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Green Storm

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Everything posted by Green Storm

  1. Starting on May 4, 4:00 a.m. PDT / 13:00 CEST / 11:00 UTC, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 4 hours 30 minutes. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  2. Les bases de données du forum seront mises à jour le dimanche 1er mai. Cette opération aura lieu entre 13 h 30 et 20 h (heure de Paris). Durant la maintenance, il se peut que le forum soit indisponible pendant une période d'une heure maximum (généralement moins).
  3. Die Forendatenbanken werden am Sonntag, den 1. Mai, aktualisiert. Die Wartung findet zwischen 13:30 Uhr und 20:00 Uhr MESZ statt. Während dieses Zeitraums sind die Foren möglicherweise bis zu einer Stunde lang (in der Regel jedoch weniger) nicht verfügbar.
  4. The forum databases will be upgraded on Sunday, May 1. This operation will happen between 4:30 a.m. PDT / 13:30 CEST / 11:30 UTC and 11:00 a.m. PDT / 20:00 CEST / 18:00 UTC. During this timeframe, the forums may be unavailable for up to one hour (but usually less).
  5. Jyansei, We're looking for feedback about Today's Special in the Hongmoon Store. We'd like to know: - What do you like to see or not see? - How do you feel about the pricing in that part of the Hongmoon Store? Please be concise by avoiding long descriptions and lengthy explanations, and try to stay on topic! I'll close this thread in about 2 weeks, Thank you for your feedback!
  6. You're welcome and thank you for the positive feedback. 😃 Like I said before, some of the feedback we received can be addressed earlier rather than later, and this was one of them! In fact, I'm going to post in a few minutes another request for feedback!
  7. Hi everyone, I am going to close the discussion here because it violates our Code of Conduct (see "Cheats"). If you see or have evidence about cheaters, please contact support with as much evidence as possible. Thanks for your understanding.
  8. Let's indeed stay on track, please! It is more difficult for a discussion to be fruitful and for us to parse it if we start adding topics that divert from what is being asked. I appreciate the early feedback you two posted here, and I would like to invite you to create new discussions if you're starting to be off-topic. I'm still being lenient with moderation at this point, but I will at some point try to use moderation as a tool so that we can all be on the same page. And to close the topic of maintenance times: we're aware of the issue, particularly for European players, but this is a complex topic for reasons I can't go into details here. Many people, teams, and processes are involved in these maintenances, and this system cannot be changed easily. We will continue discussing this topic on our side to see if something can be done to improve the situation.
  9. At the end of March, I mentioned that the Blade & Soul team was actively working on improving the gold income for a variety of players. We started with a few changes that were easy for us to implement in March and April: We added gold to the Demonsbane ranking rewards. We modified two events: The Soul Arena event got additional gold in ranking rewards for the top players. The Battle Pass and Master Pass both included gold for everyone participating. These are first steps, and we want to keep adapting the next changes based on how effective the current ones are. Behind the scenes, the teams are looking at providing more avenues for players to get gold from both existing content and also content that we’ll release in the future. Some of this work takes longer and you will not see it for a while. Today, we can already tell you that you will see a new bundle available for a limited time at the end of this week, and we’re excited to confirm that you’ll be able to go back to Kaebi Village soon! More details coming shortly. Please keep sending your feedback in this forum thread about what you think works, what doesn’t, and suggestions that would improve gold acquisition with the way you play the game.
  10. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 27 avril de 13 h à 19 h (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Liste des changements : . Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  11. Hallo, Wir werden am 27.04.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 6 Stunden in Anspruch nehmen werden. Liste der Änderungen: . Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  12. Starting on April 27, 4:00 a.m. PDT / 13:00 CEST / 11:00 UTC, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 6 hours. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. List of changes: Level requirements from some Soul Boost rewards have been adjusted. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  13. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 20 avril de 13 h à 18 h (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Liste des changements : Le texte qui apparaît sur l'écran de chargement de l'arène des âmes est désormais dans la bonne langue et indique les informations correctes. Les talismans de croissance du Bassin céleste ne sont plus soumis à un temps de rechargement. Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  14. Hallo, Wir werden am 20.04.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 5 Stunden in Anspruch nehmen werden. Liste der Änderungen: Der Text auf dem Ladebildschirm für die Soul-Arena wird jetzt in der korrekten Sprache und mit den richtigen Infos angezeigt. Die Erfahrungstalismane des Beckens des Himmels haben keine Abklingzeit mehr. Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  15. Starting on April 20, 4:00 a.m. PDT / 13:00 CEST / 11:00 UTC, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 5 hours. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. List of changes: The Soul Arena loading screen text is in the correct language and shows the accurate information. The Celestial Basin XP Charms no longer have a cooldown. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  16. This was a mistake in the blog post that I've now corrected. Quest progress is checked on each character (not account) for both the Battle Pass Season 2 and the Master Pass at the same time.
  17. Several teams have been trying to sort this out during the past 2 weeks and they've delivered a lot of missing rewards to many accounts on Friday, April 15! We're sorry that it took so long and it was a bumpy road but we hope that now everyone can enjoy the Soul Boost the way it was intended. Please let us know if you notice any other issue here.
  18. We've identified the issue that caused this problem, and we are planning a maintenance to correct it on Monday, April 18, at 9 AM PDT/18:00 CEST/16:00 UTC for an expected 1 hour 45 minutes. We will release a Compensation Bundle in the Hongmoon Store after this maintenance. Please check the Blade & Soul Ops Twitter account for maintenance announcements.
  19. Hi @Anilisia Servenius I wanted to let you know that the fix for this bug was released yesterday. Let us know if it's still an issue!
  20. Hi @Snozzle Welcome to Blade & Soul! I think you'll get more replies in the Player to Player Support subforum: https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/forum/419-player-to-player-support/ I hope you have a good time playing the game and with the community 🙂
  21. The Blade & Soul servers are back online. You can grab a Compensation Bundle in the Hongmooon Store (1 per account) with: 2 Special Hongmoon XP Charm x1 Sterling Reputation Charm x10 Honing Oil x3 Koldrak Scale x1 Deluxe Daily Challenge Reward Chest x1 Skystealer Crystal Pouch
  22. Our teams are focused on resolving the situation and it's impossible to give you a clear picture at this point in time. I anticipate that some of the details may be confidential, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to say more.
  23. We've identified a possible issue preventing players to login to some or all of their characters. We're going to try to fix the issue by performing an emergency maintenance at 1:30pm PDT/22:30 CEST /20:30 UTC, and expected to run for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. The Blade & Soul servers will not be available during that maintenance. We're sorry about the inconvenience caused.
  24. We are talking to the development team, but gathering information about the situation to help some of our teams to investigate what could be the cause is also common practice. We're trying to approach this problem from multiple angles.
  25. We have eliminated all the items that were suggested so far (Celestial Peaches, Classic Celestial Basin Treasure Keys, Game Master outfit and Mask, ) as the cause of the issue, based on the tests we're running.
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