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Everything posted by Hanuku

  1. Thankfully at least for me, I haven't had any problems with this launcher nor with Windows. As for the dpi thing, are you running any kind of software that works with any of your input devices? Is your screen scale in Windows display set to default 150% or to 100%. I personally have it set to 100 because some older programs used to act in weird ways with anything else there. I know I'm shooting some blind bullets here, but sometimes the solutions to some PC problems are in unexpected places.
  2. Thanks for the methods. May try the registry one. I heard that the metered connection one was dropped. that was the one I was using when I had 1703.... It still downloaded the big version update after a small updated that apparently changed the rules and allowed the big one, or something like that.... As for launcher 2. It seems not even the devs know why it works flawlessly on some PCs (I have two computers with it and I have no problems to report, for example), and some others it just wrecks havoc. I can say "hang in there", but that doesn't cut it for people who want to run their dailies. As for old launcher, isn't this the month it's going to be disabled? I'd tell the devs to hold up on that if they have the opportunity. People are still having problems with launcher 2, and forcing it on everyone will just push people out of the game. And this game has already too many ponder worthy changes and decisions.
  3. How did you disable Windows auto updates? I mean, that's the main complain point everyone has with this version of Windows. It just pushes updates and pretty much tries to own our PCs, with no option to turn it off. Any registry tricks or third party programs? I'm running everything pretty much vanilla nowadays, but I'd like to take back control of my own computer again. It's also odd that the launcher is giving you in game issues like DPI changes. They are supposed to be two separate entries. In fact, you can even tell the new launcher to fully close itself when the game starts. On the other side, do try both 32 and 64 bit versions of the game. Maybe that can help.
  4. I wonder how many who are unable to load the launcher or play the game are using Windows 10 1809. If you haven't been following on Microsoft related news, they plan to ditch that version of Windows and push us into the more recent April update. Why? Because October's 1809 was a bugged mess that did a lot of strange things, games included. If any of you is using 1809, do a search for ways to revert to 1803 and try installing BnS again. The rest is the usual driver/firmware updating and keeping your PC as clean as possible for gaming. I know this may not be the golden solution for everyone, but it's always worth trying other things when what's available doesn't work.
  5. On a side note, why keep the merchant inside the dungeon anyway? He could have been placed, dunno, like, somewhere OUTSIDE? I mean, everyone skips cutscenes in the dungeons that have them. "Go to youtbe" they say.. Even I skip them even though I haven't seen them because I know people rush. So adding a merchant inside a dungeon that people want to rush if they have the orb to do it is also kind of asking for bad things to happen. BUT, I suppose that's for another thread.
  6. If it's a reportable offense, you report it to the mods. If it's just someone being a d-bag, that falls into the name and shame category on most official game forums and the moderators won't allow it. As unfair as it sounds, this is made to prevent flame wars and in many cases, unfair accusations (those do happen as well). In this case, the "offender" is not really considered a scammer because there's no real money involved. This could be more akin to a cheater or badly behaved player. If it's use and practice from the same individual, try reporting it for bad/unfriendly behavior and let the mods decide. I believe this specific thing wouldn't be such a problem if there were more orbs around. I do very few runs, but for the VAST majority of them, people either have no orbs, or claim they have no orbs, usually forcing me to use the also scant few I have. One or the other, if you have to fake not having an orb, or don't have an orb at all, something may be wrong in the supply part. I mean, outside of daily dash and events, orbs come from completing your daily challenges. You get a single piece for them every day, and you need 6 pieces to make an orb. BUT, you get the dungeons that use up those orbs as part of the daily challenge itself, every single day. Now when you check the dailies, usually newbies and low geared alts only have the 1 star challenges available to them (unless you are a pro and can do 2 and 3 star challenges with an ungeared alt). And these orb using dungeons are part of the 1 star group, so people will be prompted, nearly forced to do them to get the 3 challenges done. Today though, you get 4 very easy challenges to do. One of them is HM, but if you don't have an orb for it, you can skip it and do the other three. You will be missing the rather generous 12 gold you get from it, but other than that, you can reach the 3 challenges today without the need for an orb. On the other hand, CS doesn't need an orb to complete, but the bonus mats the orb requiring boss gives are usually very welcome. When I provide the orb, even though I don't enforce moml, people just thank me and enforce it themselves. So far I haven't had problems with people, only with the orb supply. So I'd say, the easiest way to fix this would be to add a few more orbs into the general population. Either through giving more fragments from other dungeons/activities or giving more than one fragment at the 3/3 completion reward. Fixing f5 could also be of great help. There are tons of orb fragments there for cheap (Exchange>Coin tab), but they have to be manually searched for. I wouldn't recommend eliminating the need for orbs because some people run some of their economy through selling fragments. Anyway, sorry for sort of hijacking the thread with my plea for more orbs, but I hope the initial statement answered a question or two, and the rest tries to address the source of the problem.
