungeons to gain time, you need to find that simple answer by yourself.

Il y a 8 heures, Kitsune Takahashi a dit :

The does doesn't allow them to do the latest content. Seriously so when I see players recruit for Nightfall wanting players to have Celestial gear in order to do it, is the game saying that? Like wise with Scarlet. Hell I still see requirements on Skybreak / MSP, but that is NCSoft and not the community. Got ya. The people that actually do challenge mode are a exception but how many actually do that? As of today 60 teams. So 600 characters (w/o actually going through and checking how many might be the same account / team with alts). With the exception of raids though everyone can do for the most part on day 1 barring actually knowing the mechanics newer dungeons that are released. It is the community that raises the bar of gear "they" require for players to do stuff. That is all I'm saying.

In the end I will continue to enjoy the game, players will continue to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ and it gives me something fun to read most mornings for my breakfast so keep it up guys =)

 I wish i could have fun like you but It's kind of sad to see that way of thinking  seeing the current state of game... People doesnt suddenly ask for more AP, if you take example for a raid like TT/ET when they first came out people asked Aransu geared players for TT they are still asking for TT geared players for ET... but that won't be the case in few months, why is that? cause there going to have a new raid/new dungeon...so if we speaking "knowledge wise only" in few months people going to ask ET geared players to do ET to have a smooth clear, and why will they stop recruiting TT geared players? because content moving fast, they won't have time to take care of late lowies not because they don't want but game design is a farm race, and not everyone want/can chill around with newbies like you do.
Devs created an elitist community and keep releasing content and gears for that elistist community making sort that the gap btw both community never lower, now simple mind people fail to understand that and keep dreaming we'll ask raven geared people for VT and VT geared people for TT and wait those low geared people progessing at their pace and living in a carebear world because we all mother teresa.

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2 hours ago, ombremq said:

What save more time? Create an high AP static group to daily repeat same dungeons to gain time, you need to find that simple answer by yourself.

 I wish i could have fun like you but It's kind of sad to see that way of thinking  seeing the current state of game... People doesnt suddenly ask for more AP, if you take example for a raid like TT/ET when they first came out people asked Aransu geared players for TT they are still asking for TT geared players for ET... but that won't be the case in few months, why is that? cause there going to have a new raid/new dungeon...so if we speaking "knowledge wise only" in few months people going to ask ET geared players to do ET to have a smooth clear, and why will they stop recruiting TT geared players? because content moving fast, they won't have time to take care of late lowies not because they don't want but game design is a farm race, and not everyone want/can chill around with newbies like you do.
Devs created an elitist community and keep releasing content and gears for that elistist community making sort that the gap btw both community never lower, now simple mind people fail to understand that and keep dreaming we'll ask raven geared people for VT and VT geared people for TT and wait those low geared people progessing at their pace and living in a carebear world because we all mother teresa.

And yet when most people ran those raids in your example did they already have Celestial gear? Nope. So sure it offers a smoother run and faster but it isn't required in order to clear. That is all we are saying and the community setting unrealistic requirements is actually bad for everyone. You have people complaining about not being able to catch up and your actually helping with the pay wall by setting those requirements. Helping players out will always outweigh restricting them. I'm no Mother Teresa but at the same time I would much rather help players out so as a whole since in the long term of things eventually the content will die down when we do in fact catch up to Korea and the more players that can run those raids will help not hurt the community.

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Run the stuff you are GEARED for you incompetent millennials. Do you go to an F1 race and participate in a freaking pinto? No, you have a proper formula machine. By that same token when you jump in the F1 car you are expected to KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IT. Learn mechs get geared and stop being a bunch of whining entitled ingrates. Learn raid mechanics, learn dungeon mechanics and most importantly learn your class. All anybody knows how to do anymore is whine and cry till they get their way. I miss the days where people had a sense of responsibility and a desire to improve rather than have everything handed to them for little to no work.

