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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. I have a question aswell. My guild mate said he got 2 casher keys in login rewards but no one else i asked got it but we all remember somehow that we should get 2 keys. Is he lying and we are not supposed to get 2 keys but he somehow got 2 keys ?
  2. i am 100% sure NC will give us another way to get the psyches since they did the same with Garnets (was exclusive to Koldrak) and the last Bracelet got reduced alot. Its probably just a quick cash grab cause Trove is here and scales will be in trove like everytime i believe. 1. How are you supposed to know about the soul shield psyches if you only play EU ? i heared it through rumors in my guild just like 3 weeks ago. 2. You think 600 Days is reasonable ? imagine you used ur psyches for ET now but soon we will get a new raid with new soul shields and again you need to farm 600 Days but when you are finally finished with farming we got another raid with a new soul shield. You simply cant expect a Playerbase of Eu/NA to always read KR Patchnotes etc. If Nc would do a good job they would look into the reasons why EU and NA lose players so much its mostly cause its impossible to get max gear without cashing like hell and they decide to bring something else into the game which can only be reached by using F10.
  3. It dosent matter if it makes a difference which it will i guess around 70K dps. The problem is it should be possible to max it in a reasonable time. If he calculated correctly you need to cash to do it cause in the meantime your soul shield will no longer be the best ingame and you will have to upgrade and lose all the psyches you used. It would be a different story if you could salvage your ss and get thoose psyches back but NC will never do such thing. And i have to say 20K Battlepoints for 1 in PVP is way to much aswell. 20K Battlepoints are up to: 1400 Gold. So you have to pay 7K Gold to max one soul shield and since we got 8 soul shields its 56K Gold for what 80 PVP Attack Power ? Now you have to add up the cost of 100Gold aswell which increases the price to 60K Gold in total. The Stat increase is not high enough to give us so much cost ! Not in PVP and not in PVE either. I am pretty sure tho NC will add some way to farm thoose psyches in the future outside of Koldrak atleast but PVP Players will have to pay thoose 60K Gold.
  4. 1. Garnet can be farmed via MSP and TSM booth is much much faster than Koldrak. 2. EU/NA dosent need to care about Asian people since there are plenty of servers for Asians. Look at TW/CH/KR/JP or even RU and i think vietnam exist aswell. Patches for English exist i think. Here i have to agree with Grimoir play on the server which is closer to your country. Probably TW i guess. You choose to play on NA/EU we cant play on KR and expect them to change stuff for europeans and North americans aswell it dosent work like that.
  5. 1. Of course there are more than one way to balance it. In the end i dont care how they do it just remove wallbang, 100 to 0 untabable stuff (bm/fm) and defences which cannot be fought against just like destroyer shield. (back then you could daze him but nowdays he heals up 20% fights 2 seconds and got his shield back up again since its not breakable totally broken). 2. In the end i dont mind as long as they do something even tho its just not fair playing 4 fm vs 4 Gunner for example even if its completly randoom like it would be in a solo que. 3. we have to see if they ever change something but i doubt it since this gamemode was created to give everyone the options of choosing whatever gear they want to use. 4. I dont think so. PVP Players need a gold income aswell and since they only got 1. Soul stones 2. Moonstones 3. Season rewards (only once per season) i dont want them to remove any of thoose things and i dont want them to give PVE farm spots for thoose aswell. The Gold income is already pretty low compared to PVE dont cut it even more ! PVP Players are restricted by the ammount of keys they have (only obtainable via PVE or once per daily) and the play time restriction which PVE dosent have at all. 5. I understand ur feelings but its not fair to remove a feature just because some people abuse it. There are people who use it to write about tactics etc. If you want to communicate with 5 other randoom people you encounter in 6v6 Discord is no option aswell. 6. Well flipping a base is the whole reason of the gamemodes. If you are the first one to flip a base and ur team gets 300 points due to this than thoose 300 points came to be cause you flipped the base before your enemy. Even if you lose if its a close lose you lose less ranking points and get more battlepoints. 7. --------- 8. Not exactly. In Low rating yeah sure but if you are higher (majority of players who actully want to play this mode) dont vote like this. They either vote for everyone so everyone gets a meddle or they actully vote for the player which won them the game due to protecting a spot for example or capturing it in the correct moment. 9. we agree here so dont have to write anything. 10. you wrote "remove all pve rewards from pvp" thats why i wrote that i am against it and like i wrote above i am against giving PVE Players ways to farm Moonstones aswell due to the lack of farmability PVP Players got outside of PVE. It dosent matter how much we want them to seperate booth gamemodes they will not do such a thing so removing Moonstones from PVP or even giving PVE ways to farm them would reduce PVP earnings by alot and you have to consider how much boxes PVP Players can open per day. Up to 3 maybe ? if they do PVE aswell only one if they dont do PVE while PVE can farm as much as they want.
