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provide a way to freeze our premium duration time with this garbage event


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i really dislike this event taking so long approx 20-30st or dst need to run in order to get done 1 soul upgrade to stage 4


i am not gonna play this month and want go offline till i see better event 

most likely ur f8 is dead i cant get people to play and i cant enjoy 


so please stop my premium duration time 


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1 hour ago, Kicsiduda said:

how about you do other dungeons, not just dst? even if you have 0 gear, you could to dailies till SP with lfp

Sometimes it takes 2 hours of LFP per dungeon.  

Outside of an Appy to party dungeon, he didn't accept it.


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24 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

seriously, you blaming game for not being geared enough to get accepted in dungeons?

it certainly isn't dead and people certainly don't accept 0 gear chars to higher dungeons

there is a req posted you probably don't meet

^This. Also one of the reason myself and a lot of others stopped using F8 is because players like this that feel entitled they deserve to be carried through things instead of putting in the work themselves. Since then we just form parties directly in f7 or on the server.

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common  i just want to stop my premium time since i dont give a dam waste time to play this crap loaded event with dead as community wasting tons of time on recruiting with slow upgrade soul get 20crap token in3-4days really 



how about you do other dungeons, not just dst? even if you have 0 gear, you could to dailies till SP with lfp

it only work on eu server not on na people are toxic always host play to kick people like us from their lobby


all i wanted break of 1 month plz freeze my premium duration time 

Edited by repliergod
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15 hours ago, repliergod said:

i really dislike this event taking so long approx 20-30st or dst need to run in order to get done 1 soul upgrade to stage 4


i am not gonna play this month and want go offline till i see better event 

most likely ur f8 is dead i cant get people to play and i cant enjoy 


so please stop my premium duration time 


I thought I already proved you wrong in another thread on just how many runs it takes? While I do not disagree that this event isn't all that great, your arguments should have elements of truth to them, otherwise you just look bad. It does not take 20-30 runs of ST or DST to get one soul done...and you wouldn't be just doing ONE DUNGEON a day anyways to get the soul done.


ST, TSM, RT, DST, BC and WC give a total of six Crescent Emblems. Each one is 40 XP on the soul, so that's 240 XP right there. Almost a fourth of the requirement of 1000 XP per soul. Most days doing those six will get you two or three Daily Challenges done as well...if you manage to do five, that'll give a Brilliant Crescent Emblem for another 80 XP. 320 XP doing it casually a day, and this count is ignoring what you'd probably do to get five DC done, so it might be even more. It's doable, but...it is a grind. It's just not as impossible as you have been claiming.


If you're so under geared that you can't even get into a group for those, then the problem isn't the event or even the game itself. F8 is not dead, I constantly see people recruiting in there for almost every dungeon except HoI and Thornwind unless I play unless it's like 12 AM EST or 6 AM EST...super late and early hours effectively. LFP is basically dead, but almost no one uses it except to get a friend back into a dungeon when they get disconnected or something.


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13 hours ago, Grimoir said:

^This. Also one of the reason myself and a lot of others stopped using F8 is because players like this that feel entitled they deserve to be carried through things instead of putting in the work themselves. Since then we just form parties directly in f7 or on the server.

You're the one that feels entitled to not having people without gear on your team..

Like you haven't been carried and had help to farm your gear..

How you expect these people to "work harder" maybe by making babies so they have someone to play with when they get older?
Or how you think them "working harder" will get a group filled?

Also you really think you "work harder" cause you got gear? you press more buttons than they do?
As long as they don't afk, or que for one of the most recent dungeons... i don't see why you wouldn't help people.. unless you're as selfish .... fill in the blank.


It's people like you who destroy this game, not new people who try to get their dungeons done.

you're not special cause you have gear. 


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6 hours ago, sFMos said:

You're the one that feels entitled to not having people without gear on your team..

Like you haven't been carried and had help to farm your gear..

Actully its possible  to not join stuff you clearly have no gear for and still progress pretty good in this game.


