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Otaner's Achievements

  1. @Ion Andersonwow, now it won. I just got the first prize... with your comment. This took about 1 year to be done, since I'm not a pro artist, but just a dedicated hobbiest. I'm slow at drawing, and I've started drawing this for the previous contest. Taking so much time and effort and not seeing this recognized could have gotten to me. But when looking at the winners, they all have the quality, and I also confort myself by saying they've chose a different art style, much more char focusing than mine that was more focused on the landscape itself. To be honest I never really draw for recognition, I draw to escape life, I draw to kill some time, I draw to learn, I draw for me and for my close ones. But in the end, to receive a comment like yours it is truly a wonderful feeling. Thank you so much for taken your time to share your kind words with me, you've made me very happy. Wish you a Happy New Year, Have Fun & Stay Safe.
  2. After your comment, I went to check. I have a Razer, therefore Synapse. But somehow I can't get it as smooth as it was with x-Mouse. I used to have different Macros for different actions like (shift+E) and then the rotation, but the first delays the second. Don't really know how to adjust the setting, my dps droped from 20k to 10 or even lower. But oh well, I can still play it.
  3. @PervertedLyn The point here is how Macro is important for gamers, even for non-cheating gamers. I've spent a lot of money in a mouse and my intention is not to use LMB and RMB only. I do agree with you that BnS, inadvertedly (or not), have themselves created the loop holes for people to explore. I think maybe they are focusing too much on players who use Macros to help DPS Rotations and maybe continue to ignore the exploits. Regarding the machines: My previous BnS laptop has a GTX1060 and gave me about 20 fps in runs. My current machine has an 2070 and it runs dungeons at 60 fps. And even with the current specs and with the brand new (in BnS) UE4 Koldrake is hell. Thanks for your input. Have fun.
  4. @Hime don't want to be disrespectful or anything like that. I understand that it has been a long and hard battle NCSoft has been fighting against game cheating. But to completely block macros doesn't seem (to me personally) the right way to go. I've been playing BnS for some years now, when top end dungeons were things like Naryu Labyrinth, Naryu Foundry, Ebondrake Citadel, etc... dungeons that many of the current community no longer knows. I've loved the game from day 1, for the amazing looks, for the gameplay, and most of all for the general ambience the game allways had. For me the game has not been simple or straightforward to learn, with a lot of things being constantly implemented in order to keep highbies challenged and motivated. Which made me allways running trying to catch the train... but I've never catched the train, just continously running behind it. (not complaining) The learning curve, although not difficult, it was demanding for me, when we start we just have to tap one or two buttons at a time, but when we end the "Tutorial" and finally reach the end of Story Mode and start our Hongmoon Levels, in order to master dps, we have to sequence a combination of key strokes and mouse buttons in a precise order to max dps, we end up finddling the keyboard like Rachmaninov playing Rach9. This has been the most difficult part for me to adapt and as a result I've always under dps, as my fingers get tired really fast. And you should see my wife trying to take a nap while I'm giving my "concert"! One of my happiest moments in BnS was when Simple mode was implemented, this allowed me to play, and have fun, without messing my hands completely. I'm pushing 40 and I work all day with a mouse and keyboard, my hands ache continously. I knew I continued to under dps, because Simple Mode only covers a few options and we are still forced to finger crossing the keyboard around in order to get the most dps possible. And I think Simple Mode was better for other specs (Shadow) than for (Reaper) at least for Warlock, Simple Mode doesn't do anything close to a decent DPS for (Reaper). I was forced to buy a new machine due to the hardware problems BnS always was (even now with UE4) only high end machine are able to properly run BnS. I bought an high end(ish) computer, and thinking about my personal confort I bought a gaming keyboard and a gaming mouse. I had to do it as my hands were aching more and more. I've installed xMouse and have been able to have some pain free fun playing BnS once again. I've improved DPS, but most important for me it was the confort. Until the day the game blocks xMouse. I understand you have to block third party apps in order to prevent cheating. But you need to do that within reasonable. I'm not saying I want you to unblock xMouse, I'm saying you should create the proper conditions in order to block macros. This is a game, as all games, BnS demands grinding, for BnS it's mostly Dailies and Weeklies grinding, there are people playing throughout a complete day, you need to give the community the capability of grinding. All Top games allows Macro use, while you block it. Ok, I understand, cheats and stuff, and you give us Simple Mode, but your Simple Mode is NOT ENOUGH. Give us a fully costumizable Simple Mode, where we can chose any skills and any order for the skills. You can cancel Simple Mode for PVP gaming, allowing only for PVE. Whatever DPS gain or advantage it could give is not relevant game wise, as it will always benefit the team and not the player individualy. The player big advantage is the confort it offers for casual play (as myeself) or for enduring grinding. Please tell me you are considering including some changes to this shortly... Well... stay safe and have fun
