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Everything posted by Snowyamur

  1. This has happened to me a couple of times, and is just a minor graphic error with the bodies disappearing. It doesn't affect your gameplay, aside from creeping you out, so you should be fine.
  2. Welcome to the world of gambling, where you spend your money non-stop believing you'll get a juicy reward out of it, when in reality, you're broke after 100+ spins. Seriously, this loot box crap needs to stop. It's turning this game from a videogame to a casino.
  3. Simply put: what? Who allowed this? Is this even okay? Personally, I feel like this is a scam and just outright poorly-designed pricing for an item that could be bought from F5, or received in bundles of 8 from salvaging Octagonals. Charging 25 [Solar Energy] for ONE [Hongmoon Gem Powder]? That currency is better spent on mats. and gems over this. Why do these design decisions make it through QA? This is atrocious and doesn't make sense. Anyone else here find this wrong, or is it just me?
  4. I'm going to put it simple: this is gambling... again, and it's designed to make money off of players foolish enough to spend thousands on these boxes for digital outfits... again. Please stop with the loot boxes; it's turning this game into a casino.
  5. I'm on board with this, not because what you've provided was a very basic concept, but because this feature is free in other games, and why isn't it free here? Why should I spend my money on a system like this that should be free to begin with. That's cheating me out of my wallet by making cosmetic changes individual by component, and charging a price for each component.
  6. You have a very weird way of organizing your thoughts @Sherry Kaizer. Ever heard of paragraphs? Do you have to press your Enter key after every sentence to make your point? "I doubt that." - Sherry Kaizer Well, that explains it. Aside from that, now to share my thoughts on thread-related subject matter. From before, you told me that you don't play Warframe as much when I said how only someone who claims to be OP in Warfarme could've played a lot. Then, when I look back to what you said days ago: I'm wondering if you understand that being MR 14 in Warframe isn't OP. It's definitely the point at which you should stop leveling because once you reach that MR, you have access to everything; leveling up your MR more after that just makes getting Standing and farming Void Traces easier. I've seen people who are MR 25-27, and they're OP because they have virtually everything; you still have very little at MR 14. So you can't come on here claiming you've played Warframe a lot when you're only MR 14. That's nothing by today's standards. It's an important point as to whether you continue playing the game or quit, but otherwise, you aren't OP from that. And from knowing this and looking at the statement you made about the Kuva and Riven details above, you know how long it takes to farm 100,000 Kuva? That takes hundreds of hours of non-stop Survival runs on Taevuni at the Kuva Fortress, and no player on Warframe would do that unless they no-life it. On top of that, Rivens aren't the best way to make Platinum. It's actually Arcanes; they're good money-makers and easy to farm from Tridolon runs on the Plains. Geez, it's just a game; are you really going to confront someone like that when it comes to figuring out how to be competitive in a videogame? That's outright pathetic for you to say that. The point @wefhqweig was trying to make was that in games that have some form of progression, if developers add a payment barrier that divides a playerbase into two communities: those that spend money vs. those that don't, then there's actually competition in the game. If there are players that are stronger vs. those that are weaker, there's competition no matter what, and if a game's progression is made slightly difficult so as to make spending money more appealing to get stronger, than it isn't okay. It's a business practice, but it isn't okay for the players, and that's what's happening in Blade & Soul. Besides, you treat the Platinum like it's a real currency you can make physical, real exchangeable money out of, which you can't unless you sold your Warframe account or did real-world trading, both of which are violations of Digital Extreme's Terms of Service. And I'm sure you've done that yourself considering you lied about how you didn't play Warframe for a long time, and getting to MR 14, even as a player who spends money, takes a while. Spending 45 Euro is probably cheap where you're from, but when converting that to USD, things in the Americas are much more expensive than you realize, and understand that most of the English-speaking player base is NA, not EU. We have different currency exchange systems in place; what's cheap over there is not cheap over here, and that's a fact.
