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Blade & Soul is officially p2w

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vor 48 Minuten schrieb DT2:

I'm a BD with aransu 9 and BT accessories and I managed to clear it.

You should remeber theres a gap between the dps of different classes with same gear. Just because you maybe can do turtle stage 4 doesnt mean other classes with same gear can do it too.
Also this seems to be an event on korean standard which is much higher. Korean players could kill the ravenking within a soulburn a year ago where we still had to do mech and need 3, 4, 5 or even more minutes to kill the ravenking.


Also this is not a challangin event, its a pure DPS / Gear related event. You dont have the gear? Well sorry your screewed and cant participate.

When you want a challanging event, do something like the Poharan Event. Take one of the old dungeons reduce the stats of the player and let them do mechanik. Thats challanging and everybody can participate. But this will make all those whales cry who only can deal dmg but cant do mech.

Take a look at F8 and the requirements. 1500+ full VT for Starstone Mine NormalMode ROFLMAO. I did this crap with about 1100-1200AP in Hardmode and even up to Drownnig Deeps and we even managed to get the time archivements.

Make an Event, Desolate Tomb 650AP, 90k life no bonus from badge / accessoirs and with a 4 men party. 
I would like to see the crying of all those high geared whales which cant simply burst down the boss.
I did this dungeon with those stats and with Asura/Be-Ido and later with celestial Soulshileds ansd still can do any role. Can you?

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2 hours ago, DT2 said:

Ehh, I bet 90% of the population won't be able to clear even with max gear because they don't know how to play their class since so many people under performs with the gear they have in f8. 


I'm a BD with aransu 9 and BT accessories and I managed to clear it.

Upload a picture/video with your character's gear, the DPS meter and the turtle stage 4 cleared or this never happened. 

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I have to agree to the guy saying this event it only for people with high gear, and that is not forgivable because I thought these events were supposed to help low gear people get better items or reduce the costs of upgrades.

Here's what I expected before I knew how you earned the Resurgence Emblems:

-I have VT SS, and the Dragon express sells 3 pieces of TT SS --> I need it, because it's the last SS and I can get at least 3 pieces;

-I have eptagonal and hexagonal, Dragon ex sells Octagonal --> I need them, it's straight upgrade;

I killed 3 stages of Sacred Longuii and the Infernal Lord, but I got Legendary Orb and not Resurgence, then I read the patch notes and I found I had to kill stage 4 Sacred Longuii and Unleashed Infernal Lord, so here's what I did:

-I forged the 1-hr weapon, it is equivalent to Celestial rank 3, it should be enough to kill Sacred Longuii --> I put the boss at 86%, and the enrage timer was at 10 secs, so I died;

-I checked the weapon, it had 8 slots and I forgot to put my gems in it, so I tried again --> nope, it was not enough, stage 4 is out of league;

-I searched for party in cross-server for the Unleashed, but they all asked 1.8k AP (what the hell?), and so I did the normal Lord of Inferno --> I asked the guys in my party if we could do the Unleashed, and they said 'Nah, not worth it, it's a waste of time', I asked 'I have the special weapon, we can do it' and a guy who had an alt-character with TT gear replied 'You need full TT gear to barely do the Unleashed, and the special weapon is useless'.

So, here's my conclusions:

-there are no items to reduce upgrade costs of weapon or accessories --> what's the point of event?

-the possible items to get stronger are loot from strong bosses you can't defeat without endgame (last raid dungeon) gear --> if somebody has lready TT gear, he doesn't need octagonal (he probably has the golden gems) or TT pieces, and also why put a special weapon that doesn't boost your dmg enough for low gear people to get emblems? what's the point of the event?

-legendary orbs are only used for x1 Pet Pack, x1 Sacred Vial and you need a lot, Celestial Wings and eptagonal gems (I listed the items I would want) --> I can't get the itmes I need to get stronger, so what's the point of the event?

The bloomtime jackpot is RNG items and outfits, so even if I could get octagonal gems and MAYBE some upgrade materials, this event has nothing else for me. Where did they go the events that could get your accessories upgrades/weapon costs reduced? I miss them.

