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Green Storm

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Everything posted by Green Storm

  1. We didn't forget about this issue. We're performing the first step of the process to rectify this situation and I'll continue update players on this thread. Thanks a lot for your patience!
  2. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 18 mai de 13 h à 17 h 30 (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. Correction de bugs : Les accessoires introduits en jeu à l'occasion de la mise à jour Nouveaux empires ont été ajoutés au système de résonance d'équipement. Le costume et la casquette de Démarrage personnalisés ont désormais une apparence. Les ailes de wyverne sont désormais animées. Problèmes connus : La liste des objets proposés par le marchand Gang Sanghae est vide. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  3. Hallo, Wir werden am 18.05.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 4 Stunden 30 Minuten in Anspruch nehmen werden. Fehlerbehebungen Die im Rahmen von „Neue Reiche“ eingeführten Accessoires wurden dem Ausrüstungsresonanzsystem hinzugefügt. Das Kostüm Freizeit und die Freizeit-Mütze sind jetzt als Entwürfe sichtbar. Die Drachenschwingen sind jetzt animiert. Bekannte Probleme Die Gegenstandsliste von Händler Gang Sanghae ist leer. Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  4. Starting on May 18, 4:00 a.m. PST / 13:00 CEST / 11:00 UTC, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 4 hours 30 minutes. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. Bug Fixes: The accessories introduced in the New Empires release have been added to the Equipment Resonance system. The Custom Kickstart costume and Custom Kickstart Hat now have appearances. The Wyvern Wings are now animated. The text on the maps for Dasari Palace, Dasari Palace - Middle Keep, Gunwon City - Nykarri Island, and Nykarri Hall of Trials is in the correct language. Known Issues: The list of items offered by Trader Gang Sanghae is empty. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  5. I'm currently working on the final steps to publishing the Skill Updates for last week's release (New Empires). I couldn't complete the list of Insignias for the March release because we were too busy at that time. And I will unfortunately not be able to gather notes for previous releases, as it's before my time, and it would require extensive work to track all of this information. I'm starting to get a relatively good understanding of the Blade & Soul systems, but it's a game with many systems that took me a while to grasp, and I'm not finished yet. I'm trying my best to give the community these details while discussing with our teams how to improve the way we handle the large volume of information (especially with this release in May).
  6. This is the expected behavior after this dungeon was removed from the Demonsbane system.
  7. I want to acknowledge that we're tracking the bugs that were mentioned in this thread. Some of the posts here are not "bug reports" but "design questions" (we're trying to get some clarity on them) or general comments/feedback. Assuming that you're talking about the Act 12 Interlude Chapter 3, did you have the special outfit given during Chapter 2 equipped? Did you not see how to get into the back room? The more information you can give us, the easier it is for us to reproduce this situation and determine if it's a bug.
  8. Hi everyone, I've forwarded all the community feedback, including bugs, to our teams, and we’re discussing it with the development team to figure out the next steps. Thanks.
  9. An update on this bug: we have identified the issue and we will be fixing it. All the players affected by this bug will get their Pentagonal Pet Gem Selection Chest back, but we're not sure when yet. In the future, please post your bug reports in the corresponding subforum so that bugs are easier to track!
  10. Thanks everyone for your feedback. We'll be compiling your thoughts and then doing some thinking of our own to decide what changes we can make. 🙂
  11. Hi @FriendlyFox Can you please send me in a DM your support ticket number? If you didn't already created one, we'll need you to create one and then send me the ticket number. Thank you.
  12. This is in the list of Known Issues I posted yesterday (so I didn't copy these here):
  13. We're currently investigating this situation. I'll let you know when I hear from our teams.
  14. Hi everyone, We're going to try to track bugs that are related to the New Empires release in this thread. Please feel free to share what you discovered in this thread (provide the details of where you saw the bug and the precise actions you did to see it). If you already created a forum thread for your report, you can imply link to it here. Currently known issue: - Your character can't seem to be able to enter the Circle of Sundering solo dungeon. A workaround seems to be to try to enter from the right side of the door (near the wall). - Soul Boost cannot be completed due to the removal of the Aerodrome dungeon from the Demonsbane System. - The Wyvern Wings are incorrectly named Mysterious Dragon Wings.
  15. Thank you! I see some words represent frustration, while others are not understood the same way (as quite a few players here are not native speakers). I felt that it was important in the middle of this unexpected delay to talk to people who express their feedback and give them a peak behind the curtain.
  16. Let me take a moment to tell you a little bit more about what happened: our team of engineers and producers have to run programs during the maintenance to the Blade & Soul architecture. Sometimes, some programs break or have to be adapted on the fly by people trying their best to make these complicated systems work. Some of these things take hours to complete, so we provide an estimate of how long the servers have to be offline, but it's not always 100% accurate. Last week, the maintenance was 30 minutes shorter than estimated. This week, we had a technical problem that took longer to solve. Thank you for your patience as we look to move forward with the New Empires update release.
