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[KR] New Skillbuild in Testserver


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47 minutes ago, Raizou said:

These changes will never be patched in NA/EU within one year, because we are some old patches left. So dont worry guys :)

I wouldn't be so sure. We are behind on patches but that is for content patches. NCSoft appear to have been trying to keep all regions reasonably up to date on skill patches so that they could have all regions competing in world tournaments. 

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4 hours ago, Shadovvv said:


Wot nerfs.

Power Pounce skill has been combined to provide full skill. Could do this beforehand as well. Counter seems to be merged but no mention of the add dmg on bees/overflow on counter (could be removed; if so this is a major nerf). Beckon Knockback removal is a pretty important skill to lose (you lose the disable charge as well) as it removes your ability to move melees away from you. SS has been combined like all other classes that had multiple SS stages.


Thorn Strike is increased in range for pve (16m), pvp remains 10m but doubles in width (could be HM-skill related).

Cat modes being merged is nice.

PvP Sunflower changes is nice along with the LMB attack speed increase.

X while Airborne for the loss of HP restore X.


Those are the buffs that summoners have received. Most things were just merged together like most classes and some things like Strangling Roots, Counter it seems and Beckon were nerfed. Overall there was a trade in some important utility skills for raw damage. While these changes seem like huge buffs, every other class receives similar treatment where they can use full stages of skills now. I welcome this change for all classes. We can finally use ALL our skills and their effects and play the classes we like to their fullest.


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So is KFM really losing their Q and E iframes? Someone said something along those lines and if that's true, I don't know how I'm going to survive some fights with mine, it's already a difficult class to play and survive with, that would only make it worse... which is a shame since I love my KFM. T_T

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If they make kfm useless they better be willing to transfer all of my kfms gear and exp to another class.

Because the current changes on the kr test server literally do make kfm useless, the nerf is so hard that they might as well just delete the class.

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any "nerf" on any class always makes it "useless"

the whole point of this change to the new system was to be able to modify and make easier balance changes to achieve an actual balance among the classes.

making a class "useless" is literally the exact opposite of the goal they are trying to achieve.

I assure you, they did not completely rebuild this mechanic from the ground up with the intention to screw over a class.


This game makes money from popularity, when a game has a heavy fanbase of ALL classes, that = $$$$$ for them.

Do not forget that any bias that may be perceived is purely an imaginary one, they're only bias is to make money like any game that ever gets developed. 


It's in their best interest as a company to achieve balance among the classes. With more variables (as with our current system) it pretty much makes finding this magical oasis (that we all somehow know infinite fountains of knowledge about :: rolls eyes ::) that we call "balance" a grueling and never ending process that will ultimately fail to actually be achieved.


With the new set up and mechanics, it still allows for quite a bit of flexibility in the skills, builds, combo strings and on the fly thinking. What it does even more so than this, is allow for a more adequate way to acquire balance among the classes. I'm sorry if any class is getting nerfs or buffs or mechanic changes, nobody likes to see that happen, but it's for the greater good. These mutations to things are far from permanent, constantly being readdressed with each new piece of gear, tactic discovered, level ceiling increase, etc etc etc.


Nobody's class is going to be "useless", that is asinine and a dramatic over reaction to change. Embrace it, and know that all players will have to adjust to their new changes in both buffs and nerfs and skill mechanic changes (and also stats, let's not forget that part). No class is excluded from this exact same feeling of buffs and nerfs and changes. 


Personally, I'm thankful that they are not sitting on idle hands and simply not caring about balance. They have failed many times using the previous system, and have found that the system is working against them in their goal. This new system, they obviously feel will allow for a better avenue to do this, thus why the change is happening in the first place. 


Game development on large titles is much different than I believe most people seem to think it is like. It's understandable to be fearful of the idea that someone has a grudge out for your class, or favoritism, or what ever. This is a publicly traded company, they have to answer to stock holders at the end of the day. Any game with a solid pvp system like BnS knows very clearly how insanely important balance is, if they want to continue to use the game as a sustained and solid source of income. I'm not saying the changes they currently have are perfect, in fact, that's a mathematical improbability, however, it does open the door to a brighter future for all classes and the overall enjoyment of the player base as a whole. I'm looking forward to the future of BnS, see you there ^_^

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3 hours ago, Meginb said:

So is KFM really losing their Q and E iframes? Someone said something along those lines and if that's true, I don't know how I'm going to survive some fights with mine, it's already a difficult class to play and survive with, that would only make it worse... which is a shame since I love my KFM. T_T

99.9% chance that is a bug.

