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Aerodrome drop rate


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As a returning player I was excited about the event after UE4 hit, and even more excited about the new dungeon and loot system. Sadly, I'm disappointed. I've done about 100 runs and have only gotten 1 legendary drop. Meanwhile people around me are worried about their random stat and the rng upgrade system. I've browsed the forum a bit and see I am not the only one with bad luck.


It's just a game, I don't mind farming and grinding. But 100 runs for 1 legendary drop is draining the fun for me, especially when friends get everything and more. We're doing floor 41. 


I wanna come home from work, relax and play a game with friends and progress together. I'm not really enjoying myself, I'm actually considering to quit again. If it takes 100 runs for 1 ring, I feel like getting duplicates for a reroll will be impossible. Not to mention upgrading them, I spent 6k for +6 and with my great rng I obtained evasion. All in all my opinion is that the drop rate is too low.

Edited by Esyu
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Agreed. At least there should be thresholds when it drops 100% like you made 50 / 100 / 150 runs. Or it should drop some currency that could be exchanged for accessories if you go dry for hundreds of runs you could buy it from some npc.

I don't mind grinding, but getting rewarded along the way would be nice or at least know that there will be something guaranteed after X runs.

Maybe just a pleb rant, but that would give more fun approach for us, that get on for 1-2 hours after work.

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1 hour ago, MALIBOGako said:

i run 1000+ run and only get 3box in new dungeon yet i dont feel sad or stress. Im just having fun and keep grind. Just saying. You guys keep complain want easy game. Its no fun when drop rate so high . 

It’s not that we want an easy game, but it isn’t fun to farm something that have lower drop chance than 1%..

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2 hours ago, MALIBOGako said:

i run 1000+ run and only get 3box in new dungeon yet i dont feel sad or stress. Im just having fun and keep grind. Just saying. You guys keep complain want easy game. Its no fun when drop rate so high . 

I feel like it's subjective. I'm glad to hear you are having a good time, but that doesn't mean others will feel the same. Like Biohazard and DeepButWhole said: we don't want it to be easy, we just want to feel like there's a reward in it. The drop rate right now is strange, you're either very lucky (some slackers even get it all within 50 runs) or you feel like your account is cursed! 😅 Honestly, I find it sad to hear you apparently did 1000+ runs and only got 3 boxes.

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If you are going to say how many runs you ran and only got "x" acc drops, you should probably mention the floors you are running. Drop rates go up the higher you are and different acc. are locked behind higher floors.

That being said... RNG can be for or against you, I have been farming 41+ for almost the full 2 weeks and still can't drop a single earring while people I run with have had several of each drop. Just RNG in the end. 1k runs and only 3 drops sounds like super low floor farming, even with crap rng I think I have a better run to acc ratio than that.

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28 minutes ago, Killifishy said:

If you are going to say how many runs you ran and only got "x" acc drops, you should probably mention the floors you are running. Drop rates go up the higher you are and different acc. are locked behind higher floors.

That being said... RNG can be for or against you, I have been farming 41+ for almost the full 2 weeks and still can't drop a single earring while people I run with have had several of each drop. Just RNG in the end. 1k runs and only 3 drops sounds like super low floor farming, even with crap rng I think I have a better run to acc ratio than that.

True, it is RNG in the end. But personally I find it very demotivating, no matter how much I love my friends and enjoy playing with them. 🙈 And agreed, doing 1k runs and only getting 3 drops sounds like a low floor. I hope you manage to get  your accessories!

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The rng Droprate is crap. I have over 330 runs and drop the Earring at 140 but nothing else. I see drops frome other players like the ring 22 times. This is extremely frustrating. Other players have to lay the ring 4 to 7 times, which is not normal and this with fewer runs. I know people who got the ring after 12 runs.

My motivation to play the game is getting less and less.

Sorry my english is not so good.

Edited by aronso
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Of course whenever there is someone complaining about RNG there are 2 typical persons who come to comment. 1st one being the one who claims they have 1 million runs and 0 drops and we should suck it up and grind till we die ,  2nd one the supposed whale who can run floor 50 for higher RNG and comes to preach about it. But there are people who just started or returning players such as myself, which even though we progressed since we came back didn't manage to get to 3k yet so there are not a lot of options on which floors we can run. It's frustration the  crap out of me when you have 200-300 runs and you meet people bragging they got it in the 1st 10 runs, also they should do something about how the supposed drop is distributed in the party , if you're running with persons who have 2 or 3 acc and you're the only one with none , they shouldn't drop duplicates.

