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Who is not qutting but rather takign a break?


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I feel this game have a lot to offer but also a lot of things to work out. I think most people would agree on this. This game is fun but it also burn you out. You have to do dailies everyday in order to get the gold and mats you need for your weapons and accessories upgrade.  There isn't also anything much to do other than dailies once you reach max level. I feel in other MMORPG there are other things than grinding to keep me interested but BnS just focus on grinding. Dungeons are also pretty boring once you done them a couple of times.


Game design is another factor. Range class have it way too easy when you compare it melee. Most of the dungeons have so much stuff that melee have watch out while range only needs to watch out a few things. I really wish they would design a dungeon more melee friendly.


I also love playing on different characters leveling alts and switching between them to experience the game from different class. But the cost to upgrade one character is already difficult I can't image doing it for my alts. So they are sitting between lvl 40 to 46.


This game is not bad and I really like the story, the graphics are beautiful but it seems very hallow in terms on content and maybe in Asia people there love the grind and play several hours a day farming but I feel that's not for me.

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I'm postponing my quitting to see how the 27th update fairs for now. Everything that came out so far for 50 content is utterly boring / a pain in the ass to do so I'll see from there on out. I just log on to do treasure trove for now. I haven't really bothered pvping in arena for awhile now since the memories of fighting bots 28 times in a row has yet to leave my memory nor the fact that there's constant hackers on the leaderboards.

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I plan on taking a break, but knowing how these things are i probably wont come back when im ready to.

I had three characters ready for pirate release in all siren, now i have one in full Pirate/oathbreaker, by the time i come back getting that one up with everyone else for owPvP will be damn near impossible, assuming they fix the bot problem or rather speedhacker problem thats making it impossible now.


I was willing to pay a sub but im not willing to spend cash to progress somewhere i WAS getting everything for free.

See what happens but i have already taken a week off, if the problem isnt fixed on the 27th or whenever this patch is coming then i will mark it down as im falling behind and probably never look back.

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I'm holding out a very thin strand of hope for the 27th, even if one major issue is fixed I'll stick around for a min, but since I'm 85% sure they're not gonna fix a damn thing I'll be leaving on the 27th. I'll just go ahead and uninstall this game is absolute garbage due solely to greed, mismanagement, incompetence and lack of transparency.


Too bad to because I think the actual game is quite good. Frankly I would be embarassed to tell anyone I was working on a game in the state that this game is in, 3 months after launch.


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I've been on a break for quite a while now (since middle of March).
I was about to quit completely last week and tried to pass my assets to some lucky low-level B&S first-timer, but the only low-levels I found in my server were bots and alts. :')
Decided to just go on a long hibernation instead until something cool happens; either one or more of the major issues here is fixed or I find a new MMO worth investing (which then I wouldn't be as picky on whom to give my stuff to).

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I'm also shortly before taking a break. The only thing i've done so far for the last few weeks is crafting. And now people are even crafting the *cricket* STS for a loss or 3g profit if ur lucky or bought everything in a down peak. 


I'm a bit afraid that as soon as i stop logging in every day, i'll stop logging in frequently.. and in the end stop playing. Well if you can call what i do playing in the first place^^ 

Since i dont have time to play 24/7 anymore i feel like progression became a pain in the ass. Playing one or two hours a days does not do a lot, and if you only play 2 hours a day to make decent gold you'll also end up doing the exact same every day - or ur loosing money. I started to gear up one of my twinks and then realised that i felt this way. 


I still love this game for what it was/is and i played several hundred hours already, but right now i'm just feeling burned out and the fact that all of my friends quit for one reason or another (mainly their server or optimisation) doesnt really help to keep me at the game - because who the *cricket* plays an mmorpg alone.

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I love this game and have invested a lot of time into it to make it to max breeze etc.

If the 27th is just more boring grind though i think i will take a break.

I do not mind grinding a bit here and there but having to get over 300 stingers and 110 moonstones etc etc etc its just plain boring now.

If they upgrade the amount or even just allow us more methods to get materials for upgrades then i will stay interested for sure.

They did say that stingers would drop more often and in the new dungeons so we shall see.

I am not really holding on much hope but we may be suprised,

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6 hours ago, spongemike said:

I feel this game have a lot to offer but also a lot of things to work out. I think most people would agree on this. This game is fun but it also burn you out. You have to do dailies everyday in order to get the gold and mats you need for your weapons and accessories upgrade.  There isn't also anything much to do other than dailies once you reach max level. I feel in other MMORPG there are other things than grinding to keep me interested but BnS just focus on grinding. Dungeons are also pretty boring once you done them a couple of times.


Game design is another factor. Range class have it way too easy when you compare it melee. Most of the dungeons have so much stuff that melee have watch out while range only needs to watch out a few things. I really wish they would design a dungeon more melee friendly.


I also love playing on different characters leveling alts and switching between them to experience the game from different class. But the cost to upgrade one character is already difficult I can't image doing it for my alts. So they are sitting between lvl 40 to 46.


This game is not bad and I really like the story, the graphics are beautiful but it seems very hallow in terms on content and maybe in Asia people there love the grind and play several hours a day farming but I feel that's not for me.

