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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. I like to play on multiple classes. Currently i have 10 Chars. I use all of them expect for one. There is PVP in this game still even to NC want it to be removed. I am not sure but looking at BSN buddy we have a bit more than 1K but soon it will be 1K if they keep up with this. They will not merge NA and EU since the Ping will make it unplayable even with Ping Booster i have 250 Ping in NA. Like i wrote multiple times now my guess is they want to let it die so they can put thoose resources into another game.
  2. Auf das Spiel haben Sie keinen Einfluss ja, aber man kann mehr Kommunizieren und richtig Kommunizieren. Wäre ich ein Teil von einem Community Manager Team würde ich keine Informationen raushauen ehe diese getestet wurden. zb. im letzten Stream hat man uns Easy mode gezeigt und davon geschwärmt es ist doch so viel einfacher damit. Warum zeigt man das dann nicht auch ? Es wurde ja getestet zumindest sagt das NC immer. Die NC Mitarbeiter haben aus meiner Sicht wenig Eigeninitiative und ich glaube nicht, dass die eigenen Mitarbeiter dem Entwickler Team glauben also skippt man das Zeug, was bugs haben könnte im Stream einfach um nicht selber von einem Shitstorm betroffen zu sein. Im Stream geht man kaum auf Fragen der Spieler im Chat ein.................... Egal was die für eine Policy haben es sind Community Manager und was ist deren Job ? Die Community aufzubauen und möglichst zufrieden zu halten. Dies schafft man nicht auf diese Weise ! Keine Sorge ich bin ein Ganz lieber nur bin ich schon seit release da und muss ebend seit fast 2 Jahren sehen, wie jeder Patch mein Lieblingsspiel kaputt macht was mit der richtigen Handhabung einfach nicht hätte sein müssen. Würde man mir erlauben in Deutschland zu bleiben (meines Wissens muss man selbst als Community Manager in den USA befinden) und ich dürfte Aktiv mit den Leuten schreiben, was aus meiner sicht Job eines Community Managers ist würde ich das sofort machen. Ist aber nicht der Fall.
  3. Wo bleibt mein Lyn SF ? Wo bleibt mein Lyn KFM ? derzeit bin ich gezwungen Project Lyn zu nutzen und das ist nicht das selbe, da dort die Augen abstehen oder jeder, der ein Outfit anhat, dass nicht bearbeitet wurde eine Glatze hat mit Baby face. 80% Einnahmen kommt mir etwas viel vor aber ein hoher Teil ist es ganz bestimmt, da es sonst Warden niemals als Lyn geben würde. Die hätten sich nie die Arbeit dafür gemacht den nachzureichen genau wie der Gunner.
  4. I do daily and some PVP unfourtunetly it dosent work if you are a new player and need gold cause even if you do daily there will be a lack of keys to open PVP boxes. Veterans can do it thou since they usually have more than enough keys.
  5. hahahahahahahhahaha. Hoffe das war nicht ernstgemeint.
  6. 1. Do you actully think they care about that ? Look at the patches they give us its clear the playerbase will decrease on most patches and they still give us the patch without changes. 2. They are giving us more and more pay to win stuff every single patch what do you think is the goal to that ? 3. UE4 was supposed to hit us 2019 nothing happened why tho ? 4. Ps4/Xbox one release was announced 2017 never heared anything about that why tho ? Id say they want this game to die so they have ressources for different projects but they cant just turn it off cause players would think thrice about investing time into a game they make then. The excuse "Korea is making the changes" is invalid cause who is responsible for the profits of korea ? why cant nc just give an ultimatum like "either you start working or we look into different Projects ?"