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 I have cleared Aerodrome with 100+ runs & NO accessory has dropped for me, I have farmed multiple floors of 11 & 21(and cleared floor 31), while at the same time- players in my F8 party who are using low geared alts, get their ring & earing accessory very easily. TBH I prefer the old way of running a dungeon 300+ times instead, because even if a legendary accessory never drops- you can still buy it using "Cores". Bad RNG can only go so far, it feels like I'm wasting my time farming Aerodrome 24/7 like a full time job & instead I could be taking a break from Blade & Soul's Korean grind BS & having more fun playing other games.....


Keep in mind I have farmed over 1000+ dungeon runs in almost every F8 dungeon, but to me this Aerodrome feels like I'm wasting my time because of how bad the drop rates are. If you want players to upgrade & progress their gear, forced RNG is a bad way of doing it!

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The issue with droprates is how rng works at individual level. All the droprates usually is calculated based on: how rare you want the item to be * how many active people there are in the game * how many runs do they do every single day and then average it out. This works in mass scale but alot of unlucky individuals suffer from it.


If every player uses their own seed to generate the rng numbers, it means unlucky ones have lesser amount of "win" numbers in their rng seed or they are at the very end of the line. If all players uses the same seed, other players can "steal" the good drop right under your nose.


What I mean by stealing is, let's say a hypothetical situation with 4 players. We take a seed 1 and the first 12 numbers inside it are 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0. They do 3 runs. after clearing each player rolls the loot number in order. first 8 numbers are 0's so first 2 runs give nothing. On clearing the 3rd run, since it's done in order, player 2 is the person who gets the good drop and others get nothing. Doesn't matter if the 1st person has never gotten the drop, that's how it works. So in this case even your party position matters as to who gets and what.


When you do this in mass scale, it's not distributed with the playerbase equally. Only way to fix such is by adding a system that would eventually guarantee you a drop. The rng system is not bad per say, it just has a tendency to be unequal towards the playerbase, leaving some people with nothing.

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11 hours ago, Amarathiel said:

What I mean by stealing is, let's say a hypothetical situation with 4 players. We take a seed 1 and the first 12 numbers inside it are 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0. They do 3 runs. after clearing each player rolls the loot number in order. first 8 numbers are 0's so first 2 runs give nothing. On clearing the 3rd run, since it's done in order, player 2 is the person who gets the good drop and others get nothing. Doesn't matter if the 1st person has never gotten the drop, that's how it works. So in this case even your party position matters as to who gets and what.

FYI, multiple acc can drop in the same run. I don't believe this is the way drops are working. Even if it were, it's just pure chance if you happen to be in the "right" party position at a given time anyway. The game does not care who has gotten zero drops or who has gotten 8 already. I'm not saying it's a good system or a bad one, but it's not strictly "unfair" for one individual to have multiple drops while another has none (Need multiple drops for rerolls / compound anyway). 

(Also still in the waiting for an acc drop party...over 2 weeks of nightly grind and still can't get the damn earring xDDD)

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Add one more for bad rng. Tons of of runs, one item drop. That was it.
RNG is sucking the fun out of Aerodrome for me.
Usually I'd just grind the n runs to go buy item, but here I'm just at mercy of a bad rng without any relief.
Was excited about new format, now I doubt it due to bad implementation. 
Hope they reconsider.

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Dont think its jst the bad RNG that is putting ppl's motivation to grind it down. It's also the fact that you constantly see ppl in your party 1 person get it while the other 3 get a crappy lucent promise chest as a sign that RNG jesus in BNS has trolled u again and it is never you getting it.  


I have seen countless times, ppl get the ring, earring, neck in my group but never me. this kind of makes my motivation to grind it go down. TBH ive seen over 12 earrings, 17 necklaces and 23 rings drop in my runs but nvr for me. Always 1 other person in the party getting it. Even had in 1 run the 1 person who got everyone killed because he didnt know mech, get the earring drop on floor 21 while everyone else who did it correctly and did most of the work got nothing but a Promise chest.