  6. where is the bug ? it drops up to 17 fragments like its supposed to do. If you want your scales fast bid on thoose or solo run it. Ive got after 140Runs my Stage 6 Wingsong and Awk 3 Bracelet of course it wasnt cheap and some partys kicked me cause i bid on every fragment up to 4 Gold but thats how it is. Next Dungeon will drop thoose aswell so it will be faster cause you can farm 2 dungeons then but thats PVE you need to farm to get the stuff.
  7. OK i believe you now. I mean if you tested it urselfe its trustworthy. Can you please write like this in the future cause most of your patches have the problem that you guys dont test them and can you answer @sojaa its really sad that you dont listen at all to what PVP Players want. Sure your diagraphs told you this gamemode is unpopular but there was still no need to give us time restrictions.
  8. Falls du es nicht gemerkt hast es war etwas Sarkastisch angehaucht von mir. Wer ab und zu im Forum aktiv ist liest, dass ich immer schreibe, dass es zu 100% getrennt sein sollte, da NC dies aber wegen der Einnahmen, die von 6v6 kommen niemals machen wird will ich ausleihbares Gear, dass soviel kostet, dass man auf langer sicht weniger zahlt, wenn man es selber upgraded. Da PVE aber nun nicht zu PVP gezwungen wird, man kann Mondsteine ja einfach im F5 kaufen, finde ich es unfair von den PVP Spielern zu verlangen deren fast einzige Goldquelle zu cutten bzw. stark zu beschneiden. Wofür müssen PVE Spieler PVP machen um voran zu kommen ? garnicht, da es F5 gibt. Wofür müssen PVP Spieler PVE machen ? 1. Daily PVP Schlüssel (Man bekommt im PVP kaum welche 1 oder 2 pro tag wow) 2. Legendary Accesories (100 Runs in mehreren Dungeons würde ich das von PVE Spielern in PVP verlangen würden die sofort quitten) 3. PVE Gear mindestens auf Full VT Gear sonst wird DST, Warped Citadel etc. sehr schwer selbst dann muss man erstmal eine Gruppe finden. Multi wird schwer zu finden. Wenn ich nach der Logik von PVE Spielern gehe wird PVP noch zu folgendes gezwungen: Elysians farmen (gibt im PVP keinen weg) Sacred Orbs farmen (gibt im PVP keinen weg) Öle farmen (gibt im PVP keinen weg) eigentlich alles farmen, dass kein Mondstein, Seelenstein oder Blutschuppenstein ist. Ich wiederhole NC wird nichts an der Situation ändern, wenn überhaupt geben die den PVE Spielern nach und cutten selbst das wenig Gold, dass PVP verdienen kann mit Mondsteinen, da PVP kein Modus ist, den NC haben will wie man aus den letzten Patches sieht, die was mit PVP zu tun hatten. Daher bin ich einfach dagegen den PVP Spielern das bisschen, was die haben auch noch wegzunehmen bzw. zu cutten. Kauf dir deine Mondsteine einfach im F5 oder sag NC, dass die alles seperieren sollen ! Da wären beide Fraktionen Glücklich drüber ausser die Casher vielleicht. P.S ich spiele fast ausschliesslich PVE mittlerweile wegen des Balancing im PVP seit awk patch aber Mondsteine hatte ich noch nie ein Problem mit, da ich tausende vom 1v1 rumliegen habe selbst die handelbaren kauf ich einfach im F5 gut, dass man die kaum braucht. Wollt ihr neue Farmspots für Accountbound Mondsteine habe ich da nichts dagegen dies wäre sicher ein guter weg, da die Lowies auch Mondsteinkristalle brauchen aber ebend kaum welche bekommen. Das bestätigt meine anschuldigung an NC, dass PVP uninteressant für die ist und daher wird da nix gefixed. PVP bringt nicht soviel Geld ein wie PVE darum konzentriert man sich anderweitig F10 ist wichtig ! Das wissen die ! Wurde nicht selten geschrieben und nicht wenige haben es dem Support geschrieben seit 2016. P.S fall ich irgendwo agressiv schreibe es geht nicht an deine Person ich bin halt gefühlt der einzige im Forum, der für PVP auch gerne mal ein paar Patches sehen würde und da frustriert es oft, wenn PVE Spieler ohne groß nachzudenken Sachen verlangen, die PVP wieder schaden. Ist ja nicht so als sei PVP zu tote gepatched um PVE zu verbessern nein ganz bestimmt nicht. AWK hust hust, Third spec Hust hust............