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3 hours ago, Chara Dreemurr said:

Upload a picture/video with your character's gear, the DPS meter and the turtle stage 4 cleared or this never happened. 



And please don't imply that I changed to the event weapon just to make this screenshot. I can show you my parse with the event weapon too if you want. 


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59 minutes ago, Chara Dreemurr said:

Maxed soul and heart.

Thanks for proving the point that this event is for whales only.

He doing it doesn't really mean he's a whale and that this is a whale only event. As I said in previous posts, the event can be done by whales and by talented people and by those who pretty much got their character's nuances down to the millimeter. In other words, the git gud group. On the other side, we can't expect EVERYONE to learn their characters onto a professional competitive level. Not everyone has that much dedication (others like me simply can't and gave up long ago). Still, some people CAN beat this event with less than max gear. It's just these people are simply very good at the game, either from talent or from training beyond what your average player can dedicate to it.


Now, let's not take this as defending this or that side of the argument. I'm stating my opinion from what I see.

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3 minutes ago, Hanuku said:

He doing it doesn't really mean he's a whale and that this is a whale only event. As I said in previous posts, the event can be done by whales and by talented people and by those who pretty much got their character's nuances down to the millimeter. In other words, the git gud group. On the other side, we can't expect EVERYONE to learn their characters onto a professional competitive level. Not everyone has that much dedication (others like me simply can't and gave up long ago). Still, some people CAN beat this event with less than max gear. It's just these people are simply very good at the game, either from talent or from training beyond what your average player can dedicate to it.


Now, let's not take this as defending this or that side of the argument. I'm stating my opinion from what I see.

There is little to nothing to get good at. The boss itself cannot kill you or cause any significant drop in your DPS as its rotation is REALLY simple. The boss does not kill you, the enrage timer does. The main grievance that I have with this event is that there is nothing you can do to beat that turtle (or the burning mausoleum boss, for that matter) other than whale on your soul or use a bunch of imperial sojus if you're REALLY close to beating it. And how do you get the imperial sojus you ask....oh that's right: RNG box.


No, this event cannot be done by the "git gud group" as no matter how well you play, you cannot outplay the enrage timer. I posted a video of me clearing it earlier in the thread. Look at it and tell me that it's a hard boss mechanically. It's pretty much a glorified general moyun for you to DPS parse on. Please stop saying that you can just "get good" for this event. It's not skill-dependent, it's gear-dependent.

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I don't disagree with you, it is a gear dependent event. My only point was that a lot of people even with the gear can't pull off half their potential DPS to clear it anyways.


If they made it too easy, then everyone can just farm their gems easily. What they should've done is allow everyone to participate but not make the event farmable.  

Edited by DT2
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1 hour ago, Chara Dreemurr said:

Please stop saying that you can just "get good" for this event. It's not skill-dependent, it's gear-dependent.

What made me post was that you called the guy on that post a straight up whale with no knowledge on how he got his gear and how he completed the event. Are we really into a point of the game where the ONLY way to do this event is through opening your wallet? Can't a no lifer who plays 20 hours a day and feeds his main through 10 alts get such gear, or close to it, as well? Must it be exclusively through spending thousands of dollars? Couldn't it be that some people managed to farm their gear faster?


On the skill side, I agree that there are no mechs here so it's all a big dps check. But not everyone can pull the exact same dps even with the same class and gear. So, couldn't it be that someone is better at those so called "brainless rotations" and is able to use a slightly weaker gear set to do the same as someone not so good at rotations but with better gear? I mean, I didn't say they could go with a riftwalk 3 and do it. Anyway, putting more options and reasons in the table, maybe they have better ping? Maybe a macro? (though that would be another bad accusation, though not out of the context). But no, everyone just comes to the conclusion that those doing it are simply whales with a big wallet. And that's where I see a problem with how people describe the event. It's all black or white. No greys at all. All falls into stereotypes with no analysis from those speaking up.


