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[Feedback request] Today's Special

Green Storm

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We're looking for feedback about Today's Special in the Hongmoon Store. We'd like to know:
- What do you like to see or not see?
- How do you feel about the pricing in that part of the Hongmoon Store?


Please be concise by avoiding long descriptions and lengthy explanations, and try to stay on topic!


I'll close this thread in about 2 weeks,

Thank you for your feedback!

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Good evening,
Once more, thank you for the effort, and mostly the results.
I'll keep it as short as possible:
Everyone literally hates seeing materials of the Skystealer-Soulstone-Moonstone-etc Crystal variety, and the prices most of the time are a bit steep, on anything where Today's Specials is concerned.
As to what we'd like to see, I'd take anything that is actually hard to farm for. Won't go into specifics, cause only player greed lies that way, and I'm not immune to it xD
Hope that helps.

Edited by Hijack
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I mean, we all know what we'd want, HM Scrolls/ Sterling Scales/ Pet Packs, but as said: greed x)
I'd be satisfied with just removing what I mentioned above. Anything would be bound to be more sought after, to certain groups, than those.

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Ethereal vials, Sterling scales, compound stones should all be there multiple times per week. they should also be reasonably priced (about 5x less hmc than their price in gold on f5). same pricing goes for all tradeable items.


untradable materials, honing oils, xp charms don't belong in in daily specials anymore.

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The main problem with the Today's Specials is more often then not, the offers are basically nearly pointless or overpriced. Lets take the various Skystealer Crystals for example...even playing casually like I do on my alts, I have amassed thousands upon thousands of them. There's no reason to spend 400 NCoin (or 5 USD effectively) on them when a couple days of effort would suffice. They could be removed from Today's Specials and nothing changes for 99% of the playerbase.


Things like the Secret Safe also are a really, really bad deal for a different reason: 100g is not worth 400 NCoin. Neither is 300g or even 1000g, when you could achieve better cost effectiveness with F9's Currency Exchange. The current going rate seems to be averaging around 1g to 0.3 NCoin, meaning 10g is 3 NCoin, 100g is 30, and 1000 is worth 300 NCoin. It is more cost effective to simply buy the gold off of F9, though this may shift in the future if the exchange rate reaches 1:0.4 or higher.


I will provide more feedback over the coming days as I cannot recall all of the Today Special rotations, but those two things I feel are horrible deals currently. But to balance out the negative feedback, here is some at minimum neutral feedback...


While I haven't purchased them, 400 NCoin for 500,000 Unity Rep is...maybe okay? It could be better, but that is an entire day of maximum possible effort right there, and the classic argument of time vs money can apply here. Likewise, 10 million Hongmoon Experience being worth 300 does not strike me as immensely horrific either and tends to be just shy of what I'd get in a single day if I do 'everything': dailies, 3x spectral shrine runs, login bonuses, ect.

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there was a time when there were outfits regularly included but they were super expensive as usual and there was no sense for the possibility of recurrence on any given item that one couldnt quite afford that day, or what could be expected on later days


outside of cosmetics i always cringe at any developer's nudges towards pay-to-win systems, and as a PC game pay-to-win is apparently impossible to corral, however i believe this is only due to a lack of creativity and inspiration towards the better alternative of decreased vertical progression in favor of broader mutually exclusive directions for manifestations of progress and reward.

the base game here is perfect building this system into but it has been so many years with no sign of actualization and it has really hurt the impressionability of the game as a quick fun dive worth returning to.


itd be good to add things that are obviously a good deal like buying demonsbane challenge token or chaos emblem for something like 1:2 hmcoin

masters sanctum charm boxes for like 1:30

and moontide blossom, blightwood berry, lunar stone, arachne root, hongmoon remedy, skill achievement collection items for like 1:100

and rare elements for 33:15hmcoin


using the limit purchase quantity feature can range from making the deal feel special to making it inconsiderable if the full value cant be accessed in whole; and with the price scaling per quantity added in you could monitor how people vote with their funds on what a thing's true value is at any given moment which is in any avenue of capitalist life of the utmost importance...