  7. Thoose are the main reasons PVP is dead. I dont use Macro or anything just the bare game and i consider myself atleast around top 10 of my class so i am sure Macro is just an excuse for alot of player still i dont like the thought of not having to learn certain combos thou. A good player can play the same without macro. Back when PVP was alive i got insulted as macro user alot of times even tho i dont even know how to set up a macro. If you are an experienced PVP Player it dosent really matter if you can see his animations. If he is close to you he is visable and can be attacked. If he is close and you cannot target him you can use aoe etc. Against Assasin its always a guessing game what he does since his animations are so fast you cannot counter it by that. PVP Players look at the distance a sin got and react to that so it can help alot not having his animations since he will never be unnoticed.
  8. NC is not stupid all of their action are calculated i guess. The plan they have i suspect is: 1. People will still play since for most players its an addiction. Not to the state that you cant live without it anymore but that you want to play it otherwise game would be dead a long time ago. 2. alot of people simply dont care about that plan or simply will not notice your plan. 3. NC will not care as long as trove etc. gives money. 2 Days less playtime = more trove cause you are missing more mats = more money to nc. In the end such a plan will just benefit NC since they will know its just a worthless plan. Who cares if people dont play for 2 days they will come back after 2 days. NC is not stupid all of their action are calculated i guess. The plan they have i suspect is: 1. Decrease the value of time usage by decreasing farming possibilities. 2. Stealthy introduce F10 as possibility to get the missing stuff. 3. give players stuff to upgrade faster so they need more stuff. 4. Introduce stuff you need but can only obtain via Real money. 5. Continue the cash grab till the game is dead. 6. finally closing the game so you can put thoose resources into another one. (new games usually pay better) I am pretty sure at this point they want to close BNS to get resources for another game but they dont want to just close it cause people would be scared it can happen to any game they have.
  9. I can understand Shadowmoor but why thoose above ? Dreamsong dosent have mechs in easy mode. Brood Chamber can be bursted down easy aswell. Warped Citadel got really easy mechs and melees litterly have to do nothing. Cathedra Cliffs is supposed to be the new dungeon the new thing to learn but even in the current state mechs are not needed you just use revive charm and you want to make this even easier ? What about fixing the game instead even if you say easy mode is not supposed to be something like beginner mode it dosent do what it is supposed to do and its very clear you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed it up cause Normal mode still exist you just cant play it anymore. It was probably meant to have Easy/Normal/Hard but you thought "nah more money this way". Seriously what do you expect us to think about it ? The whole reason this community is so toxic is cause you guys dont do ur job.
  10. Well russia announced it to warn everyone. No one got punished for using it but if they kept using it after the 24th of September they get banned. I think this would bring another wave of quitting people but i dont see it being a death penalty. In the end since they dont care about PVP and there are only a few people complaining about BNS Buddy in PVE i dont think they will do such a thing like russia even tho i would love to see this. I just wish we had something like a community manager who watches streams and reads forums to report people for abusing stuff. Alot of times you can see in streams if someone uses macro or whatever would be really easy.
  11. Well Russia announced everyone who is using third partys including BNS Buddy will get banned now due to the cheats (addons). Some Addons give you a serious advantage PVP and PVE wise. While most of us dont care about the PVE advantage its non excusable if you use macro, or some XML Edit. For example you can see Assasin if he is in stealth with BNS Buddy.
  12. So why no communication ? since you wrote here it seems you guys read the forum sometime. Why are you not chatting with us ? it is ur job ! you get payed for that !
  13. Well its still a PVP related Topic like i always say "NC dosent care since it dosent give alot of money". Community is trying to tell NC what is wrong with PVP since 2016 but well very very few things happened and everything good they did to PVP gets beaten by the sheer amount of bad things they do. Around August 2018 they fired or lost (sure they fired) the one and only PVP Community manager we had. She was responsible for the current Boxes we can buy in PVP with Zen beans. Even tho i still criticize this decision atleast we had someone who kind of wanted to do a good change to PVP. I criticize this due to the keys we need to open this. How are we supposed to use like 10K Beans a day if you can only earn 1 Key per day ? or if Tag team is avaible 2 keys. BTW. i dont see the FM we are talking about anymore in PVP just like the des. The BD is still going with several alts while the Assasin just created another Assasin you could see that even on Twitch.
