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RNG's box outfit. Did anyone get it yet?


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1 minute ago, SoulEchelon said:


Agreed. That would be a longterm solution, but companies like NCSoft only see in the short term. I've seen the exact same thing happen in Vindictus.

Hopefully they will at least take this, and other suggestions into consideration.. otherwise I have no idea what will happen with this game.

Blade & Soul is my second MMO, first being TERA, so I don't know enough about MMO's to have an opinion on the fate of an MMO.

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I'm disappointed too.
I love costumes, and yes, I don't mind spending some real money on them.
But when I checked the market and saw those boxes... omg... Like Tera? Seriously? They are not even treadable, are they?

Please, don't do this with Blade and Soul.


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I don't get why people go:


Step 1: Purchase a shitton of RNG boxes. Logic dictates that the  drop rate of the best item is extremely low to promote more purchases of said RNG boxes.

Step 2: Proceed to open them all and surprise surprise, do not get anything of considerable value for the amount spent.

Step 3: Complain as if anyone is to blame for their decision to spend money on these things.


Unless Hime showed up at your door, put a gun to your forehead and said "Buy loot boxes or die", ain't nobody responsible for your losses except you. You took a risk, a risk with very low chances of paying off, and now that it predictably failed, the pitchforks and torches are out because you suddenly realized that NCSoft is a business and is actually after your MONEY, not your continued financial stability.


Edit: Oh I forgot to add, RNG Boxes still suck, and you shouldn't buy them. You'll live without looking like a time traveller in an Eastern fantasy setting.

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Guys, meet Timmy-san.


Timmy-san lives in a third world country, and does not have access to things we as Americans take for granted, such as: internet, smart phones, or luffas.


All Timmy-san has, are these RNG boxes to sell, for a measly 2 dollars each. These boxes are useless to him, as he cannot eat them, but if he manages to sell even 1 box, he can afford to feed himself and his family for a whole day.


Don't let Timmy-san starve. Buy a box today!

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1 hour ago, Chewieflakes said:

People like you are why this game is going to die sooner rather than later. Nice work bud. The lottery is a tax on morons like you.

Sorry if I pissed you off for wanting an outfit. And honestly, if I don't buy them, someone else will. Meaning those RNG boxes will never go away. So I might as well get in on the action now. And if this game does indeed die because of RNG boxes, then know this, it's not because of the player(s) who buys RNG box(es), it's because of NCsoft for putting out those boxes in the first place. 


And if you hate me for that, then you will really hate this person who spend $6000 EUR. https://www.reddit.com/r/bladeandsoul/comments/445d8i/p2w_confirmed_6000_in_winter_frenzy_chest_outcome/

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16 hours ago, RenamonLover said:

besides how can one say its bad without testing themselves ? no more further response needed btw.


Response needed: Mathematics. Give me the drop rate. It's either 1 or 2%, and I'll give you your chances (they're lower than you may think). Then again, most high school grads should be able to do the same.

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24 minutes ago, GnatB said:


Wow, you would have fit in just fine in Nazi germany.  If you didn't hand in that Jew, somebody else would have.  So may as well do it yourself.


Sorry, not gonna buy that line.  Didn't work for the concentration camp guards, won't work for you.  If RNG boxes are successful and take off, it is ENTIRELY the fault of the people that buy them.  NCSoft is just responding to the (apparent) demand for them.

That's not even remotely the same context. One have to do making money and other have to do with right and wrong (morals and ethics).

While I do argee with what you said, that if RNG boxes stays, then it is because of the players buying them. But let get real here, do you really think that no one will buy them? As much as I hate RNG boxes, I already accepted the assumption that they will be here forever the moment I saw them. One proof to my assumption is the guy that buys $6,000 EUR worth of them.

What I don't get is why is the people buying them just for the outfit the bad guys? I mean, we're just supporting the game that we all love. It's not like I'm going to sell any of the items I get to saturate the market and hurt F2P players. 



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25 minutes ago, Jikiro said:

lol yall i played once and got the outfit and quit trying... i think its ugly too gold pants really??? GAIN SELF CONTROL


I know we all have our opinions, but I gotta agree. That outfit looks pretty terrible. I'd akin it to a hooker working a corner in the winter.

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2 hours ago, Sylvaeril said:



Because it's horribly exploitative on the company's part and really isn't in our - the consumer's - best interest. Why pay for a chance at something when you could pay money and actually get that thing? It is just not a business practice I agree with. The odds will never be in your (the consumer's) favor, and only the absolute luckiest will ever get anything remotely close to a "good deal" out of it - and only on the backs of screwing over everyone else who is unlucky.

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BUY BUY BUY MORE MAKE THEM CRY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL I WANT   TO HEAR DUMB KIDS CRY SOME MORE really ur all dumb an should quit ever thing in look can be farm or buy form ppl beside look who cares  dont buy it then if u dont like it its as easy as 1 2 3 but u spend ur time  here Crying like a little GIRL just due ur all dumb butt i going to buy  5 box maybe even 10 o an i going tweet them MORE RNG box plz


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15 minutes ago, Naunet said:


Because it's horribly exploitative on the company's part and really isn't in our - the consumer's - best interest. Why pay for a chance at something when you could pay money and actually get that thing? It is just not a business practice I agree with. The odds will never be in your (the consumer's) favor, and only the absolute luckiest will ever get anything remotely close to a "good deal" out of it - and only on the backs of screwing over everyone else who is unlucky.

Well you dont buy it for one specific item bro... its very obviously advertised as a grab bag, they6 just say you have a chance of getting this item, all the prizes are pretty good. so shut up and roll with rng, or dont, your choice. they owe you nothing.

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4 minutes ago, Rancub said:

Why are people upset? It's not like the box is selling OP weapons or costumes with stats. It's just a costume. The other items you can get make the prices go down in the market. All good!

One of the reasons is because their soulstone business gets hit. Soulstones got cheaper right after the patch and they are QQing because they want to control the market well they cant- only ncsoft can. 

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