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just to make things clear....


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1. "summoners take 0 skill"  we take skill, just becuz we are rated the lowest and people cry about us doesn't mean we take no skill. the main reason we are rated so easy is because we have a cat, it can tank for us, take aggro but most of the time it fails to do so. but if you dig deeper, we also have to control the cat, making sure it does not die, healing it, using crouching tiger when we are about to die (which is bugged atm), keeping the cat on our target, our cat has our air skills, its way more complex than just having a cat using a hammer every few seconds. 

2. "summoner is 2v1"  we are not complete 2v1, bringing back what i said ^. think about it, if we took all of fm cc and gave it to a ice bunny, that would not be 2v1. if we took 2 of bd attacks and gave it to a puppy that would not be 2v1.  if summoenr is 2v1 then by all means warlock is too, and bm and bn flying sword, thats 2133221v1 then. its not like because we have a cat, we get 32432424 more skills than you do.  if the cat only used its basic attack, it would do shit damage. plus, without our cat we lose half of our skills and deal about 50% less damage. 

3. "so hard to kill" so hard to kill? really? we have like 15k hp while you have 40k.

4. "their heals are op" wut, our doom n bloom is terrible atm, our true freind steals health from our cat, and our petal storm is usless unless against a fm or summoner.

5. " OMG POWER POUNCE 2OP4ME!!!!!"  power pounce oes terrible damage, when the cat power punce ur defence is reduced by alot so the summoenr is the one doing all the damage.

6. "omg the cc"  our stealth resets root cd, so dont let us counter, the cat anklebiter has terrible range and misses most of the time, power pounce is always on cooldown, we have to spec to get most off our cc

plus, we have so little escapes, the green escape takes so much skill to use, you never can predict when you will be cc, and u get a .5 second span to use it, so u cant use it most of the time. the cat change spots only work when we r knockdown, the grapple escape takes ALOT of skill bcuz u have to use it at the right time, and our only good escape has harsh  cd.

 ss does not break out of most cc.

7. "SO CHALLENGING"  a challenge is a good thing. plus, while you think we are a challenge, we think bd, destroyers and any good assasin are challenging but we dont complain.


so, we are not  op. we are EASILY countered.


* we usually use sunflower consecutively so take note of that

* we can cc when you block ^ its our rmb same as our sunflower

     so dont use block while we r using sunflower

*we run out of focus fast while we are spamming sunflower

*doom n bloom recovers us alot of focus so run away from us 

      your sealth will not work while you have doom n bloom

* we have suckish escapes so cc is your best freind

* if you dont have alot of aoe, you can make cat unconcious for 30 sec and then kill summoner

        we can break our cat out of almost any cc by using beckon which has a short cd, so dont try to use cc on cat alot

* if cat is squishy, kill cat. if not, kill summoenr

* fm, dont attack us while we are in petal storm, get us out of the petal storm, or u can use a non target ability like a aoe. 

* asssasins, our beckon can break you out of stealth, our cat does the aoe behind and to the left, so stay in front and to the right of summmoner when in stealth.

*when we stealth without a cat, look 4 us or else u will see our cat back.

* at lvl 45 things are balanced, if you can argue with that, youre just bad.

*at 50, things are more balanced, summoenrs are probably worse than other classes.

*we arent that great in pve either, we arent bad but we die pretty easily, so if we are nerfed in pvp it gets linked to pve. which will cause the devs to most likely rebuff us stronger than we were.








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On 28/2/2016 at 6:12 PM, Pacma said:

1. "summoners take 0 skill"  we take skill, just becuz we are rated the lowest and people cry about us doesn't mean we take no skill. the main reason we are rated so easy is because we have a cat, it can tank for us, take aggro but most of the time it fails to do so. but if you dig deeper, we also have to control the cat, making sure it does not die, healing it, using crouching tiger when we are about to die (which is bugged atm), keeping the cat on our target, our cat has our air skills, its way more complex than just having a cat using a hammer every few seconds. 

2. "summoner is 2v1"  we are not complete 2v1, bringing back what i said ^. think about it, if we took all of fm cc and gave it to a ice bunny, that would not be 2v1. if we took 2 of bd attacks and gave it to a puppy that would not be 2v1.  if summoenr is 2v1 then by all means warlock is too, and bm and bn flying sword, thats 2133221v1 then. its not like because we have a cat, we get 32432424 more skills than you do.  if the cat only used its basic attack, it would do shit damage. plus, without our cat we lose half of our skills and deal about 50% less damage. 