Honestly the gold upgrade cost is already a pain in the butthole with how much it costs and if u got bad RNG, seen ppl waste over 11k gold jst to get from +6 --> +7 lmao. 


I have also seen 1-2 ppl get so many drops, they literally already completed their compound system with access to spare 🤮


well i finally got earring and neck in 1 of my days farming, but never ever got them again despite weeks of farming. Now I'm heavily struggling to get the ring, despite having it drop for other ppl in my parties at least 8x this week alone. 🥴


Most ppl go into AD farm with the mentality that it will "one day it will be me getting the drop". Fact of the matter is currently, "most of the time it will never be you" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Until 10 centuries later, u finally see that golden light while the other 3 ppl in ur party dont. 

Edited by Askaria
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The best part in all of this is that AD works differently for us compared to Korea. There most of the drops are selection chests so you need to get lucky 3 times. 

Here the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ necklace has a much lower drop rate than everything else for some god forsaken reason and here I am sitting with 5 rings and 3 earrings.

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My guess is that they think frustrating players with low droprate will make them seek higher floors for better droprate, incentivizing whaling for the gear needed to do higher floors and spending large amounts of gold to get two accessories to +9 for the +18 resonance effect

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I just did a multi for like 15 runs, in those runs i got both ear and neck. (Now i salvaged both of those since it's like the 3rd duplicate of each i've gotten)


RnG is RnG


The first ring took me at least 120 runs (it was my last piece) first earring took 30 runs and first necklace was around the 70th run.


You guys have to stop thinking and looking too deeply into all of this.


The dungeon is just grinding, keep doing your runs, they will drop eventually.

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I would love to have some achievement for a guaranteed reward. Not too easy to achieve, so ppl don't abuse it with their low gear alts.
I finally got lucky and dropped my 3 pieces, but the struggle was hard and I had really, really bad RNG. I got my first earring withing 60 runs, then 8 more earrings and my first neck when I was close to 500 runs. At almost 550+ I dropped my first ring. Most of my runs were done at Stage 41, I even tried to farm Stage 20 for the ring but the leggy droprate was simply non-existent. My motivation to even play the game went to almost zero, and thinking about dropping like 10 belts in a row in the next dungeon gives me nightmares already. xD

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2 hours ago, Shirafune said:

then 8 more earrings

Jikes, This was indeed my biggest fear going into this kind of system..


But i was very lucky i guess and got them all in a row, no duplicates.


2 hours ago, Shirafune said:

my first neck when I was close to 500 runs. At almost 550+ I dropped my first ring

Don't think i've even done 500 runs total yet.. You have a lot of dedication 


2 hours ago, Shirafune said:

have some achievement for a guaranteed reward

As far as i'm aware that was always a NA/EU thing only, KR has never had the kill achive + core system and always was "Run it until it drops and you win the bid"


Which is probably why they did not bother with such a thing for FoE or going forward with this Aerodrome thing.

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12 hours ago, Uldrum said:

As far as i'm aware that was always a NA/EU thing only, KR has never had the kill achive + core system and always was "Run it until it drops and you win the bid"


Which is probably why they did not bother with such a thing for FoE or going forward with this Aerodrome thing.

While that is true, KR also gets primarily Selection chests from AD so the players there need only 3 drops to complete the set, whereas we get the XTRA RNG factor with individual accessory boxes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having bad luck on the necklace dropping. I didn't get my ring until floor 21 and I did a lot of runs going from 1 to 21 while my friends were getting it at level 3, 7, 9 and 14...of course I am the last to get it and at level 21 no less, then when I do get to 21 it took maybe a week to get the earring on a pug run and I actually saw golden on that first run so with them...I was very, very happy. But..I am doing level 41 and up for awhile now and still no luck on the necklace. The ring dropped again but that's about it, so at least I was able to reroll. But...for me it's not so much about the frustration of the accessory dropping, it is about the fact I have had 20 epic fails trying to upgrade my earring from just +7 to +8 and all the darn gold and stones I have spent just trying to get it up +1 level. Now that is....frustrating. So, my rng is really really bad. And to this day I still can't get it to go up an extra + :(

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