You do not have todo "all" the dailies each day, i mix up my routines


Day 1: i do mushin, open world quests in Misty

Day 2: I do my 3 purple Dungeons

Day 3: I do mushin and Poh6 & BSH6

Day 4: dont feel like playing so i don't

Day 5: do some Arena pvp, go do Silverfrost dalies

Day 6: PVP all day.

Day 7 Lazy Sunday: Watch some movies and TV series, check broker, go back to watching TV


Whoever invented the need todo 40 dailies everyday has got to be a Hamster on a wheel....

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I took a break from this game almost two weeks ago. I just switched back to MMOs I used to play before this one and actually do some stuff IRL. And I can say I feel much better about myself, I have more time and overall, I enjoy playing games more. BnS has offered my nothing but frustration so far but I am still not ready to let go of this great game (even though it's managed really really REALLY bad). If NCSoft decides to pull that stick out of their asses and do some work on numerous problems this game has, I will most definitely return. And not only that, I will donate money into their game. But not before I see actual improvement in affected areas of the game. So far, the game really doesn't deserve it one bit. I might log in to check things out in 27th patch.

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I play very much like Archess. I only do things I feel like doing in what end-game I have access to (usually soul stones and a few easy dailies; sometimes I might make myself run a BSH). Then I go and run an alt. I find that leveling is a tons more fun. I want to play through 2 or 3 more classes, not necessary to cap. It's not like they are hungry babies, and it only costs 5$ to get an alt. Plus, we'll get another free slot with the Soul Fighter.


Once I have a day when I have a lot of time, I have in mind putting in some time aside to learning to beat Jung Hado, as that will open up PvP arenas for my main. Until I know I can trade beans, it's pointless to play them, as I've just unlocked my HM skill (woot!)


Overall, it is an enjoyable game, as long as you don't really plan to go past Oathbreaker/Siren Accessories. As content will age, the dugeons will get easier. Like, the level 45 dungeons Blackram and BHS are an easy run on level 50. So will all the ones people are doing right now be in 3 months. I'll check them out then.


I mean, do you really need to run those  5 dungeons so badly that you need that silly gear tomorrow?

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I know ill return at some point maybe over the summer.  But, with cash shop outfits being too high, for being nontradeable,( so I dont want to throw money at this game), and PvP being  fillllllled with bots, Ive lost the drive to even log on. If I had an hour to kill, I use to hop on for a few matches, now, I just play Stardew Valley lol

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Need more threads like this.


Some Positivity despite the hard ships.


I also taking breaks and also i dont try to complete all my dailies everyday. After the 27th or 28th(Depends on maintenance i might mix up my routine a bit more).



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Might consider taking a break depending on what next update will bring us. Main is mostly farming gold for alts and very, VERY slowly getting better gear for herself. Alts are pretty much ready to do Act 3 at any moment I wish to do so. I feel like I can take some time out for now.


I hibernated/semi-retired from another MMO to focus on this one, but I may go back to it for a moment regardless since they finally brought in some genuinely interesting events and features there. Time will tell if the new stuff coming with this week's maintenance will be anywhere near as interesting.

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Also I am going to kindly say this since Ive not been playing blade and soul as much as I used to and its not just having to do with alot of many issues that BnS NA is suffering. Another huge key factor going into year 2016 is there is so many games upcoming this year both PC and console gaming wise espiecally Final Fantasy 15 which I will indeed be playing this fall and I do go back inbetween BnS NA, FF14, and yes Dark Souls 3. Players are simply not going to be just playing and fully concentrate on just one game regardless of game genre. Overwatch is also coming out next month as well which I did enjoy quite a bit playing from closed beta but anyways just to make this short, there is just alot of games and VR game tech coming up this year to where everyone is going to be spreaded out trying out all the new games and goodies.


To stay on the positive side of things, I am getting very concerned and worried regarding BnS NA's future...the gameplay I still do enjoy, there is still good aspects of BnS...yet it is being overshadowed by so many problems and those exact issues if not handled in due time...players will sadly give up BnS NA and abandon it not just in small numbers, but in droves. People can only be patient for so long before it becomes too late in the end imho. All I can kindly say regarding all the matters at hand towards BnS NA...please do not let such potential become squandered and be all for nothing this year :(

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6 minutes ago, KzE said:

I wont quit, but only will do the story quest. Fakk stupid grinding...

I might actually do that too. If  get to the point where I just lose full interest in the game outside of the story, I might just go back to do that then leave when I'm done.

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1 minute ago, Meiling said:

I might actually do that too. If  get to the point where I just lose full interest in the game outside of the story, I might just go back to do that then leave when I'm done.

The story quests thankfully do not require endgame gear at all just to kindly give everyone a fair sneak peek on the upcoming content to come. The very next patch update after the release of Shoguns Lament and Cold Storage which will most likely I'll be guessing at end of May will conclude the first story arc of blade and soul with the much awaited final battle between u and Jin. I remember back on playing china server before the latest update changes that in order to conclude the first story arc, I had to run floating altar with full group and had to be at least lvl 50 hongmoon 5 tier with at least mid tier end game gear because back then there was no solo story version. Thankfully for us everyone can enjoy the story mode of BnS and there is solo story version of this fight without ever having to worry about needing to be at end game gear lvl. ^^

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