3. "so hard to kill" so hard to kill? really? we have like 15k hp while you have 40k.

4. "their heals are op" wut, our doom n bloom is terrible atm, our true freind steals health from our cat, and our petal storm is usless unless against a fm or summoner.

5. " OMG POWER POUNCE 2OP4ME!!!!!"  power pounce oes terrible damage, when the cat power punce ur defence is reduced by alot so the summoenr is the one doing all the damage.

6. "omg the cc"  our stealth resets root cd, so dont let us counter, the cat anklebiter has terrible range and misses most of the time, power pounce is always on cooldown, we have to spec to get most off our cc

plus, we have so little escapes, the green escape takes so much skill to use, you never can predict when you will be cc, and u get a .5 second span to use it, so u cant use it most of the time. the cat change spots only work when we r knockdown, the grapple escape takes ALOT of skill bcuz u have to use it at the right time, and our only good escape has harsh  cd.

 ss does not break out of most cc.

7. "SO CHALLENGING"  a challenge is a good thing. plus, while you think we are a challenge, we think bd, destroyers and any good assasin are challenging but we dont complain.


so, we are not  op. we are EASILY countered.


* we usually use sunflower consecutively so take note of that

* we can cc when you block ^ its our rmb same as our sunflower

     so dont use block while we r using sunflower

*we run out of focus fast while we are spamming sunflower

*doom n bloom recovers us alot of focus so run away from us 

      your sealth will not work while you have doom n bloom

* we have suckish escapes so cc is your best freind

* if you dont have alot of aoe, you can make cat unconcious for 30 sec and then kill summoner

        we can break our cat out of almost any cc by using beckon which has a short cd, so dont try to use cc on cat alot

* if cat is squishy, kill cat. if not, kill summoenr

* fm, dont attack us while we are in petal storm, get us out of the petal storm, or u can use a non target ability like a aoe. 

* asssasins, our beckon can break you out of stealth, our cat does the aoe behind and to the left, so stay in front and to the right of summmoner when in stealth.

*when we stealth without a cat, look 4 us or else u will see our cat back.

* at lvl 45 things are balanced, if you can argue with that, youre just bad.

*at 50, things are more balanced, summoenrs are probably worse than other classes.

*we arent that great in pve either, we arent bad but we die pretty easily, so if we are nerfed in pvp it gets linked to pve. which will cause the devs to most likely rebuff us stronger than we were.










1.- uhmm nope, you dont take that much skill as an assasin or kfm or bm or fm...tbh...I am not crying, but you must be more honest with urself, ofc, every class take skills, but in a comparison with other classes, is not hard at all. I grant you the point of "play the cat" must be hard to get used ot it, but...from lvl 1 - 45 you already get used so... anyways maybe you are right with it.


2.-For you it is not a 2 vs 1, but for the other classes it is, the daze, stun and kd are really annoying like every class mechanic, but it doesnt end there (If it would do, none would "cry so much") there is actual 2 bugs which all summoners "believes" that is right but they arent, first, when they kd you sometimes you cannot tab, even when you dont have any cc on you or aoe cc (And it is not like a 2 secs KD, is 4 secs or 5 secs kd...) so you burst everything thanks to that bug, the second bug is when someone is doing an aerial combo on you, you can actually daze someone, even when the cat just hits the floor and not your opponet, even so, the cat dazes.


3.-Are you an easy kill? I doubt it. 15k of hp? ofc in lvl 30 with no soulshields, but in Arena you ahve 32k of hp, healing skills, anti cc skills/range dmg block, counter/stealth and a few others. Tbh I am an assasin, and the summoners are the most difficult class to do, since you need to worry of 2 things and pray to not get bugged and get bursted in 1 second. And dont tell that someone is unskilled or anything, but once I fought a plat summ which I ekpt doing and doing dmg and still he healed up to 100% like 3 times when he was at 50% of hp, maybe I ate that flower heal debuff sometimes but the low cd on that flower heal/true friend and ur others defensive skills + the high dmg in 5 seconds are a pretty deadly couple which ends up being really op, just see higher ranks, many summoners and bd and some fm =).


4.-Doom n Gloom terrible? It is really good from my point of view, you want it to heal you 10k per tick? Come'n I want a 30 seconds stealth with resist dmg. ^^


5.-Idk what it is so I will avoid speaking about it =D


6.-I grant you it, every class has their escapes and mechanic, nothing op there from my pov.