might as well ask for the skystealer accessory selection boxes if its going to stay as bad as it is in terms of acquiring them

as well as the latest raid weapon upgrade piece and the latest soul&mystic badges and practically free sacred vials and sterling scales and pet packs ya'know


thanks for asking, and everyone with their pieces too



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the outfits who are sell there never update have years see same , still hoping see the yura hair again as long the outfit , there's many more but don't remember all names  but for sure need a big update that  part, the  items who get on store alsoare oudated see alot things people are not use anymore on offers many times

For the prices some are   too expensive  considering the use and  value on game and use   , think gems and wepaons mat need be more  on store as a many of these see like  per  montl or more time


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With the current state of the game, Nearly everything in the HM Store is outdated or a scam.


Today's Specials:

I've never really heard of seen anyone buying anything on them.


1.) The Moonstones, Elysians Orbs, Scared Orbs and Soulstone.

- These can be gotten for cheaper then buying through the store. If using gold and NCoin amount from currency exchange, 500g for 50 Elysian Orbs or 50 moonstones, 200g for 100 sacred orbs or 100 soulstones. If I buy them off them off the marketplace I can buy the exact same number for half or 1/4th the price.

- End Verdict: Remove These from Today's Special, No one will and no one has ever bought them from Hongmoon Store


2.) Skystealer Crystals.

- You can legit can farm these stupid easily. Most people Have thousands of these now. I wouldn't buy 300 of one crystal for $5's, I can get 160 minimum of every crystal from the Skystealer Crystal (Tradeable) Pouch for cheaper then getting 300 of one crystal.

- End Verdict: Remove the Crystals all together. Can be replaced with 50 Skystealer Crystal Pouch (Non-tradeable) for 5$'s (200-300 of each Skystealer Crystal). As that would be more reason for the price.


3.) Fusion Stones / Synthesis Stones.

- As you do get 40 fusion stones a week by default for running Sub, AD and Master of the Sanctums. They aren't incredibly hard to come by, and the amount you need for anything isn't absurdly high, but it's high enough. I don't see anyone actually buying Fusion Stones from F10.

- Synthesis stones you pretty much get 0 guaranteed a week unless farming Hard Mode FOE, which most people don't do anymore. The amount of them you need is absurdly high. Keep in mind it that all Synthesis stones do is increase the chance by 5% and requires 10+ of them after stage 6 of an accessory. Probably need to put in 25-30 for 280 Ncoin before people think about buying them.

- End Verdict: Remove Fusion Stones, Add Synthesis Stones for about 25-30 for 280 to be worth the price.


4.) Sparkling Unity Pearl.

End Verdict: They're fine, only for people who aren't high unity, and it's a large boost and would take 2.5 days of farming if you do farm unity to the max daily.


5.) Gold Chests.

- These are completely not worth their price tag. Looking at Currency Exchange and it being about 1:0.30, 1000 gold is worth 300 NCoin, which is about 333 gold per 100 NCoin roughly speaking. ending with a price of 1.3k gold for 400 NCoin from currency exchange. You really expect people to buy a gold chest that gives 100/300/1000 gold when they can sell gold on the currency exchange for 300-1.2k gold more?

- End Verdict: Make the gold chest about 60 NCoin, or make the gold values 300/500/100 and make it 80 NCoin. Other then that, they are a useless.


6.) EXP Charms.

End Verdict: Remove them. No will wants nor will they want to buy EXP


7.) Gems / Pet Gems / Sterling Scale / Oils / HM Scrolls

End Verdict: Keep them, they're probably the only things that I actually hear that people buy from Today's Specials. Oils and Sterling Scales should be about 100 NCoin cheaper for the bundle of 3.


Personal opinion of things to add:

- Psyche's: Specifically Soul and Mystic Badge Psyche's. They're almost impossible to get, and with only 1 psyche showing up once every 5 months or so would be nice to see them in Today's Special, would be a worthwhile investment for most people.

- Outfits: Most people want to see old outfits that aren't obtainable anymore or were in a 1 NCoin bundle and weren't lucky enough to get.

