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LordSwift's Achievements

  1. Happy 7th birthday 7th Anniversary Day Blade & Soul Community! The excitement (and frustration) you got when you stayed up late with 23 other people to practice and clear BT for the very first time back when it was brand new cotent. (also me mentioning paying 35g for something when 35g was a huge deal lol)
  2. Name: Ravenfall Category: Outfit Release Method: Raid reward Last Available: Still available but nobody barely does this raid anymore, more of a hassle to ask people to come/form an alliance figured I'd give it a shot lol. Also should maybe add all outfits to respective raid merchants with required clears/materials. The ones only available as drops of course.
  3. If you have an old howl of the hound quest in progress from before the update you need to first abandon it and take a fresh copy as it's been updated since the past from the old heroics being rotated out. The most recent copy will have shrine, trials, and sub hard for credit, if you have an old copy in progress it'll be looking for like FoE hard and stuff which is no longer in F8. Also I agree the rewards are outdated for the howl of the hound quest. Maybe throw in an oculus stone fragment chest like a 30 frag or something like you get with the bonus which should be 3/3 and not 1/1 that's really odd in itself if you are going to do one of each hard. Could even add more synthesis to the reward or fusion. Update the gold too.
  4. @Green StormAny update on this whole fiasco some of these have turned out to be more than just a visual bug for example after mainentance this week my oculus gildstones have completely lost their 3 bonus stats/lines and I tested in Grim Nexus and when applying the stats don't change in P + or drop down % like on accuracy.
  5. @Green StormSure, It is a visual bug so everything still works just you cannot see certain lines/stats any longer, Hope this helps 🙂 Oculus Ring (Stuff like +% mystic missing on the top few green lines +Debuff +Boss Attack, etc Also pink line with Bap and % mystic): Oculus Earring (Same as the oculus ring): Oculus Gildstone Ring (only shows first bonus line despite further enchantment): Oculus Gildstone Earring (only shows first bonus line despite further enchantment: Divine Spark Talisman (shows none of the green or pink lines up top): Resonance Saga Of All Seeing (can't see any of the stats highlighted):
  6. Visual Bugs - Oculus Accessories, Oculus Gildstones, Divine Spark Talisman, Equipment Resonance- Saga of all seeing
  7. Its unfortunate everything got changed to be 6 hours earlier in the reset time department for everyone in NA. Hope they can fix this soon.
  8. Ajanara Bonus Reward Reset erases in game guide if not used within 24 hours. With demonsbane you can add up to 2 or 3 reset bonus rewards counts ontop of the default of 3/3 and they'll stay in the game guide queue indefinitely until you hit the daily limit then it'll take from the reward reset bucket even if its on a future day meaning you dont have to save the orb in your inventory you can pre add it to the game guides dungeon (up to 2 or 3 depending on the dungeon and some dungeons share reset rewards) and if you hit the limit on any single day it'll take from the additional bucket if you continue to run the dungeon or series of dungeons linked to the reset after you deplete the daily 3 and choose to take or accept the dynamic additional reward. With shrouded ajanara if you use an orb and dont run it right away the bonus reset actually resets by the next day it erases your queue of orbs you add to the game guide. So you have to basically use it right away and complete the 1/1 and any additionals because pre using it will wipe it by the next day where with demonsbanes it won't. (This bug has existed since the resets were added in the dragon express premium tab revamp in September this year)
  9. Half off, 50% off premium membership, (quite possibly all tiers through the site and not in f10) limit one (1) per account, ncoin only, non giftable, limited quantities/supply/first come first serve overall basis, and a 24 hour purchase period only! Make it a true black friday one (1) day only first come first serve basis limit (while supplies last).
  10. Yea this is still broken you have to open it twice for it to work.
  11. Yes it's only available for Yun/Jin/Lyn (Female only)
  12. When the above checkbox is checkmarked in settings up until recently it implied that you had to type "Discard" in order to discard Heroic "Purple" or higher tier items, and this is how it always has worked since bns launch in 2016. Now it actually requires you to type "Discard" on Superior "Blue" or higher tier items. For some reason it dropped down 1 tier in asking for confirmation if you have this option selected under "O" Settings > Game Tab > Interface. I want to say this change came with the Shrouded Ajanara update on August 9 2022 but could've possibly came with the Alter of Infinite on July 1 2022. It's a very recent change though that came in the last few months or updates. If this change is intended, then they should update the options to say "Superior" instead of "Heroic" or look into why its asking for "Superior and above".
  13. According to the roadmap we will be getting the class change voucher in October along with the release of the new "Musician" class aka "Bard", A new demonsbane dungeon will come also as well with new accessories and events.
  14. 1. Go into Settings "O" and then navigate to the Sound Tab. Click Reset in the lower left hand corner of the screen and then press "Y" to reset the current selected tab to the defaults. This should reset the Sound Tab only but it actually resets 3 settings elsewhere in addition to the Sound Tab which are located in the Graphics Tab, Advanced settings: "Display My Effects", "Display Others' Effects", and "Display Monster Effects" all get reset to their respective defaults of "5" in addition to the Sound Tab being resetted and defaulted. Verified nothing else gets reset anywhere else in any other tabs or in the graphics/advanced display using this method.
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