7.- dunno what you mean with this, but I feel liek you know that your class is broke but at the same time you dont know it, it is not a challenge, it is a easy class with easy mechanics wich I still havent seen any summoner below gold. See other classes, many of them at silver, struggling with destro bots.


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8 hours ago, MechShadows said:



1.- uhmm nope, you dont take that much skill as an assasin or kfm or bm or fm...tbh...I am not crying, but you must be more honest with urself, ofc, every class take skills, but in a comparison with other classes, is not hard at all. I grant you the point of "play the cat" must be hard to get used ot it, but...from lvl 1 - 45 you already get used so... anyways maybe you are right with it.


2.-For you it is not a 2 vs 1, but for the other classes it is, the daze, stun and kd are really annoying like every class mechanic, but it doesnt end there (If it would do, none would "cry so much") there is actual 2 bugs which all summoners "believes" that is right but they arent, first, when they kd you sometimes you cannot tab, even when you dont have any cc on you or aoe cc (And it is not like a 2 secs KD, is 4 secs or 5 secs kd...) so you burst everything thanks to that bug, the second bug is when someone is doing an aerial combo on you, you can actually daze someone, even when the cat just hits the floor and not your opponet, even so, the cat dazes.


3.-Are you an easy kill? I doubt it. 15k of hp? ofc in lvl 30 with no soulshields, but in Arena you ahve 32k of hp, healing skills, anti cc skills/range dmg block, counter/stealth and a few others. Tbh I am an assasin, and the summoners are the most difficult class to do, since you need to worry of 2 things and pray to not get bugged and get bursted in 1 second. And dont tell that someone is unskilled or anything, but once I fought a plat summ which I ekpt doing and doing dmg and still he healed up to 100% like 3 times when he was at 50% of hp, maybe I ate that flower heal debuff sometimes but the low cd on that flower heal/true friend and ur others defensive skills + the high dmg in 5 seconds are a pretty deadly couple which ends up being really op, just see higher ranks, many summoners and bd and some fm =).


4.-Doom n Gloom terrible? It is really good from my point of view, you want it to heal you 10k per tick? Come'n I want a 30 seconds stealth with resist dmg. ^^


5.-Idk what it is so I will avoid speaking about it =D


6.-I grant you it, every class has their escapes and mechanic, nothing op there from my pov.


7.- dunno what you mean with this, but I feel liek you know that your class is broke but at the same time you dont know it, it is not a challenge, it is a easy class with easy mechanics wich I still havent seen any summoner below gold. See other classes, many of them at silver, struggling with destro bots.



#1 ~ Anyone will be familiar with their class given ample amount of time so I'm not gonna argue with that.

#2 ~ Your first bug is not a bug but Power Pounce form 1 tier 2 spec. Tier 1 lengthens the grapple time from 4s to 5s while Tier 2 disables any defensive skills to be used while being grappled. As for the 2nd bug, not really sure about this but it might be due to Blade and Soul's skill targeting system. When you're airborne, you're not really "airborne" wherein your hitbox follows you midair, it's still standing where you did your initial animation but this is just an assumption.

#3 ~ Can I ask how you fight Summoners?

#4 ~ Doom n Bloom barely heal me 20% of my HP tbh. And I only use this not for healing but for focus regen and for disabling stealth for assassins.

#5 ~ point #2

#6 ~ nothing to say

#7 ~ No, we don't say that Summoner is broke because we ourselves know what we really lack. Yes, pet/summoning classes are hard to fight because of the clear number disadvantage but the cat is just half of the Summoner. If you kill the cat, it doesn't go down to 1v1 but 0.5 vs 1. Half of our disabling skill is with our cat. What we have? 1 Root and 2 Daze, without that? We're similar to an FM with stealth but no Freeze and Stun. TBH I find BD and FM more OP than Summoner because they can practically CC lock you.

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@op honestly people who complains about summonses are mostly below mid gold and that's why they complain about summomers lol, in fact those people complain about everything that beats them while they don't even know how to follow up their cc lmao...