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Wow a statement like this made me puke. Id rather be an incompetent millennial than human social incompetent.

All dungeons can be done with decent gear.

VT can easily be done whit BT gear

TT can easily be done with VT gear

You dont need freaking VT gear for BT or TT gear for VT or ET Gear for TT. Just because it make things a bit faster doesnt mean it is nessesary

vor 3 Stunden schrieb RevivedTera:

Run the stuff you are GEARED for you

would mean that most of the players can do at least everything up to TT unless there are some social incompetent beeings requesting way higher Gear than nessesary.

vor 3 Stunden schrieb RevivedTera:

Learn raid mechanics, learn dungeon mechanics and most importantly learn your class.

I know quite a lot of people who exactly try this, but no one offering them a chance to join a TT-Raid, cause they might be just Aransu 6-9, or dont have trianangular or gilded gems or a max soul/heart/talisman.


vor 3 Stunden schrieb RevivedTera:

I miss the days where people had a sense of responsibility and a desire to improve rather than have everything handed to them for little to no work.

I miss the days where people had a sense of responsibility and human/social competence to accept even lower geared players who want to progress, have more than enough gear to do stuff, but dont fullfill the redicoulous requirements of a growing community of elitists.

I also miss the times where people knew that brain > gear > dps
My alt is Aransu 6, TT ring stage 9, TT earring, prophecy neck and skyreach gloves 10 but only meet 1650+ ap. Ill do TT with this alt and even got the time archivment but, try find a MSP group with it, even i can hold up to 1.2Mio with it. 

So yeah maybe i should limit my activities only to run up to maybe Starstone mine when i read your statement.


Oh and befor you now claim im also an incompetent milennial.

1. i was born in the 70th

2. my main is quite good geared for a casual



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I don't know about any more players not playing the game. I'd still play, but then again I haven't been able to play for two years, so I'm currently missing the game at the time. I can't say what it's like playing all the new stuff as I never got the chance to do so, but I still enjoy the game in my own way and it's still a unique game.

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On 10/09/2019 at 4:00 PM, Ryunosuke Takahashi said:

@wootwoots There was much more to do in the world but they removed most of the side quests to kind of rush players towards end game (yes I consider out of story your end game guys sue me) which was a mistake because honestly it killed off like half of the game. You don't get the background on some npc, you don't understand the lore behind some anymore not to mention a few outfits your now forced to pvp in order to get that used to be from a quest (rng base mind you). A lot of things need to be updated and less load screens in my opinion.


its still doesnt change what i've said regarding BnS ( and i know they changed a lot of things to speed up the progression of the early level, i know BnS since a lot of time ^^, i even played on a private RU server before it even was finaly confirmed for the west )


Still, imho the issue with this game compare to most mmo, is the no open world, so even with the full story you never go back to the old map because there is no reasons to, the whole game is build like a SP linear game.

back in time you just was running somes old dungeons because of upgrade mat but that's it.

most of the time you just feel trapped in tiny maps, Even the "new big maps" are just annoyingly empty, and even more annoying to travel into with that slow #ss stam recharge speed ( i still dont get why they didnt just set the sprint as infinite everywhere, since its disabled once you enter into combat...  so why the upgrade just increase the stam amount, instead of ( also?) upgrading the recharge speed... )


Tbh as much as i love BnS, that part is pretty bad, and not that engaging after after a moment because you just only see dungeon lobby till the end of the times.

That's why i got very quickly bored of Vindictus, you just have dungeons and nothing else, and BnS give me that same feeling, in a mmo, personaly i want to feel free in a open world, so travel, so visit.. etc.


Like as much as Black Desert have an horribad casino gamedesign for nearly everything ( so many failed way to manage nearly every single of their system, which make the game just bad ), the base ( i insist on the "base"  ) of their open world management is actualy really great ( so wonderfully mapped )

You can develop your character without doing any single quest, you can spend your gaming life "doing" life skill, or do the insane amount of main / side quest etc.

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