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8000 ncoin for the class change


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Why better not leave it if like this, for that abusive price it is better not to do anything.


It's okay that they want to win money but the pay to win in this game is getting worse and worse.


And please update the premium accounts so that it is worth paying 11 dollars a month, those of us who are Latinos have a harder time paying this and not counting having to pay for exitlag to play a little more decently (120ms)

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  • Green Storm changed the title to 8000 ncoin for the class change

Personally, when he determines a clear price for something, he doesn't pay anything at all, even though the price is exorbitant - the overall price for NCoins is brutally exaggerated when you buy, for example, 3 pentagonal gems for 100 €. This voucher will probably only be used by endgame whales and credit card warriors, but I welcome that there is this possibility.
What I would forbid are their loot boxes, costs, etc. You will pay € 500 there and you will not get anything valuable ...
Overall, this RNG is the biggest cancer of the game.

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9 hours ago, PRrexoe said:

if you do not have a maxed out character do ot buy a class change just do the current soul boost event poharan SS is stronger than than SS SS 

I have a very well equipped character, of course, everything in free to play mode and with premium, that's why I wanted to change my class, but with this I better continue improving my kunfu to the maximum with the soul boost event

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1 hour ago, chilegamerz said:

I have a very well equipped characte

I'm doing 60M sustain on the training dummy atm and i would not consider myself "Very well geared" considering others do over 100M sustain on the dummy.

Kinda makes me wonder what kind of dps people think is "Very well" because i consider myself pretty weak when i know others can do double my dps easy

Edited by Uldrum
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On 3/12/2022 at 11:58 AM, Uldrum said:

I'm doing 60M sustain on the training dummy atm and i would not consider myself "Very well geared" considering others do over 100M sustain on the dummy.

Kinda makes me wonder what kind of dps people think is "Very well" because i consider myself pretty weak when i know others can do double my dps easy

that is your whale mentality hahahahaha of course for a whale that is nothing and I agree with you on that but for a free to play that is to be well equipped, for me it is not worth spending so much money on a game that in the future I can stop playing apart I have much more because of the distance and without counting the fps you think it's worth spending money on the game itself.


Without counting that the staff of this game does not take into account the community, it is as if we did not exist.


but of course everyone can waste the money on whatever they want and if you have plenty of it, of course there is no need to do it but the real challenge is to play in free to play mode to see if you dare in a game that is almost 100% pay to win .

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what yall don't understand is that the game aint making enough money these days, clearly because of management.....


this 8k nc coin on a seasonal setting is enough to keep the quarter earnings up and keep the game running....


least they couldve done is add a race changer cause why not...sweeten the deal


soul boost gave out good enough rewards to at least reroll.......my main does like 80 mil burst and 50 mil sustain and most of my gear got levelled from soul boost.


the AD & SUB give out instant equip accs, get each one you can basically go up the stages ez.


a lvl 60  voucher cost x amount of money yall really thought class reroll would be cheaper than that ...


is it worth the price considering the state of the game NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, its risky tbh, the lvl of care and effort that goes into these patches ...jah jah is literally on the floor.


can they sweeten the deal to make it worth it YES YES YES.

Its the priorities for me, we have content dying left right and center and the game out here trying to fix outfit bugs like. for every content that dies the game loses players...nothing is being done.


a team or even one person should monitor every content of the game and file reports how many persons do 1v1 daily  or even dungeons and apply fixes base on that.


how many bg matches took place yesterday....what can we do to fix it...if you gguys check the stats and lobby number you will see it


not everything in the game korea will fix but what you guys can do is offer rewards inside your power.



pvp fever is in the patch , and not one event token will be in the bg dailies. so its a wasted effort cause nobody is doing that content. daily giving 5 event token to complete alright lets add two to pvp. CONTENT REVIVED


Open world content dead asf , Lets add a field boss that drops this . CONTENT REVIVED





ans thats just the cold hard truth


their priorites now should be:








if these aren't top priority , then something is definitely wrong....