But besides that, the idea of summoner being op is stupid, every class in this game have a minimal skill requirement to be played well and a skill cap which they can achieve, and summoners skill cap is in plat.. honestly to get into diamond as a summoner means u grinder the arena and didn't have to run into too many stupid bds and FM's both of which can literally win against u by a simple face roll factor. FM's stuns u and the cat> knocks cat unconscious > phantom grip out of petals> perma stun lock till u die gg wp...


bd> pulls u and cat forces u use ur hard escape and the beckon(if u don't use it in time > grip>unconscious on cat > lmb + tab while chasing u > proceeds into killing u XD (bd tab clears roots)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You really believe you are balanced? Why don't you post this on the general forums and receive fair feedback not a skewed one?I believe  it is easier to say you are balanced if your only audience is summoners as well.

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1. No doubt, summoners are one of the strongest solo-classes at the moment. It´s a fairly easy class, easy learning curve and the combo´s are not very complicated. Learning how to taunt your cat, timing adv. Seed Shroud and distance control and cat control is rather easy too. That doesn´t mean mastering the class is easy. I´ve seen tons of really poor summoners, and only a handful of good ones.


2. No it isn´t 2 vs 1. We don´t have more skills, our skills are just divided between 2 profiles – and when we hear complaints, it´s usually because most players feel it is unfair that when they CC´d the summoner – the cat can come to the rescue. What they don´t think of, is that the tradeoff is that we also have very few escapes compared to other classes. So it is very easy to CC a summoner, and without the cat it would be ridiculous.


3. I have 40k in Arena and 60K outside. I don´t know where you get 15k from.


4. Doom N Bloom is still good, and Petals works fine.


5. Power Pounce is the strongest CC the summoner has, and the combination of spamming fun flowers makes it strong. No stronger than getting caught in a destro fury or kfm combo however.


6. Nonsense.


7. Nonsense, summoner players are no different from other players. Just as high tendency to QQ as any other classes are.


I feel you´re a in-experienced summoner that sadly believes you are a very experienced summoner. You have a long way to go before you really start preaching to other classes and fellow summoners. Alot of your observations are incomplete, shortsighted and some even completely wrong.

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On 28/2/2016 at 10:12 PM, Pacma said:

1. "summoners take 0 skill"  we take skill, just becuz we are rated the lowest and people cry about us doesn't mean we take no skill. the main reason we are rated so easy is because we have a cat, it can tank for us, take aggro but most of the time it fails to do so. but if you dig deeper, we also have to control the cat, making sure it does not die, healing it, using crouching tiger when we are about to die (which is bugged atm), keeping the cat on our target, our cat has our air skills, its way more complex than just having a cat using a hammer every few seconds. 

2. "summoner is 2v1"  we are not complete 2v1, bringing back what i said ^. think about it, if we took all of fm cc and gave it to a ice bunny, that would not be 2v1. if we took 2 of bd attacks and gave it to a puppy that would not be 2v1.  if summoenr is 2v1 then by all means warlock is too, and bm and bn flying sword, thats 2133221v1 then. its not like because we have a cat, we get 32432424 more skills than you do.  if the cat only used its basic attack, it would do shit damage. plus, without our cat we lose half of our skills and deal about 50% less damage. 

3. "so hard to kill" so hard to kill? really? we have like 15k hp while you have 40k.

4. "their heals are op" wut, our doom n bloom is terrible atm, our true freind steals health from our cat, and our petal storm is usless unless against a fm or summoner.

5. " OMG POWER POUNCE 2OP4ME!!!!!"  power pounce oes terrible damage, when the cat power punce ur defence is reduced by alot so the summoenr is the one doing all the damage.

6. "omg the cc"  our stealth resets root cd, so dont let us counter, the cat anklebiter has terrible range and misses most of the time, power pounce is always on cooldown, we have to spec to get most off our cc

plus, we have so little escapes, the green escape takes so much skill to use, you never can predict when you will be cc, and u get a .5 second span to use it, so u cant use it most of the time. the cat change spots only work when we r knockdown, the grapple escape takes ALOT of skill bcuz u have to use it at the right time, and our only good escape has harsh  cd.

 ss does not break out of most cc.

7. "SO CHALLENGING"  a challenge is a good thing. plus, while you think we are a challenge, we think bd, destroyers and any good assasin are challenging but we dont complain.


so, we are not  op. we are EASILY countered.


* we usually use sunflower consecutively so take note of that

* we can cc when you block ^ its our rmb same as our sunflower

     so dont use block while we r using sunflower

*we run out of focus fast while we are spamming sunflower

*doom n bloom recovers us alot of focus so run away from us 

      your sealth will not work while you have doom n bloom

* we have suckish escapes so cc is your best freind

* if you dont have alot of aoe, you can make cat unconcious for 30 sec and then kill summoner

        we can break our cat out of almost any cc by using beckon which has a short cd, so dont try to use cc on cat alot

* if cat is squishy, kill cat. if not, kill summoenr

* fm, dont attack us while we are in petal storm, get us out of the petal storm, or u can use a non target ability like a aoe. 