You need 1 Million dmg to solo everything expect CC this already needs 3 Million. (DST 7.1 Million) and ive proven times and times how low your actual gear has to be to reach 1 Million DPS. Now divide the minimum you need in the dungeons by 6 and you have the minimum gear for the dungeons. If you cant manage this you should not join the dungeons or you have premades. Its as easy as that.


1 Million/6 is not even 170k.

3 Million/6 is 500k.

7.1 Million/6 is not even 1.2 Million and since this boss is only dependant on ur Burst cause its short af not much gear needed.

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1 Million/6 is not even 170k.

3 Million/6 is 500k.

7.1 Million/6 is not even 1.2 Million and since this boss is only dependant on ur Burst cause its short af not much gear needed.

like anyone understand before kicking player from lobby ?

do u even know 1.5k ap can get burst 1-2mil if bb+sb+mystic  but what we know he or she got kicked before 


this make sense why f8 is dead


and u make event for higher dugeno make sense why community so dead like new player never interested to play or u intentionally not want to grow community of new player as well as people alts in acknowledge and do people have solo time or do they have work or jobs as well 

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8 hours ago, sFMos said:

You're the one that feels entitled to not having people without gear on your team..

Like you haven't been carried and had help to farm your gear..

How you expect these people to "work harder" maybe by making babies so they have someone to play with when they get older?
Or how you think them "working harder" will get a group filled?

Also you really think you "work harder" cause you got gear? you press more buttons than they do?
As long as they don't afk, or que for one of the most recent dungeons... i don't see why you wouldn't help people.. unless you're as selfish .... fill in the blank.


It's people like you who destroy this game, not new people who try to get their dungeons done.

you're not special cause you have gear. 



Excuse you? I have farmed every single piece of my gear since the game went live. Formed my own 4 man hard mode parties to farm equipment and never once did i get a carry. I have my own raid groups and lead raids aswel. Never asked for carries because i never needed to. I put in all the work myself.


How do i expect them to work harder? I expect them to know the mechanics in a dungeon and to at the VERY least read a guide on it. The moment they do not know how to jump to avoid a mechanic, or counter, or block an orb, or cant count to 5 and pull a lever they arent being helpful, they are becoming a dead weight. That's how i expect them to work harder, and not join a group and afk or then even complain and say "we should carry them cause they are new".

Thats not how things work. If i see and i know someone is legit trying to learn mechanics and how things work, i have no problems in helping them as i have been until now (yes there are people i gladly help because they actually ask to teach them dungeon mechanics), but i refuse to give out freebies for randoms who think they deserve a carry, because they do not.

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15 hours ago, Grimoir said:


Excuse you? I have farmed every single piece of my gear since the game went live. Formed my own 4 man hard mode parties to farm equipment and never once did i get a carry. I have my own raid groups and lead raids aswel. Never asked for carries because i never needed to. I put in all the work myself.

Well just a guess, but if you are on the top you probably get a very different gaming experience from those who just trying to catching up... at some point, in future. Just as a hint. For myself I just want to see a little bit dedication. 

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19 hours ago, Grimoir said:


Excuse you? I have farmed every single piece of my gear since the game went live. Formed my own 4 man hard mode parties to farm equipment and never once did i get a carry. I have my own raid groups and lead raids aswel. Never asked for carries because i never needed to. I put in all the work myself.


How do i expect them to work harder? I expect them to know the mechanics in a dungeon and to at the VERY least read a guide on it. The moment they do not know how to jump to avoid a mechanic, or counter, or block an orb, or cant count to 5 and pull a lever they arent being helpful, they are becoming a dead weight. That's how i expect them to work harder, and not join a group and afk or then even complain and say "we should carry them cause they are new".

Thats not how things work. If i see and i know someone is legit trying to learn mechanics and how things work, i have no problems in helping them as i have been until now (yes there are people i gladly help because they actually ask to teach them dungeon mechanics), but i refuse to give out freebies for randoms who think they deserve a carry, because they do not.


