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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Dont stop spamming them ! 2 or 3 seasons ago we had ranking bug in any kind of pvp mode and Tower of infinity. I was atleast in the top 20 so i should have gotten the top 30 outfit back then but since it was bugged it registered top 50 or something. I am not the only one but only 2 (including me) complained as far as i know. In the end i gave up after some weeks since everytime i wrote them its the same automatic message and they close my ticket. To this day i am waiting for my correct season rewards. Dont let the same happen to you.
  2. Kostet bei selber herstellen auch etwas ist aber die einzige Alternative. Wird dich bestimmt so 40 Gold kosten.
  3. 1. Tell me how do i get mats faster in PVP ? Moonstones are faster, Soulstones are faster, Moonstone Crystals are faster but you are forced to do PVE for this stuff since there is no way you can get enough Keys to open the boxes from PVP with just PVP. So if you actully talk about PVP its much much slower since you can only get like up to 69 Soulstones, 14 Moonstones per day with only PVP while PVE can farm unlimitly and there are farm spots for anything in this game expect for Moonstones. While PVP can only farm Moonstones, Soul stones, Soulstone Crystals, Moonstone Crystals. 2. The game dies out due to two things. 1. Awakening patch (PVP Part) 2. The constant ignoring of the playerbase. Instead of trying to find a way to communicate with the people and listen to want they want. They just ignore it and say they forwarded everything. I am sure they do more than it seems to be but the lack of communication brought me to remove my premium membership and i know about some other people who did the same or just quit completly. For me as a PVP Player its even worse since alot of the stuff which is game breaking dosent even need to involve Korea they could just do it themselve but who cares.
  4. Hallo, punkte, die man verteilen kann gibt es erst ab lvl 60. bzw. lvl 55 durch HM skills (Sachen, die du dir zb. durch PVP erfarmen musst) diese geben dir 2% extra dmg auf einen Skill pro Punkt. Maximal kannst du 15 Punkte haben. Falls du meinst, warum du deine Skills nicht verändern kannst du musst die Lila Questreihe abschließen.
  5. There is no solution and a fix is not planed. People brag about it since this game is realeased in EU/NA.
  6. Erstmal danke sehr hat geklappt. Ich hatte den PC komplett neu aufgesetzt und das Problem war weg. 3 Tage später Windows Update es war wieder da. Also habe ich das Media Creation Tool genommen und Upgrade von Windows 10 auf Windows 10 gemacht. Es geht wieder.
  7. PVP ist nunmal ein Farmspot genau wie jede Ini und jeder Raid etc. auch im PVP musst du Mechaniken lernen etc. Wer darauf kein Bock hat inordnung farm halt nicht diesen Farmort ab. Das selbe gilt für jeden anderen Farmort. Du willst keine Mechaniken etc. lernen pech bekommste das Loot ebend nicht. Das ist genau wie, wenn man sagen würde "ich renne kein ET! will aber Waffe/Badge etc. gratis bekommen, da es nicht sein kann, nur weil ich das nicht farmen will, dass ich es nicht bekomme". Ich prädige auch schon lange, dass man PVE und PVP getrennt halten soll. Alles PVP relevante im PVP erfarmbar und alles PVE relevante PVE NC weigert sich schlicht und ich sehe nicht, dass es eine Priorität von NC ist die Spieler glücklich zu machen. Dies sollte sich aber auf den Spielbereich beschränken, den man spielen will. Wie schon geschrieben will NC das nicht somit spielst du entweder beides oder du verlierst sehr viel Potenziellen farm.
  8. Ich erstelle mir eine Klasse, mit der ich noch nie gespielt habe und habe bis zum nächsten Tag genug gelernt um easy Gold rank zu bekommen. Einfach ransetzen. Das ist halt die Faulheit der Spieler. Wer nicht farmen will farmt halt nicht.
