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Everything posted by Hanuku

  1. Most MMOs fail at balancing classes. More if the game has both pve and pvp. Nerf this makes this other thing op somewhere else. Nerf that op thing then, and something else becomes op, or try to buff everything in pvp and pve suffers from it. Then add corporate greed. Yes, you did nail one thing. Devs and corporate heads in Korea DO want you spending money in another class. That's why flavor of the month exists. Whales don't mind. They can rekt everything with any class as long as they pour another $1000 on it. Lastly, yeah, this game seems to favor pve a little bit more than pvp. Heck, they even added NPC "players" in the form of ToI. So yeah, if you are too heavily into pvp, you should invest your efforts in a strictly pvp game. This game is simply not what you'd want for competitive pvp, unless you are able to max your character to the utter limit in a reasonable amount of time.
  2. Hanuku


    If you want to know exactly why is it like this, nobody here has that answer. Only the devs in Korea may know. So instead of asking why, why not just directly ask instead for the orb requirement to be removed. That way you avoid some collisions with other users around here.
  3. Depending on what people call p2w, some may say that this game has been p2w pretty much since it launched, some may say it's pay to get there faster. Some believe p2w is limited solely to gear that absolutely cannot be obtained through playing the game, and is stronger than what f2p's can get. Others think any kind of gear obtained or facilitated through real money is already p2w, regardless of it's availability to f2p's. Now, all or almost all MMOS currently around have a pay to speed up model. BnS is no exception. Problem is that things reach a border line when the f2p's grinding behind without paying can't hit the gear cap in time before a new set of gear becomes available, or when things, like this very event, happen before they do, leaving only those who pay (or the scant few that went way above to the point of playing countless hours, or those super talented individuals that can do a lot more with less) to benefit from it all. I think this is indeed as bad as plain p2w. Aside from this event, is BnS reaching this point? I'd have to sit down and study it to know. As for this event, considering the opinions, it does seem as a slap in the face to players who are not paying for their gear, simply because many of them didn't have enough time to gear up for it. The event itself is not bad. It simply requires maxed or near maxed gear, which would have been enjoyed by more players if they had the time to reach the gear caps. Maybe if the event was made late in the life of the current gear line, and started when NC felt enough f2p's had the gear needed for it, there wouldn't be so many complaints. I cannot do the event, so i'm speaking from an observer's point of view. Also, as always, these are my humble opinions.
  4. If that trick works and if it's worth the mats, sure. Though last time I offered that as a solution, some people thought the mats used on it didn't justify it. Then again, now it's either a bunch of not so hard to find draken cores for a chance, or 15 legend hammers per hole....
  5. Yeah... ditch those clans. From what you said, they just wanted to be carried through content their characters were not geared for. Look for clans that are actually helpful. Clans with characters close to the same gear your upcoming characters are at. That way you can clearly set yourselves towards content you can do and need to get the mats required to gear up. I suppose this forum can still be of help for that. As for event, yeah, just check the forums to see the frustration of all the non max gear players unable to complete turtle 4 or Inferno hard.
  6. I suppose yes. If I get a 3 slot from there, it's worthless and I just toss it aside. Now, getting a baleful/seraph to 12 usually opens up an extra slot or two. On my experience, on average I ended up with 6 open slots. One weapon ended up with 7, and two ended with full open slots. This is from running multiple characters through story. As for choosing between raven and riftwalk, I can't speak like an expert because I'm not one, but I just switched yesterday to raven 3 (and just made it raven 4 today, with plans to farm for at least 6 for now), and I find it more worth than anything on the riftwalk and storm dragon lines. The bonuses are game changing even at low levels, so I suggest to try your best to stay on the raven line, even if the materials are more of a hassle to get. UNLESS, you can get a lot of materials for riftwalk to upgrade it in a very short amount of time just so you can be out of that line quickly (I suggest upgrading until you can switch to at least aransu 6 if you are good at farming). Then again, nothing on the pve line gives any meaningful bonuses in comparison to what the raid weapons can do. Again, I'm far from being an expert, but having a huge bonus to one or more of your most used skills is a huge plus.