- Event Currency: Some people would kill to have event currency in the Daily Special, just have to make a limit on it and not do it every event

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The things I hate seeing most of all::

- Honing Oils

- Skystealer Crystals

- Box for Gold

- All Charms and Soup

- Anything Unity

- Ascension Orbs


Things I don't buy but don't hate seeing as much::

- Soulstone/Moonstone/Elysian/Sacred Orb

- Fusion Stones


Things I like:

- Premium Trans Stones

- Gem Powders



Everything else is fine for the most part. I would also prefer more outfits (ones that barely ever come back) to pop up once in a while.

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14 minutes ago, DarkAngel72 said:

2.) Skystealer Crystals.

- You can legit can farm these stupid easily. Most people Have thousands of these now. I wouldn't buy 300 of one crystal for $5's, I can get 160 minimum of every crystal from the Skystealer Crystal (Tradeable) Pouch for cheaper then getting 300 of one crystal.

- End Verdict: Remove the Crystals all together. Can be replaced with 50 Skystealer Crystal Pouch (Non-tradeable) for 5$'s (200-300 of each Skystealer Crystal). As that would be more reason for the price.


This is also due to the gold income issues, if we had higher gold income overall we wouldnt be stacking thousands of them and they couldve potentially had their place in those specials.

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Hey Green Storm,


first of all I want to thank you for your work and effort.
In F10 Hongmoon Store are 2x costume and 1x Accessoire, where many ppl wanted to see them again.


  • To your Question "- How do you feel about the pricing in that part of the Hongmoon Store?":
    • The Price for "Shadow guard", "Superfan" are good.
    • "Wonderland" is a old Event Outfit, I dont remember from which year.. 2017/2018 maybe?? It could be selled for 959 NCoins like "Shadow guard", instead of 1039 NCoin.
    • The Accessoire "Bunnyears" has the same NCoin Price like "Superfan", 639NCoin. "Bunnyears" could be little bit cheaper as "Superfan", like 500NCoin.


  • What do you like to see or not see?:
    • want to See(costume):
      • Voyager
      • Maritime Patrol + Cap
      • Sunrise Action Hero
      • White Horse Mask
      • Millennium
      • Empress´ Regalia
      • Blue Porcelain
      • Silver Dragon
      • Home Run
      • Heavenly Match
      • Red Rider + Hood
      • Red Raider + Hood
      • Benevolence + Accessoires
      • Custom Spa Day
      • Alpha Hunter (Under booba)
      • Cotton Candy (cute)
      • Spring Blossom
      • Dark Emissary + Wings >>>>>> but cheaper lul
      • Fight Night
      • Urban Legend
      • Spellbinder
    • want to see(item):
      • Warring Fraction Key
        • I get 5-20 chests and get max. 2-3 amount of Keys everyday.
    • like to see:
      • Fusion Stones, it´s a good option to get Fusion Stones,
    • dont like to see:
      • Honing Oil, the amount is so low, that isn´t worth it.
      • HM Etching Stone, boring and s*** 🙂
      • Skystealer Crystal, easy to get.


My Text is a little bit long, but yeah.. thats my opinion.. Ty.. ❤️ 

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I don't care whether we remain p2w and "farming" f10 is the way to get for example HM Scrolls (cuz let's be fair, you're not getting those basin keys unless ch**ting) or whether we go back to f10 being for cosmetics only, but don't try to sell me garbage. That's just insulting. And if you can't tell what garbage is because nobody plays the game over there, I can't help you with lists that will become irrelevant in a few months.

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11 hours ago, Myuuta said:

Things I like:

- Premium Trans Stones

- Gem Powders

I know that's your opinion but wtf? Gem Powder is completely overpriced since 1 triangular pet gem drop from Poharan (which takes ~5 runs at stage 5 to drop) already gives you more gem powder than the overstuff gem powder bundle they sell in f10. The value you get from it is in absolutely garbage.