Now, I won't advocate a change. I just said my piece here and I'm happy to have done it. Whoever wants to see more angles to it than the easiest one to pick, is free to do so. But while I also won't tell anyone to stop calling others however they want (as that's the job of the moderators to keep that part civil), I'd also like for people to see more than what's in front of them before speaking up. As it is, this event, as even I called it "whale appreciation event", can't be called strictly "whales only". Whoever can put the dps required will reap the spoils. Be it from having paid for such gear, or having learned fast and perfect enough rotations to do it with slightly less.

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12 hours ago, DT2 said:

Ehh, I bet 90% of the population won't be able to clear even with max gear because they don't know how to play their class since so many people under performs with the gear they have in f8. 


I'm a BD with aransu 9 and BT accessories and I managed to clear it.

BDs are known to perform very well undergeared with low ping.

Not all classes are born with the same dps having the same gear.

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48 minutes ago, Hanuku said:

What made me post was that you called the guy on that post a straight up whale with no knowledge on how he got his gear and how he completed the event. Are we really into a point of the game where the ONLY way to do this event is through opening your wallet? Can't a no lifer who plays 20 hours a day and feeds his main through 10 alts get such gear, or close to it, as well? Must it be exclusively through spending thousands of dollars? Couldn't it be that some people managed to farm their gear faster?

Ok so you say he's either a whale or a "no lifer who plays 20 hours a day and feeds his main through 10 alts". Perhaps you think I wanted to insult him, but that was not my intention. I do not use "whale" as a derogatory term. I am just using it to refer to someone who spends a lot of money on the game.


52 minutes ago, Hanuku said:

On the skill side, I agree that there are no mechs here so it's all a big dps check. But not everyone can pull the exact same dps even with the same class and gear. So, couldn't it be that someone is better at those so called "brainless rotations" and is able to use a slightly weaker gear set to do the same as someone not so good at rotations but with better gear? I mean, I didn't say they could go with a riftwalk 3 and do it. Anyway, putting more options and reasons in the table, maybe they have better ping? Maybe a macro? (though that would be another bad accusation, though not out of the context). But no, everyone just comes to the conclusion that those doing it are simply whales with a big wallet. And that's where I see a problem with how people describe the event. It's all black or white. No greys at all. All falls into stereotypes with no analysis from those speaking up.

If someone hasn't learned to play their character properly yet they have the gear to kill the boss, then yes getting better would lead to them killing it. However, you are ignoring a VERY IMPORTANT piece of information: the amount of DPS needed to kill it. It is something the vast majority of non-whale players are not able to do. Combine this with the fact that this event didn't fall out of the sky, it was DESIGNED like this. Now tell me which conclusion comes to mind? Do you still see all the greys?


59 minutes ago, Hanuku said:

Now, I won't advocate a change. I just said my piece here and I'm happy to have done it. Whoever wants to see more angles to it than the easiest one to pick, is free to do so. But while I also won't tell anyone to stop calling others however they want (as that's the job of the moderators to keep that part civil), I'd also like for people to see more than what's in front of them before speaking up. As it is, this event, as even I called it "whale appreciation event", can't be called strictly "whales only". Whoever can put the dps required will reap the spoils. Be it from having paid for such gear, or having learned fast and perfect enough rotations to do it with slightly less.

Mate, you are telling me this is not a "whale appreciation event" when the absolute minimum DPS you need to kill the boss is twice what's needed to complete the CURRENT ENDGAME RAID? Your whole argument is "but if you spend 20 hours a day on 10 alts, you can get the gear to do the event as well". Which kind of players do you think the devs had in mind when they designed the event: the "no lifers" or the whales?



1 hour ago, DT2 said:

I don't disagree with you, it is a gear dependent event. My only point was that a lot of people even with the gear can't pull off half their potential DPS to clear it anyways.


If they made it too easy, then everyone can just farm their gems easily. What they should've done is allow everyone to participate but not make the event farmable.  

In that case, I agree, there are indeed people who could clear it but are doing something wrong.