  9. Reasons why you get flamed: 1. Your gear is trash and you cannot do the dungeon without getting carried. 2. You dont know mechs 3. You let everyone wait cause you are either AFK or have big ass loading times 4. You flame first 5. You are quiet about everything And some other reasons but thoose are the main reasons. Soloutions: 1. Stop entering every Dungeon ! Get your gear first ! Since the ingame list of what gear you need is incorrect you may ask an experienced player about the requirement and dont enter 1.8k groups if you dont have that much! create your own group. Another tip: imagine every other group member got exactly your gear can you do the dungeon ? if yes you have enough gear but you have to calculate some mistakes in mech. 2. ask how it is done. its much better than being quiet. 3. either get a decent PC nothing like Athlon x2 atleast like I5 2500 and dont afk ! 4. well dont do it. 5. Speak up. Very few players flame without reason the lower players usually either dont understand why but dont want to accept it.
  10. Also tägliche Quests weine ich nun nicht drum klar ist es ein Rückschritt aber so wirklich viele hat man nie bekommen. Bei mir vielleicht eine pro Monat, wenn überhaupt. Das ist ausnahmsweise mal ein Thema, wo ich mit NCsoft zufrieden bin. Es gibt mehr als genug Wege HMcoins zu bekommen. 1. Gold eintausch über F9 2. PVP Belohnungen 3. Geringe Chance bei einigen PVE/PVP Truhen 4. Tower of infinity 5. Stempelbrett (Was zumindest bei mir recht oft kommt.) 1v1 ist nicht schwer auf Gold zu kommen und hier bekommt man pro char mindestens 2 Marken. 3v3 ist für Otto Normal Mensch unmöglich, daher zähle ich es nicht mit. 6v6 Einfach hoffen, dass man in den Deciding Matches auf 1400 gecarried wird. (Klappt oft) 2 Marken Pro char. Nun stellt man sichmal vor man hat 8 Chars, was eig. viele haben sollten nach meiner Erfahrung das heisst im schlechtesten Fall: 170*16+170*16*3 = 10880 HM coins. Ich mache selber nicht mehr viel PVP kann aber noch mithalten, sofern es nicht Top 5 Spieler sind. Ich mache zwischen 16K und 20K Hm coins jede Season und ich spiele 6v6 nur auf 2 Chars und 3v3 eig. fast garnicht und bin dort mit vll. 2 oder 3 chars maximal auf Gold. Bei mir ist es 1v1 wo ich die Chars schnell auf Gold mache und, da ich SF Spiele auch schnell in hohen Rängen ankomme. (Klasse ist tot) Willst du HMcoins musst du entweder etwas PVP lernen oder Gold ausgeben. Natürlich will NCsoft nicht, dass du einfach jeden Tag HMcoins bekommst das ist immerhin ein Echtgeld Ersatz!
  11. Nah let them keep their skill which does houndreds of thousand of dmg and cannot be countered in anyway by any class. Emberstomb the second strongest skill atleast got fm and bd to get grab. Blade ward is totally balanced aswell reduce the 18 sec (or 16 not warden main here) even more. I doubt they will do anything PVP related ever again. The last time they actully did something i can remember to make PVP better was when they introduced the new boxes with Moonstone Crystals but we still need Keys to open and guess where we get thoose ? PVE same for 6v6. It just hapened again PVE people cry out "i wanna change my mystic badge/ soul badge but i cant" and they get it since its easy for nc to do that and it probably dosent cost much to do so. But when PVP people complain about something like the PVP times for 3v3 it seems like they think "who cares". Since balancing issue need to be done via Korean dev team (not sure if its the same for PVP times but i doubt it) there is no way it will happen.
