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Please buff all bosses in the game


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This game is so unbalanced. Please do something to make this game fun again. Bosses are dying in under 5 seconds, its not fun at all. You may as well just put the rewards in my inventory without me doing anything because that is whats happening now anyway.


PLEASE listen. Buff all bosses. Give them double or triple health to what they have now. Its not fair that only raiders get to have fun with their long fights. I wanna enjoy playing this game again but i can't because of the ridiculous power creep every patch. Please stop yourselves with this constant buffing of our characters. JUST STOP. If you insist on continuing with this, then atleast give the bosses more health.


Honestly, i could balance this game better than the current devs and i dont have any experience... You should take a leaf out of Arenanet's book, they are doing a huge balance patch this month on gw2 and they are heavily nerfing all classes and its going to be glorious. You should do the same!

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20 minutes ago, Amarthiel said:

This would be a good argument if people actually did hard modes. However, a large majority of the players don't.

Alot of ppl doing them in clan runs.


If you talk about easy modes from SM to TSM, they are outdated dungeons, what should be phased out soon, not buffed. Rest of the new dungeons are still not seconds even on easy mode.

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2 hours ago, Amarthiel said:

This game is so unbalanced. Please do something to make this game fun again. Bosses are dying in under 5 seconds, its not fun at all. You may as well just put the rewards in my inventory without me doing anything because that is whats happening now anyway.


PLEASE listen. Buff all bosses. Give them double or triple health to what they have now. Its not fair that only raiders get to have fun with their long fights. I wanna enjoy playing this game again but i can't because of the ridiculous power creep every patch. Please stop yourselves with this constant buffing of our characters. JUST STOP. If you insist on continuing with this, then atleast give the bosses more health.


Honestly, i could balance this game better than the current devs and i dont have any experience... You should take a leaf out of Arenanet's book, they are doing a huge balance patch this month on gw2 and they are heavily nerfing all classes and its going to be glorious. You should do the same!

I'm looking for Multi CC/H0, wanna carry me?

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This is because of the base players crying for easy content,  when TSM still had wipe mech the forum was on fire because of that , is players fault for crying . 

If it was me to decide i will let only HARD MODE . 


NOW DON'T RAGE AT ME , this game is like if you put a candy on table and one candy under table ,which one will you prefer to get , the one on the table because is easier and faster ,why will you go down .

Same logic in game with easy and hard mode . Why player should do hard mode to have fun and get a little of action when you can do solo boring easy mode pew pew and done. ?

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4 hours ago, Amarthiel said:

This would be a good argument if people actually did hard modes. However, a large majority of the players don't.

>bOsSeS aRe ToO eAsY! nErF tHeM1!1!1!one


>nObOdY dOeS hArD mOdE1!1!1!one


Maybe if it's so easy for you, just solo the bosses... or try your hand at hard mode. Either one of these would be better than you complaining that easy mode is too easy. All this comes off as effectively is gatekeeping against newer, less experienced or lower-geared AP because you're "too good".


If you'd like to rage about your "excellence" so much and that GW2 is so much better... maybe cut your losses and play GW2 then.


1 hour ago, Amarthiel said:

Should have known posting on here would just get negative responses. I only want the game to be better. More difficulty, less faceroll please.

lol "want the game to be better" - you literally were given alternatives and you ignored them. I love the dismissal here. If you "should have known" (because apparently you're a genius as well as a god of gaming), then maybe not post it in the first place? :HajoonSurprised:

Edited by SilverFoxR
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5 hours ago, KzE said:

Alot of ppl doing them in clan runs.


If you talk about easy modes from SM to TSM, they are outdated dungeons, what should be phased out soon, not buffed. Rest of the new dungeons are still not seconds even on easy mode.


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2 hours ago, Amarthiel said:

Should have known posting on here would just get negative responses. I only want the game to be better. More difficulty, less faceroll please.

Posting on forums will not always get you negative responses, depending on your views.

I'm sorry to say that your views on this one is just not in line with other people.

Because what you are asking doesn't make sense at all.

You know you are playing a Korean MMORPG and the updates COME VERY VERY FAST.


'Power Balanced' that you are asking is in fact done through introduction of new dungeon and raids with higher boss health, not through making the lower outdated dungeons to be more health as players are getting stronger (as you are)


Try to clear SSM with 5 new players HM13 HM14, with dps of 100k, and see if you can kill the boss with 5 second.

If you undergo dungeons with 5 sec now, you should question yourself why don't you do higher level dungeons if you are so strong.