  14. It took ages but they banned people for wintrading. Not gonna say any names but if you like PVP you will know who i mean. There was an Assasin, FM, Destroyer and Blade dancer who got banned for this. 2 of them went to World Championchip atleast once.
  15. Havent read all of your text cause it is way to big thou. 1. Would be way to op since even now you have to assume when Assasine will attack you this will get imposible if you cant even see where he is. Means there would be no defence possible. 2. I dont see them doing this but PVE wise i dont care Assasin can have it but you have to have a way to get him visible in PVP so it needs to stay atleast there. 3. If you are in stealth people cannot target you ok but have in mind its the only way to protect youselfe against Assasins. So again would be way to op. 4. Assasins can have up to 98% evade even in 1v1 so again there is no need to increase anything defence wise on assasin. if you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up in PVE sorry but assasin is not hard i have one myselfe. There are no hard classes in PVE. 5. I can request the same for Soul fighter "make the ranged stance as strong as KFM stance i may want to play on range mode. Or you could just learn how to put out the max ammount of damage your class can do or just play another class if you dont like it or cannot manage the dmg you want. 6. So you request to make sin invisible by pressing 2 not even needing to get an attack on him ? if so again would be way to broken in PVP. You need to consider counter play needs to be possible even for assasin. 8. So you want a free ticket on everything in PVE ? you want the enemy just to stay still ? Ever considered Stealth exist to 1. give you 2 stances and 2. to increase your evasion rate ? Imagine 6 assasins being in stealth or even 12 doing ET. Boss not doing a single thing cause of stealth. Thats what they want to prevent by making you visible to some bosses.
  16. Step 1. Run Black Tower (BT) and get Ring + Earring (usually free since no one wants them anymore) Step 2. Either run Moon Refuge to get ur first lengendary Items or do the Dungeons preferably with a group you know. (Up to TSM you should be able to run anything LFP) Step 3. Run Tempel of Evelium (VT) get ur Legendary Badge and depending on Class VT Neck. (preferably with a guild since most partys have ap requirement) Step 4. Start Upgrading your weapon to Aransu Stage. Step 5. Farm Master Hong to get his bracelet Step 6. Upgrade ur Accesories dont awaken them! since they are not endgame gear yet. Step 7. Farm Den of the Ancients for the Neck. Step 8. Run Nighfall Century (TT) get ur TT Ring and Earring. (preferably with guild thoose are still sold for around 800 Gold) Step 9. Upgrade everything at ur pace and have a good life. For Soul and Pet Upgrades i recommend you to either buy it from F10 or wait i am sure NC will give us a free soul and pet next event since we havent had this event in a while. If you lack gold as long as you do the PVE daylis regulary you should try PVP since its really easy getting gold there around 1.5 Gold per minute (if you win every second match atleast). If you lack the interest in PVP i recommend Midnight Skypetal Plains (MSP).
  17. Ich schreib dir mal eine PN. Ich habe Vorgestern mein Badge bei denen gekauft für 6K. Das sind 1K weniger als üblich.
  18. Well its a Hybrid so you play booth but mostly you are in melee stance (KFM stance). If you play Range only you will lose around 60% - 70% dmg or even more.
  19. It was always dead. It came into the game just to be dead. 1. Nothing you can earn there which is needed for PVE (most people dont care abot PVP) 2. Due to the items its even more unbalanced then 6v6 (stops alot of PVP players to enjoy it) 3. No HM coins (even if you are farming ur stuff via PVP like some there simply are none) Overall its an unbalanced mode which dosent give you anything usefull for joining and the fun aspect is for alot of players not given aswell. Just look at the casher box event where they gave out cash boxes for free if you joined shakles isles. This Gamemode was alive but only a few enjoyed it seriously. We need either better rewards for this gamemode or another PVP like Event but if NC is not forced to do such an event i dont see them doing it since last shakles isles event was forced upon them aswell.