  17. Hi @Drakor To be able to help you, we need details of your account that cannot be shared publicly on the forums. Please submit a ticket to our Customer Support Team via this site and an agent will be with you as soon as they can: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us Thanks.
  18. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 11 mai de 13 h à 18 h 30 (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Liste des changements : Consultez les notes de mise à jour pour en savoir plus sur la sortie de Nouveaux empires. Les emplacements cosmétiques auparavant situés en haut de l'inventaire disposent désormais de leur propre onglet. Correction de bugs : Le bâton d'illusion de Maréchal dispose désormais d'une apparence. Problèmes connus : Les ailes de wyverne ne disposent pas d'une icône. L'apparence du costume et de la casquette Démarrage sont manquantes. Après avoir terminé la première étape de la quête épique du chapitre 1 de l'interlude de l'Acte XII, une partie du texte sur la carte du Palais de Dasari : Garnison centrale est en coréen. Certains PNJ présentent des problèmes d'animation lorsqu'ils sont inactifs et que l'option « Afficher les effets des monstres » est paramétrée sur la valeur maximum. Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  19. Hallo, Wir werden am 11.05.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 5 Stunden 30 Minuten in Anspruch nehmen werden. Liste der Änderungen: Details zum Update „Neue Reiche“ findet ihr in den Anmerkungen zum Patch. Die Plätze für Verzierungen oben im Inventar wurden auf einen eigenen Reiter im Inventarfenster verschoben. Fehlerbehebungen Der Illusionsstab des Großmarschalls hat jetzt ein Aussehen. Bekannte Probleme Die Drachenschwingen haben kein Symbol. Beim Kostüm Freizeit und der Freizeit-Mütze fehlt das Aussehen. Auf der Karte für den Himmelspalast – Mittlere Feste erscheint nach Abschließen des ersten Schrittes von Kapitel 1 der epischen Questreihe von Akt XII – Zwischenspiel koreanischer Text. Bei einigen NSCs treten Animationsprobleme auf, wenn sie inaktiv sind und die Option „Monstereffekte anzeigen“ auf das Maximum eingestellt ist. Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  20. Starting on May 11, 4:00 a.m. PST / 13:00 CEST / 11:00 UTC, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 5 hours 30 minutes. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance start. List of Changes: See the Patch Notes for details about the New Empires release. The cosmetic slots at the top of the inventory have been moved to their own tab in the inventory window. Bug Fixes: The Grand Marshal Illusion Staff now has an appearance. Known Issues: The Wyvern Wings do not have an icon. The Kickstart Costume and Kickstart Hat are missing their appearances. The map for Dasari Palace – Middle Keep has texzt in Korean after you complete the first step in Chapter 1 of the Act XII Interlude epic quest line. A few NPCs have an animation issue when idling and the Display Monster Effects option is set to maximum. For server status updates please follow the @BladeAndSoulOps Twitter account. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
  21. I'm closing this thread because discussion about cheats are not allowed on the forum per the Code of Conduct. If you have evidence of someone breaking the game's User Agreement or Code of Conduct, you can submit the information to the Customer Support Team here: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us All reports are looked into.
  22. I wanted to update the community about that: I'm not ready yet, but I've started working on it behind the scenes (like all things in our jobs, you only really see the tip of the iceberg; you only see me, but I talk to dozens of people). It's in the middle of my list of things to do in terms of priorities, and sometimes it gets bumped down when other tasks take precedence. The team and I want Blade & Soul livestreams to come back, but it won't be for a few months at least. I know the Blade & Soul community wants those streams, but we want to do them properly and not rush. Thanks for your patience 🙂 P.S.: we're off-topic but I'll allow it this time 😉
  23. I think I already replied to you on Twitter but I'll share the info here: we always publish an overview of the update first, and then follow up with deeper dive into each part of the release. This time around, the patch notes have been longer to process so I won't have them ready tomorrow (Friday) but early next week!
  24. A la date et heure suivante, nous effectuerons une maintenance de tous les serveurs. Blade & Soul sera indisponible pendant la durée de la maintenance. Nous vous invitons à consulter régulièrement ce fil de discussion pour en savoir plus sur l'évolution de la situation. [Date et heures] Le mercredi 4 mai de 13 h à 17 h 30 (heure de Paris) La durée de la maintenance est sujette à changement. [Serveurs affectés] Tous Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée. @BladeAndSoulOps
  25. Hallo, Wir werden am 04.05.2022 ab 13 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an den Blade & Soul Servern durchführen. Während dieser Zeit werden alle Server nicht erreichbar sein. Im Moment gehen wir davon aus, dass die Arbeiten 4 Stunden 30 Minuten in Anspruch nehmen werden. Um sicherzustellen, dass ihr keine Informationen zur Serverwartung verpasst, folgt bitte unseren Twitter-Accounts @BladeAndSoulOps und @bladeandsoul_DE. Tweets by @BladeAndSoulOps
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