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Everything posted by Riziera

  1. Yes, yes me too! I thought I was the only one with this problem but I was asking around in clan and other players and it seems it is a common issue. So same with me. Before the update on Wednesday I was bursting 60-70 mill without buffs and sustaining around 30-40 mill and bursting way over 70 mill with buffs. I am storm astro and I was in a rando party for the new dungeon and someone actually accused me of using auto combat because they asked me, Accuser: "4 where is your dps at?" ..like ..."auto combat, report 4 for auto combat".. Me: "huh?" ...First off auto combat is not an option in dungeons only Primeweald or Ebonrealm so Idk what the heck they were thinking. So sorry for my sudden lack of dps @Shion and Katara Senpai but yours wasn't that great either!! That made me really upset, especially when that person had higher gear than me, was an hm 28 and only did 4 million damage more than me..I had 20 mill on poho and they had 24 mill. So yes, I to am losing around 20 mill plus on my burst and lucky to sustain 20-30 mill(I have high ping and I try my best in dungeons) oh and it seems even my polarity doesn't really do much for the parties dps anymore either. I worked hard to get the gear I have on my Astromancer especially since I used to main lightening fm and then they nerfed that so I mained my astro alt, people liked the buff and I actually started to enjoy being an astro and lyn class. So it became more of what I enjoyed than just being some party's buff slave lol. I still love astro but nc please fix what ever is going on with the dps. It's not just losing dps in new dungeon but all the other dungeons, now I feel weak as a kitten and it's more like using GC gear than SF gear and people being toxic at everyone for not doing as much damage.
  2. Yes, this is a very frustrating problem. Thought they would fix this yesterday but nope...I keep getting bounced from the portal when I try to enter and it says something about season under review smh. I only have doa, cos and spectral shrine left for my soul boost. So now I have to do the 21 spectral and 21 circle of sundering to complete it which is going to take to long. I am on 13/15 cos (so 2 more days before I can get to soul boost level 63 and 16/21 spectral shrine. I know we have lots of months left to complete this but I need to focus and work on my other characters and that will take awhile since they haven't fully done the story yet and aren't even ready for dailies yet >.> Other people have completed their soul boosts because they were able to do DOA so...please, please fix this.🙌
  3. Weird..I didn't see it lol..mb if I had trust me I would not have posted this. I did check to see if anyone had posted about it in bugs...didn't see anything 😛
  4. I am surprised no one else has reported this. But I got the wings today and they appear on the feet below the ground >.> Please fix this. Thanks! See pic below... https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51873118217_e0d0425666_c.jpg Rizi
  5. So...what I want to know is why they nerfed 3rd spec FM? Because now Fire FM is OP but I don't want to switch even though switching is easier now with the accessory drops in the dungeons, looks like when class change option becomes available I will be changing to something else 😑 And yes, I want sheath back to to protect party members 🙌
  6. I totally understand this...I can't believe x-mouse is blocked. Now I have to buy a new mouse that has it's own macro system. I can't push a lot of buttons repeatedly because I end up with cramping and tingling in my finger joints (not complaining, it is what it is, some of us are older players). I also have a friend who is a lot older who has the same issue, so macros are a must for some players, especially for those that are also disabled and may not have the dexterity as other players. I wish NC would think about that before blocking us "oldies" from using our macros @Hime❤️
  7. I am having bad luck on the necklace dropping. I didn't get my ring until floor 21 and I did a lot of runs going from 1 to 21 while my friends were getting it at level 3, 7, 9 and 14...of course I am the last to get it and at level 21 no less, then when I do get to 21 it took maybe a week to get the earring on a pug run and I actually saw golden on that first run so with them...I was very, very happy. But..I am doing level 41 and up for awhile now and still no luck on the necklace. The ring dropped again but that's about it, so at least I was able to reroll. But...for me it's not so much about the frustration of the accessory dropping, it is about the fact I have had 20 epic fails trying to upgrade my earring from just +7 to +8 and all the darn gold and stones I have spent just trying to get it up +1 level. Now that is....frustrating. So, my rng is really really bad. And to this day I still can't get it to go up an extra + :(
  8. Yes. I just returned from 2 years away from bns and tried to get premium today and it is happening to me with paypal and bank card...very strange. Exact same code as you. If anyone else is reading this what does it mean? Thanks, didn't mean to necro an old post but...having the same issue.
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