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Everything posted by Snowyamur

  1. Not sure why these items weren't account-bound to begin with. Would've made it much more flexible for players with many alts., and alt.-friendly and flexible content is usually appreciated. But yeah, we need something like this. I'm tired of not being able to trade BT and VT items for SS.
  2. Well, the game's poorly optimized, but if people are running it on low-tier PCs/ laptops, but whine about the game not running well first-hand without acknowledging this, I'd consider what the first problem is here. Of course, trying to prove my point would be fruitless considering you're just bashing at me immaturely, so I'll stop now.
  3. My PC client is no more special than others. If you can't make a point and act civil in this conversation without cursing, claiming that I act like "most people do" when you lack evidence to support your claim, you don't have a point at all @FinalLight. Sorry, I just won't afford to spend time trying to reason with people like you, who curse like that when I approached calmly about this topic.
  4. Don't put words in my mouth. I play Blade & Soul on a gaming laptop as well; you don't think I know how bad the issues are? I just said the game still has REALLY BAD optimization; the reason I bought up the specs is because if people are running this game on potato PCs and laptops, it's not the game's fault right away as the first sign; it's their horrible PC/ laptop. Some people read into how bad the optimization is and don't think, "Hmm, what if my PC/ laptop just can't run the game because the hardware is too weak to run it?" They immediately conclude that the game is trash and quit, when they don't realize that maybe their PC/laptop is bad. It's a matter of analyzing the problem more in-depth than taking everything people say at surface-level as 100% "correct." Also, no, I don't recommend people immediately going into buying a new PC/ laptop because that would be rushing it. The best thing to do would be to find out what the minimum specs are to run this game FIRST, then make a choice. But given that people still lag, then it's clear this game is poorly optimized, which I know as well as you that that's the issue already. It's already been made clear countless times how bad the optimization for this game is; we're going in circles at this point.
  5. But why should GMs compensate you for not liking a class? You try it, you don't like it, you switch to another. This isn't a problem that's worth compensating for given that it's FREE to make a new character class and level it up from there. You're basically asking for something that's not going to be given because 1.) it isn't necessary to have, 2.) you not liking something is not enough of a warrant to make this change, 3.) you can have multiple characters of different classes anyways, so I don't see why you can't just make a new character of a new class, and 4.) lots of potential income would be lost if this choice was incorporated into the game. I have nothing personal against you asking for something like this, nor am I "White Knighting" the game and defending it with my life, but there's good reason as to why many MMORPGs that have been around for years and remain popular today have not incorporated Class Change as a possible option for players to use. This design choice could create some of the worst problems for the game, and given its current state with how poor the optimization is, I don't think the developers can afford any more problems. I get it, you don't like Warlock for PvP, that's fine. Make a new character of a different class and play that instead. The solution is already available, but you aren't using it.
  6. Yeah, the Unity rank was a great thing to add to this game because it creates a form of progress you can keep track of to see how much stronger you're getting in the game. However, it comes at the price of seeing a bunch of Lvl. 10 characters running with like 30k HP, but if you don't mind that, it shouldn't be an issue.
  7. It's a shame? You do realize that incorporating a Class Change Voucher into an MMORPG game, any MMO, creates a large array of problems, right? This game in particular would have to deal with an array of issues that rise from the fact that most gear is class-bound, and if players were able to change their class, it would be nearly impossible to come up with a solution that puts them on the same par in strength they were with their previous class. It's not just about the money; it's about what makes for good design, and if incorporating something is practical or not. This is less practical than simply making a new class character, buying a [Level 60 Voucher] and using it to level them up to the max so that they can participate in end-game content.
  8. Don't get me wrong, the optimization for this game is REALLY BAD, but I'm curious to know what computers you guys are running to say you're running at 10 FPS. Granted, I run at low FPS myself, but if you don't have a computer or laptop that's designed for gaming and you have something else, maybe that's one of the issues that needs to be resolved first.
  9. I'm not sure why you think having a Class Change Voucher would be a good idea. Having class-bound items already in this game would only complicate the matter of resolving how to give people new class-bound items that puts them on-par with where they were before, and given how there are specs and different items w/ different attributes for them, the problem only becomes increasingly more complicated. I have not seen a single, hugely-popular MMORPG ever go this route, and for good reason: the problems resulting from having it would just be too complicated and difficult to resolve. World of Warcraft doesn't have this, neither does TERA, nor does RIFT, and not even Diablo, and Diablo is slightly different from the usual MMORPG genre. Forget it, for something like this to be added would be a waste of time to make more problems spring up. If you don't want to play your Warlock anymore, deleting it is an impractical solution because all the work spent on it would be wasted. Just make a new character class, get a [Level 60 Voucher] and apply it.
  10. Nobody wants those costumes? That's far off when it comes to what people want and don't want. [Best Friend] was a costume I wanted to have on multiple characters, and this is my opportunity to make that happen, so I count as someone who wants it. Including [Class President] sounds like a scam given it's obtainable w/ [Chromatic Thread] at the Costume Vendor. [Spring Blossom] is okay, and I see some player characters wear it in-game. Just because you didn't want something to happen doesn't mean everyone's following you on it.
  11. That's what we want, but that doesn't mean it's what they want. There's a difference. However, still sad that the forums for Blade & Soul couldn't be more creative. Honestly, it's the most functioning, but most dull forums I've been on.
  12. I'm sure Taiwan gets their updates first before NA and EU do @Chiraitori. They fall in to the Asian consumer market NCSOFT is looking to satisfy first.