Try make a new account now then see if you'll need to get carried.

Obviously those were different times at the start it was super easy to find groups and by the time they released new content you would have max gear..

And people used to just explain mechs instead of letting people watch a 60 min video guide where 95% of the information is irrelevant to your role and will only confuse people.

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6 hours ago, sFMos said:

Try make a new account now then see if you'll need to get carried.

Ive tryed this and i can tell i dont need carrys. You could consider it getting carried if you do the bare minimum for a dungeon and someone with 20 million dps shows up but i always had the requirements for the dungeons. Also new players are supposed to get a guild to get everything explained or atleast one experienced person to explain everything.


You guys are simply entiteld to get everything for free. Look at the game how easy it is to get gear now ! Full

6 hours ago, sFMos said:

Obviously those were different times at the start

Thoose where even simpler times. You litterly came out of story and had enough to do the endgame stuff. You cant compare thoose times to today cause its so freaking easy nowdays to progress.

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I would easily start a new char and progress without getting carried, I know my limitations, I don't demand carry, I know from experience nothing comes for free, I have to work to get my gear

I stopped lfp on my main cause theres players coming in not moving from entrance or moving just to get in range to get the kill and then bidding on stuff with rediculous 1c progress bids

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I started playing when the server launched -and stopped after like a month-. I only came back when the last gear event started and got myself to like 1.9k AP with that. I stopped again, and came back 4 days ago... Now I have 2040 AP. I always use F8 and I can find teams with the autosearch for everything up to CC in max 1 minutes. Up till CC no one really cares about ur stats, as they are 'easy' and doesn't require much knowledge / dps 😄 You can get yourself up to 2k AP with those dungeons. From 2k AP you can get into H0, SP, HaHi teams really easily, just look for them in F8 region chat / party finder. I think everything looks fine with this game tbh. I only came back 4 days ago tho, so could be wrong. Just wanted to share my experience as I am a new player, I know that the main topic wasn't about this 🙂


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33 minutes ago, lillvargen said:

I stopped lfp on my main cause theres players coming in not moving from entrance or moving just to get in range to get the kill and then bidding on stuff with rediculous 1c progress bids

This is just because you nuke everything so damn fast, so they got loads of time left for auction, trust me 😄 

Joke beside, ofc there is a load of idiots in this game, but still there are also others. There are still lower geared players who step back on my needed stuff like Scales in Cc or such.

But on other places the game just punishes you for not going solo, like RT or shadowmoor, for Obsi or Garnet, If you don't solo you get bothered with a 100g minimum bid, no matter if all passes. In solo the stuff is for free.

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Solo life is really boring I know it bit good but u get bored when no one around and it feel sad


I rarely see people.playing I guess everyone dead cause this good.for nothing event they all waiting and hoping if ue4 bring call to arm event may be they busy at bdo

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Nobody has mentioned on which server they play on. I play on NA and EU with chars over 2200AP on both.


What I've noticed is that on NA nobody just LFP on F8. People seem to wait in the lobby for somebody to post a dungeon in F8 and then there's (sometimes) a quick surge of people to join the dungeon.


On EU on the other hand, people do indeed still just LFP up to CC and it fills relatively quickly if the dungeon is on the daily challenge. For that reasons, I prefer to progress my chars on the EU server now.


The truth is, the population of BnS is dwindling. If BnS Buddy is to go by, I only ever see a population of between 600 - 800 now. And that's at different times over a 16 hour period.


For those that says newbies should create their own parties to run dungeons, they're probably unlikely to since they don't know it well enough to lead it. Remember back in the day when you could just LFP in F8 if you had the minimum weapon requirement for the dungeon and/or reached the story requirement to run them? If we could bring this back and players could just LFP the dungeon, it would certainly help the newer players.


For those that say new players don't ask how to run a dungeon to learn the mechs, I've seen people ask at the first boss and instantly other players just leave the party. It's no wonder then that people stay silent and hope for the best.

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The population is lower than before, but it is far from "dead".