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1 hour ago, Leodore said:

wall of text

the white knight is strong in this one.

Honestly, NCWest has made lots of decisions that have no solid logic behind them and would NOT be in their best interest as a company if they only cared about maximizing profit.
They've made quite a few choices that make no sense whatsoever.


And no, nerfing a class doesn't make it useless.

But apparently you know absolutely nothing about the KFM class or how it works, because all the changes proposed for it would literally make it useless and be akin to deleting the class because It's a pretty safe assumption that if they did apply all those changes to kfm, every person playing one right now would either quit the game or reroll a new class.

The current changes to KFM aren't just a "nerf". It's a complete dismantling of the class with no rebuild.


Also the skill changes really make hardly any difference in how easy it is to balance everything. The current changes throw everything WAY more out of balance than they ever were if anything.

All it really accomplishes is that people wouldn't have to grind for the HM skills to be able to be competitive in pvp, which is a great thing tbh.

Which hey they could have done without the full skill overhaul that throws everything out of whack and makes everyone have to relearn how to play their classes and get rid of any habits they've built up over the months and months they've spent practicing them.


When a game has some fundamental issues, and you try to ignore those issues and be a white knight and blindly "support" the company and its decisions no matter how bad they may be, all you're doing is holding it back from actually getting better.

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14 minutes ago, Kami Sama said:

the white knight is strong in this one.

Honestly, NCWest has made lots of decisions that have no solid logic behind them and would NOT be in their best interest as a company if they only cared about maximizing profit.
They've made quite a few choices that make no sense whatsoever.


And no, nerfing a class doesn't make it useless.

But apparently you know absolutely nothing about the KFM class or how it works, because all the changes proposed for it would literally make it useless and be akin to deleting the class because It's a pretty safe assumption that if they did apply all those changes to kfm, every person playing one right now would either quit the game or reroll a new class.

The current changes to KFM aren't just a "nerf". It's a complete dismantling of the class with no rebuild.



Even Destroyer get same thing, They going to remove our knee charge defense breaker and remove our emberstomp that gave cc immune :D

Like we weren't enough waste in pve now we going to be waste in pvp as well special against all classes that have blocking 

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46 minutes ago, Kami Sama said:


This message is full of fallacy and untrue things, I simply don't have the energy to spend on correcting that many mistakes.

I will say this however, that I've been banned and warned multiple times for breaking CoC and straight out dogging NCwest and NCsoft on these forums for many decisions that the publisher and developers have made. However, this is not a NCwest decision, this is a decision of the overall game across ALL versions, with much more competitive players than EU and NA in all honesty seems to provide, I don't see anyone else on any other version freaking out and calling these changes making classes "useless", but hey, obviously you know more than the combined populations of multiple versions.  That being said, beyond how much hell i've given this company, this IS an intelligent move, and it's on a test server in KR for a reason, TESTING. 


This game has been having major fundamental issues with pvp and pve balancing, but this is a movement in the right direction for progress.

There is not ignoring going on, blind support, or white knighting as you kids like to call it, you must be confused. So please, do me a favor, and don't confuse me for someone that i'm not, thanks ;) It's called understanding these matters are a bit more complicated than the average player base seems to realize, and not underestimating to complexity of multiple values within a steadily fractioning series of exponentials. Slimming that down by combining the skills, making some nerfs here, and some buffs there, in their respective areas greatly contributes to aiding in simplifying it down enough to be manageable to achieve an actual balance. 


Every class is going to come with the exact argument of "why are you breaking my class, it's unplayable now", this is the nature of western players, and it's unavoidable when trying to fix an already broken system that currently exists (at least in the sense of balance of course). So bite the bullet, and get ready for some interesting changes, as complaining to NCwest (the publisher) about changes the mother company and developer (NCsoft) is making to their game doesn't really do any good. Opinions are great and all, but when it comes to balance, numbers speak louder than any opinion ever can. When making changes such as this, it's not down to opinions of people, it's something drawn out in spreadsheets, reports, calculations and testing. The public player base, once it gets in their hands, introduce new elements into the mix, like finding combinations, vulnerabilities, ping effectiveness, etc etc, which is more data for them to bring back to the drawing board to make further adjustments. 


This is just how things work in the real world of game development, and I'm sorry if this bothers you so deeply, but it is what it is. 





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8 hours ago, Kami Sama said:

tHonestly, NCWest has made lots of decisions that have no solid logic behind them and would NOT be in their best interest as a company if they only cared about maximizing profit.
They've made quite a few choices that make no sense whatsoever.

So what has NCWest done for NA/EU?