* asssasins, our beckon can break you out of stealth, our cat does the aoe behind and to the left, so stay in front and to the right of summmoner when in stealth.

*when we stealth without a cat, look 4 us or else u will see our cat back.

* at lvl 45 things are balanced, if you can argue with that, youre just bad.

*at 50, things are more balanced, summoenrs are probably worse than other classes.

*we arent that great in pve either, we arent bad but we die pretty easily, so if we are nerfed in pvp it gets linked to pve. which will cause the devs to most likely rebuff us stronger than we were.








Fun thing is it dont help then ppl are using cheats to win either lol :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

I play a summoner atm lvl 45 and it takes 1/10 in the skill chart to play.

1. You have a cat to tank for you. Don't need to worry getting out of way for attacks. If there is a big attach press Q and you pet takes 90% less damage. If you spec into it while your cat is getting beat up it gains hp back

2. You have heal. D &B heals your and your cat right back up.

3. You are range. You can hit mobs far away while your cat tanks.


Take literally no skills at all. Send pet in attack. If pet is low on HP taunt and D &B. I have tank most of them world boss with little to no issue at all. pets hold aggro 90% of the time. By the end of the fight pet and I always end up with 90% hp or more. 


Just last night I hit 45 and was farming blackram supply chain with a friend.  I have no idea how to SS out of AoE attacks, I don't know how get away form objects or incoming bombs. Oh and my cat dies a few times coz I didn't pull him out in time. Why? Coz I didn't have to learn them. Even in dungeons the worst I have to do is run around in circles to avoid getting hit by the boss.  So no Summoner is an easy class. But is also the easiest to get to lvl 50 and grind gold for my other characters.

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14 hours ago, spongemike said:

I play a summoner atm lvl 45 and it takes 1/10 in the skill chart to play.

1. You have a cat to tank for you. Don't need to worry getting out of way for attacks. If there is a big attach press Q and you pet takes 90% less damage. If you spec into it while your cat is getting beat up it gains hp back

2. You have heal. D &B heals your and your cat right back up.

3. You are range. You can hit mobs far away while your cat tanks.


Take literally no skills at all. Send pet in attack. If pet is low on HP taunt and D &B. I have tank most of them world boss with little to no issue at all. pets hold aggro 90% of the time. By the end of the fight pet and I always end up with 90% hp or more. 


Just last night I hit 45 and was farming blackram supply chain with a friend.  I have no idea how to SS out of AoE attacks, I don't know how get away form objects or incoming bombs. Oh and my cat dies a few times coz I didn't pull him out in time. Why? Coz I didn't have to learn them. Even in dungeons the worst I have to do is run around in circles to avoid getting hit by the boss.  So no Summoner is an easy class. But is also the easiest to get to lvl 50 and grind gold for my other characters.

Annoys me a little that you try to belittle the learning curve, when you´re even admitting to be clueless.

If you´re clueless (because you never felt the need to improve) - then your oppinion doesn´t even matter.


Learning curve for summoner is easy in the beginning. Once you get to 4mans epic dungeons, and soloing stuff, then there´s a world of difference between a good and a bad summoner.


I.e. a good summoner can beat mushins 8.3 without taking much more than 5-15% dmg, where as a bad summoner will still struggle with junghado on the floor below.

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3 hours ago, Victorion said:

Annoys me a little that you try to belittle the learning curve, when you´re even admitting to be clueless.

If you´re clueless (because you never felt the need to improve) - then your oppinion doesn´t even matter.


Learning curve for summoner is easy in the beginning. Once you get to 4mans epic dungeons, and soloing stuff, then there´s a world of difference between a good and a bad summoner.


I.e. a good summoner can beat mushins 8.3 without taking much more than 5-15% dmg, where as a bad summoner will still struggle with junghado on the floor below.

The thing is summoner doesn't need to learn to be good. They have a pet tank for them. They don 't need to avoid AoE's. All they need to do is sent pet in taunt, fire away. Try playing a melee class or even a FM or Warlock. They have to know how to kite the mobs, use defensive CD's when needed. My point is as a summoner you don't really need to learn all those skills at all thus making summoner a really easy class to play. If you don't believe try leveling another class and experience it yourself.  I did got a warlock and FM to lvl 34 and you need to know a lot more about your class Vs summoner.