  12. 1. it will not help due to the lack of need. They can simply do another daily. 2. 1600score treshhold. 1400 is pretty much reached by playing 2 games i am afraid this would destroy PVP even more due to the lack of needing to play it at all for hm coins. Problem here is due to the PVP time restrictions the Skill difference between even 1500 and some casuals or people who might just want to learn pvp is way to big since there are only high end people (Top 5 or atleast top 30) in 1500 and above. Again 1500 is like nothing before the pvp restrictions 1600 was quite easy to obtain and the real fun began 1650. 3. The ELO system is pretty good right now. Depending on enemy rating you lose much or just a few points while you can gain alot or just a few. 4. Bad Idea. Again its a restrction of the PVP time some people will say why should i play if its not frenzy time. Time restrictions are the reason this gamemode is dead. 5. I think if you can only que with 2 people it would be great but it was already discussed and it seems the dev team says no. To their defence some players where against it so i just accept it since its one of the few topics where i couldnt say 90% or more are for it. 6. in 1v1 and 3v3 the third specs are actully okish. BM in general is op so it dosent matter if he got third spec but KFM is so much weaker in third spec. Honestly i dont mind KFM and BM third spec in 1v1 and 3v3. 6v6 is a different story. I already wrote support and that was new to me they actully wrote me they forward my request to think about the PVP times. Dont think anything will happen thou.
  13. changed it totally forgot this class.
  14. The world championship is soon and since it gets decided which team gets to go to korea via ingame ranking (yeah it does!) they had to increase the player base in Shackled isles. Thats why they gave us some Casher boxes for participating but now they removed thoose casher boxes (its probably decided by now who goes to Korea) so there are only very few people who want to play this gamemode. (for everyone who thinks i am wrong guess why it was called "World Qualifier season" ?) The reasons this gamemode is dead: 1. There is litterly nothing a non PVP Player wants from this mode. 2. The PVP Rewards are trashy so not even players who look for thoose are interested. 3. Overall unbalanced game since awakening Update (march 2019 i think it was not sure thou) 4. Items which litterly remove the whole PVP aspect from this gamemode 5. Most matches include PVP Top 5 players so if an actual combat happens you usually have no chance at all. You will notice really fast NCsoft dosent want the PVP aspect to be succesfull. For example they restricted the playtimes for 1v1, 3v3, 6v6. While 1v1 and 6v6 is kind of okish since it only blocks the time people didnt play anyway in 3v3 it destroys the whole mode. Since the play times are so rare you cannot find decent matches after 1500 rating only top 5 players here. If you are not atleast top 30 and have a great team lineup you have no chance. Some people might say "let it be they will reach gold evetually and stop" every top 5 player got atleast 8 alts. When they introduced the patch notes for this people where furious and baskerville or some other mod told us they would change it if it dosent work out. Guess what ? people complained alot nothing has changed. Long story short if you like Shakles isles sorry it is dead and it will stay dead. If you have luck and BNS still exist around this time in 2020 you may have the chance to play again due to some world championship.
  15. Here is a tier list on how much the specific classes can help in a group: Tier 1: Kung Fu Master, Warden Tier 2: Blade Master Tier 3: Assasin, Gunner, Warlock Tier 4: Summoner, Soul fighter Tier 5: Destroyer, Blade Dancer, Force Master So back to your question: 1: The worst class is the Destroyer (PVE wise) but it will change soon theyll get tank abilitys ive heared. 2: you can play anything but the most wanted are the classes with group buffs and tanks. Since KFM and Warden are classes with group buffs and tank abilitys they are the most wanted classes everywhere. 3: If you look for a guild for newbies thoose are usually the guilds which will not live long cause people progress and want to do the newest Raids. This will be a problem if there are litterly only newbes. I recommend get a experienced player and let him explain you everything till you got atleast Full Raven Gear. After that search for a guild which does atleast VT and TT (Tempel of evelium and Nightfall Senctury). 4: PVE = Crimson PVP = Coeling. In general the Open World PVP is dead since 2016 in this term it dosent matter which faction you are in but crimson got much more players so id say you should join crimson. 5: Have no idea i am EU.
  16. Calm down whenever i talk about PVP i talk about simple 1v1 most of the time. In 6v6 which i just recently started to play is completly different balancing issue and BD is not one of them. KFM/FM/Warden/Assasin are missing balance to my understanding so far in 6v6. KFM is okish in 1v1 fights since you can easy outplay them but if some of his friends come it gets really really hard while FM is just broken it only needs one Frost Tornado (no counter messurements existing ingame yet) while Warden is pretty much unkillable while doind like 400K with normal attacks.