For my opinion regarding this topic:
The only thing I ever bought from todays specials were Pet Gem Chests, Hongmoon Master Scrolls and Searing Etching Stones. Everything else was cheaper to get by either other F10 packages or was in no relation from their Price to gold value (using F9's 1:0.30 which actually sells by now).

What I actually would love to see:

- actually costumes (we have another thread regarding wishes for returning costumes, with the current speed of 3 costumes every month it would take sometimes years to get maybe the costume you wanted to see again). Maybe put 2-3 costumes into the todays special, I'd definitely be interested in buying the costumes I wanted to see come back or costumes I don't have yet. To get people to check the specials maybe add them in irregular intervals.
- Synthesis Stones. Our region requires 5x the amount of Synthesis Stones compared to KR and we still barely have any way to get them aside from the FoE 3x daily reward. A single upgrade try costs 100 Synthesis Stones for a 6% chance, so the amount we would actually need is insane. I'm not sure about others but I wouldn't buy them for the suggested 25-30 NCoin each (It would be 2500-3000k NCoin for a 6% upgrade try. If you're just looking at 50% of the cases with binomial probability you'd still need 12 upgrade tries looking at 30.000-36.000 NCoin for each +20 item, so 210.000-252.000 NCoin just for 19->20 tries). Since you still require a huge amount I'd prefer a lower cost of like 5-10 NCoin each
- Etching Stones. We can't really get them so they'd be nice to have there

But I'm generally more in favor of lower value stuff, so the first look into F10 doesn't seem completely pay 2 win. So I'd be more on accentuation on costumes actually.

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Another day, another set of specials. I think I'll keep up this posting theme for awhile, supplying current thoughts on the deals of the day for one chief reason: Green Storm has indicated that they have been playing the game, but being so new still, they are very likely unaware of the value of items. By being more in depth, I'm hoping to point out the pricing oddities and teach about the game.


Today is...not terrible but not great either. Sacred Vials are quite important for your Soul Upgrade but I am not certain it is worth that much for three. It's probably pretty close though factoring in current exchange rates for NCoin on F9. The Pristine Oil on the other hand...no. It is not worth that. You can simply create one out of one of the vials you purchase if needed, or out of vials attained from events. The Pet Pack offer for 160 for 3 though? That I will support, that's a very nice value in my opinion, and with two things to upgrade with that (Pet Aura and Talisman), more at a good price like that is something I can actually get behind.


This leaves the gem related items for today. Both the Gem Fragment Pouch and the Gem Powders are not worth it anymore. A bit of luck at Chaos Supply Chain Stage 4 or higher, and you can simply Salvage a Pet Gem from that and get way more effective value. In addition, the price of both powders and fragments is down on the player market (F5), meaning simple play could outweigh the value of both rather rapidly. These two should be repriced or removed for certain, adding to the list of items that simply need to go.


As for the two vouchers...no. These are not worth in most capacities either. We recently had bundles in the Hongmoon Store that provided Hexagonal gems at much better cost to what you get ratios even compared to the older Pentagonal bundles of the past. These are not a good purchase unless you have two pentagonals of a given color and really, really need to Transmute them together. Older tiered items should be reduced in price significantly, perhaps even half. At half their values (750 for the elite and 500 for the non-elite), I can see some value there. I'd love to upgrade my Diamond but I am not shelling out 3000 NCoin to do so.


That's it for this post, see you all tomorrow.

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the only item i buy from there is/was dragon trade pouches, because thats the only thing i need from the shop. 


i think they were below 10hmc some years ago, but later got more expensive and then not sold anymore.


i still need many of them so im waiting for them to return.

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There are today's specials - 2022-04-30:

  • Sacred Vial x3 - 10€ - Overpriced - this item, that's usually given for free on events, but was removed from current event out of greed
  • Pristine Oil - 10€ - Useless
  • Honing Oils - 5€ - We get these for free
  • Pet Packs - 5€ - Overpriced - Check the Sacred Vials for reason why
  • Overstuffed ... Pouch - 10€ - The amount in this bag won't help to improve on what we get from Soul Boost
  • Hongmoon Gem Powder - 5€ - Pretty useless...
  • Elite Hongmoon ... voucher - 20€ - This is an absolute robbery! We get the non-upgradable ones from Soul Boost
  • Hongmoon ... voucher - 15€ - Same reason...