  7. You want to take away a feature that makes you look like a badass sending up a huge monster up in the air, only to pummel them to the ground, so you could farm faster? Yikes, and ouch. I don't know whether to agree with you on this or not.
  8. Yes, your character's height determines how high up the camera will be from the ground when zoomed in close to their face.
  9. Or make them obtainable by salvaging up to Hexagonal gems at the very least...
  10. Desolate... Desolate Mausoleum is for mid/ lower-geared players. Burning is for higher-geared. Desolate recommends R3; Burning recommends GC3. And okay, maybe I should reword this because everything I say seems to be slightly misinterpreted: When I say "for everyone" I mean that as a low-leveled player, I should be able to participate in an ongoing event without fear of being restricted and/ or blocked off by something. How can this happen? Make it so what the event includes gameplay-wise is something everyone can do, and make it where rewards are either beneficial for everyone, or tier-based, such that they're beneficial for the particular player. The whole point of events is that they don't happen often and they're special. The rewards you get from them are special, what you could do in the event is special, and it's fun. The problem with the Legends Reborn event was that not every player, even new ones, could participate FULLY in the event, and the rewards were out-of-place for the event. For higher-geared players, why would they need Octagonals? They probably have Gilded at that point if they were able to do Burning. Yes, maybe they could grind up the gems for [Hongmoon Gem Powder] and sell it on the marketplace, but really, that doesn't help them. It helps them make more gold, but adds nothing more. And the resources; why would they need them? Again, they're end-game at this point; the rewards for them are meaningless, unless they had alts., then that's different. The only reward that was meaningful were the stupid wings, but that's it. For mid-geared players (because at this point, no one's low-geared for this event), the rewards are okay, but they can't even get most of the rewards given that it's restricted by DPS. Doing Stage 1 and Stage 2, easy; right when you get to Stage 3, it can get kind of difficult due to the health-spike. You could say it's easy; cool, not everyone's like you. Some players struggle with Stage 3, and to get another [Killcoin] they have to do Stage 3. Mid-geared players with decent 1000-1200 AP could earn at least 3 Killcoins daily, and excluding the timed rewards you get for being online, that's not much considering how pricey the rewards are in Dragon Express. Considering Burning and Stage 4-5 are the true reward markers, no mid-geared player can do either because of the sudden difficulty spike; that's the restriction. It's a restriction for tier-based rewards, which is fine, but it's a gear restriction, which isn't fine.
  11. TL;DR Okay, first off, you seriously need to fix how you word this; everything you wrote here... is in a cluttered mess, and I'm sure you won't fix it because no one fixes their posts. If you do fix your post, organize your thoughts into paragraphs; take big-boy steps and organize your thoughts cohesively so me, as a human, can read this and comprehend what you're saying. Secondly, actually get straight to the point. Stop adding filler to what you write; we only want to know what you're getting at from the thread title. You ruin your own writing with all this filler. That said and put aside, let me try to digest some of the things you wrote. I'm going to start here. Yes, people complain on online forums. Are you implying that players aren't allowed to complain on a game's forums? The whole point of the forums is to allow players not only an outlet to express their problems maturely, although 80% of the people here can't seem to do that, which is sad, but also allows them to address issues in a game that come to the attention of the developers. People could post problems on Reddit, but an official games forums is much more convenient and easier for game developers to access when considering what's wrong with their game, and how to fix it. If players didn't say ANYTHING that was wrong with Blade & Soul, this game would turn into a dumpster fire. The fact that people are stating problems is good; the issue, though, is that some people are stating problems that don't really help the game; these problems are more like problems with them not being good at the game to begin with. What's making this game go down the gutter is: 1.) NCSOFT is greedy Since NCSOFT only cares about making money, most of the designs and decisions made for Blade & Soul are geared towards profit over player-interest and positive reception. 