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Dear administration.  

Do you plan to fix these glitches and рung of the game client ?

 It is simply impossible to play and do this dangeon, in the others  usually everything running smoothly but here .. like  you're playing on 10 years old computer .

Many players respect your localization due to the stability of the (relatively to other projects and companies) and the adequacy of the administration but that ...    is it really for 2 weeks that this update hs been installed and you could not fix these bugs? seriously.


We are (players) opened a bunch of topics on this subject but you just ignored them. I can even argue that you haven't even tested this dungeon in 24 player.

you just take 3-4  players and killed the boss. ( like in the stream)  Wauuu... perfect, now we can release that.






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12 minutes ago, yiori said:

I feel your pain!

But why you try MSP with 200/300ms ?

In this last days 1st think i do is check my ping if 200+ i just log out and i just play 1 day since MSP release.

ms is not internet ping but server dealy ping. which is related to game, not to internet provider.

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30 minutes ago, Quantum said:

Wow, I even went and duo'd stage 1 turtle with a friend and my game froze for like 30 seconds with everything on 1 and optimize for combat ticked. It even froze when I soloed it....

Men, i dont want to know, what will happen to you, if you go in a 24-men group :/

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I have an umm, obnoxiously expensive PC, So much to the point that I run 4x 4k monitors and still hold 100+fps in almost all situations, EXCEPT msp.

I get the huge 30+ second 0 fps thing when AOE from turtle, and 5-14 fps when not aoe from turtle (and this is even when playing on 1 single monitor mode, and when playing on a 1080p monitor, just doesn't seem to matter). Just as the video above showed, lowering all the settings down, didn't seem to effect his fps one bit, this is a game performance issue. That's for sure.


This isn't an ISP or sever delay issue it seems, as internet lag does not stop frames from being rendered in a game.

This is definitely not internet, or ping related.


I've seen many threads about many lag, and fps issues from different areas in the game (none of which I have personally experienced due to the nature of my insane PC), however this is completely different. I know that if I am having these problems, then something is definitely wrong, and needs to be addressed. Considering it's literally the core of the latest content release, to see it in shambles like this is kinda crazy to me O_O

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Dude this is happening to me too, i don't have a monster pc just a Quad core 3ghz, 4gb Ram and a Nvidia GTX 650 1gb... and when i do this  raid it freezes alot of the turtle fight, gotta set all options to minimal, when i could play dgs with 40-50 fps now i get like 20 or even 5 FPS while in boss fights, this started to happen when they launched new pvp weaps (so few patchs ago), all i know i getting screwed while doing dgs/raid because all this FPS drops an lag spikes. 

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Try this setup


setting > game > camera 

* uncheck "use Reflex Context Guide"

* uncheck "Display Contextual Action Prompts"


setting > graphic > default setting

* Fullscreen

* For Resolution, pick the one that matches your monitor (i have 1440x900 (wide))

* uncheck "vertical Sync

* uncheck "optimize for low-end PCs (this don't work)

* uncheck "3d monitor support


setting > graphic > advanced setting

I have everything set to 5 except "shadow" which is set to 1

i personally don't see the different in 3 and 5. but you can set everything to 3.


setting > game > status info

uncheck everything under "Display HP on Hostile Targets" 

to "Display Status Effect Icon"


setting > game > Name

uncheck "show My Name"

uncheck "Show Party members names"

uncheck "friendly Character names" 

uncheck "Show NPC Names"

uncheck "Show Familiar Names"

uncheck "Show others' Familiar Names"

"The reason for these, the less "thing" on your screen the better is how i look at it"


Last but not least

use CTRL + F (hide other players)

use CTRL + X (hide everything) 


During msp when i use CTRL + F my fps ~30-35

But when I use CTRL F + CTRL X it feel a lot smoother, the down side is I cannot see my skill and cd

Wish NC, would let us Control what to hide, But let me know if this setup help you.



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So THAT'S why melee is always dead during the fight... personally, I survive until the poison cloud when my screen freezes so I can't iframe or party save. Least it's everyone experiencing this pretty much, we can suffer together. >_<

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I haven't been able to play since MSP was launched. I constantly dc and freeze up like this not only during MSP, but many other dungeons as well. I have literally tried everything to fix it, but I am burnt out so I just unsubscribed after 9 months of being subbed. =/

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Wow, I didn't lag this much despite my shitty laptop spec, i5-5200u (2.2-2.7Ghz) and GT840M. Indeed my FPS is kinda low during boss combat in MSP, 10-25, but I didn't get that kind of freeze. I uncheck the low-end option, and set everything is graphic to 1, except visibility to 5 and texture to 4.

Remember to uncheck "Use Reflex Context guide" option in settings, thats what make you freeze for 30secs when turtle does AOE.

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11 hours ago, yiori said:

I feel your pain!

But why you try MSP with 200/300ms ?

In this last days 1st think i do is check my ping if 200+ i just log out and i just play 1 day since MSP release.

I have a  65-66 ping  I have no lags in the game .

6 hours ago, AhComplicate said:

iTry this setup


setting > game > camera 

* uncheck "use Reflex Context Guide"

* uncheck "Display Contextual Action Prompts"


setting > graphic > default setting

* Fullscreen

* For Resolution, pick the one that matches your monitor (i have 1440x900 (wide))

* uncheck "vertical Sync

* uncheck "optimize for low-end PCs (this don't work)

* uncheck "3d monitor support


setting > graphic > advanced setting

I have everything set to 5 except "shadow" which is set to 1

i personally don't see the different in 3 and 5. but you can set everything to 3.


setting > game > status info

uncheck everything under "Display HP on Hostile Targets" 

to "Display Status Effect Icon"


setting > game > Name

uncheck "show My Name"

uncheck "Show Party members names"

uncheck "friendly Character names" 

uncheck "Show NPC Names"

uncheck "Show Familiar Names"

uncheck "Show others' Familiar Names"

"The reason for these, the less "thing" on your screen the better is how i look at it"


Last but not least

use CTRL + F (hide other players)

use CTRL + X (hide everything) 


During msp when i use CTRL + F my fps ~30-35

But when I use CTRL F + CTRL X it feel a lot smoother, the down side is I cannot see my skill and cd

Wish NC, would let us Control what to hide, But let me know if this setup help you.



Then you check a minimum setting you actually doesn't see this text or effects.

usually I have  around 75-90  fps.  except here 

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Its a general problem for MSP even in the eastern servers. I was lagging like hell when I was playing it back in the days in china, I havent tried it now since I went back to play china again because EU is just boring (and the nerfed MSP legendary soulshield for FMs mainly) so when I try it, I will tell you, but I hardly believe its gonna be any different :D

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1 hour ago, KurooSakura said:

Hmm, we have almost same specs ( i have less RAM and newer CPU) but i never lag in here like you do.


Usual FPS:




(maybe its your drivers? ) try reverting back to an older version 


dont mind the dps i was slacking

I have it only in msp.   in all another dangeons everything is fine.

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37 minutes ago, yiori said:

With these 200/300ms i see in your video i am sure you have lots of delay in your skills


emmm  you have to divide it by ~2-3 because its not a server ping.  


this is my ping.  ncwest  changed their server ip addresses so I have only the old


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