  9. I play since Janurary 2016 and i can tell you if we have test servers they are not being used ! We had much more patches than thoose last 3 where you could have knew beforehand people will quit and dont like it but in the last 3 patches they got the most backlash since before mostly only PVP got worse and PVE got some changes people didnt like but it was nothing to complain about for most people. Do you really think something like the weapon cost reduction could have happened if they had a test server with experienced players ? Hell even without experience they would have seen the reductions ingame are different from what KR sent them ! So i come to the conclusion either such a server dosent exist at all or its not being used.
  10. 1. Due to awakening which was a great update for PVE dmg wise everything is broken af. They would have to make 2 seperate skill builds one for PVP (before awakening) and one for PVE (after awakening). I know we had some unbalanced things before awk aswell for example Warden or Warlock aerial but atleast nothing existed which dosent have a counter skill or counter messure, everything ingame could be countered. 2. I dont think duo que is a problem more like the matchmaking. 6 FM vs 6 Warlocks for example is ublanaced af. They should allow only up to 2 times the same class and if no third fm exist for example one fm per team so there cant be teams with 2 fm while enemy got no such thing. (just taking FM as example cause its the strongest class in 6v6 right now) 3. Wouldnt help. Ascendant 3 People with Raven Soul shield etc. needs to be flamed or simply told "dont play this gamemode" unfourtunetly NC didnt give us a way to block people without gear and since i dont see them changing matchmaking so booth teams have around the same gearscore its just a pain to play with thoose players which destroy the game for you. 4. Thats the first thing where i believe NC could do it. Even tho NC is a greedy company if PVE guys cry more and more about moonstone prices i would love to see that cause it would increase the moonstones avaible and reduce the price in F5 due to more stock. Maybe its easier to programm the Guild BG Bonus into normal PVP so i would recommend this aswell. 5. Well or just ignore toxic comments like i do. Only very few times theese claims people do are true so i dont listen to that. Its not a reason to cut a whole feature which can be used to help the communication and mostly it does. 6. I am not sure what you mean so i just assume you mean the objectives. Well its the gamemode it looks like you just wanna fight and dont play for objective ? I probably misunderstood since this sentence of yours confuses me. (not native speaker). 7. Wrote about that it topic 2. 8. What if i told you a voting system + a bonus could exist ? but the voting bonus should only appear if you have the most votes and no one else got the same ammount cause nowdays the voting system is useless cause everyone gets a vote. 9. They should seperate PVE dmg and PVP Damange reducing PVE dmg by 90% but since PVE brings the most profit and they would anger alot of PVE Players if they have even less of a chance to compete in Klan BG etc. i dont think that will happen otherwise we would have balanced 6v6 in 2017 already. 10. What if you are playing booth gamemodes ? Nowdays i prefer PVE due to the lack of balance but i will not farm 24/7 for gold thats what i use Season rewards for. I would agree if you said remove the whole need of playing PVE to get PVP items cause this would mean 1. you are not forced to do something you dont like, 2. Since the need for mats which are used for PVE would be decreasing the prices would lower since there is less demand on the other hand if they make it PVP only to get everything do you think it would be faster to get max gear ? Probably no just look at the Dragon Tokens you have to farm now for your soul shield it takes ages to get even the 5 set now imagine stage 9 weapon without casher boxes. Like i wrote alot of times already give us a chance to borrow the Gear for an ammount of gold which is more than you would pay if you upgraded it urselfe. (talking about a span of like 1 year).
  11. Run Easy Mode they drop there too but in less quantity i believe.
  12. Have you tested it urselfe ? If no just dont answer me this means your information is worth nothing since we already know text based information you guys get are usually wrong.
  13. Well 1v1 is definetly not hard to reach gold just play it a bit and you will learn there are alot of really really bad people around in silver. Well aslong as it dosent affect the gameplay of others they dont care and i already told them multiple times i am using BNS Buddy but since i dont use it to cheat in this game only for Quality of live things they dont care. DPS Meter See Names in PVP Instant Transmute and open Boxes They dont care about thoose since thoose are features which should be ingame for a long time already.