Edited by Miggy Miggs
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8000 is totally reasonable compared to many other things they've pushed for anywhere from the same to more to even a fraction of that, the value you get in popping out 8000 coin to basically take a top tier high level geared char with lots of investment (time and/or money) is way worth it. Sure it's not as cheap as Koreas but they've gone and sold bundles of ethereal vials or fusions for around there that were not worth the price but no one complained they either bought it or didn't. 

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14 hours ago, LordSwift said:

8000 is totally reasonable compared to many other things


8000 NCoins is completely unreasonable.


Just because there are other things that are a lot more unreasonable, doesn't mean this gets a pass.

Stuff like paying 20€ for a PRNG pet gem box is extremely unreasonable, but doesn't make those 100€ any more reasonable.


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40 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


8000 NCoins is completely unreasonable.


Just because there are other things that are a lot more unreasonable, doesn't mean this gets a pass.

Stuff like paying 20€ for a PRNG pet gem box is extremely unreasonable, but doesn't make those 100€ any more reasonable.


Of course but think about playing a single class since launch and grinding like heck and getting it into the top ranks with bis or close to bis gear and suddenly being told for $100 you can switch to another class.. Think about that for a second.. Totally worth concidering people have spent thousands or tens of thousands to get their character there over time amongst all of the hours ingame and grinding and raiding. Game didn't used to be a simple log on and kick out everything in 30 mins then afk for your spins and rewards you used to have to actually participate ingame a whole like like amost every other mmo out there. I don't think its meant for someone who just started and wants a class change. I think its aimed at endgame longtime longterm serious loyal players that overtime have stayed ontop of new and relevant content through pay or play. What price would you find reasonable then $75, $50, $25, $10, $5, free? Not everyone will agree on what it's worth but honestly I'm surprised they didn't try to ask for more lol if the game wasn't as dead as it is I'm sure they would've easily put a $250 figure up there and still had buyers. I've seen other games easily charge much much more for such a system. It's based on the high end and how difficult it is rather than the low end or someone who recently started or doesn't spend or play much at all. For that they have stuff like soul boost to give incentive to "class change". Not everyone has the time for alts and gearing those up and don't want to start over completely. It's just my 2 cents (no pun intended) people will agree/disagree that's fine. In my eyes though that's totally reasonable, a year of premium is like $125 and people never really argue too much about its value. I'd say it's not a great deal but it isn't bad either concidering what it entails. Could breathe new life into the game for players that feel stuck because of the time they invested into a main and got burned out or their class changed over the years with skill patches and nerfs, even playstyles have been changed and revamped but loyalists stick through because of not wanting to abandon that progress. Can lv a few alts and see if you like those playstyles better than bam switch on over. The voucher comes with everything you need including class change. I don't think at this point no matter what anyone says they'll likely not change the price, maybe next time around depending on sales. Also they don't seem to be implementing what korea did which was a "anti bandwagon class change" system. We seem to not have any current restrictions at the moment so if everyone wants to switch for the sake of going to something that'll give them a free huge dps increase they seem to be all for it.

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3 minutes ago, LordSwift said:

Of course but think about playing a single class since launch and grinding like heck and getting it into the top ranks with bis or close to bis gear and suddenly being told for $100 you can switch to another class.. Think about that for a second.. Totally worth concidering people have spent thousands or tens of thousands to get their character there over time amongst all of the hours ingame and grinding and raiding. Game didn't used to be a simple log on and kick out everything in 30 mins then afk for your spins and rewards you used to have to actually participate ingame a whole like like amost every other mmo out there. I don't think its meant for someone who just started and wants a class change. I think its aimed at endgame longtime longterm serious loyal players that overtime have stayed ontop of new and relevant content through pay or play. What price would you find reasonable then $75, $50, $25, $10, $5, free? Not everyone will agree on what it's worth but honestly I'm surprised they didn't try to ask for more lol if the game wasn't as dead as it is I'm sure they would've easily put a $250 figure up there and still had buyers. I've seen other games easily charge much much more for such a system. It's based on the high end and how difficult it is rather than the low end or someone who recently started or doesn't spend or play much at all. For that they have stuff like soul boost to give incentive to "class change". Not everyone has the time for alts and gearing those up and don't want to start over completely. It's just my 2 cents (no pun intended) people will agree/disagree that's fine. In my eyes though that's totally reasonable, a year of premium is like $125 and people never really argue too much about its value. I'd say it's not a great deal but it isn't bad either concidering what it entails. Could breathe new life into the game for players that feel stuck because of the time they invested into a main and got burned out or their class changed over the years with skill patches and nerfs, even playstyles have been changed and revamped but loyalists stick through because of not wanting to abandon that progress. Can lv a few alts and see if you like those playstyles better than bam switch on over. The voucher comes with everything you need including class change. I don't think at this point no matter what anyone says they'll likely not change the price, maybe next time around depending on sales. Also they don't seem to be implementing what korea did which was a "anti bandwagon class change" system. We seem to not have any current restrictions at the moment so if everyone wants to switch for the sake of going to something that'll give them a free huge dps increase they seem to be all for it.