BNS buddy user population is low because there is a different public 3rd party launcher that is being used too, and you see up to 3000-3500 during peak hours on that. And those are just people using the 3rd party launchers. Based on my experience as a mentor over on the Academy discord server, majority of the players don't use 3rd party launchers of any sort. Really only the players who have played BNS in the past and is returning, or those who have been playing for a long while. There is a lot of players in and around open world wandering around doing storyline that we never see because we never venture back to those areas since we've completed story and gotten to level 60+.


and yes, in NA, majority of the time, no one uses the LFP button, thats to avoid bots or afk'ers.

it still doesn't prevent people from afking in your instance, but at least if they made the effort to click into the dungeon and ready up, its a bit more likely they're ACTUALLY there, than just clicking LFP and leaving for a while.


people do honestly spend too much time waiting for other players to make a listing in f8 or to post a recruitment message in faction/region chat though.

they gotta just step up and post their own. you could have 20 ppl waiting for the same dungeon, but all 20 of them are doing JUST that - waiting. someone has to post one. thats all it takes. 


so on that note, that person could be you. 

that'll solve some of your "i'm getting kicked due to my gear" problems.

might take a bit of time on occasion for people to join your instance, but hey, you know the requirements for the dungeons, you know how much it takes to clear mini's and final bosses. you know how much you've got to contribute. and i'm assuming you can gauge well enough how much other characters may or may not be able to contribute as well. so maybe f8 just needs you to be that guy (or gal) to make the listings for them to join. 

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On 6/23/2021 at 1:14 PM, ImoutoMaster said:

Ive tryed this and i can tell i dont need carrys. You could consider it getting carried if you do the bare minimum for a dungeon and someone with 20 million dps shows up but i always had the requirements for the dungeons. Also new players are supposed to get a guild to get everything explained or atleast one experienced person to explain everything.


You guys are simply entiteld to get everything for free. Look at the game how easy it is to get gear now ! Full

Thoose where even simpler times. You litterly came out of story and had enough to do the endgame stuff. You cant compare thoose times to today cause its so freaking easy nowdays to progress.


I don't need anything, i also made a new account and did just fine because of pvp + making alts..
But if you are new, and play 1 char.. you gonna have a hard time to gear up..

I'm not saying this for myself.. i just made a bunch of alts, got a ton of gold from pvp and trial arena + used call to arms event... was indeed easy this way..

There's just a lot of people with gear who don't wanna "carry" people with lower gear, because they feel like they are special because of their gear...

I never been like that, i always helped people with lower gear and never acted like im better because i have more dps.. as long as people don't afk, i don't care.. we both press the same amount of skills.


Guess this problem is just more noticeable now the game is this dead, usually would just find a new group right away and forget about it, now people get stuck in dungeons because of it. (and it's not even about mechs)


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Plz add 1more trap event like this next month sure game die for good lol


Welcome.to bns 20st or dst run for 1sould 

Stage 1-4 

Enjoy reroll 

For higher dugeno no one found in party that decent gear since they already used naryu coin and got outfit already we weak  and new  player only fighting for what ? That make sense 

Edited by Rinori
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8 hours ago, sFMos said:


I don't need anything, i also made a new account and did just fine because of pvp + making alts..
But if you are new, and play 1 char.. you gonna have a hard time to gear up..

Ive seen enough players reaching current content in like 3 months without any event. It depends on how dedicated you are.

8 hours ago, sFMos said:

There's just a lot of people with gear who don't wanna "carry" people with lower gear, because they feel like they are special because of their gear...

Havent seen a single one to be honest. Or do you mean players who rather run solo cause of the loot ? or thoose who request partys with like 2.5k ap and kick people who have 1.9k ? I mean that would not be on them if you join something you should have the requested stuff in the first place if not open ur own group.


Just evaluate what you meant. Cause you let it sound like high gear players are actively trying to discourage new players. I rather think they have a wrong picture of how the game is and people like you think thoose high gear player are actully trying to remove new players even tho they just mind their own buisness.

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