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Why is gear not equal like on normal Arena?
All you see people that depend on gear, and not skill or tactics...

I understand you want to give p2w players so they can compete but... I see nothing to compete against if your gear is not equal.

No competition can be achieved by that.
Another reason for Battlegrounds to exist is to show that you ain't 5H17 with your 50k hp.

You worked hard on your gear?

You are proud?

Well test yourself how fast you can die on Battlegrounds!

*rip 1 hit 47k*


If you want to keep this mode playable, put some balance into that first, like arena. It makes me laugh when people who have $ have advantage against people with more

knowledge about the game. rip.

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I agree with you 100% on this.

How is a team with 500+ AP is suppose to beat the opposite (those no life/money hungry) team that has 600+ AP? Or a party with 400+ AP is suppose to beat a party with 500+ AP? How is this balanced at all?


Unlike arena, it is twice as hard to get EVEN ONE win for the daily chest b/c of this gear imbalanced mode. That's what we have open world faction pvp for, to having better gear to outdo your opponent with lesser gear.

Whirlwind was better off in the arena mode with no unlimited stamina so it basically comes down which team is better tactician, coordinated, skilled, etc.


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I think you guys are taking this mode to seriously, it seems to be intended to be just good ol casual fun. If they remove the hackers from it, it might actually be fun. As it stands though, it is a pretty crazy place. 3 v 3 on crack with no gear restrictions, try this mode as kfm or bm (ouch, no fun). Try this mode as any ranged class (FACEROLL lewts for days).

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47 minutes ago, azraelkun said:

A skilled 500 ap will always win vs a 600ap not so skilled.

So i dont see any problem having maximum 100less ap 

This is about 6v6.

2 average players 600AP will win against 2 good 500AP players.

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12 minutes ago, raik7 said:

This is about 6v6.

2 average players 600AP will win against 2 good 500AP players.

Sorry but i dont agree

I would agree if u said 2x600 ap with equal skill will win vs 2 x 500ap.

So if both equal skill surely gear will make the dif.

But bg is about tactic to me is 3 ppl defend each base simply

2 base win  the 1 .

Fyi didnt had much of a trouble with my 499 ap sin if party listens


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500 vs 600 is not that much or a problem considering the majority of players are around 550 AP (if you are playing 6vs6 with under 500 it's your fault anyway). 


But there are specific guilds out there (the "Chinese" guild - you know them if you play on EU) which are just so P2W that pretty much everyone has the legendary weapon already and everyone sitting on around 670-700 AP which is just over the top. 


They even mostly play like bronze guys when you meet them 1vs1 but if you meet 3 of them (which u usually do) you can't do shit even you are the most skilled guy in the universe because they hit like fcking trucks. 

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29 minutes ago, Shiune said:

500 vs 600 is not that much or a problem considering the majority of players are around 550 AP (if you are playing 6vs6 with under 500 it's your fault anyway). 


But there are specific guilds out there (the "Chinese" guild - you know them if you play on EU) which are just so P2W that pretty much everyone has the legendary weapon already and everyone sitting on around 670-700 AP which is just over the top. 


They even mostly play like bronze guys when you meet them 1vs1 but if you meet 3 of them (which u usually do) you can't do shit even you are the most skilled guy in the universe because they hit like fcking trucks. 

There are people in my clan that are afraid of dying, pve, pvp you name it..their ego's cannot handle dying.


Ok so you met those 3 trucks and died, game over ?

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They are 6 trucks which split 3/3 (which is obviously the best tactic in this game)... 

6 players with each 670+ AP and whatnot. 


So 3 of us (around 550-620 AP)  vs 3 trucks with everyone using a legendary weapon. 

Skill has nothing to do in situations like this. 


Also if i'm honest I don't care to much about loosing vs them but what kinda annoys me is the fact that those guys are doing bad in arena and only dominate the BG because of their gear.

Not saying they are all that bad - i know there are decent players in there. 


My gear is above average too btw (not as high as theirs though) but I at least also do fine in arena while they are mostly not. 

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22 minutes ago, Archess said:

There are people in my clan that are afraid of dying, pve, pvp you name it..their ego's cannot handle dying.