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On 3/13/2022 at 11:04 PM, Miggy Miggs said:

what yall don't understand is that the game aint making enough money these days, clearly because of management.....


this 8k nc coin on a seasonal setting is enough to keep the quarter earnings up and keep the game running....


least they couldve done is add a race changer cause why not...sweeten the deal


soul boost gave out good enough rewards to at least reroll.......my main does like 80 mil burst and 50 mil sustain and most of my gear got levelled from soul boost.


the AD & SUB give out instant equip accs, get each one you can basically go up the stages ez.


a lvl 60  voucher cost x amount of money yall really thought class reroll would be cheaper than that ...


is it worth the price considering the state of the game NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, its risky tbh, the lvl of care and effort that goes into these patches ...jah jah is literally on the floor.


can they sweeten the deal to make it worth it YES YES YES.

Its the priorities for me, we have content dying left right and center and the game out here trying to fix outfit bugs like. for every content that dies the game loses players...nothing is being done.


a team or even one person should monitor every content of the game and file reports how many persons do 1v1 daily  or even dungeons and apply fixes base on that.


how many bg matches took place yesterday....what can we do to fix it...if you gguys check the stats and lobby number you will see it


not everything in the game korea will fix but what you guys can do is offer rewards inside your power.



pvp fever is in the patch , and not one event token will be in the bg dailies. so its a wasted effort cause nobody is doing that content. daily giving 5 event token to complete alright lets add two to pvp. CONTENT REVIVED


Open world content dead asf , Lets add a field boss that drops this . CONTENT REVIVED





ans thats just the cold hard truth


their priorites now should be:








if these aren't top priority , then something is definitely wrong....








race change voucher is included

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2 minutes ago, LordSwift said:

what you think it's worth or they should charge for such a system?


20€ - $25 - £15


That's a more reasonable price, in my opinion.


No online content/services should cost more than a single day of work.


I'm not talking about a full game, I'm talking about additional things to that game.

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$100 isnt more than a single day of work though here unless you work like part time but even min wage gets you that much. Granted it'd be a fairly large chunk there of your daily pay but then its just a day right a one time charge. Most prob make that in 2-4 hours. It's like gas money with these crazy high gas prices right now with the war and all.


Either way I'm all for saving money it'd be nice for it to be as cheap as possible if not offer an alternative for totally 100% f2p people like idk save up a lot of gold and be able to buy it from an npc ingame, give 2 options, 1 pay, 1 mixed (cause ppl buy gold from f9/other sources but it can also be f2p earned). The value of it will differ from player to player though. $100 isn't bad or terrible, could it be cheaper, yes! That's where the sales numbers will come to play and then good feedback on the forums such as this for the next time it comes around maybe they'll adjust it. If they did set an ingame gold option just imagine what they'd put it at 10k, 100k, 1M gold?

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6 hours ago, LordSwift said:

$100 isnt more than a single day of work


In USA, the minimum wage is $7.25/h.

Except waiters, which have less than $3 plus tips.

This means that the minimum wage for 8 hours of a work day is: $58



In Portugal, the minimum wage is ~4.67€/h.