  • Bugfix on Hall of Ogong door glitch that existed long in KR, which they never bothered with since no one in Asia abused it.
  • Kept Siren/Pirate weapon path intact for months.
  • Changed the NA/EU Soul to be less costly than any soul in Asia (Asia's Souls have the same stats as Hongmoon Energy but are literally pay2win).
  • Modified Gem Slots to not downgrade anymore on reaching Oathbreaker, and reverse ported it to Asia.
  • Added Asura's Brand effect to Awakened Oathbreaker Belt, and reverted higher belt stages for players who requested it.
  • Implemented Hongmoon Skills in Arena and Battleground, which does not and still doesn't exist in any Asia server.
  • Added Moonstones to Mushin's Tower Floor 14/15, which does not and still doesn't exist in any Asia server.

I fail to see what would have "not been in their best interest" when NCWest has been constantly catering to the NA/EU playerbase.

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On 11/25/2016 at 6:42 AM, fignus said:

First of all it seems like they remove skill points at all and add special points which you can use to your offensive or defensive stats. You get 5 point per hongmoon level. Here is a picture and a translation of what it looks like:

new Point system + translation


From what i understand you get +1 AP per point used. Doesnt matter if you add it to offensive or defensive. If you look closely you can see that lets say for example a HM 10 toon gets 50 points and is able to get additinal 150 AP (50 from using the points + 60+40 from the bonus if you add them to the offensive side). On the other hand we will loose the extra stats which we got from HM levels right now. Means we loose a little bit of AP, HP etc.

If you dont know how many stats you got so far you can check this file and calculate it:




That means for my example of a HM 10 toon: you get 36 AP from 10 HM levels so far which you will loose but you gain 150 AP from offensive bonus now. That means 150 - 36 = 114 AP extra AP after this change if you add all points to the offensive way, ofc.


This looks like a huge buff for every class. Imagine you get hundreds of AP for free. The 3rd offensive bonus looks even more interesting for me. You get 100 AP for 9 sec after a successfull resist. I might be wrong but it looks like a good way to close the gap between range and melee classes. Range classes were able to easy pewpew at bosses from the distance so far and do massive damage while melees had to suffer because they had to avoid and iframe attacks. Melees get some bonus AP now and are able to keep up DPS wise. Ofc, range classes can stay in melee range too and get these bonuses. Its just the feeling i got as i read it.



About the other classes mhmm i play blade dancer and summoner mostly. Thats why i cant tell too much about the rest. Keep in mind not all changes of the test server have to make it in the final version / game!


Most informations are based of reddit


It doesnt looks like blade dancers get that many changes or nerfs. A huge nerf should be the fact that the Z skill "Guardian Tempest" costs 6 chi now instead of 6 chi recovery. Like i said it doesnt mean that this change has to make it in the final version but it looks like they want to nerf the endless spinning + z resist like you have to choose wisely now if you want to spin or use z or you run out of focus. BDs are able to use Maelstorm for both spins now which is amazing and looks like a great buff. The only reason why i used the left tree mostly was because of HM maelstorm <.<.  About the 2 elemental paths: both look very simular. You get 1 version where every skill deals lighning damage while the other path deals wind damage. Like you get a wind version of Lighning Draw and Flicker where you collect wind instead of lightning balls now. The real difference between these 2 might be the multipliers where (i assume) wind does more aoe damage while lightning does more single target damage. They also swap the stuns/daze for 2 and V between these 2 paths. Wind 2 will be 2x daze (while lightning is still 2x stun) while Wind V will be 2x stun (while lightning is still 2x daze). Its able now to reset the cd of Lighning and Wind Draw which is really nice especially for users of legendary weapons.


About summoners mhmm hard to tell since the translation of the document on reddit was really bad. 3/4 of the text was just "WTF" which were not usefull at all. I guess it was just a summoner hater idk. I looks like cat doesnt heal after successfull SS anymore which isnt that much of a big deal since we still got our op party healing. It seems like sums are able to use X now if an enemy throws them in the air. Thats quiet nice actually. The duration of the snare of 1 seems to be shorter while you get a cd reduction if you use it on an CCed enemy. Mhm have to see how this works out, cant tell if its that good or bad atm. The focus management seems to be a lil bit easier for sunflower users. I looks like you can spam sunflower without focus costs if the enemy is CCed o.O? I guess the translation is just bad because i cant see a text like that on the picture of skill in the file. Same goes to the "change" of the skill 4 (Seed Shroud). People assume they increase the cooldown of 4 from 8 to 12 seconds which would be a nerf, ofc since 4 is one of the best defensive skills of a sum, very op in open world pvp / 6vs6 BUT all you can see in this file is a picture of the right path of Seed Shroud which we got already and which has 12 seconds cooldown already. There isnt a picture of the left path which has a cooldown of 8 seconds currently. I guess we have to wait until we get more informations. It doesnt look that bad for summoner actually. It might be just me but i dont see a big nerf so far.