  7. Yeah, it's still borked, some common search terms still return zero hits regardless of how many items from that very search are for sale. You still have to search manually for items as common as soulstones, for example... So yeah, please fix.
  8. I don't think I'll be buying these. Sure, the lure of cosmetics is strong, but I'm not agreeing with them also having stat boosting items like gilded gems. THAT is what many consider p2w, and I'm beginning to agree with them.
  9. Yeah. Rather scrambled opinion indeed. I respect it and may agree to a point or two, but not all of it. I'm a bad and lazy player. I also come from the 80's arcade gaming and my first console was an Atari 2600, so I know what you are talking about. BUT, here's the thing. Times change, even in gaming customs. What we could do before, we can't do now. While gaming from the corporate side of things has always been about greed and fat revenue, the things they can get away with now are different than what they could do before. Thank or blame the connectivity era for that. Now about that third stage turtle.... I can now easily beat it with a low gear 120k dps character. Such a character can be made in a few days after completing story by getting the now almost free raven 3 weapon (mine is raven 4 because of science but their differences are almost non existent), and a bracelet and glove update from moon refuge farming. In my case I also got the last 3 blocks of the raven soul shield so that adds a bit to my dps. Outside of the turtle, with the recent dungeon nerfing, this game is more soloable than ever (though still we can only solo very old content). The other day I was soloing Ebondrake Citadel. Fun dungeon to do and still drops a material needed to upgrade some gear. Thing is, some things require either whale behavior to skip, or some work to earn. For that third stage turtle, you don't need as much effort. The 4th turtle though? Do note that I'm still too slow at the reaction game to beat Mushin 20th, so I'll leave that for when I can get a 500k dps character, kek… Anyway, If you want to try a turtle without enrage timers (and a much lesser reward), go to MSP alone and try the level 1 turtle there. It has 100M HP but has no timer and it's as slow as the one in the event. I did it recently and the greatest achievement you get is to not bore yourself to death with it. :) As for rage timers themselves, I agree that gating them to DPS checks instead of mechanics is the wrong way to do it. People would have more fun (and would actually have to work to earn stuff), if an enrage timer was tied more to doing mechanics while the dps requirement remained low. BUT, with whales and super ultra tryhards having more than double the power your average daily playing guy would have, the devs decided to set up stuff for them to use all that extra power on. I mean, how much power a geared character can have? The other day I entered the panda/raccoon village stuff from moon refuge. It's a pvp area, so expect to be ganked. And ganked I was. The guy 100-0 'ed me before the initial stun from his first approach skill ended. And that thing lasts like 3 seconds only. I mean, I have 20 HM points to defense and HP and 25 to combat regen. I also have some pvp def somewhere but forgot were. So yeah. There are people out there with enough gear to one shot Mushin should he come down to fight us in his god form or something. In the end, some of your ideas are fine, and an NPC tank for soloers (just like in the training room) would be a social inept's paradise. But the concept of MMOs, with as much solo content as they have, is still about joining with other human players and completing content with them. In other words, you (and definitely I), could use some more friends in game...
