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dannythenut's Achievements

  1. this problem is in every soulboost, they will change it with the next big patch... like always befor xP
  2. When? any plans? any information for us players? over 2 months already without informations about it!
  3. nope we get it last march or april and oct (sep or oct with the bard release) not only with a new class xP
  4. i looked again, its only a switch from the rankingssystem from bottom left to f11 and an ui rework, nothing else get changed oO
  5. is it a new rankingsystem? i think its just an upgrade for the ranking UI xP
  6. but back to the letter, does this mean we dont get next week the new dung., not the new unity levels, not the new archer spec, etc.
  7. only wish that i have, is a new raid. we need new raids! xD
  8. yeah, also i known groups that sells ranking runs up to 20 in altar xD and it´s fine, why not? so if there are low chars on top maybe some of them buy for theese carry runs 😃
  9. i send a list with all skill changes @Green Storm (i think all...there a lot of skill changes last patch xDD)
  10. das is das englische forum aber kay, im deutschen schreibt ja eigentlich eh niemand mehr xDD [moved] also ob es sich für dich lohnt musst du selbst herausfinden. aktuell ist ne krasse inflation halt zu merken da viel mehr gold ins spiel kam, jedoch gear bekommst du aktuell wiederrum ziemlich gut zusammen, zumindest das du am aktuellen stand bist. was das plusen (verstärken des gears) aktuell angeht könnte es etwas dauern und das kostet schon einiges. Also im Grunde Lohnt es sich wenn man viel auch mit Twinks spielt dann kommt man ziemlich gut voran. hab auch das gefühl das aktuell wieder weniger spieler iwie aus grp geworfen werden und es einfacher ist farm gruppen zu finden da der content auf stage 5 der aktuellen verliese ziemlich easy ist. die normalen verliese sind auf einfach auch lächerlich einfach, dementsprechend sollte man als anfänger oder wiedereinsteiger da recht schnell sich zurecht finden und grp zu finden sollte auch kein Problem sein. Kann hier leider nichts zu zukünftigen patches oder events sagen da ich dies einma machte und nen forum bann kassierte. aber um nicht genauer darauf einzugehen februar oder april, kommt darauf an wann bei uns ein gewisser patch kommt. wird es sich noch mehr lohnen. 😉
  11. i read somewhere the best timein korea was a 1:3* dont know exactly but yeah one big issue i see in the game are the starcross fragments, it´s nice that occulus stuff chest are in the demonsbane dung. but give to the old demonsbane dung. like altar or namdo the starcross fragments back, many new or returning players need the starcross gear and search for multis there, but theres no reason for players who have the gear, to run multis in the old dung. if you can farm there starcross fragments you bring returning and new player together with old players. and they dont have to search for an h our for a multi group to farm the gear there. sry for my english, but i see how many players come back to the game and how the playerbase grow at the moment and i think thats the right way, but it´s more rewarding for the players if they can farm and play together stuff. more groups in diffrent dung. and more content to play for the ppl. not only the same one´s.
  12. ap isnt dps theres many factors for dmg xP and 2,9 isnt that much gear / mystic/ap/boss ap/krit dmg/soul shields etc everything give you dps ap you can have two 2,9k sums and one of them doing 35 mio and the other one 55mio dps sum dps over all isnt that bad in my opinion
  13. First char: 1,5 mins per run (normal mode): 240 runs: 4 amulets, 1 badge, 23 Insignia chests, 1 psych, 2 coins Second char: 1,5 mins per run(normal mode): 75 runs: 1 amulet, 1Badge, 14 Insignia chests. Third char: 2 min per run(normal mode): 25runs so far: 2 insignia chests, 1 psych thats my results so far and it seems okay, only thing thats sucks are the coins drops... thats a joke...
  14. the gold income is to low because, the upgrade costs are so high, not because you cant farm and gain the mats for it.
  15. and you can easy farm the upgrade crystals. also you can upgrade the sttuff to +16 etc, and with the next one you can start at +11 and need less crystals, you need only 100 runs max. for both acc. from a dung. think on tc there was the cap 300 runs to buy it from a merchant. and the costs increased with more gold in the game, so you ask for more gold and expect no costs increase? the crystals are easy to farm, so dont say, the costs for this are increased dramatically, you can easy farm this stuff! a friend make now his skystealer braclet from +11 to +20 in 2 weeks and dont buy anything, he farm everything for it. and the new crystals are much easer to farm. so if you can farm in 2 weeks the stuff for skystealer to upgrade it from 11 to 20, i think thats not that hard.
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