As for a solution to this, what you said can be a good alternative. The devs should have done a better job at balancing the rewards and requirements for the event. It SHOULD be hard to get octagonal gems, but this gear-gating is just way too strict. I think the solution Keroppi suggested in one of his videos was also pretty good: just give people rewards based on how much DPS they did in those 3 minutes. Adjust the costs of the gems as well to compensate for the tokens being easier to get and there you go, a way better balanced event than what we got. 

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this game was always like that, it's not new, what they would have to bother is the little gain that is put at the time of doing events, rewards and others. These games are not designed for players with few resources (in the game) or casual, this game was always thought for people who spend a huge amount of time and people who contribute money, but again, what they would have to bother is that each Once they do something, it is poor, vase and with dead content. Expect more of this company is to continue believing in Santa Claus, realize the little real maintenance that the game has: 3.5 hours once a week and never real improvement, every day is worse. Let's be honest, we're just in this game because we're nostalgic and since everything nostalgic you can not ask for more than what you already give, do not be fooled

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2 hours ago, Chara Dreemurr said:


We just have different views and opinions on what's going on. We see things differently and there's nothing wrong with that. As I said, I just said my view which I stand by. You will stand by yours and that's perfectly fine for me. I think all needed to be said is already said, and anything else would be going back and forth and in circles. I've been wrong in so many things that I've learned to accept how heavily flawed I can be, so everyone is free to read and decide in which way they want to see what's happening in this event, and in the game in general. They could be sharing your view, or mine, or have a totally different thinking. But I'll be sticking to what I've said for now. Again, I can be ultimately wrong in the end, but it won't be from any ill intention. It's just me saying what I see, how I see it.

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Only read half the posts in this forum, and all i just want to say stop crying.  Over the last few years, more and more starting gear given that most of the folks in VT gear had to earn.  On top of that, this event gives a lot to folks that are able to get what parts they can done.  Other then the wings, most of the items you get with higher tier coin are not needed atm to lower geared/new/casual players.  Take the steel for instance......  or the celestial wings......  not needed for 99% of the a fore mentioned people who only been playing for a month or barely play at all.  Most of those people need just the lower coin to get the oils and or pet pods.  and you can get 3 coins a day per alt that has a r3 with ease and just story given items.  all 8 baby alts to it with no issue and the oils will be sent to my main.  takes no time at all, 10min tops per toon.  stop crying your not being handed some silly red wings.

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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, RavTH said:


Also People:
I spend 1000$ on this game and can confirm it's not p2w.

While I do like this comment, there is another side of it.  The F2P players who aren’t willing to spend money to be able to even mail, or people who aren’t willing to buy premium if they enjoy the game, stating how P2W this game is.


Recently they have been giving premium members more quality of life benefits that helps close the gap between the P2W aspects of the game. For the last 2 months premium members basically got 3 oils a month and F2P got one.  This month F2P players basically get a pet pack and premium members get an oil and a pet pack, while also putting pet packs in the daily dash (with the premium benefits I think a player could expect 4-6 pet packs).


With the other bonuses that Premium gets it has been becoming increasingly easier to catch up.  There are areas that still need to be improved on and I am in no means saying there aren’t P2W aspects in this game (specially in regards to 6v6), but how much difference should a Premium member get over a F2P player? And how much should be offered to those who want to put a bit more money into the game to make up for the players playing for free?


There has definitely been a shift in gamers expectations.  I largely blame the easy accessibility of free Mobil games, because if you can play games for free why would you pay to play games?  Combined that with corporate greed/needing to please share holders I would say has made it harder for game developers to make the games how we would like them.

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This game is boring lol.  Log in do events then trove. Go pvp one shot ppl and call it a day. Go play another game till season reward are earned and do it all over again. New class is out buy lvl 60 voucher. Go run with my group till the 2 new stages get boring. Trove a little more. Go pvp with broken new class watch everyone complain call them trash tell em to get guud. Get nerfed leave game wait for new content. Pvp again 1 shot people earn rewards leave game again till new season. They really dont play as much except on a few alts to try and spark up the spark that was there. Pve is even getting old.  Factions are not even a thing anymore. Pvp is way off balance. Pve req less and less skill. When this game was thriving there were alot of mechs for bosses that mattered. Now its jus dps away. Except for a few dungeons.