  10. Well, if we count the bloomwhatever box that opens up in stages as a part of this event, I can say not everything is bad. I got a decent outfit from the stage 10 box (and a bunch of consumables, exp and mats from all other boxes), and for the first time, they gave me choices on what outfit to pick there. So yeah, there's bad in this event, but we shouldn't forget there were freebies on the side.
  11. I think I heard someone else mentioning this. Regardless, and as you said, people will have reason to be angry about it.
  12. Go to your quests menu (the J key on default configuration) and check for either a purple letter on the Quest letters tab or a purple quest on the main quest tab. Track that to be directed to the skyhaven resistance grounds, which is the area you do before meeting for the first time. IF you don't have a letter or a quest, send a support ticket because that would be a bug. Remember, either purple letter or purple quest. You should have one of those in your quest window.
  13. Well I managed to do stage 3 turtle yesterday with my 120K dps BD. I didn't try the event dungeon because I didn't have time, and the connection was acting up (yesterday's dungeon daily gave me more trouble than it was worth). So I can say you can do SOME part of the event with a low DPS character. I'd have to see if my character and play style can make it on the event dungeon. But for now, I don'f feel AS bad as before about it all. Sure, the event hasn't changed one bit for anyone else from yesterday to today, but as I observe things from different angles, I can make more informed statements about it. Though, really, what's to say about a turtle with rather slow attacks and an enrage timer?... As for elitism, some people will give low/no respect to players who have not "proven themselves". Is it fair? I believe not, but me and them have different beliefs. Gear is also a sort of proof, either that you did a grind, or that you at least can put some dps, even if it's at the bottom of that gear's ability because you just whaled it. This gear may also work as a safety net, since a low skill player with good gear will still do more dps than a low skill player with lesser gear. At least that's how some people see it as I've witnessed on other game forums, so don't take this as my own idea. As for in-dungeon teaching, nobody is forced to do it. Those who do it go beyond their call to help others, and that's always the preferred behavior. But really, nobody is forced to teach anyone in the dungeon. By Western gamer mentality, people should instead go for outside guides before doing said dungeons. Again my example. Before yesterday, I have never done any of the modern dungeons, so I wasn't even collecting on daily challenges. Now that I improved my character a tiny little bit, I decided to try my hand at them. Yesterday's daily was Irontech so I went for that one. What was the first thing I did? I watched a video. Sure, I'm an 80's gamer. I played back then with the "play to learn" mentality. But that was when most games were single player or pvp and had no co op. Now things are different and my failure will drag down other players. Also add my current health to the problems. So in understanding to the current mentality, I went for the guide way. Did I understand it all? Not completely. The old irontech was a slowpoke's nightmare, with color coding for attack and defense phases, constantly shifting positioning for tanks and DPS, and a bunch of one shot mechs. So I went with that mentality anyway because that was the guide I had on it. You can't imagine my huge poker face when we downed the boss in around 1 minute something. The other player just said "hey, this was nerfed and that's what we have now". Still, I think I did the homework and went somewhat prepared. So if I, a bad and lazy player, could do a little research on it, why can't others? In the end, yeah, I still believe elitism is bad. Respect should be a basic thing that goes both ways regardless of any other thing. But I also believe that if you are joining something in a co op game, remember that your performance affects others, not only you. Lastly, about monetization, I also agree that most micro transaction models could use a fairer approach. Too much p2w stuff that does nothing but divide player bases. Sure, f2ps still have an important role in the scheme, as those are the ones who usually farm gear and resources whales then buy up. But when the companies circumvent this and instead feed whales themselves, f2ps are essentially kicked out of the loop and eventually, the whole thing goes down, because as much as whales pay up, once a game is denominated p2w and whale country, it's popularity drops significantly. Since we already know how much money whales can put into a game to get their high tier shinies, leaving mostly f2p newbies in an impossible position, unable to even catch up at all. And as such, whales themselves eventually get bored of it and move on to other games, causing server mergers and eventually full game closures. Another problem I see is that, similar to what happened in the 83' video game crash, I'm seeing way too many low quality games inundating the market. At least here in the West, Korean dev studios are responsible of releasing quite a bunch of MMOs of very differing quality. And they don't seem intent on stopping any time soon. At least we are somewhat shielded from the completely looney amount of such games in the East, but still a few spill to here, further damaging the credibility of the MMO genre, and splitting players more and more. Meaning, a big change will occur if something isn't done soon enough. What will it be? I don't know. Could it be another crash? I doubt it. But it will still be a change nonetheless, and some people may not like it.