Did I learn it the hard way? Yea. I did a lot better in the blackram dailies and only die once because my friend die and I had aggro. Otherwise I did fine.

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17 hours ago, spongemike said:

The thing is summoner doesn't need to learn to be good. They have a pet tank for them. They don 't need to avoid AoE's. All they need to do is sent pet in taunt, fire away. Try playing a melee class or even a FM or Warlock. They have to know how to kite the mobs, use defensive CD's when needed. My point is as a summoner you don't really need to learn all those skills at all thus making summoner a really easy class to play. If you don't believe try leveling another class and experience it yourself.  I did got a warlock and FM to lvl 34 and you need to know a lot more about your class Vs summoner.


Did I learn it the hard way? Yea. I did a lot better in the blackram dailies and only die once because my friend die and I had aggro. Otherwise I did fine.

I do/did play other classes. The thing is you´re talking about low level stuff. Like a lvl 34 warlock brings a ton of experience. One of my clannies made his to WL to lvl 45 in 2 day.


You on the other hand probably never tried to do 4Mans Yeti, 4Mans Necro or 4Mans Lair. There´s a huge difference in skill and class understanding, and summoner is not the easiest class to avoid multiple aoes coming at you - pet taunt or not.

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Let's link this in the general forum and see what other people think.  As a summoner you have 2 skills to avoid attacks easily, you have root, you can heal, you can heal your party or help them regen focus. Every class also have to learn to avoid multiple attacks and AoE as well so I don't really see why you feel Summoner is harder than other class.........

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36 minutes ago, spongemike said:

Let's link this in the general forum and see what other people think.  As a summoner you have 2 skills to avoid attacks easily, you have root, you can heal, you can heal your party or help them regen focus. Every class also have to learn to avoid multiple attacks and AoE as well so I don't really see why you feel Summoner is harder than other class.........

You are either extremely guilable, naive or a plain troll if you actually believe the General Discussion has any sort of representable opinion to use as orientation. Especially with so much toxcity going around. By that trash-level standard, any mention of scummoner wouldn't hold any creditiblity and those people should get a kick in the nether regions. Combine that with that pathologic level of clinginess to the class star ratings and the disgusting amount of belittling, ridiculing and trashtalking of others class choices (especially summoners) in a freaking G A M E (not counting PvP). But then again, your post is in no surprise similar with your difficulty remarks and snide comments.

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LOl let's be honest with yourself. When you play other class the levels of skills it takes is higher and you also need to know your class a lot better in the early content.  Can summoner be as good as other class? Yes but given the fact that during leveling you don't really need to know how to play summoner Vs. other class you get a lot of bad summoners during end game content.


Please don't kit yourself Summoner is by the far the easiest class to level with in Blade and Soul.  Even if a dead your cat still continues to fight till it dies.

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3 hours ago, spongemike said:

Every class also have to learn to avoid multiple attacks and AoE as well so I don't really see why you feel Summoner is harder than other class.........

It lacks defensive skills you can spam like other classes and the few skills that are defensive enough for the unavoidable aoe attacks require good timing (1 sec window) and have a long cooldown.

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Good thread (KAPPA), I didnt read all of it but I think I get the point.

Summoner isnt easily countered. Summoner is a horrible and toxic class. It just isnt fun to play against and that is coming from a Plat KFM and Destroyer with an at least 80% winrate against Sums. And let us not forget about the lovely bugs like the unescapable grapple bug. Summoner is a toxic class, no matter what you tell me. It is not OP. But it definitely ruins peoples days. It doesnt take a lot of skill to be honest, I said that some time ago, but it really doesnt. Spam skills, spam grapple, wait until they use their escape, repeat, win. Dont use your escape like a retard. GG. It doesnt take a lot of skill and if I look at it now, I could easily get Diamond with Sum, because the Sums in Plat dont even know when to use their escape and are thus freelo. It isnt a skillful class. It has the lowest skill cap aside from Warlock. Dont try to defend something that is simply not what you want it to be. Just accept that Summoner is a toxic class and continue playing it. There is a reason why you are the most hated class and it definitely isnt just people being stupid, but you being a pain to deal with.