  20. Keep thoose keys and wait for the next "Summer Trove" its possible they work on thoose since the keys are the same. Sure its anti consumer af from NC but you know this company they dont care about the customer as long as the money comes in.
  21. Most peopel dont mind the gold cut but the ammount of time they have to sink in for content they dont want to run either cause its boring af or because it gives you nothing good in return. I can earn way more than thoose 4 or 5 gold you get from Moon refuge in the time where i am forced to do moon refuge. Alot of people feel like it got a bigger aspect of being work instead of being a game you can enjoy now so nearly everyone i know is demotivated and thinks this game will soon be gone due to thoose decisions.
  22. even as PVP Player you need PVE gear and on some classes PVE Bracelet is better than current PVP Bracelet for example Soul fighter which is my main class. I guess you need 21 scales for bracelet well and then there is the weapon. Getting free 3 fragments per day would reduce the time needed to farm thoose. Even if you are that fast its still much more time than basin needed so a step backwards.
  23. The problem is including me there are some people who simply dont enjoy PVE they do it cause they have to otherwise they cannot gear up for PVP. Thoose people do not want to learn mechs and are fine with lesser rewards as long as it reduces the ammount of time they have to play PVE. Sure thoose people get fewer and fewer due to NC having something in every patch with worsens the state of the game PVP wise but still i know some people. The difference is Moon refuge takes like half and hour and basin took half an minute.
  24. On one site i am happy to see PVE getting a bad patch finally not only PVP on the other hand since i dont want to play PVE at all but am forced to otherwise i will not be able to get any pvp gear it sucks for me too. Daily Challenge: 1. You need to do 8 instead of 5 where you only needed 3 before. 2. You have no options to run something or not. If its on daily you are forced to run it. 3. Why TF is Hardmode in thoose ? And even the newest dungeon ! 4. There is stuff in it you can litterly get nothing from like Moon refuge. There simply is no value in 30 Minutes spider farming. Thrown of Oblivion: 1. Can only be run once per week 2. needs to be farmed for Bracelet and pet gems which takes atleast 30 weeks if you use the expensive way. (7,5 Months) 3. resets are only avaible via F10 of course for 180HM coins (around 200 Gold per run) Easy Mode: 1. Reduction of Gold income 2. making the Dungeons harder overall PVP 6v6 balance patch: 1. changes nothing balance wise only dmg wise 2. dmg seems to have increased atleast on Warden. (even max gear warden couldnt one hit me with one normal rightklick but now they can) 3. Nova core new button in the middle make it more fair if booth teams have the same gear but you have even less of a chance now if you dont have max gear. Trove: 1. some 3 star crits are trash again 2. of course starting at a time most people will not have hm coins so they are force to use Ncoin. Instead of forcing people to do stuff they should ask what they want in PVE but we now if its not profitable they probably wont care. I asked some people some of thoose are TT Gear some are full ET gear and every one said it demotivates them alot. Looking at the player count on BNS Buddy it seems to be fewer people aswell even tho archer should have increased the playerbase but atleast Trove works so its a good patch in NC eyes i guess.
  25. It gets unlocked at lvl 55 or something like that dosent matter how far you are in story. NC just decided its nice to do some not needed time restrictions. 1. You can only play one 6v6 mode per day. for example yesterday it was whirlwind valley. 2. you can only play starting 17:00 UTC+2 (European time). 3. 3v3 Tag team can only be started between 20:00 to 23:00 UTC+2. 4. 1v1 can only be played between 06:00 and 01:00 UTC+2. 5. not gonna talk about BR it was born to be dead and they simply dont care. Its was never needed and forced some players to quit since they can not manage to be online at thoose specific times and they are not going to change anything about it. Well its PVP thoose players usually dont pay as much money as PVE players so who cares.
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