  13. I guess the original costs suited well with people. Nothing beats hurting yourself more than trying to upgrade your Soul and Energy with an inaccessible and unfarmable resource like [Sacred Oil], and then when these costs change to requiring actual, farmable materials, people hate the change.
  14. There's a reason the MSP AP requirement is at 1400+ AP. It isn't an easy raid that you can just run in, do it, then run out in a heartbeat. It's essentially a raid, and there's a reason why it requires a 12-player raiding party to be established before initiating the instance. If you feel this requirement is too high, then why do MSP? When I realized people kept asking for Aransu 6+ for only MSP, that's when I stopped and no longer bothered dealing with it. Ever since I stopped, I was able to farm Dailies across all my alt. characters every day, on top of getting a decent gold and material farm, all of which surpasses doing one MSP run, even more. Given how long it takes to find a decent MSP party that doesn't demand you have Aransu 6+, it's not worth it. Throughout my entire time playing Blade & Soul, I've rarely seen people openly criticize me for not having Aransu at my current level, nor have I criticized others about their gear. Where are you getting this from? Also, why are people still angry at these cost reductions? Would people prefer upgrading through expending an expensive resource that isn't even obtainable by farming? I can't grasp this logic, and I won't bother. If this is how players are responding to these severe cost reductions, there's not much left for me to say but that I'm worried for how people respond to just about any update pushed to this game.
  15. It makes a whole difference to players who are new to this game, or use a [Level 60 Voucher] to rush right out of the level gate. It also makes a huge difference when considering upgrade requirements being obtainable via normal, grind means, vs. obtainable by spending real money or doing limited events. Why is making something cheaper not something you suit well with? The developers are trying to make the game easier to play and less unfair for new players, which is what this game really needs right now. It isn't going to survive on old veterans. Without new players, this game goes down the drain.
  16. Someone on these forums mentioned how people are in a rush to get the highest-tiered gear, which results in them spending real money or being angry at small changes to gear upgrade costs that to them makes no difference. Myself and a few others agreed with this given that this is how many players are in Blade & Soul, and this angry is exemplified just from reading some of these comments. I would like to ask why people are in such a rush; there really isn't a need to rush it, which could explain why people are not satisfied by this cost-reduction update and only want more that they may never get. If people used a [Level 60 Voucher] and went straight to the "end-game farm," the dailies and weeklies they could do are doable right out of the level gate. Doing the Orange Quests to get the Orange accessories further improves this, and they aren't hard to do. I've spoken to a few people who could farm plenty with just 1100 AP, and that's proof that there's no rush to acquiring the highest-leveled gear, unless you're trying to be a carry. No one has a real reason to rush to have maxed out gear unless you have a drive to be the best player in this game, or want to dominate a horribly-designed PvP system.
  17. I think most of the people who are arguing negatively against this cost-reduction update are failing to see the huge picture. Currently, upgrading Energy and Soul require [Sacred Vials], and keep in mind that this is a upgrade material that isn't accessible in-game via normal farming means (doing dungeons, dailies, weeklies, etc.) Yes, you can buy these on the market, but that's not "farming" them; that's buying them, and they usually go for ~200g/ vial, which is expensive. The best, and probably only times when people are able to farm or purchase vials through microtransactions are through events, and those don't happen as often. They can also be bought through the Hongmoon Store, but they rarely show up, and unfortunately, they require real cash. Considering that most events are usually made in favor towards people who've played this game entirely through already (not referring only to end-game, high-geared players), new players are usually left out, and when they reach what's considered the "end-game farm" for Blade & Soul, the event might already be over. This update was designed in favor of the new players who could struggle upgrading their Energy and Soul and farming for the required materials right out of the Level 60 gate, and right out of finishing the story all the way through. When the update goes live, a lot of new players will likely have an easier time upgrading their Soul and Energy, both of which are important due to providing not only AP, but Boss AP buffs and overall damage. The developers replaced these vials with materials we can farm by normal means, and that's a huge victory when it comes to upgrading because people would always leave Soul and Energy last to upgrade due to how expensive upgrading both were. But now, we can upgrade them up to Orange with non-expensive materials, which is beneficial nonetheless.
  18. That's really nice to hear. Thanks for the update @Baskerville.
  19. The problem isn't only that people want everything maxed immediately. The problem is that people complain about features without taking the time to play through the game to earn what they want. Also, Elysians are easy to farm. Just do Dailies + Weeklies and run dungeons on your own.
  20. What do you mean by not expecting certain gear items from the Summer Trove @Grimoir? Like, past gear items?
  21. Looking at these upgrade reductions for Soul and Energy accessories makes me happy that feedback regarding ridiculous upgrade costs was heard. Now I can save the vials I currently have for later. Thanks @NCSOFT. This is an update that will make many people happy, unfortunately, it won't be everyone.
  22. I don't think we'll know for sure unless someone from NCWest says something.
  23. This caught me off guard when I heard about it. The Yun race are basically elves, with their pointy ears and such. Elves in mythology and folklore are known to use bows, and in every story I've read involving elves, some of them were able to use bows. In fact, the Elven race in mythology wouldn't be described as graceful and majestic if they couldn't use bows. If anything, this isn't something good to add lore-wise because I think the Yun should be the spearhead for bow-use, not the Jin, Gon, nor Lyn races. This is upsetting.
  24. Research it? Granted, the wiki for this game is terrible because the developers themselves nor the players aren't filling in the blanks, so your best "research" bet is talking with other players about this. As for being able to switch spec. alignment for gear, I support this because of the convenience and flexibility this feature provides, as well as taking a way a whole lot of grind that's already frustrating and tedious.
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