  7. Can't help you with activating simple mode on training, BUT maybe you can manually emulate what it does. After like a bunch of years of my own simple mode always greyed out, recently, I can start using it on level 60 characters (still can't use it on non max level characters but w/e). If you didn't know, Simple mode's skill set is displayed in the skills menu. You know, when you normally open that menu, you get an "Icons" button which tells you a full table with all your skills divided by key. With simple mode activated, this icons screen is changed to a "Simple" screen, which shows everything simple mode will do. So maybe you could just try to emulate that on the training room to get a rough estimate of what t does for you. Now, from what I'm seeing on most classes I've tested it with, simple mode usually is a mix of lmb (or rmb in some classes) with whatever pops from F. The rest of the skills are still completely manual. So far I've seen only FM tossing a few more skills into the mix. But otherwise, it's usually all about a 3 skill "rotation". In the case of my BD for example, the benefit I get from it is that I don't need to press F manually. But otherwise it's the exact same experience as running without it. It still improves my attack since now F will just pop as fast as it's available, though. Anyway, see if you can emulate what simple mode does. Though yeah, I'm with you on simple mode on the training place. Just disable it for the separate training rounds, but allow it on the boss training section.
  8. Oh, then you did complete the quest. Don't bother with it for now. When the raid gets enabled, I assume you will get the correct stuff.
  9. If you finished what's available of the quest, then abandon it, you SHOULD get a letter in the quest letters menu. I just did it right now in game and it worked. When you check and accept it again, the mission tracker should read "Speak with Chundoon", not "Await news". If the letter doesn't even show up on your quest letters tab, you should either wait for the raid to actually open, or send a support ticket to ask for the quest to be re-enabled. But for now, if you got everything out of the quest (rift weapon, hex gems, raven SS and Basin accs), I wouldn't bother with it anymore.
  10. Hanuku


    Glad we are reaching an understanding. I'm not looking for enmity with anyone here, and I really don't mind accepting I can't play to save my life. Some people have it. Some don't. So my apologies if anything said before felt rude. Happens that I strangely feel better and more confident posting stuff in the forums than speaking in game. Now, I do want to make something clear. I don't want an event that stops doing something for skilled players only to cater to low skilled people. That's not what I'd want and it would go against how I envision how games should work. All I want is an event that can cover people of ALL skill levels. From people who can do perfect everything in the game, to button mashers who can barely do simple mode. I want it made so everyone can have FUN and maybe a "you were here" token for their participation, while giving more skilled players the better rewards for reaching higher tiers of the event. And I'd say, this game could use more inclusive stuff like that, since, even as bad a player as I might be, we all know story is dead easy, and that's where all new players come from. Though maybe I'm overthinking things and I also apologize for that. As for raven 3 for my BD, I suppose I can swap to that. it's easy to do so now that you can buy the raven animus needed with flower buds from the new area. For now though, I'm trying to get me at least a starter bracelet and glove (anything better than Hollow would work for now). Plus farming peaches (slowly because basin bores me easily for some reason) for the basic badges. I also have a bunch of characters and I like them all. One day I play one, fall in love with it again, and want to main it, only for coming in next day and falling in love with yet another character.... See, part of the "Me" problem as well.
  11. Not in game so I can't check what step of that quest that part is. If you haven't even started the quest, try getting more HM levels. Not sure about this one but some content is gated behind this or that HM level requirement.