2.) The general community is toxic and unbelievable That's not to say all players are like that, but both on the forums and in-game, there are a large majority of players who are toxic, and ever since the merge, we've had more toxic people in Faction chat. For the forums, when people make mistakes on what they type, they're berated for it rather than simply being told that they made a mistake, and that makes the entire conversation go from constructive to outright hurtful for the person that made it. 3.) There's a lack of public reception This game is an eastern game, and it's more popular in Asia than it is in the U.S. and Europe. As an NA player, we don't get the updates KR receives until a month or two later, at worst, a year, and this game has poor publicity in the west right now due to people continuing the P2W hate-train online and further giving this game unnecessary levels of hate. 4.) There's poor community engagement No matter what we type, NCSOFT doesn't listen. How do I know this? Look at the changes made in the game; very few changes come from our feedback; that's a sure sign you know NCSOFT has closed its doors to use, leaving them only slightly ajar to let some air in. And there are many more problems. Complaints on this forums alone doesn't mean the game is being destroyed. Rethink that aloud and see why that's illogical. Haha... people still saying the server merge is killing the game... ah... Okay, realize that not everyone stays with a game they initially play on. Players come and go for varying reasons. Server merging is becoming a more-common practice for MMOs, and these merges happen to save money, to consolidate space, or to unify communities that are better off together than on their own somewhere else. Additionally, as games age, they lose players. I keep hearing players say how 2016 was more active for NA; yeah, that's because that was when the game was released, wake up; of course it's going to have more players. This game is about 4 years old for NA now, so obviously the game's going to lose a lot of players, and that just has to do with aging, but also what direction the game is headed. As for the merge for this game was successful, albeit it brought in the worst of the player base into Faction chat. There were issues here and there, but for the most part, now public chat is more active, finding dungeons is slightly easier, and the marketplace is more active. Server merging != dying game definitively and immediately-conclusively because there are other factors that lead up to a game's demise. I would type up more, but I won't because no one's going to listen. But regardless, you seriously need to reorganize your thoughts in this thread.
  12. Considering that most game industries are making games for money, and multiplayer games are huge in moneymaking, industries still need to make the game decent enough to get people to play it, and make it worthwhile so people spend money on it However, greed gets in the way of making a game an actual game that's fun to play, instead of a game that requires countless hours of grinding and mental effort, and most of this is done to make money by including "payable shortcuts" so players don't have to spend hours doing something. You must spend a lot of your time playing videogames then to say that, because Warframe today requires a lot of farming and grinding time to get somewhere, unlike me where I couldn't no-life a game or play all I want. Aside from that, for Warframe, after you reach around MR 14, you could stop, but if you wanted to go further, you could grind out some more. The thing with many games is that grinding is added in to add play time to the game. While it's not a fun way to make a game more playable and enjoyable, it nonetheless keeps players hooked, which leads to addiction. On top of that, industries can add "payable shortcuts" that look appealing for players who hate grinding, so they'll spend their money on it to bypass the time required to get something. What??? I was comparing how different games use different strategies to reel in people willing to spend money; I wasn't comparing things like mechanics, in-built systems, or game design. Where did you get that from? It's stupid if I compared Blade & Soul to a game like Fortnite based on which is more fun or has better gameplay because those are two different game, with different mechanics, game design, and gameplay. That doesn't mean comparing how they get players to spend in their respective games is stupid despite how different they are; marketing models fall under the same principles. When I used Warframe as a Pay-for-Convenience game example, I was treating it in regards to how that applies to Blade & Soul through marketing. Both games require you to grind out resources, and these resources could be bought for cash. Like Orokin Cells can be bought for Platinum, Elysian Crystals can be bought for NCOIN. Both of these are P2W, despite anyone trying to counter it, because these two items directly affect the gameplay and can be bought with microtransations, but are interpreted as a different form of P2W when thinking about how it's applied. If players purchase these resources with money to get ahead in a game, it's P2W. It's also Pay-for-Convenience because you're spending money to skip the time taken to farm resources. As it applies to PvE, since you're fighting AI, and AI won't taunt, insult, or trash-talk you like human players do, it doesn't really matter. Maybe people will look down on you for having spent money to beat AI, but it's your choice alone, and no one's hurt in the process. You're spending money to beat an AI boss you couldn't beat. Is this P2W? Yes. Is it hurting anyone? No. Let's look at PvP. You're fighting other players, and some players are stronger than others because they spend. It's P2W regardless, and it's Pay-for-Convenience as well. Since humans have feelings and will complain all the time, of course players spending to get stronger than those who play for free in PvP isn't fair because the victory was not from skill, but from cash spent. PvP should never be designed such that players who spend more win more, since it ruins the point of PvP being a skill-based system. Blade & Soul's PvP is broken and poorly-designed such that there are classes that are broken, but it's also unfair given that players can actually win by spending more, and that's where it isn't right.