  14. Add to this a minor inconvenience. When I used the free lv 60 voucher from the past event on a new character, it gave me some outfits. Two of them were the bamboo guard and blackram uniforms. BUT, they left the quests to get them intact. And when I did them, that's where I noted that these uniforms cannot be sold or deleted. That's two permanent inventory slots I can't use anymore... Other than that, yeah. Some quest/dungeon outfits should become account tradeable. Not sure if others would like it if all of them were, but they were after all earned by that player. Sure, would be odd at first to see a level 5 running around wearing a ravenfall outfit, but whatevs...
  15. Agree with many things you said but not about story.... at least when it's regarding our characters. Everyone else in the story seems to behave like a normal human being, but our MC is designed to act like a bumbling idiot who gets one shot even by children! In fact, most of the big bads have obtained their power or have done their evil deeds after the MC allowed it, caused it, or facilitated it. So no, I can't fully enjoy the story of this game. Anyway, I'm derailing the thread but I had to explode on that one. other than that, yeah. people need to calm down a bit and play for entertainment. Not as a second job.
  16. Rage burst means you lost the fight. There's an enrage timer, as explained above, which is the same used in dungeons. You will see it just above the boss's HP bar. If you are doing very well, it disappears. But will show up again if your DPS drops again. I've seen it reaching somewhere around -10 at most before the wipe happens. It means you will need better dps to beat it. From a test I made recently, a character fresh out of story with story gear can do the first turtle fine, but may fail the second. I recently managed tier 3 and with some spare time with a measly 120k dps. I think it can be done with 100K give or take a bit. But anything lower than that will most likely wipe you.
  17. I agree here, this seems to be mainly clan and close friends content. F8s may be few because of the fail potential. So people will want to trust their runs only to people they have played with.
  18. The whole MMO genre in the west is facing pretty much the same hurdles as this game. Lots of decisions that many players don't find favorable. Updates that make some people question things, and a dozen other things (and let's not talk about bugs). Now, should one leave a game (and a company)? I'd say yes, if just being around it makes you make that very question. I personally left Enmasse after they killed Kritika. I left Sega after their PSO2 fiasco. I left Nexon for a bunch of years because they country blocked the games I liked. What I want to get to from this, is that it's always a personal decision. There may be other options, like playing casually and socially without running the whole gear path. At least BnS has shown that they won't leave newbies completely behind. I mean, compared to the gear I ended up with when I first started, the current story gear makes me a near demi god on stuff like Basin and all older dungeons can be safely soloed (just add 25 HM points to combat regen and you'll see how insta-ridiculous old content becomes). Yes, there are places I can't go as a bad, semi disabled player. I still can't kill that damned Yunsang even after trying it 100s of times. I still won't really dare going into harder dungeons in an F8 party, and I still don't have any friends because I'm utterly socially inept. But that doesn't mean I can't have a spot of fun somewhere else. This game keeps all old content, some nerfed, but still there for adventurers to try. Try convincing a friend or two to do an old gunwon/solak dungeon you haven't tried when it was current. Go to plog sanctum or beastbog and derp around. Or get serious and farm a bit to try to push your character closer towards current gear caps. Do not feel pressured by those who flew ahead. The back of the bus can be as fun as the front. If anything, play as a true f2p and don't spend a dime on the game. Because really, if you have to question about cutting the cord, the very first thing you do is to cut the money cord.
