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Look At This Pro KFM Bidding on assasin item in poh4 :D

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Well i was doing poh4 for my staff..and it drops assasin wep..and in my team were 2 assasins and they both needed the upgrade.. :D so here is where the fun starts cuz i meet this *PRO* kfm with true pirate wep :D who was bidding their wep ..i mean come on :D really ? :D so yeah wanted to share this with you guys sadly the assasins didn't have enough money to get their wep they were new players...PEACE!!...(  ***  )

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5 minutes ago, SaberTooth Lilly said:

Well i was doing poh4 for my staff..and it drops assasin wep..and in my team were 2 assasins and they both needed the upgrade.. :D so here is where the fun starts cuz i meet this *PRO* kfm with true pirate wep :D who was bidding their wep ..i mean come on :D really ? :D so yeah wanted to share this with you guys sadly the assasins didn't have enough money to get their wep they were new players...PEACE!!...(  http://imgur.com/CJ1W7M4  )

This thread will get closed down for name shaming. People do this, this isn't new. He's not the first and won't be the last. Welcome to Blade & Soul. 

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It'd happened to me as well.


I've ran blightstone ruin for my WL bt weapon since i hit certain lv.


My storage has been filled with other class weapon but WL's weapon.


Finally yesterday dropped WL's weapon but that **** who has already true pirate outbid over me so couldn't get that fk weapon.


So to speak, I decided stop playing WL anymore.




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3 minutes ago, TaeHwaRang said:

It'd happened to me as well.


I've ran blightstone ruin for my WL bt weapon since i hit certain lv.


My storage has been filled with other class weapon but WL's weapon.


Finally yesterday dropped WL's weapon but that **** who has already true pirate outbid over me so couldn't get that fk weapon.


So to speak, I decided stop playing WL anymore.




People are doing this on purpose. I was running BSH and it droped a Razor, I was the only wlk on the party but still, people kept biding on it, for no reason at all, luckly I got it from the box, while the guy who won spent 5g

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And you're upset about it?


What would be the weapon worth that you could put a price on it, to yourself? Is it less than ~1g60 ? If so, congratulations, you got free money. If you think the weapon is worth more, you could bid higher, and still had a bargain.


2 minutes ago, Balefire said:

The whole naming and shaming bs is unreal. Words hurt apparently. And the forums are a safe place... *blink* *blink*. Makes me slightly ill.

BnS forums are for "I quit, I'm so done" and "omg look bots" threads, not for personal fights. :V

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6 minutes ago, Enhance said:

And you're upset about it?


What would be the weapon worth that you could put a price on it, to yourself? Is it less than ~1g60 ? If so, congratulations, you got free money. If you think the weapon is worth more, you could bid higher, and still had a bargain.


BnS forums are for "I quit, I'm so done" and "omg look bots" threads, not for personal fights. :V

Right? Whatever would someone do if they got called out on being a dirtbag on the forums.... I mean.. I cant even. 

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Is there some reason they don't have a need or greed loot system in this game? If there is I would really like to here it. I thought that every mmo

released in the last 5 years had that in it.


That would stop stuff like this from happening.

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lol I usually bid on purple weapons I do not need to break them down, but I'm not going to pay a gold for one holy crap you can buy them cheaper in the AH.


I have had people become very upset with me when I outbid them on soul shields......they even cry and tell me how they are reporting me/blocking me......

If you do not want people bidding you up than do not run pugs... When I run pugs I NEVER expect to get anything cheap... it's basically like gambling do not go in with the mind set that you are going to win without having to pay... If you want that than do premade groups

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8 minutes ago, Yoshi77 said:

Is there some reason they don't have a need or greed loot system in this game? If there is I would really like to here it. I thought that every mmo

released in the last 5 years had that in it.


That would stop stuff like this from happening.

Here I'll tell you an easy way to stop it.









Don't pug.... Go with a pre-made group...


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2 minutes ago, Hire De Lune said:

I remember a destroyer bidding on a summoner's windshock weapon.. in the end the destroyer won it with 24s.


He said "wat, u think u do this dungeon alone?? we all do it".

And he has a point. Starting bid should simply be higher/dependent on demand for PUGs.

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I remember less than a week ago, an ignorant player kept dying inside 4mans BSH. During the last boss, I didn´t ress him, because he simply kept dying and it wasn´t worth the time vs the enrage timer. I made a few remarks that he probably shouldnt join a dungeon he wasnt ready for but - he got super-salty about it, and started to bid for the staff that dropped. I played along and kept bidding for it, when I chickened out when the bid was nearing 2 gold - because I already had the staff upgraded to true pirate staff, and he didn´t even bother to check xD


That was alot of fun. Especially after I told him thanks for the gold, and he should check my gear xD

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18 minutes ago, Hire De Lune said:

I remember a destroyer bidding on a summoner's windshock weapon.. in the end the destroyer won it with 24s.


He said "wat, u think u do this dungeon alone?? we all do it".

Windshock weapons aren't needed for evolution, as far as I know.


If he was salvaging it for elements though, it's not really a spectacular deal, as those give 4-5 elements and moonwater weapons are 5-6s each, or the cost of keys if you actually open those boxes.

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3 hours ago, Enhance said:

So... why is "stuff like this" bad?

You get free money or weapon, whichever you value more. Win-win for me.



well guys the weapon wasnt for me and those guys i didnt even know them..i just felt bad that they did it to those guys...everyone was random in the party ;D

AWW and his name was < KHALID >...since they edit my post ..i just type the name :d he was kfm

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be careful with this, you never know if people either

- Want it for elements

- Want it to fort

- just want to raise the price so they get some money out ofit


be especialy careful about the last one, some people will see and now that you need the weapon and will drive the price up because they know you need it. Saw this one guy pay 10g for a shield piece that had bad stats. If you're rich than by all means bid your heart out

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