  14. 1. Like i always write down its the second biggest reason for people to upgrade stuff which means its the second biggest reason to lose mats which increases the need of F10. My recommendation: Give us an option to borrow max gear but it must be so expensive that its cheaper to just upgrade it urselfe in the long run. 2. i would prefer a ranking system like League of legends or Dota 2. 3. Well they need to match you with players as close as possible and thats what their system is trying to do but due to their constant attacks on PVP Community to much people left thats why the system needs to search in a bigger way. Like i wrote in "1" its the only possible solution to this problem i believe. I mean it cost atleast 20K Gold to have a chance in a 1v1 (6v6 match) and alot more to have a chance in a teamfight. Its way to much for someone who just wants to PVP sometime and not 24/7. It should be like 6K for Max PVP gear if they keep the system like that. 4. Just do what people did before NC thought its a great idea to limit the time we can play and get rid of most pvp players. Start the que around the time most people play which is like 1 hour after you are able to join BG. 5. We should get as much Battle points as we get in Guild BG. 6. I just wanna clarify for all the PVE only players: PVE is not forced to do PVP thanks to F5 but PVP is forced to do PVE due to the legendary Accesories. They did everything they could to destroy PVP so even if they ever decide to put Moonstones back into PVE they will not give PVP Players any other way of farming gold which will cut the gold income of PVP Players alot. So i am against giving PVE Players a way of farming Moonstones i am fine with Crystals tho.
  15. Nowdays i am mostly a PVE Player but i still play PVP for the season rewards. My oppinion is the same as urs but i would prefer them removing PVE completly from PVP and PVP from PVE cause PVE Players feel the same as PVP Players when they are forced to do stuff they dont want to do but their progression is either cut or not existent at all. While sure PVP Players have no way of not doing PVE and PVE Players have no reason to PVP since they can just buy the mats from F5 it would still be better to play only the part of the game which you enjoy. Unfourtunetly NCsoft will never do such thing cause BG is the second biggest reason people upgrade stuff and upgrading stuff is not free its actully pretty expensive but less mats and less gold = bigger need for F10 and F9. P.S for every PVE Player before you complain about not having Moonstone farm spots just think about it what would this mean for other people in the community ? The Price of Moonstones would decrease alot i think like 3 gold maybe. How long do you think someone has to PVP to get max PVP gear then ? Even with a avg. price of 9 Gold it takes ages.
  16. 1. Pet Gems 2. Gems 3. Weapon 4. get the current legendary accesories 5 If you are in need of ap dont play raid accesories cause they give way lower ap but exp players may kick you then even with the correct ap. I recommend find someone who runs the stuff with you since you can pretty much solo every dungeon nowdays. People like me run most dungeons solo and atleast i dont care if there is a newbie who comes with me aslong as i get the endgame gear loot like Outfits/Psyches. So if you are EU and interested i just carry you through the dungeons expect for Cathedral Cliffs.
  17. So you can produce 5X if you use 12Y now they change it so you need 15Y to get 5X without giving any new ways to farm Y. Can you explain how the Community hacked into the BNS Gameservers and switched the need for Y to 15 instead of 12 ? Since its Communtys fault they did it somehow.
  18. git gud and reach gold so you can see the names or install bns buddy and let it show their names. Thoose are the only 2 options.
  19. Ich spiele zwar auf Englisch und kann daher nicht bei jedem Deutschen Namen sagen wie es ist aber die, die ich erkenne (fast alle) sind alle aus dem F10. Um die zu bekommen musst du warten, bis die wieder im F10 sind und die dann mit Echtgeld kaufen (HM coins gehen auch). Die Flammenden Schwinge gibt es in der derzeitigen Casher Box auch kostet je Box 139 Ncoin/HMcoin du hast hier aber nur eine 0,000003% Chance die daraus zu bekommen oder du schaust im F5 nach die sind handelbar und kosten zwischen 5000 - 8500 Gold in der Regel.
  20. I guess you will need a GTX 660 atleast to play on low settings but a 970 for high settings. (Driver wise the old cards lack alot of performance in UE4.)