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11 minutes ago, sojaa said:

This game is boring lol.  Log in do events then trove. Go pvp one shot ppl and call it a day. Go play another game till season reward are earned and do it all over again. New class is out buy lvl 60 voucher. Go run with my group till the 2 new stages get boring. Trove a little more. Go pvp with broken new class watch everyone complain call them trash tell em to get guud. Get nerfed leave game wait for new content. Pvp again 1 shot people earn rewards leave game again till new season. They really dont play as much except on a few alts to try and spark up the spark that was there. Pve is even getting old.  Factions are not even a thing anymore. Pvp is way off balance. Pve req less and less skill. When this game was thriving there were alot of mechs for bosses that mattered. Now its jus dps away. Except for a few dungeons.

You've just described pretty much every Westernized Korean MMO running nowadays. Just add the part about showing off them "better than you" waifus with maxed everything and glowing oppai in low level towns.

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On 5/23/2019 at 7:07 PM, Snowyamur said:

To simply put, players who claim this game isn't P2W are in denial.


I'm well-aware of how P2W this game is, and I'm also aware of the times this game scammed its players ([White Orb] scandal, [Starshine Box] RNG problem). However, what frustrates me is how this debate continues being looped among players such that it gets virtually nowhere. This is happening here, this is happening on social media, and it's happening in-game.


We all get it: Blade & Soul is P2W.

I really dont think its denial.  Pvp battlegrounds is pay to win. If you have no gear then it just a few geared ppl vs your alt and well that's just boring..  Trove is a way to get end game super fast. Seen people go end game in less then a month on it. Some people are max the day trove starts.  Best way I can put this is them people are moving on. You can buy a lvl 60 no problem.  Then go brag that i was the first there.Insert other media

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1 minute ago, Hanuku said:

You've just described pretty much every Westernized Korean MMO running nowadays. Just add the part about showing off them "better than you" waifus with maxed everything and glowing oppai in low level towns.

I was typing that out silly.

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I call it how I see it man. This is how our youth is. They wanna be at the top. All that takes is a lil bit of money . Now I'm the best at the game. Wait im bored of it in 2 years lets go do this to the next games community. Bye last game helloooo new game.  If only I could have just taught my joes how to shoot in the army like that. Damn I wouldn't have had to be at the range all night long sighting their peq 15s and making sure their nods are on their dom eye. Then again now they can just give ya a stress card now. Id have had to bear crawl up a damn mountain if I tried to hand a stress card.  should we give everyone a stress card?

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Our Philosophy

We believe in letting everyone play the game as it’s intended to be played – skill-based progression throughout all the available content. No paywalls will hold you back, and no amount of money will give you an unfair competitive advantage over other players. We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases. We’re also going to make sure that we have a regular schedule of content updates that everyone will be able to enjoy.




Soul, Heart, Upgrade every assessoir from 9 to 10 or in other words OILS and you need tons of it
How many you get from an event? avarags of 4-5 oils?

So yeah Trove, RNG-Boxes are just cosmetics and quality of live enhancments

and you crying that no one will do Battleground anymore, its pure p2w

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Yes, Yes, I know, this is my first post on these forums but hey why not.

There is no individual factor in Blade & Souls which could be used to say it is not Pay to Win.  While I have not been playing so long (only since January) I can't understand how anyone would try to say that all players have equal possibilities to gear up and progress through the game. It is clear that there is an advantage for the side of the credit card.


I cry everytime I have to buy gempowder to upgrade my gems! But they are a perfect example of changes made to the game to make it even more pay to win then it was, which only hurts the playerbase. The number required of gem powder for a single upgrade to the none dyad square gem is (254 - so roughly 4,191 gold without refinement cost 4363.90 with costs)  so... in total 26k gold is required to get your 6 gems to gilded square not obisidion or garnet.


Now explain to a new player they have a 26k gold investment to look forward to when they want to get good enough to play with the big boys.


** price estimation is based on current market prices assuming you buy them from the auctionhouse.

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