Nevermind I read your post completely and your points are complete garbage, this is so superficial and tries to make Summoner look like a fair class. Nice try, but you simply arent right. Especially point 3 and 4 made me laugh. Good job troll. I only say: I once fought a Summoner and did 120k damage to him and he still didnt die. Thats all.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/6/2016 at 7:26 AM, Vyky said:

I do not think it gonna nerf.

Honestly, the class has already been nerfed so far into the ground it's barely fun to play anymore. Last I checked, bottom ranked PvP KR by a fair amount. Apparently they decided the skill rating should correspond to power, which makes the entire thing more or less pointless.


On 4/6/2016 at 4:23 PM, Ra9eQuit said:

Summoner isnt easily countered. Summoner is a horrible and toxic class.

Your post is "toxic". Your class is "toxic". Your name is "toxic". Toxicity is "toxic".

Yeah, I know - I'm not using it right either. (If you have complaints about SMN as a KFM you are, simply, unequivocally, bad.)

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  • 1 month later...

Everyone who insults a whole class is either a

- troll

- passionate bigot

- a sheep following the flock who has never played the class he/she's dissing


And yes, cat management must be the hardest thing about playing sum, especially if you're still learning all the rest. Cat dead-> if no time to revive-> *cricket*

Learning what you should and shouldn't do in dungeons is universal and depends on the dungeon. So I'm not sure how any class will know better over another before lvl 50 (as was implied). But OK.

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On 4/6/2016 at 4:23 PM, Ra9eQuit said:

Good thread (KAPPA), I didnt read all of it but I think I get the point.

Summoner isnt easily countered. Summoner is a horrible and toxic class. It just isnt fun to play against and that is coming from a Plat KFM and Destroyer with an at least 80% winrate against Sums. And let us not forget about the lovely bugs like the unescapable grapple bug. Summoner is a toxic class, no matter what you tell me. It is not OP. But it definitely ruins peoples days. It doesnt take a lot of skill to be honest, I said that some time ago, but it really doesnt. Spam skills, spam grapple, wait until they use their escape, repeat, win. Dont use your escape like a retard. GG. It doesnt take a lot of skill and if I look at it now, I could easily get Diamond with Sum, because the Sums in Plat dont even know when to use their escape and are thus freelo. It isnt a skillful class. It has the lowest skill cap aside from Warlock. Dont try to defend something that is simply not what you want it to be. Just accept that Summoner is a toxic class and continue playing it. There is a reason why you are the most hated class and it definitely isnt just people being stupid, but you being a pain to deal with.

Nevermind I read your post completely and your points are complete garbage, this is so superficial and tries to make Summoner look like a fair class. Nice try, but you simply arent right. Especially point 3 and 4 made me laugh. Good job troll. I only say: I once fought a Summoner and did 120k damage to him and he still didnt die. Thats all.


And here's another example of the toxicity of this community. Thank you for proving my point.


Exact reason why I don't even look at one shred of chat outside party or guild. 

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Idk what people are complaining, it sounds more like ranged vs melee classes. Cause im a summoner and i made a FM alt in my oposite faction to farm SSP and is the same, you say ohhh summoner no skill needed!! On the FM you just combo Burn + fire attacks and thats it. And with all the classes is the same, you just spam skills, the only diference is that being melee is being melee and being ranged is being ranged.

You are discusing something that is obvious, that ranged is easiest.


And in arena all classes got boosted cause the HM skills that are super good on their classes, on Summoner it doesnt make a difference. Summoner was 10 points in arena before silverfrost, super easy to get diamond, now it isnt. If is that easy to get diamond (idk how many got to there, 100 players -all classes- on the entire game?) just do your summoner lvl 50, go for it and post the screenshot. If u are a good farmer u will get to lvl 50 in 2-3 days. gogogo, we wait for you.




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it is funny to see some people above complaining about summoners and they try to say the way it may feel true and smart, though I know these people don't even come close to real pvp. bronze, silver and low gold baddies are complaining the most, though above high plat and diamond every good players know that summoners are actually an ez class for them to beat and that is what makes summoner hard class.
i can just recommend those people above, who has no clue what they r talking about, to try to find out why summonders dont make it in torunaments, or why is the 1st summoner only 29th atm on ranklist.
the real pvp NOT begins there where these people, who complain, are.
it is funny though in KR like every1 admits that summoner is not a pvp class with a big potential. they realized already, though here some ppl still not.
I tell you guys, on high rating people r actually praying to get summoner enemy cuz they know they will kill it the most easely.


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