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kick system ASAP


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1 hour ago, ElectricPotato said:

Master looter to themselves is worse.  Kick looks like it exists, but only for offline players. O_o


Master looter is scarier than free for all, as it goes from a "who's quicker" to everything belongs to that guy...



Yea They should remove every looting system besides the bid one lol.... 

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The main reason why kick is not available in cross server dungeon is because players would use the kick option to remove competitors from bidding.

The same people who mess with the loot system would just end up abusing the party kicking system.

Currently they have no way to make it  able to prevent players from kicking each other during bidding, so they just remove the entire feature.



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How about a vote system for when the loot settings are changed in which other party members have to agree on the change.


I'd also really like to see a need/greed rolling system or at least just implement a /roll command for the master loot setting. Current loot settings makes it really awkward to play with friends and also for when items that people in the group only want for enhancement and don't care as much about winning it but do want it distributed fairly.

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Yea. I have to say that a vote to kick system can be heavily abused by guilds and premade groups. Rather than a vote to kick I agree with Primula with an everyone having to vote to confirm the change of loot system. The other issue is afkers in dungeons, we need a different method other than kicking to punish these players or make it impossible to AFK while in a dungeon. 

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This why PUGs never work in the West. Too many dirty players.

Premades are the way to go. Even all the other loot systems can be abused. 

Still you can always hope your favorite loot system will get added. I doubt it though, we get what KR gets. Unless KR wants to add it, we probably wont get it.

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Can't you disable kicking while bidding? But yeah, besides the other problems I have with the bidding system one of the biggest ones is how long it takes. Just gotta bid a ridiculous amount to end it quick I guess. Kicking is just fine for afkers, thats what I did in every other game I've played. 

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Yes plz i was about to make a topic about this , they like let the loot normal until final boss, and you focus killing last boss, they change to master loot so you dont see and they steal everthing!!!  2 time i see that i bloked one of them to report him , but we can only report for spam or bots looooool so i choose bot , but plz make one report for cheaters!  and make dungeon always free for all why let one guy steal all

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We definitely need a vote kick system, the positives definitely outweigh the negatives for it.  Like any system it has potential for abuse but with certain restrictions it's fine.  For example, inability to kick during loot auctions, inability to kick for the first 5-10 minutes, etc.  One restriction I will say that should not be put in a place, is a limit to how often and how many people you kick from a group.  Trying to do the stupid spider dungeon has been pretty awful lately with some toxic players that I really wished I could vote kick, then when they were gone, we almost always killed the boss on the attempt right after.


Most people in my experience won't just kick a player for no reason, even if it does create the fear of speaking up in groups, I still think we'd be better served with a kick function.

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What about the issue of people who wait in the Cross Server Dungeon Lobby until you're at final boss, head into zone and AFK until boss is dead to bid on drops and jack up the price? They do nothing to contribute and handicap the group making a 5 man team run a 6 man instance only to swoop in and claim rewards for doing NOTHING. Something needs to be done about this. This is a game breaking issue and I've seen multiple people doing it on different runs.

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42 minutes ago, Humiliation said:


Better then people just sitting at the back of the dungeon doing nothing.. then joining in on the last boss fight


I had this happen at the Tomb of the Exiles. Some lvl 29 player came it, did nothing but stand there. So, as jerklike as this is, I outbid this player on all the drops just for spite. Might have been the immature thing to do, but why join a dungeon and not participate? And if you are too low leveled, then get stronger!

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