  19. And yeah, that's just bad party function design. Or maybe it is too hard for a dev to make the necessary code to implement such a feature. I think it's possible. The problem would be, how much effort would be needed. Still, it would be neat if stuff like what you suggest, or a complete block like I visualized, could become reality.
  20. We just have different views and opinions on what's going on. We see things differently and there's nothing wrong with that. As I said, I just said my view which I stand by. You will stand by yours and that's perfectly fine for me. I think all needed to be said is already said, and anything else would be going back and forth and in circles. I've been wrong in so many things that I've learned to accept how heavily flawed I can be, so everyone is free to read and decide in which way they want to see what's happening in this event, and in the game in general. They could be sharing your view, or mine, or have a totally different thinking. But I'll be sticking to what I've said for now. Again, I can be ultimately wrong in the end, but it won't be from any ill intention. It's just me saying what I see, how I see it.
  21. What made me post was that you called the guy on that post a straight up whale with no knowledge on how he got his gear and how he completed the event. Are we really into a point of the game where the ONLY way to do this event is through opening your wallet? Can't a no lifer who plays 20 hours a day and feeds his main through 10 alts get such gear, or close to it, as well? Must it be exclusively through spending thousands of dollars? Couldn't it be that some people managed to farm their gear faster? On the skill side, I agree that there are no mechs here so it's all a big dps check. But not everyone can pull the exact same dps even with the same class and gear. So, couldn't it be that someone is better at those so called "brainless rotations" and is able to use a slightly weaker gear set to do the same as someone not so good at rotations but with better gear? I mean, I didn't say they could go with a riftwalk 3 and do it. Anyway, putting more options and reasons in the table, maybe they have better ping? Maybe a macro? (though that would be another bad accusation, though not out of the context). But no, everyone just comes to the conclusion that those doing it are simply whales with a big wallet. And that's where I see a problem with how people describe the event. It's all black or white. No greys at all. All falls into stereotypes with no analysis from those speaking up. Now, I won't advocate a change. I just said my piece here and I'm happy to have done it. Whoever wants to see more angles to it than the easiest one to pick, is free to do so. But while I also won't tell anyone to stop calling others however they want (as that's the job of the moderators to keep that part civil), I'd also like for people to see more than what's in front of them before speaking up. As it is, this event, as even I called it "whale appreciation event", can't be called strictly "whales only". Whoever can put the dps required will reap the spoils. Be it from having paid for such gear, or having learned fast and perfect enough rotations to do it with slightly less.
  22. Well, shouldn't the "block player" function also work to prevent someone joining a dungeon with the person who blocked him? Shouldn't this block also work everywhere? (as in block someone from anywhere I am just by knowing their name) I mean, if I block someone, it's because I don't want to see them... much less PLAYING with them in a dungeon. I ask these because I'm not too used to the block function. I only use it on the RMT spammers who sometimes slip through into Jadestone...
  23. He doing it doesn't really mean he's a whale and that this is a whale only event. As I said in previous posts, the event can be done by whales and by talented people and by those who pretty much got their character's nuances down to the millimeter. In other words, the git gud group. On the other side, we can't expect EVERYONE to learn their characters onto a professional competitive level. Not everyone has that much dedication (others like me simply can't and gave up long ago). Still, some people CAN beat this event with less than max gear. It's just these people are simply very good at the game, either from talent or from training beyond what your average player can dedicate to it. Now, let's not take this as defending this or that side of the argument. I'm stating my opinion from what I see.
  24. By level 48, you should be able to use a Sterling weapon. Not sure if you can get a replacement somewhere, but that's the one you get from the story itself at some point. you also get an Ivorymoon weapon somewhere around that part of the quest. Though I'd like to know what part of the story are you in, so I can see what do you have available. All lower weapons cap at 194, so they will be underpowered for anything from Grand Harvest square and upwards.
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