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Why the hell is there such a long spawn time for Beastbog bosses??


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What is the point of making the spawn time so damn long for Beastbog bosses? Do you get revenue by players afking in-game or something? Players are unable to do anything because the boss can spawn anywhere from 20min to a whole HOUR after the last boss is killed (yes I've watched the clock from the time the 2nd miniboss was killed). You can't do a dungeon in the meantime because the boss can spawn anytime and is usually killed within 20sec because there are literally 50 people ganging up on it. What exactly are we supposed to do in the area, grind on monsters that drop nothing and give 0 exp?? Why not do what every other MMO does?


  • Set a fix spawn time each hour, such as :00 of every hour or something for main boss, :20 for miniboss 1, :40 for miniboss 2. You can even make it so the main boss won't spawn unless the other 2 are killed? That way players know exactly when this guy spawns and don't have to waste their time just camping around the place doing nothing
  • Decrease spawn time. On days where the daily requires you to kill this annoying boss, at least decrease spawn time by half?


I also find it funny you pair the Beastbog daily with the NSH daily. Both are probably the most annoying areas in the entire game and notorious for players afking and being forced to waste time for bosses to spawn. They're not even instances so we can't even queue for stuff to play even if we wanted to. We're stuck waiting at the exact same spot, then going to another place and forced to afk some more. To add icing to the cake, finding a party to even take down those NSH minibosses is a complete pain the ass.


Edit: awesome, you don't get credited if you die during the fight. What the *cricket* NCS? Waited there for an hour and you troll us by not completing the quest? The FPS drops to like 5 when there are 50 people around it and it's so easy to get hit. *cricket*ing unbelievable.

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The bosses in beastbog always spawn 25mins after the last one was killed.  I do agree that the spawn times in this area is outrageous, if it was sort of like Frostscale Basin I wouldn't mind that at all.  Kill the frogs to get cold blood to spawn, and the pigs for hot blood.  Maybe if we kill both like 2-3 times baylee will then spawn.  As for how it is now, if they made it so that the hot and cold blood has a chance at dropping frozen stingers people most likely would come and kill them more often.  If people can catch the time of when the last boss died they can tell you when the next boss will spawn.  For example if you killed cold blood at :15 and baylee spawns next, you can say baylee will spawn at :40.  Also it would help if they implemented a time like with GHS.

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1 hour ago, Quantum said:

The bosses in beastbog always spawn 25mins after the last one was killed.  I do agree that the spawn times in this area is outrageous, if it was sort of like Frostscale Basin I wouldn't mind that at all.  Kill the frogs to get cold blood to spawn, and the pigs for hot blood.  Maybe if we kill both like 2-3 times baylee will then spawn.  As for how it is now, if they made it so that the hot and cold blood has a chance at dropping frozen stingers people most likely would come and kill them more often.  If people can catch the time of when the last boss died they can tell you when the next boss will spawn.  For example if you killed cold blood at :15 and baylee spawns next, you can say baylee will spawn at :40.  Also it would help if they implemented a time like with GHS.

Making the stingers 1-2 guaranteed drop would improve the incentive IMO. Bonus stingers can be RNG.

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Well, people were complaining that BnS doesn't hae a social hub. I find that the Bay Lee spawn area is a very social place, because everyone is stuck there for 20-50 min after kills that take half-a-minute. It's a disaster of a dungeons and totally incomprehensible as a 24M. 24M is designed to be a solo romp with whaling on bosses. This one is like you gotta be in a fairly large party already (unless you are overgeared, then why would you be there?), so what's the point? Did it twice with challenges, and that Daily challenge with MM and Bay lee is my least favorite. 

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1 hour ago, Sherlock MacDumpster said:

Don't you understand it? It's pretty obvious. The answer to your question is : a pure time sink. Beastbog is here literally  so you waste as much as time as possible, which is dumb because we don't have the same version as koreans.... (they pay by the hour). Just another NC Fail.

pay per hour? what time is it? the early 90's?

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I would much prefer Beastbog to work like Frostscale. It is the main reason why I hate the fact that Beastbog.. but not Frostscale (since it is so empty there) appears in the daily challenge. 

If they can make it so when you kill boss a and b boss c spawns, but do it almost instantly after one spawns, the next does (much like poh and MM).. or heck, make it so we have to kill hot blood 3 times and cold blood 3 times or x amount of elites. It honestly takes an hour to get him to spawn. And barely anyone kills hot and cold blood together and instead just waits for baylee and bbbb =_=

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19 minutes ago, Kitah said:

 make it so we have to kill hot blood 3 times and cold blood 3 times or x amount of elites. It honestly takes an hour to get him to spawn. And barely anyone kills hot and cold blood together and instead just waits for baylee and bbbb =_=

ah..this is a problem.  Plus overcrowding after one announce it in faction or guildchat ;w;

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16 minutes ago, JoannaRamira said:

ah..this is a problem.  Plus overcrowding after one announce it in faction or guildchat ;w;

While it would be, it would then be easier for others to spawn him too. Much like POH and NSH, I honestly don't get why this is the only 24man so far with this kind of messed up system which takes minutes / hours for all of them to spawn.

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