  5. Let me put myself into the line of fire. I know everyone will come at me for this personal opinion, since Call to Arms is most probably the best event ever on B&S. But to be honest I really dislike how Call to Arms is held. This being said, I need to explain, I love the idea to help the player base improve their gear in an easier way. My disliking come with the unfairness of the improvements. At this point, I still don't really know how good the items will be (I've just heard something about Thornbreaker 9 weapon), but it also doesn't matter for the point I want to make (or maybe it does matter). Maybe before saying what's my problem with the Event I should explain who am I. Well, I'm just a casual Free to Play player (I've spend money in this game twice or so, maybe 3 years ago - with no decent return from the investment - so I completely gave up investing real money), I log in everyday, do my dailies and on weekends I use my hours to finish weeklies, raids and do some farming (when needed). I know there are plenty of players that invest far more time than me on the game, but I'm sure they are far ahead of me when it comes to gear, and that is FAIR. The higher the effort the higher the reward, this seems fair to me. What bothers me with this event, is that this event rewards returning or lazy players, with items that I've had to invest hours, upon hours, upon hours, upon hours... (you know the grinding don't you) in order to be able to get. Coincidentally my current weapon is... guess what? Thornbreaker 9. Well, you are probably saying that my problem is that I just want to have and keep my big ego and be "better than the newbs" (at the moment having a Thornbreaker 9 I'm neither a newb or a highbie, just in between - at least this is how I feel) with the Thornbreaker giveaway it will become newb standard. Again, it may seem as my problem is only being a sore looser. But I think it's not only that. I think it just not fair. Returning or lazy players will be able to upgrade up to my current level, but I won't have the possibility to move pass my level. In my opinion the event should give equal oportunities for easier upgrades for all level of players. Instead of making us trade the farmed remnants (or other currency), for ready to use gear, they should enable the possiblity of allowing an alternative upgrade option where any stage of a weapon or accessory could be upgraded by using x remnants. (the higher the stage, the higher the demand of remnants) This would make the event fair for all player base, instead of just rewarding returning or lazy players. I get that this type of event is nice to upgrade alts, but instead of rage quiting the game as many have done (and are now being rewarded) I've sticked to playing only with my main and I gave up playing with alts, it's too much time consuming and no fun rewarding. But shouldn't I (and others alike) be rewarded as well? And to finish my immense wall of text, there was little I took from past Call to Arms events, I think the Call of Arms event as it is nowadays, encourages players to play only at big updates to receive the new gear and quit once again after getting the gear, while others put the effort throughout months not having the possiblity of ever being rewarded. Well, let the rage game begin... Let me have your opinion about it, with or without rage. :) Have Fun & Stay Safe
  6. So... back in the days, there were always discussion regarding the best rotation for each class. I've always been a Shadow Warlock, and my few alts were created while simple mode was already available, so I've always played my alts with simple mode. But not for my Warlock, I've adapted my rotation to my needs and preferences. But now, and being away for a few months, I'm feeling lost on where to start and build a rotation. So, I would like to ask you fellow WL is Simple Mode a viable source for dps, or is there a better rotation? Any help is highly appreciated.
  7. Character Name: Renatorious Server: Jinsoyun Flying peacefully while feeling the blood rush through my body in anticipation for the big battle. https://imgur.com/8aLzsDU
  8. @Grimoir @RyVerseLy @ImoutoMaster Thank guys for your input. I do understand I should be more aware to new information and this is another wake up call. Maybe I'll stick more to redit that to official announcements from NCSoft. Don't really consider my previous post as a complaint towards anyone, it's just against my lack of luck. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a river rowing against the current, I'm rowing in the middle of the river, and I look forward and I can see a climb full of rapid waters, a challenge I think to myself. Like a salmon, I throw myself in, rowing, rowing, rowing, my muscles burns from constantly grinding those waters, I often question myself if there will be an end to the grinding, until, out of nowhere, I finally get to the top. The feeling of achievment is unbelievably good. I'm at the top now, screaming my lungs out in ecstasy. Then I want to look back to realize the dimension of my achievment. And it slaps me in the face... behind me there is nothing more than a small puddle of water and the immense and powerful rapid waters are again... just in front of me... like a salmon... here I go again! Sorry for the lame story xD Have fun
  9. I am really out of luck! What have I been working these last few week? Farming over and over the same boring dungeon? Yes, that's correct, you've guessed it... Imperial Gloves then Skyreach Gloves. Spent 500 gold bidding for the Gloves in my 96th run (out of dispair). Plus 1400 gold in the upgrade and now the first stage is basically free, the evolution will be made with Enlightened Jewels while I've spent roughly a hundred Legendary Jewels. Not to mention the hours of boring farming. Yeah. When I've finished the evolution of my Gloves to Awakened Stg. 3 I felt amazing for having done it. But now, reading this just a week after my upgrade make me feel just the oposite feeling. I've always felt I'm always running too late, making my evolutions just before getting costs reductions, but this is just a week after which makes me... yeah... so... whatever! sry for the rant