And for everyone who is about to give up on playing summoner: just check the video of the sum on the test server





Most of the stuff are not really changes from the upcoming skill patch. Its more that you get a feeling how summoner plays if we get the badges, amulets, bracelets and soul shields which reduce or remove the cd of certain skills under certain circumstances. The spam of 2, F and 3 is real o.o. Its like summoners get a new play style with these goodies which is nice...at least for me. I get bored sometimes from just spamming lmb+rmb <.<. If you ask me then i would say summoner is far from being a dead class. We just need these items finally!


Side note: you can get a feeling for how the new point system works in the video too and you can see how easily a sum with 630 AP can reach almost 800 AP! (okay...he is hm 12 so not that easily but still!)



Anyway if you want to check what soul shields and other items we might get in the future just check the following link:


Spreadsheet (i know i linked it already, just want to make it uniform)



The question is: when will we get those item and progress? until then summoner is the bottom ladder of PVE... 

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27 minutes ago, Sinnaru said:

Would be cool to see an assassin video of test KR server. If anyone has found it, please post it here, ty. :)




This video has some assassin stuff in it, and from what I can tell, almost every class is in this video

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As a KFM and SF this is my reaction:



Like seriously, this is above retardation, KFM only needs some adjustments and a little buff while SF is fine as it is. These changes completely destroys them in pvp, this will kill every kfm and sf player.


And those element changes, what the hell is that nonsense? Just make so when you go into arena, you get all the skillpoints or give everyone in arena same amount of skillpoints. 


Well one good thing if these changes will hit live servers, most of us will get over 40gb of free space in our PC's.






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57 minutes ago, Phinyx said:

As a KFM and SF this is my reaction:



Like seriously, this is above retardation, KFM only needs some adjustments and a little buff while SF is fine as it is. These changes completely destroys them in pvp, this will kill every kfm and sf player.


And those element changes, what the hell is that nonsense? Just make so when you go into arena, you get all the skillpoints or give everyone in arena same amount of skillpoints. 


Well one good thing if these changes will hit live servers, most of us will get over 40gb of free space in our PC's.






Well as Destroyer I'm happy, Since I always face a stupid pve KFM with fighting spirit so yah you deserve that


and ofcourse feel free to remove game from your drive, As someone said here the only people that cry about KFM is EU/NA people 

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34 minutes ago, Phinyx said:

As a KFM and SF this is my reaction:



Like seriously, this is above retardation, KFM only needs some adjustments and a little buff while SF is fine as it is. These changes completely destroys them in pvp, this will kill every kfm and sf player.


And those element changes, what the hell is that nonsense? Just make so when you go into arena, you get all the skillpoints or give everyone in arena same amount of skillpoints. 


Well one good thing if these changes will hit live servers, most of us will get over 40gb of free space in our PC's.






it's funny how ONLY na/eu kfm players are complaining, let's be clear, these changes are AFTER considering the gear that changes the class mechanics in KR version, AND on top of existing balance patches already made on their version that are not on ours. Losing Q/E on fire build is not the end of the world, you will still have Q/E on wind build, which makes perfect sense. 


Each class is being reconstructed in a way that one element build will be for pve, and one for pvp. All classes pvp and pve balancing are going to now be manipulated as seperate concepts, this makes bringing balance infinitely more possible. These changes aren't going to ruin your class, the competitive tournament players would have already been freaking out if this was the case, but they aren't. Why? because it doesn't break the class. 


so much overreaction and dramatic responses from changes I'm seeing only from NA/EU players of each class, dunno why i'm surprised by this to be honest... 

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6 minutes ago, Kalebon said:

I wish there was an english test server for us to see what these changes are because I want to know what is happening to KFM.

I will tell you what happening, They spread skills into two element 

So I think they going to spread Pve element from pvpe element for KFM , As fire build could be your main dps for pvp but with fighting spirit and without Q and E ?

Maybe the other build in it Q and E but without fighting spirit ?


It just could be example , that how they changed Destroyer into 2 element shadow and earth both are complete different 

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8 minutes ago, Valiant said:

Well as Destroyer I'm happy, Since I always face a stupid pve KFM with fighting spirit so yah you deserve that

That is the only class, well and bd , that kfm can do ok against, but everything else just poops on kfm.

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