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  1. Ah yes, here we go, PvE carebears crying already. We get 12+ boring, pure cancer PvE events a year, this could be a nice change of pace. I don't think this particular event will be any good, much like the awful battle royale flop, but I definitely think we should get more PvP focused events.
  2. Come on, what the hell is wrong with you, cheapskate company? At least include a guaranteed Dark Emissary code. I'd buy a shirt and a mouse pad if that was the case, so the code would justify the shipping cost to some extent at least. But no, you include RNG even when purchasing physical goods. Why not go all out: Buy a T-shirt Lootbox and you'll have a chance to receive a T-Shirt!
  3. Actually, an update. I did the math and average number of coins per key seems to be 8 (of course, only applies in large quantities, excluding the TOP 3 rewards, it's more like 4 coins per key). Which means we're getting those boxes: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/limitedtime-sparkling-starcaller-chest/ that were 49 coins each (and were total crap) for average of 86,25 NCoin, so nearly double the price.
  4. https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/hongsils-treasure-draw-nov-2019/ So it's trove + lootbox combined. Okay, nothing new. But 69 coins per key for some RNG amount of lousy coins (I expect an average of 2), that you need 10 of to get a lootbox, then you need RNG to get a good one and in the end you have to pay to open it as well? 69 coins each key (which you can use 10 for each try) is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE for triple layered RNG that you have to pay gold for in the end to get the reward. 19 NCoin a key I could understand. While I like to gamble 50$ every now and then to get nothing, this is getting disgusting.
  5. At least there is a way to target farm them. I'd like to see a similar way to farm Elysians, be it PvP or PvE. I'm drowning in Moonstones, but always behind on Elysians, as they can't be farmed in decent quantities anywhere.
  6. As much as I like Keroppi, he's just guessing and is clueless as to how everything works from the technical side. If anything, he is reinforcing the idea that we'll wait for UE4 on live servers for years to come.
  7. I'm not asking you. I'm asking the publishers. That's the official forum right here.
  8. After reading Korean and Russian news I realized something. I might have been naive thinking that we'll get Unreal Engine 4 on the core game next year. After all the ensuring: "UE4 comes this year", I always assumed it means they will update actual live Blade and Soul. We need confirmation on this, however it seems the "Complete" version with content from 6 years ago will be the only thing running on the new engine and actual players will get screwed once again with more promises: "Hey, we'll update all content to UE4 by 2027". Seriously, if that's the answer then why not close the game altogether?
  9. It's 4-5 months away for us, there's no need to panic. Knowing how clueless NCWest team is, they probably know less than us. Maybe they'll notice in a month or two.
  10. Translated from the teaser/pre-order page: https://bnspreorder.plaync.com/events/2019/191028_preorder "The 'complete' update will have UE4 remastered graphics and new contents, and also the 'Frontier world' where everyone can newely start" Google translate. There are new, "Frontier" servers coming for fresh start. Exact specifications are yet to be confirmed, however considering the CGI trailers focus on Pohwaran and Hae Mujin, it's extremely unlikely it will be anything else than a classic reboot.
  11. The announcement of Unreal Engine 4 and new (more open) content is a big one for Blade and Soul. Remains to be seen, if it will help the game performance issues at all, but it is a good marketing point that could bring old players back (and maybe some new even). BnS has a solid core of great combat and interesting world that could make it a big success with some work and less item shop, but we all know that won't happen, because NCSoft has proven again and again they're here just for quick money. Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about. The Korean Blade and Soul just announced a "classic server" coming with the engine change, going back to the Pohwaran times. The idea of cashing out on old content and nostalgia without any development time is nothing new and have been a trend in past years. However, there are crucial differences between KR and NA/EU versions that will make the "classic" kill the game alltogether. Korean Blade and Soul launched in June 2012, that's 7.5 years ago. At this time, it was the most popular MMORPG at this gaming focused contry for a while. Thing was massive and brought massive revenue. And of course there's a lot of people, who would like to refresh that feeling from many years ago in better graphics. Meanwhile our version came in January 2016, that's less than 4 years ago. It's still fresh in player memory, and the reception wasn't anything like that of Korea. There aren't millions of players waiting to jump right back into it, because it was never that popular. It came too late in the west to be a novelty. We just played that content basically yesterday. No, it won't bring a long-term playerbase, it will just divide the current half-empty servers more, and when classic server dies, what are you going to do? Merge them into the main one? People will quit and never play again. Sure, you might bring a few thousand players that will play, reach 45, see it's same thing they just played on launch. TL;DR: The game is too fresh and was never popular enough in the west to maintain a classic. Of course, I'm sure decision has been already made and you sure as hell don't give a damn about player feedback. Even more - I expect players in this thread to be all for the idea: "We want classic, open world content on 0 FPS was fun!", "Pohwaran best times, no P2W yet". I'm just putting in here so that when (not if) the whole idea flops and sinks the game, I can say "I told you so".
  12. That's more than a chest, definitely not. Maybe for 400BP tops.
  13. Hi there. I'm a player that enjoys playing battlegrounds, but I've ran out of keys to open the chests, so there is no point to play anymore until quests reset. I understand that many veterans have thousands of those stashed from "old, good times", but fresh players right now are limited to around 20~ keys per week, counting in Solar Energy ones and Clan BG extra ones. That's less than 40000 Battle Points, which is done easily just in Clan fights, not even entering regular battlegrounds! And that's only considering 1800 Sparkling Chests, the quest ones are basically a dead slot in storage. Please add Battleground Chest Keys to dragon express for a couple gold or something, because battlegrounds are dead enough already and that only magnifies the issue.
  14. This is unacceptable. I was trying to explore the map and do some nice screenshots of the trees, but within first 15 minutes I met an enemy player. Please make the map bigger so everyone from the 5 teams can establish their own countries.
  15. Dla żądnych wrażeń potężnych wojowników, dla zagubionych świeżaków i dla wszystkich pośrodku - GuildNotFound otwiera rekrutację na serwerze Jinsoyun, frakcja Crimson Legion. Klan istnieje od zarania dziejów, grę mamy opanowaną do perfekcji, ale świeża krew jest zawsze w cenie. Nie mamy wielkich wymagań odnośnie ekwipunku, ale kilka warunków spełniać trzeba, mianowicie: 1. Wyłącznie główne postacie. 2. Przynajmniej chwila gry za sobą (w sensie nie zaraz po zrobieniu story). 3. TeamSpeak. Co możemy zaoferować? Bonus klanowy +75-80% do fasolek, krwinek, expa aktywny zawsze. Pomoc merytoryczna, pomoc z dungeonami, sloty na rajdy BT/VT bez problemu. Możliwość załapania się na TT dla aktywniejszych (i ubranych) graczy. No i klanowe Battlegroundy dla koksów PvP. Innymi słowy - robimy wszystko. Zapraszam serdecznie do kontaktu w grze pod nickiem “Kapitan Ozonek”, lub na Discordzie: “Ozonek#1509”.
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