If you are so strong but still linger with lower level dungeons (except 1 dungeon only due to event dungeon, which is totally reasonable number), that means there is something wrong with you.

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I never mentioned dungeons in my original post. My complaint comes from the weekly raids. Botany for example.. The bosses die in a few seconds, because of a couple of guys in the party doing 10mil dps. Its boring ok. I get that 99% of the players want to be carried, but i don't.. If i am the only one who thinks that is boring, then fine. Whatever.


@SilverFoxR Your attempts at memeing are terrible. "carry me please" is not an alternative to what i want, i want whales out of lower content because they ruin the fun. But that probably won't change because of the reward structure and daily challenge, so i suggest they give the bosses more health.


Before anyone says to me that the weeklies are meant to be fast in and out content, that doesn't mean they should be under 5 seconds. It could be better designed to force mechanics.

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Well you can always ask in faction for ET weeklies 1400ap, or aransu 3 max weapon , many players with weapon lower than aransu 6 don't get a chance to do ET weeklies. So in this way is win win for you , you get the fun and pleasure to do mechanics there 2-3 times  and in same time you help lower players. ?

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Here's an idea i have how to balance dungeons and make every single level 60 dungeon relevant to anyone.


Have dungeons scale based on the gear your party has and how many party members you have. If you have 2 player party and both have say raven level gear, every single level 60 dungeon would scale down to that level, including boss hp and damage. Also boss mechanics are scaled down to make it possible for 2 players to clear the dungeon. For example if you are going to dreamsong theater with 2 players, the first boss mechanic is scaled so that you don't need all 6 players to do it.


As for rewards. Quest gold rewards would be as following, base gold reward + scaling. Boss drops would change based on what gear you have. If you have raven, bosses would drop stuff to help you gear towards aransu, if you have aransu they would drop stuff to help gear towards GC and so on.


This would make every dungeon always be sort of challenging no matter the gear you have and worth doing and no body is left out as you could even go solo but of course with less rewards cause easier difficulty. The more dungeons you do aka the more time you have to play, the more rewards you get. However this does have its issues that needs some fixing like how to scale dungeons if there are high geared players and low geared players. Other than that it would be a nice change.


Edited by Amarathiel
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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Amarathiel:

 it would be a nice change.

Answer me two questions: For what should i upgrade my gear if the only difference between Raven and Max gear is that you get better loot ? and for what do i need the better loot if it dosent make a difference ?


The reason some people still enjoy PVE is cause you can notice if you upgraded something. Dungeons are faster and you are able to farm the newest dungeon but if you could run anything with whatever gear you have then Upgrading PVE Gear is not rewarding since it will not increase any farming possibilityes.


A better option would be actual nice loot in Hardmodes since the only reason to run hardmodes are psyches nowdays and looking at the psyches you get from current dungeons i rather take the old ones from dungeons which you can solo without a problem.  Crit DMG > AP.


One Player recommended a system where you earn coins from Hardmode runs and you could buy stuff from a merchant with thoose coins. If they give nice stuff you could buy like oils for a reasonable ammount of coins than i am sure Hardmode would get alot new players. (But its NCsoft it would be probably 130 Runs of one dungeon to earn one oil)

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Amarthiel:

I never mentioned dungeons in my original post. 


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Amarathiel:

Here's an idea i have how to balance dungeons and make every single level 60 dungeon relevant to anyone.

Ok? :D


vor 9 Stunden schrieb Amarthiel:

I never mentioned dungeons in my original post. My complaint comes from the weekly raids. Botany for example.. The bosses die in a few seconds, because of a couple of guys in the party doing 10mil dps. 

Well then maybe you shouldn't join those 1.8k-1.9k AP elitist weekly trains? Join someone with 1k-1.1k AP and I can tell you there will be mostly low geared twinks and new players and you will see many phases :D

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@RyVerseLy You just quoted two different people. I swear no one on this forum even reads.


Im medium geared (2k ap). I join whatever groups are on the faction chat at the time. Most of them just say 'apply', there's no ap requirement. But there's always a credit card warrior melting the boss in 3 seconds. As a FM i don't even get to finish casting my ultimate before the boss is dead. It's frustrating game play.


The lack of class balance in this game is the biggest problem. Most classes just hold one button, while others have 10 button openers.





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8 hours ago, Zuzuzuzuzu said:

Well you can always ask in faction for ET weeklies 1400ap, or aransu 3 max weapon , many players with weapon lower than aransu 6 don't get a chance to do ET weeklies. So in this way is win win for you , you get the fun and pleasure to do mechanics there 2-3 times  and in same time you help lower players.