  13. Or to put it simply: if you could by items through microtransactions that directly affect the gameplay in ANY way, it's P2W.
  14. Oh, oops. I took the next posts from the first one made in this thread out of context. My bad. Even so, events should be open to everyone; they shouldn't be cut off nor restricted by gear level, nor should they require to reach a certain part of the campaign to participate. While players can rush through the campaign, ignoring all cutscenes to do this Legends Reborn event, not all players are like that, and that still takes a few hours to finish Act III and get to Act IV to unlock Mushin's Tower.
  15. Okay, but defeating the 1st stage of Sacred Longgui still requires a high AP ratio.
  16. What?? How? This event is restricted to any new player to Blade & Soul who starts at Level 1 and works from the bottom-up to Level 60. Unless you've received the [Level 60 Voucher] for free, or you're willing to spend 60 USD for the voucher, you can't do this event until you've reached at least Level 60 and have an approx. 800-1000 AP to be able to take on at least Sacred Longgui - Stage 1 and do Desolate Mausoleum with a party of higher-leveled players. This event is one of the worst events for Blade & Soul due to not only how restrictive it is to new players, but how end-game players are rewarded. That doesn't attract new players to a videogame. That's not how appealing to a player-base works... Besides, NCSOFT made it so much easier to level up to 60 and have your starter Legendary gear, which was by making it where doing the entire campaign, from Act I to at least Act VIII, would get you to level 60 already and give you decent purple-rated gears and weapons. In fact, you get a Legendary weapon through the campaign, which many dungeons don't give anyway, so really, the only enemy of the game is whether players have enough time to fully run through the campaign to be at a point where they can get stuff done in this game. Yes, but you clearly don't know how to attract new players to the game. Your methods make the game easier; that doesn't mean it attracts new players.
  17. Solo instances of Celestial Basin, or shorter timers for bosses. (post your alternatives, solutions here) I agree with this. As much as I'd like new players to Blade & Soul, we really need to have our own solo instances for Celestial Basin so we can farm. It's much slower when 2-3 people keep competing for mobs over you. 01:00am dailies reset time Yes for this one. Dailies being reset at 5:00 AM my time is a bit weird, and I know it has to fit [probably] with other time zones, but sometimes people want to stay up late, finish their Dailies before 1:00 AM, then after that time, finish them again before they have to go to work. No one in their right mind's going to stay up until 5:00 AM to do Dailies, and hopefully no one's doing that. Salvageable quickgrip gloves, because new patch came out, grinded for 200 and bought some hellion cores, meaninglessly. N/A DC'd, logged back in and it says "my account is still logged in", I don't know there's a problem there, but any solutions? Alternatives? This issue should've been fixed already. How come it's still here for some players? As for solutions, try clearing up your cookies and network cache. XIGN app fix. As soon as a crash happens, why is this app still lingering on? N/A Unnecessary damage-sponged bosses. What is previously a lovely, soloable dungeon (you all know that), was lengthened to a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤-poor tactic. You mean making them more tanky? I don't really see an issue with this because doing this forces players to learn the mechanics and know they can't one-shot every boss they fight, even at 1500+ AP. HM 16's and below (especially 13's) get a buff damage in higher dungeons. Or are simply unaccepted at all. I didn't know this was a thing. Getting to HM 16 isn't even hard, to be honest. Just do your Dailies every day and your Weeklies every week, and be online for at least 3 hours to get the XP charms. Having Premium Membership helps with this, but that of course costs money, and if you can't afford it, you can still do the Dailies and Weeklies, albeit leveling your HM level will be slower. red windwalking markers to transport said left-behind player when lag instance? What???