  17. The Lyn Design is pretty good but well i play GON. Looks alot like an already existing outfit expect for the Wings. Male looks pretty okish reminds me of yasuo. I dont think any of you would have had a chance against the others but still better than some of the designs NC gave us to vote for. (Own Opinion of course they did a good job but it dosent suit my taste)
  18. Depends. If you have 500 Elysians around and 500 Moonstone Crystals i would recommend you going this path but if you dont it cheaper going BT stage 10. For me as someone who did alot of PVP when it was fun i have thousands of Moonstone Crystals so thoose are like free i consider them as trash items due to the lack of need but if you are PVE only they are pretty valuable. You could use a crux of VT Neck aswell if you play a class which prefers Prophecy.
  19. Its no use complaining about balance. They will not change a thing. Ranges may be able to attack while aerial on the other hand expect for Force Master their defences are squishy. While Melee got: BM Anti Target, BD 3 Shields while having Spin, Soul fighter up to 12 Iframes in 6v6 probably up to 24 or even more, Destroyer Ember Stomb (dosent have a counter expect for Grab and only BD + FM got this .......................... already wrote several balance issue (my oppinion about it which matches with alot of players). Ranges have less defence than Melee in general but they have higher dmg output. I think its no big deal. Ranges have it hard to aerial themselve while melee can aerial multiple times easyli and BM for example dosent even need another range their aerial is already strong enough to 100 to 0 everyone expect for Soul fighter with HP Buff.
  20. Like i always they they dont have to accept every update. If there is something inside which needs to be removed cause its obviouse people will quit or atleast rage about it they can still say "no we wait" just like they did with awakening. In the end they brought awakening to us without changes and of course people quit and rage about it to this day. Simply put i am 100% sure they have ways to decide what comes ingame and what not. In the end all they do is forwading what we want but they simply dont care if it actully ever comes into the game. NCwest needs to be more aggresive with the devs what would they do if NCwest would discontinue BNS in NA and EU ? They will probably not find another publisher here.
  21. ah yeah you are right but i consider this to be a really small part of Blade and soul can understand if someone is upset about this thou. They get rewards like top 30 outfit and even brag about it. Wow he pays much more money than i do or he`s got no life wow he is so cool.
  22. Well there is 6v6. I decided to stop farming for PVE stuff so i invested all my current gold and mats into PVP Gear. I wanted to upgrade 3 PVP Accesories with my stuff. 10K Gold and alot of mats what did i get ? 1 Accesorie stage 10 + Stage 6 + Stage 9. You need way to much gold to get decent PVP Gear and you need alot of Bloodstones etc. which you can simply buy in F10. Thats the only part ingame i consider real pay to win but since PVP gear is not the only stuff which gives you more dmg and def in PVP since you wear a soul for example aswell you can litterly pay to win. Just buy all oils in F10 (you could with last casher box) and since there is no limit to pet pods being sold you can sell thoose and make alot of money which you can invest into Gear again. P2W is an advantage over other players in a PVP releated way and this is 6v6. I wouldnt consider PVE to be Pay to win since you cannot play against each other there.
  23. Bitte um Update, wenn sich da was tut ich habe es nach meinem vierten Ticket aufgegeben und ich will wenigstens mein Top 30 Tower of Intinity Outfit haben. Ich war Rank 17 mindestens, wenn nicht sogar besser. Habe dennen auch Screenshoots geschickt gehabt und es wurde auch versprochen seitens Community Manager, wenn man die noch so nennen darf, dass dort was gemacht wird.
  24. We had this already without limit how much you could buy. Back then NC actully removed the xp people gained that way and said it was a bug but nowdays they would probably let it slide. "Sometimes things happen quickly on the testing side" They say they test the stuff they add but i highly doubt that otherwise we wouldnt have awakening or atleast not to that extent. Testing is probably they start the game and if it does not crash its fine and tested.
  25. Didnt think about this but its very rare that someone stays there and attacks people.
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