This selection is absolutely garbage and a spit on people's face.


The real money price is based on this link: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/shop/ncoin



I'm calculating at 400 ncoins = 5€.

Even if something is less than 400 ncoins, you need to buy 400 ncoins - 5€ - to buy it.




Expanding on my opinion:



The presence of Pet Pods and Sacred Vials in the Today's Specials shows an absolute lack of self-awareness, a massive amount of greed and a disrespect to the playerbase.


You made an event that doesn't provide those items, while all others previously have, and now you sell it to us.

You made a problem and you're selling us the solution. Pure greed...






Regarding the gems and gem powders...





Cold Storage provides us with Heptagonal Gem stones.

These are the costs to make each gem after:

  • Octagonal - 3 Hepta, 8 Gem Powder and 10 gold and 50 silver
  • Gilded Triangular - 3 Octa, 32 Gem Powder and 20 gold
  • Gilded Square - 3 Gilded Triangular, 128 Gem Powder and 40 gold
  • Gilded Penta - 3 Gilded Square, 180 Gem Powder, 180 Soulstone Crystals and 60 gold
  • Gilded Hexa - 3 Gilded Penta, 240 Gem Powder, 240 Soulstone Crystals and 80 gold
  • Gilded Hepta - 3 Gilded Hexa, 300 Gem Powder, 300 Soulstone Crystals and 100 gold



To make 1 Gilded Penta, it takes:

  • 1 Gilded Pentagonal
    Sub-total: 180 Gem Powder, 180 Soulstone Crystals and 60 gold
  • 3 Gilded Squares
    3x 128 Gem Powder and 40 gold
    Sub-total: 384 Gem Powders and 120 Gold
  • 9 Gilded Triangles
    9x 32 Gem Powder and 20 gold
    Sub-total: 228 Gem Powders and 180 gold
  • 27 Octagonal
    27x 8 Gem Powder and 10 gold and 50 silver
    Sub-total: 216 Gem Powder and 84 gold
  • 81 Heptagonal - From drops

That gives us a total of:
1008 Gem Powder, 180 Soulstone Crystals and 444 Gold


On the 27th, NCWest was selling gold at a rate of 1:0.25:


Aka: 100 gold costs 400 hmcoins or 5€


To make 1 Gilded Penta, it costs you up to 20x Gem Pouches and 4x Secret Safe - up to 9600 ncoins or 120€




Why all this rambling about the Gem thingy? Well...

This is to show how utterly pointless and useless that "overstuffed" bag is.

If you want to get at the same level that you get from Soul Boost, you can either:

  1. Spend about 120€ to make each gem, however, you need to do a trillion runs of Cold Storage to get enough Hepta.
  2. Buy 1x Elite [...] Gem Voucher (1500 ncoins) and 5x Gem Voucher (5x1000 ncoins)
    This is a total of 6500 ncoins, or 85€
  3. Be incredibly lucky in Daily Dash and get 9x Gilded Triangle gems, which reduces the cost per gem to:
    • 1 Gilded Pentagonal
      Sub-total: 180 Gem Powders, 180 Soulstone Crystals and 60 gold
    • 3 Gilded Squares
      3x 128 Gem Powder and 40 gold
      Sub-total: 384 Gem Powders and 120 Gold
    • Total of: 564 Gem Powders, 180 Soulstones and 180 gold
      Up to 7x Gem Powder Pouches and 1x Small Safe = 40€


All of these assume you buy the gold and materials through official means, with ncoins.



If you want to have upgradable gems at the same level as what you get from Soul Boost, you will need to pay at least 85€.



If you want to upgrade from the Gilded Penta to the Gilded Hexa, you need to spend 3x 6500 = 19500 ncoins = 245€
Then you need 240 Gem Powder, 240 Soulstone Crystals and 80 gold per gem (6 gems total), which is: 1440 Gew Powder, 1440 Soulstone Crystals and 480 gold.