  18. Run Moon Refuge and do Zavnar's Zeal and the daily A Mid-Bummer's Night Dream quest to get four [Starlight Powder] and chests that give you 4-6 [Moonlight Bud]. With the powder, run to the merchant and purchase the golden, better-version of said chests to get 8-10 buds, and use those buds to purchase [Legendary Gem Hammers].
  19. The thing with P2W is that if the only enemies you fight in the game are AI-controlled boss monsters and mobs, then allowing for in-game transactions isn't so much P2W; it's Pay-for-Convenience. This is what Warframe does when it comes to their marketing model; most of that game is co-op PvE, despite having PvP. Yes, it's not an MMORPG, but any game could be P2W by having microtransactions; if players can buy in-game items that give them power with real money, it's P2W no matter what. However, I've come to learn that there stretches a fine line between what could be considered Pay-to-Convenience and pure P2W out of P2W microtransactions. Note that I'm not dismissing this game not being P2W; I could by my Soulstones off the Hongmoon Store, so this game is P2W. That aside, if you only played Blade & Soul for PvP, then I feel bad for you. The PvP in this game is so horribly and poorly-designed that it makes players quit, and there are better games out there that have better PvP: Fortnite Apex Legends World of Warcraft Planetside 2 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and many others; the only game here that's an MMO is World of Warcraft, and the PvP in that game is still semi-decent compared to the PvP in this game. Personally, I think that a heavy-focus on making games only multiplayer is ruining gaming because people stress that being competitive is fun, but not always. Games didn't start out with multiplayer from the beginning, and there are plenty of games out there that are singleplayer and better than a few multiplayer games to date. However, it is what it is. If anything, this game is fun if you like PvE, cool martial arts combat, and dressing up your characters; that's about it. Otherwise, looking to this game for PvP is a death trap.
  20. Yes, but as people have mentioned in this thread, the Hongmoon Store price for one [Brilliant Key] is too expensive for how it's made in-game. Convenience or not, paying 10 USD for only one key is too expensive, and that isn't right, because as I said, 10 USD is the price for any cosmetic item in Blade & Soul. True, it's not scamming in the sense because these keys can be crafted in-game; if they weren't craftable and buying them from the Hongmoon Store was one of the only few ways to get these keys, charged at this steep a price, then it's a scam. However, my point still stands: it isn't right to keep the pricing for in-game items this outdated with current methods to get said items being much easier now. Many new players to Blade & Soul who run into the issue of facing RNG vs. getting their class-appropriate item instantly might not know about farming for these keys from Radiant Ring, and if they find this in the store, they could make the purchase, which is a huge mistake, which should be prevented by lowering the price of these keys in the store to maybe around 200-400 NCOIN at least.
  21. But that's the problem. The fact that items like the [Brilliant Key] still exist in the Hongmoon Store, at a price that was probably appropriate a year or two ago but not now, isn't okay. That's neglect for updating systems already in-place and still exist as a waste of space because they weren't updated. We have Radiant Ring that enables us to craft these keys very easily, but charging it in the HM store at appox. 800 NCOIN could be seen as a scam, and if this hasn't changed because it wasn't updated, then that's a bad sign as to the direction NC is heading when it comes to updating and making sure almost every aspect and system in this game is clean, or at least up-to-date with current standards.
  22. This issue also highlights the possible neglect NCSOFT takes for updating things in-game that are severely-outdated or broken.
  23. This is a repeat of the thread linked here.
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