  10. It's nice to see that this is coming into place. What I think, is that it seems the Dev team and the Community Managers/Coordinators are not... well... coordinated. If on the patch preview, the community managers said we would have increased difficulty with reduced gold, but this was a necessary step due to... (some poor excuse to make us spend more time/gold in game) ok! But the problem was, someone sold us the idea that the dungeons would be much easier and therefore they would have their gold reward reduced, but after releasing the patch we saw the dungeon difficulty got harder. Before the patch I was able to solo with my main all dungeons up to Sandstorm Temple, with the exception of Ransacked Treasury and Drowning Deeps. I was "excited" to try The Shadowmoor solo after the patch. After the patch I've noticed there are other runs which have become harder, like Starstone Mines which is harder to be able to resist the HP drain in the last boss, and now in Hollow's Heart I got Instant Kill on spider boss? I really think you should look into what is intended from the devs and come back to us with all the information. It is nice to see that you are coming with some information, but there are other dungeons you are still neglecting info about. And if you don't bring us a proper reply, we will continue to speculate, always hoping for a future patch to correct this issue. We need to know if you will return to old mechs, or if they will remain as they are. We need to know if HP will be reduced as advertised. We need to know if gold will still be nerfed, if the only thing that become easier was the designation of the dungeon, because in the practical side of the dungeon they all have become harder in a general way.
  11. Hi Shirlym, there is a lot of information around, but it is in disguise :) After the awakening path a few moths ago, some names changed. 1) Shadow Warlock is the old name for Scourge and Ice Warlock the old name for Distortion, there is a third specialization still locked for Warlock, we'll have to wait a future update. 2) The skill paths you mentioned are related to the specialization you chose. Dragoncall is from Distortion path and Dragon Helix from Scourge. I've seen people prefering to go Distortion others say Scourge is better. I do like Scourge. In my opinion Scourge rotation flows better :) 3) Naryu Coins are useful in early stages, but not too much, in my opinion. 4) As for the Soulshield, it doesn't really matter which class or specialization you are, the way to go should be a little bit like: MSP --> Khanda Vihar --> Fallen --> Grand Celestial --> Thornbreaker (I think there is already Thornbreaker, I'm still at Grand Celestial) Older players still stick to the old names ICE and SHADOW, but you should be able to find more information online. Look on Google, or on Youtube. I often find there what I need to know. Hope I may have helped... have fun!
  12. @Immunity I do understand your point of view. And it is nonsense of me making such stupid comparison. PVP is not really my thing, but I do understand if you want to climb in PVP fight against whales won't be easy. But still, if you look at all the complaints in this post, this is not about PVP it's about the game and many of the complaints are from PVE players. I understand the objective to be better, the fight to improve, but to rage quit just because there are others better than us? I would have to quit everything I do in life! I play, I have fun, I continue to play!
  13. I don't really understand this topic. I've been playing MMO's for many years now, and from the games I've played, I've always sticked to Free to Play games. BNS is obviously a F2P, I can play the entire game without paying 1€ if I decide to do so, and I can get Endgame Gear even if it takes years to get it, but it is free. Yes, it can be also a bit Pay to Win, where gold may give a boost to your game play, but if you have ever gambled on Trove you may know that "Pay to Win" is not guarantee, so we should come up with another name for it maybe "Gamble to Win". To be honest, I've spent some Euros to try and get a boost as well, but soon I've discovered the investment didn't pay up with the boost. Either you invest a lot of money or you ain't earning much on Trove, some mats, some suits, nothing substantial. Don't play Trove anymore. In the previous game I've played, Shin Megami Tensei - Imagine Online, the game was F2P as well, but when we invested money in game the boost would be visible, yeah it would be P2W, but to be honest, if you can place yourself in the shoes of someone that uses money on games, I can imagine you would also expect to get something nice out of your investment. What it really confuses me in this topic, is that this is not about the game being Free to Play, since it is. This topic is about people jealous of not being able to catch up with the "whales", yeah I get it, I want it too, I want to transmute my dyad triangular gems into square dyads, I've just recently finished 3 Aquamarine triangular dyad and I found out I will have to farm about 2500-3000 gold in order to buy gem powder to make the transmutation (this will represents about 1 month farming). In the meanwhile I see plenty HM16 with Square Dyad already mixed, no way they've farmed them... therefore I should quit the game? Just because others buy with money what I have to farm for? I don't care about what others do in order for me to have fun. If I'm a Soccer player (Football) will I rage quit just because there is Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi? No, I keep playing and having the most fun out of it, and if I could I would buy some new boots that could help me enhance my skills. Well... just ranting, and now time has ended and community will enrage... But still... wish you a lot of fun!
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