That costs up to 29x Gem Powder Pouches, 1440 Soulstone Crystals and 5x Small Safe.

I won't put it into ncoins and euros because lazy.


There is absolutely no reason at all to buy any of these.

Unless you have money just burning holes in your pockets, or you just are a Trillionaire.


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Today's specials - 2022-05-02




Basically, 100 gold for 400 ncoins - 5€

The Sparkling Unity Pearl and the Radiant Hongmoon Quick XP Charm are nice, but they aren't worth 5€ each.


The 50 Elysian Orbs can be bought for 105 gold or for free from Soul Boost.




The 100 Sacred Orbs can be bought for about 89 gold:




Everything else, we get bucket loads for free, from dungeons.


All that's kinda-ish worth-ish are the Sparkling Unity Pearl and the Radiant Hongmoon Quick XP Charm.
But they are pricey for what they are.


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Today's specials - 2022-05-03:




Lazy AF "specials", so, here's a lazy opinions: check yesterday's post.

Also, now gold is being sold at 50 gold for 150 ncoins - 100 gold for 300 ncoins or 5€.
Or just 20x150 ncoins = 3000 ncoins - you need to buy 8x 400 ncoins = 3200 ncoins = 40€.
This makes it 10€ cheaper to buy 1000 gold!


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4 minutes ago, Gman said:

I would like the option to use HMC to buy items


You can use hmcoins to buy most items.

You only can't buy the ones that are of higher interest to players.



5 minutes ago, Gman said:

mke it possible to gift them


This would be cool, but I doubt it will be implemented.

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Soulstones are way more expensive in F10 than on F5 today, which makes it a garbage offer.

No amount of fusion stones would be worth any amount of NCoin/HMC, considering that using them is more often than not net loss for the player (especially in the downgrade system of weapon/heart/those things, and the high failure rates on accessories). 10 stones for 280 feels like robbery.

10 million xp for 300 is also ridiculous and not worth considering.

Skystealer Crystals are IMO garbage considering that we get way more crystals than we get gold for clicking said crystals and they are currently polluting my inventory.

You're welcome.

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7 minutes ago, Rhiakath said:

Soulstones are way more expensive in F10 than on F5 today, which makes it a garbage offer.


I was too lazy to repeat this.



7 minutes ago, Rhiakath said:

No amount of fusion stones would be worth any amount of NCoin/HMC, considering that using them is more often than not net loss for the player (especially in the downgrade system of weapon/heart/those things, and the high failure rates on accessories). 10 stones for 280 feels like robbery.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

The fusion stones are pure robbery and only serve to make people dump gold.
You basically pay for a gold sink, to keep gold a scarce resource.


11 minutes ago, Rhiakath said:

10 million xp for 300 is also ridiculous and not worth considering.


Agreed. Maybe 100 ncoins would be a better price.



11 minutes ago, Rhiakath said:

Skystealer Crystals are IMO garbage considering that we get way more crystals than we get gold for clicking said crystals and they are currently polluting my inventory.


Yes, we get bucket loads of these for free, and we get tons and tons of them from everything.

However, we don't spend them because it takes so much gold to use these...

It makes no sense to use these (unless you get new gear), so, we just accumulate tons of them.


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In my eyes it would be good to offer things we can't get with playing/farming.


8 slots, so:


1-2: cosmetic
3-4: weapon skins, pets
5-6: endgame items, low drops
7-8: everything else random


cosmetic - 4-5 different items/parts for 2 slots - costume, hair, face, back, sometimes rng chests (rosethorn, ...) - limit 3/day/account
[how many items can you add like this? to lazy to count now but over thousend for sure. 2-3 years to go to add everything once]


weapon skins - can be added separately for each class (day1 bow, day2 bangle,...) - limit 1/day/character
[a few hundreds or more to add for a long time as well]


pets - 1 different pet each day - limit 1/day/account (just usable as companion, not as upgrade paths currency)
[with 3 needed for the glow effect = all pets x3 = long time too]


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