I already do that :)

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Oh boy... another day and so much to unpack...


1) 2k being "medium gear" and complaining about "credit card warriors". Considering that 2k ap is pretty close to end-game level AP and that most people who are 2k or higher have either played for a long time or swiped to get there, this comes off as a bit of a brag and a little hypocritical to boot.


2) Saying the game needs to be changed to cater to YOUR needs, while also dismissing alternatives from other people, (IE: Running hard mode or just soloing the dungeons) is extremely selfish and entitled. Even just suggesting they make additional functionality for dynamic difficulty adjustment, just because you refuse to up the difficulty on your own is pretty self-centered. However I'm not surprised of the entitled, self-centered attitude, considering that up to this point, you have:

-Said you can make a better game

-Said another game does it better

-Refused other people's suggestions

-Dismissed comments made against you

-Tried to play the "I should have known" card


3) I said it before and I'll say it again - you have options. Actually take them. Solo the dungeon if you're such a "god of gaming". Post a hard mode dungeon recruitment. Recruit for lower-AP runs if you don't want "credit card warriors". Run a lower-ap ALT. Or, if GW2 is going to be the "superior game", go play that instead. Either way, making a forum post demanding the game should be harder, because you don't want to change it from "easy mode"  is pathetic. You're either suggesting that the staff add in a dynamic difficulty adjustment when they already have manual ones in place or that newer players get pushed out even harder than they already are. BS gatekeeping from whales is already an issue in the game and you want to exacerbate it further, coming off as the same kind of elitist "credit card warrior" you claim to have problems with.



So, to put it plainly... if you don't like it... don't play it. We're not changing things up for the sake of your entitlement. I expect your hand-waving dismissal soon.



Oh, and on a side-note... I never asked you to "carry me" - nice to see you're capable of telling which person posts what.

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You get kicked because the said "Elitist" people are actully sheet geared people with low dps that want to get carried.


There are only a few actually good geared players in the game, I can pretty much solo the first guy in dreamsong before mechanics nowdays, so i woulden't need to kick any one.

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Amarthiel:

@RyVerseLy You just quoted two different people. I swear no one on this forum even reads.


Im medium geared (2k ap). I join whatever groups are on the faction chat at the time. Most of them just say 'apply', there's no ap requirement. But there's always a credit card warrior melting the boss in 3 seconds. As a FM i don't even get to finish casting my ultimate before the boss is dead. It's frustrating game 



Oh I'm sorry, my bad. Your names are nearly the same lol xD


I'm et geared and also join those trains and I have to do the full botany phase at least one time each week 

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20 hours ago, Amarathiel said:

Here's an idea i have how to balance dungeons and make every single level 60 dungeon relevant to anyone.

With the current daily system, ppl will do only the dailies, big 4-5-6, or HM train. After this alt time. The game is already too time demanding to have fun with the old stuff.

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On 3/2/2020 at 9:23 PM, Amarthiel said:

This would be a good argument if people actually did hard modes. However, a large majority of the players don't.

Because the rewards from doing Hard Mode dungeons is what? 0 tradable gear, 1 sacred vial or pet pack (I never seen one drop yet in my life) to split with 6 players, yes, very rewarding, we're excited doing HMs in this game.

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@SilverFoxR Oh boy. Do yourself a favour and stop typing. You have no idea what you are talking about. I can instantly destroy and debunk everything you just said.


Hard modes do not exist for raids. I didn't mention dungeons.
Max gear is around 2.6k +, Low gear is around 1.3- 1.4k. Therefore, 1.9 - 2k falls in the middle.
I never asked to have the game cater to me, i made a SUGGESTION. Which is what these forums are for. I know white knights like yourself cannot understand that.
Never said i could make a better game, i said i could balance it.

Never said gw2 was better i said they are doing a balance patch soon and bns should too.

Never refused suggestions because none were made.

This dismissal you talk about is extremely minimal.

And yeah i should have known not to post here because of people like you who don't like anything to change. 4 years of watching people white knight the game every time someone complains on these forums.. yeah i shouldn't have posted anything but it was hard to hold the frustration back.


You have no argument here, you are making stuff up and putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned once that i was good at this game. All i have done is complain about bosses dying too fast. And i was talking about the weekly raids. YOU and others brought up dungeons. 


22 hours ago, SilverFoxR said:

So, to put it plainly... if you don't like it... don't play it. We're not changing things up for the sake of your entitlement.

LOL, you actually work there? Uh oh..


"Just quit" 4Head

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