  21. Thats exactly what i am complaining about. Data can tell you alot but if you dont play the game you dont know the economy which you need to understand to do changes which impact farmability and cost. A real big example is PVP 3v3 i asked them in stream why they dont remove the time restriction of course they told me its cause of their data they look into and saw how unpopular it is thats why they decided to do this step. Thats completly ok and a good reason i agree to that but if you look at the players side people who actully play this game and know whats happening ingame its totally different. You could find any day matches sure only in the afternoon but it was much more than 3 hours. Just wanted to give this example cause its to my knowledge the biggest ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up they did due to their view on data instead of player experience i mean no one asked for a time restriction there was not a single player ( to my knowledge ) who asked for this. Same happens with the "cost reductions" they look at the data think they can make something cheaper but dont know how it will impact the game which an active player could have told them in minutes. I just want NC to employ people who play this game and can give feedback about patches before they get released instead of relying on data.
  22. You are not completly right. The Problem is NC said its gonna be a cost reduction but in the end it cost more so they advitised their patch wrong thats why people are complaining. If you say its Community fault cause they put the prices higher not NC you are wrong aswell cause alot of times NC refuses to do stuff the community whishes with the excuse it could impact the market (F5). That means they are looking at the market and are trying to balance it out but there is a problem either they do this willingly so F10 sells more or KR got the same problem as we in EU the devs/manager and pretty much everyone who works at NC dosent know the game so they couldnt say its gonna be an impact like this. In Theory its easy to not do such mistakes and the solution is "communication" which is not their strengh as long as F10 works fine. Some Managers actully used the term "community is toxic" as an excuse for their missing communication which lets you think "why again is EU/NA Community so toxic towards NC ? " Spoiler: Managers will not see the reason.
  23. Ah you got it all wrong. Since i was one of the people who wrote that i have to say again: "theese are just speculations" since they didnt announce anything for our server yet. Everything you hear about UE4 yet are either speculations or it is for KR/RU/TW/CH Server. EU/NA currently has no plan to release UE4 at all so even if its unlikely they could just not give us UE4 at all even tho i am 100% sure they wont do that.
  24. Up to 2 Keys per day in 1v1 and 3v3 together = around 100 Soul stones to sell (not everyday cause 3v3 is not playable everyday) Up to 1 Key in 6v6 per day = around 14 Moonstones (if you are already gold but that needs alot of gear) I think 4 additional 6v6 keys due to weekly = up to 56 Moonstones 50 Soul stones = 0,53*50 = 26,50G*7 = 185,50G 1v1 per week 50 Soul stones = 0,53*50 = 26,50G*3 = 79,50G 3v3 a week 56 Moonstones = 9*56 = 504G *1 = 504G = 6v6 504G per week through weekly 14 Moonstones = 9*14 = 126G *7 = 882G = 6v6 per week through daily 185,50G + 79,50 G + 504G + 882G = 1651G per week through pvp only. Now you have to calculate in that i expect you to already have alot of gear before you start this you can pretty much half the ammount you can earn in 6v6 if you didnt upgrade your stuff for 6v6 yet which is 958Gold. Please correct me if i am wrong i cannot look ingame right now. Now you have to consider only Moonstones and Soul stones are avaible through PVP you have to buy all the elysians, Sacred orbs and whatever else you need to upgrade via F5. It cost me like 20K to upgrade 4 Accesories (current legendarys for PVP) and i had alot of mats so i got it a bit cheaper. How long does it take to get max gear via PVP only ? How long does it take to get max gear via PVE ? Oh and PVP Players are forced to do the dungeons for the accesories so they need some PVE gear aswell on the other hand PVE Players are not forced to do any PVP they can just skip it and buy it via F5. There is no such thing as "run 100 Beluga Matches to get your PVE Belt". Again: I want them to seperate booth gamemodes aswell so no one has to do PVE if they dont want to or PVP if they dont want to but they will not do that cause this reduces the profit they can make !
  25. It dosent matter if its a social stream or a news stream if they give out any information as NC employees they are responsible for it. So they should either shut up about any kind of information or give out the correct information. As Community Manager they should also actively discuss what people dont like about the game instead of reading something out and say "yeah that sucks and we are working on it" they should ask why we dont like it or why its a problem to us. I just dont see a reason for them to stream if the people behind it obvisously dont like the game and are not interested in doing their jobs. Atleast play the game active or ask people who play the game active what they think about the changes ! or maybe they would even stream in their place. I mean keropoppi, eckogen etc. do a way better job as community manager even tho they are no community manager. They get not paid and do a way better job !
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