It is 705€ plus 4.77€ a day, which is around 104.94€ per month.

Using the formula defined by the article 271th of the Labor Code, which is defined as:
(wage * months of the year)/(weeks of the year * worker hours per week)

We get to the following: ((705 + 104.94) * 12)/(54 * 40) = 4.67273076923 (or just ~4.67€)

This means that the minimum wage for 8 hours of a work day is: ~37.36€


You can read about the relevant law in: https://dre.pt/dre/detalhe/lei/7-2009-602073




In conclusion, $100 is 1 day and about 6 hours of work on the minimum wage in USA.

100€ is practically 3 days on the minimum wage in Portugal.


The price is way too high, way more than a single day at minimum wage in some countries.




6 hours ago, LordSwift said:

Likely in a year (if games still around) it'll show up in some event free like everything else eventually does.


Which is another argument as to why this is absolutely too expensive.


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22 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


In USA, the minimum wage is $7.25/h.

Except waiters, which have less than $3 plus tips.

This means that the minimum wage for 8 hours of a work day is: $58



In Portugal, the minimum wage is ~4.67€/h.

It is 705€ plus 4.77€ a day, which is around 104.94€ per month.

Using the formula defined by the article 271th of the Labor Code, which is defined as:
(wage * months of the year)/(weeks of the year * worker hours per week)

We get to the following: ((705 + 104.94) * 12)/(54 * 40) = 4.67273076923 (or just ~4.67€)

This means that the minimum wage for 8 hours of a work day is: ~37.36€


You can read about the relevant law in: https://dre.pt/dre/detalhe/lei/7-2009-602073




In conclusion, $100 is 1 day and about 6 hours of work on the minimum wage in USA.

100€ is practically 3 days on the minimum wage in Portugal.


The price is way too high, way more than a single day at minimum wage in some countries.





Which is another argument as to why this is absolutely too expensive.


Federally min wage in USA is 7.25 but like 90% of everywhere pays over $15/hr now through legislation passed by countless cities, counties, and states... If you basically live anywhere making 7.25 you probably aren't playing bns at this point. Almost nobody is making that low, even waiters lol they get compensated with tips, they cant pay them less than $3 unless they get over $100 in tips basically otherwise they are subject to their local laws for hourly which is likely $15/hr or more. Also like anything you live within your means if bns is trying to target middle class (which is probably majority of the player base anyways, post college graduates to mid career) or something than so be it lol not much you can do about it yea? I mean I'd like to say they charge too much for a sports car but then that's kind of like a dead argument. NC set the price if people buy it they do lol they'll adjust on feedback and sales numbers mostly. And $100 out of a paycheck even isn't much for a one time thing thats been over 6 years in the making that you don't have to even purchase. You can easily just level a new char instead and play the game even more, keep the game alive. Or spend that $100 on something, somewhere else, no ones forcing you to buy it.

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6 hours ago, LordSwift said:

Federally min wage in USA is 7.25 but like 90% of everywhere pays over $15/hr now through legislation passed by countless cities, counties, and states... If you basically live anywhere making 7.25 you probably aren't playing bns at this point. Almost nobody is making that low, even waiters lol they get compensated with tips, they cant pay them less than $3 unless they get over $100 in tips basically otherwise they are subject to their local laws for hourly which is likely $15/hr or more. Also like anything you live within your means if bns is trying to target middle class (which is probably majority of the player base anyways, post college graduates to mid career) or something than so be it lol not much you can do about it yea? I mean I'd like to say they charge too much for a sports car but then that's kind of like a dead argument. NC set the price if people buy it they do lol they'll adjust on feedback and sales numbers mostly. And $100 out of a paycheck even isn't much for a one time thing thats been over 6 years in the making that you don't have to even purchase. You can easily just level a new char instead and play the game even more, keep the game alive. Or spend that $100 on something, somewhere else, no ones forcing you to buy it.



That doesn't change what I said in any way, shape or form.


It is still too expensive.



How about this: you can buy *at least* 1 full game and have some extra for the price of buying 1 item for an online game.

It makes no sense.

It is way too expensive for what it is.


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