  12. Hanuku


    Well said. I might stop using the term "casual" on myself and instead use the term you just gave me, "very bad and lazy player". Or maybe even not call myself a player at all. Just some loser who happened to download a game and pretended to be a player. Do you like that one more? Maybe (well, I'm sure of it but force myself not to believe it) I shouldn't even play games at all, nor post on this forum as "my opinion does not matter for the game". But, On the other side, I am not really expecting to be handed anything for no effort. I know I have a serious "Me" problem. I have tried some harder content. Been here for a few years but I simply couldn't tackle it down. I get a headache (for reals, no joke here) when I try something that starts pushing my limits, and my performance drops by half when I'm trying to play with others. It's why I have zero friends in any games. I simply know I'm more worthless as a player than a toddler just out of their diapers. But I thought I could at least post my two cents. Why? because I have played other games and my "none effort" still earned me something. My "none effort" didn't mean I couldn't go grind for something easy and mindless for hours. Effort shouldn't always require simply skill. Time and dedication should give something as well, regardless. It's how blue collar workers earn their keep in real life. It just means that what I can actually grind cannot involve anything too hard, and as I will keep saying everywhere, what one person puts in is what they should be receiving. So again, I never said I expected the same prizes a skilled player can get. Just some token that proves I was there and that I put some kind of effort, even if it's not from player skill (which I don't have), but through other means, like mindless grinding. In the end, your ego made me worth your time, though.
  13. Probably server related. I was doing those solo 1v1s at Mushin's and moving through opponents was extremely slow and laggy, and I once got a "cannot get rewards" message.
  14. Hanuku


    Oh, I just checked the solo thing. A very casual player like me with story gear and no rotations can only do stage 1. Maybe Stage 2 if putting a good deal of effort and is using an easier class like gunner or warden. Also, since this is in the training place, simple mode is disabled. So yeah, even the lowest part of this event needs some experience in this game and is definitely not for total newbies. So I'm sure that as an event, it's definitely not inclusive to everyone. A tip to the devs and publishers. Everyone wants to participate in events. From very casuals to the best players. So when making such events, make sure there's something on the plate for everyone. for people who cannot or don't want to do the hard content, set something easier, like an instance with easy enemies or things to collect or whatever. The prizes at the end, of course, shouldn't be as shiny as those earned by skilled players. But at the end of the day, everyone would come out with something on their hands that proves they were there, AND they may have had fun doing so.
  15. Hanuku


    Can I enter this whale appreciation event with my story geared BD that does 48K dps on simple mode? Would all the character alteration vouchers I've bought count me as a whale?
  16. Not sure how the mods will take this thread, but at least they haven't closed it yet. My own two cents about loot boxes is that in those games that have it, most of what's in there doesn't excuse their price. Pay 3-5 bucks (their usual price in most games I've seen) )for one of those to "win"... a healing pot? Seriously?
  17. The way I'd see it, it would be that the main easy part of the event gives materials needed for people to reach some sort catch up (not all the way though because that would be unfair to those who farmed it before), while the hard part gives exclusive cosmetics not found anywhere else. But that's just my opinion. I have not done any of the event. Not the solo part and much less the dungeon (I have no friends lel), but if that's how it's working, I may do it once and move on.
  18. Sadly the money is where there are people paying. It seems too many people out there disagree with most people posting in this thread and instead prefer easier content. Sad day for those looking for something akin to a MMO Dark Souls. Remember these episodes the next time you open your wallet for a game. Publishers are not here to sell a game only for the few and proud super hardcore expert players. Those kinds of players usually pride themselves on earning everything without spending a penny anyway. And that is bad (or none) business to them. They sell to whales who will clear anything regardless, and to the masses with some disposable income. And the masses are speaking, though not everyone agree with them. Some people promote the idea of making easy and hard versions of raids. I feel the population may be too low to fill both kinds of raids at the same time. What I'd say instead would have been to ease up on all the materials and stuff needed to upgrade. That way people can maybe concentrate more on learning mechanics and their class abilities rather than worry about how many of this or that fragment of a fragment they need to collect to give their ring 3 points of attack per "evolution". Also, there should always be some content for casuals to play with. Though that'd be more of a personal wish as I'm a casual myself with no real hope of even entering a raid ever. Anyway, these are just my opinions.