Ok so you met those 3 trucks and died, game over ?

Met ppl that they didnt want to fight cause they were afraid to break weapon..i was like wtf even so repair tool is 11s lololol

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6vs6 is the only place where to get fun in this game

important rule is to use lfp for going with random guys and most of the time you will win.

i have seen there a real pvp players who own me in skills hard, but their gear sucks so they die in 2-3 hits and i have seen 650ap+ who faceroll you like its nothing, but if you gang up on him he dies like the rest :D 

so just relax use lfp and get fun.

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It's about cap and outnumber the ennemies.

Don't run into a 1v3.


You have to see the map like a capture the flag not a FFA where you must done the most kill.


I saw so much players fighting around 4vs2, they're outnumber but none of the 4 was bothering to try capping. Ending flaming the others for not holding the others spots, and die and whine about stuff but it was them not understanding how to win.

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8 minutes ago, th4d said:

It's about cap and outnumber the ennemies.

Don't run into a 1v3.


You have to see the map like a capture the flag not a FFA where you must done the most kill.


I saw so much players fighting around 4vs2, they're outnumber but none of the 4 was bothering to try capping. Ending flaming the others for not holding the others spots, and die and whine about stuff but it was them not understanding how to win.

But if you're all 700 ap with 'cannot die' soul shields, you can just leave 1 person at each camp and let the other 3 hunt the enemy team. Win in 5 minutes, rinse and repeat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well its only one location and event... u dont need come there, nobody forces u, let players who spend money/or a lot of time have they're pleasure, if u think u so skilled pvp go arena 1x1 3v3.

and stop crying, that you're class suck.

exp 8 classes and see truth.

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bgs are about holding the bases mostly.you dont need dmg to do that you need to stay alive as long as you can.full naksum SS with crit def + soulstone jewels will faceroll any 700 ap player in bg.and funny part is its extremly easy to get pvp gear just 99% of players are  bad and dont know about it.

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i do understand that this mode was meant to have the gear enabled to let players like myself who work hard for their gear show off. I get that but i do believe that there should be like a tier at least. where 600 players just vs 600 players, and 500 vs 500, and etc. Yes, skills and good coordination can win you the match vs players who are above 600+ ap. However, that only goes to a certain extent. okay yes, i outsmarted some of those types of players before but the way i get hit compared to them is completely different. A summoner can kill you in a matter of seconds, while it'll take me a whole combo and putting most of my skills in CD to kill them. 

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 I'm top 100 BM but in 6v6 I run into some bronze summ and he just grapples me while I still have both grab escapes and 2 shots me  before I can even do anything. It's a real joke. Summ, FM, and Warlock can literally defend a brazier 1v6 for days and assassin can ninja all the braziers in stealth and pve people or just keep people there busy since they can't leave until he comes out. Not to mention when you fight the cat and the rat in 6v6 there is no target distinction (bright/big HP bar on rat vs small/faded HP bar on cat) unlike arena. So it's practically impossible to target the right one in that big cluster*cricket* because they look exactly the same and of course 100% of the time chances are you were chasing the *cricket*ing cat and the rat was spamming his cancer bees from some corner behind you.

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I think a lot of the people are missing the point of Battleground...It's PURPOSELY non-equalized. The whole point was to offer a pvp experience more standardized than Factions, yet allows greater benefits for PvE players than arena does. Yes, some teams are extremely overpowered. That's because they either worked hard for their gear, or Wallet Warrior'd. Which is fine. If you're low gear, gear up! This mode is not meant to be fair.


Seriously, though, if you really want to do it at low gear, get yourself an OWPVP SS set. I'd take a guy with 500AP and OWPVP SS over a 600 or even 700AP guy with PVE SS. Health, Defense, and Crit Defense (!!!) are 100% necessary for anyone seriously doing 6v6. Here's the difference:

- PVE SS set: Good damage. But with the cluster*cricket* that 6v6 is, you'll die anyway.

- OWPVP SS set: Tankiness for days, and burst reduction. I once did a full KFM combo on a guy that should kill anyone in OW twice over. But he had an OWPVP set. He took about 40% dmg. Chugged a pot, and then wrecked me since all my cd's were down.

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