  19. I'm on the same boat as you. I like too many classes to pick one, and that in turn prevents me from maining anything, thus not really getting anywhere. Classes in MMOs are to my belief, designed in such a way that people would like and invest in more than one. They will have this specific thing that attracts, and this other thing that detracts leaving some players wishing there was a class that included what they liked about the other classes. I personally see players using all classes around, though now I see more wardens and summoners than other classes. So I can already tell you which classes to avoid if you don't want to be in the "everyone" group. Now, you mentioned assassin, and I'd say, give it a go. Once you learn it, I hear it's a beast class able to even solo content no other class can do. So they can be a huge DPS asset in any party. As for testing classes, did you know you can actually try level 60s at character creation? When trying a character, make a test character and select the level 60 voucher option. You will have a free level 60 character at the hongmoon training ground. You will need the actual voucher to get the character out of there, but as long as they are in there, you have a near fully functional level 60 to play with, minus talents. When done with testing, if you liked the class, just delete the character and create it anew as a level 1.
  20. I'd say that all NPC outfits should have been in their own permanent catalogue in the shop. This game has more than enough outfits to play the exclusivity game with. And the current shop has outfits dating back several years. I mean, why can't we at least put the whole cosmetics shop on rotation?
  21. Not at the moment. There was a recent giveaway but not anymore. I do recommend setting up an email for you to receive their newsletter, as that's usually required in order to participate in their giveaways. As for leveling from scratch, it depends on how dedicated you are at the game. I'm at the bottom of the casual hierarchy, so I'm gonna take a week+ to level something if I'm not distracted. Grimoir's 1-2 days claim feels way too tight, since you have to do pretty much all of the old story minus blue quests (you can skip them all and not affect leveling). And even skipping everything, that's a lot of content to do in a single day. So I'm not really so sure it's possible unless putting in pretty much 20 hours a day to the task. But I've been proven wrong so many times before, so whatevs on that.
  22. FM is a good ranged DPS. KFM is a melee tank with a shotgun that generates auto threat. SF is a sort of salad sandwich of KFM and FM. The three of them have some good starter DPS compared to other classes that may need players to learn rotations earlier to be able to keep up. FM is good in a party when you don't want to bother with every single attack from the enemy. KFM is the center of attention. SF is a jack of trades, master of none. This is my opinion as a low level noob who's starting to see a bit more than smashing buttons to get some skills running.
  23. If a big enough group of people complain about the issue, then I could see them making some changes. If their data also confirms there may be a problem with how they conduct maintenance, they will change things up. So it's up to them to see to that. In the meantime, it's always expected that some users will have problems and inconveniences with the current ways. Today it's you, but tomorrow could be me or someone else.
  24. The left side check gets greyed out if the item you are picking up has more than one copy. Notice how only the orb is selectable because it's only a single orb. This is normal behavior. Right clicking on the bottom right icon should give you a new window where you select how many you want to pick.
  25. Oldish thread but yeah, there are a few threads about this. The decisions of the writers in this game are both rather sadistic and plenty of questionable. I mean, when even the damn Yes Men (yes, THOSE Yes Men) have a much better intro than you, we know something is REALLY wrong. I also learned already that some Korean writers love to go overkill with the killing of children (and child like beings, like wiping friggin Brightstone TWICE!) in their stories. So prepare for more of that in the coming chapters. But yeah, what I really despise is that they scripted our characters to be on their own heavenly level of stupidity. By now might as well never show them in cut scenes anymore if they are all going to end the same. (Check the Tomb something orange sub quest for yet another fail scene)... I think I will simply skip all scenes and conversations in act 10 if it ever happens, because I know I won't like what I'll be seeing. I also regret they changed the story and removed the option to stay on the dark path. Instead of giving us the whole "you lost because you went dark" speech, only to lose even harder after turning good again.... By now, I would love it if Jinsoyun just transforms again into her adult self but this time with a bit of good in her to start stomping on the baddies like the badass she was. At least she could dole out some real vengeance. Anyway. For games where your character is a literal badass, check the God Eater series and the Dragon ball Xenoverse series. Not MMOs, but the cut scenes involving your character are really pleasing to see. I'd say, check them on youtube or something, since I'm not going to advertise the actual games in a forum for another game. For this game however, on anything not a cutscene and not a one shot raid, your character can be pretty much a demi god.
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