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Trove Working as Intended? Is this for real?


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I used 100 keys yesterday and I got HORRIBLE 2 and 3 stars.
3 stars were TOTALLY USELESS ITEMS which I have literally nothing useful there, Outfits/Fabric/Chromatic threads for 3 star trove.... that is so sad.....

2 stars trove: I got many 2 star troves that are all USELESS OUTFITS and Fabrics and even one time CAT OUTFIT (taking 6 out of 8 slots) too....


I understand that a minority of players do like to collect Outfits, but I believe majority of players are PvE players who need PvE items. But THERE ARE SO MANY of these USELESS Outfits and Fabrics to the trove, giving PvE players HORRIBLE Trove results....


Out of 100+ keys I don't even see a single Gem and NOT A SINGLE BLOOD ROSE that I need. (see link I took screenshot of some)

AND I saw some people in the discord who got 1 star Trove WITH BLOOD ROSES AND TRIANGULAR GARNET!!!! (see link)


I sent question to the Support, they said "Treasure Trove's system is working as designed"

Is this for real?

1 star trove for those rare items?

And 3 star trove for those fabric + elder scale fragment?

Really Working as intended?

Can we get confirmation? @Cyan


http://<a href="https://ibb.co/QQX4VFW"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/1QbkNfC/test.jpg" alt="test" border="0"></a>


https://ibb.co/QQX4VFW (link updated)

(Sorry I don't know how to put the picture on this post, please click on this ^)

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15 minutes ago, Codycat said:

its a randomized box so kind of the nature of the beast, would also make sense to skew the star rating system as to render the forced crits moot, its gambling for items, welcome to the party

The random part is understandable.

What is not understandable is how they allocate 1-star 2-star 3-star, in Common majority-PvE based.

I understand that you need Outfit there, but why the % of outfit seems to be higher (if not a lot higher) than other PvE trove items?

This is the part that is not making sense.


And why on earth is that 1-star trove contain much more valuable items than the 3-star trove?

I really cannot find a way to fathom this. 

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1 hour ago, prietess said:

The random part is understandable.

What is not understandable is how they allocate 1-star 2-star 3-star, in Common majority-PvE based.

I understand that you need Outfit there, but why the % of outfit seems to be higher (if not a lot higher) than other PvE trove items?

This is the part that is not making sense.


And why on earth is that 1-star trove contain much more valuable items than the 3-star trove?

I really cannot find a way to fathom this. 

Much depends on your luck, I only took one critical with outfit of 250+ keys.

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Go into the lottery and demand that you win the jackpot. Its gamble if you want to pay to win its your decision but NC should not give you any kind of compensation for your own decision if thats what you where looking for. 


There are plenty of Casher who get between 8K and 42K HM coins from Support cause they complain. Some i talked to actully got great results in their trove but they wanted to know if they can get thoose HM coins for free and they got it. But when i cash or someone else who is not cashing 24/7 we dont get ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. 

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3 star isn't automatically a guarantee sadly. It's still gambling and chance. It's unfortunate you didn't get what you wish for and spent so much. Everyone hopes for something good, even the ones who can't afford 100 keys and such. What you may think as useless is another's treasure, and so on. But, ya know, gambling is gambling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and yeah I know people on this game work so hard and grind so much, so when there's a loss suffered it's felt extra strongly.




@Imouto ooooh me wants 42k hmc lol 

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Well I was actually looking for a costume from trove. I used my HMcoins for over 150 keys now and no luck, I only seen costumes once and ofc not the one I look for. But after all, the reward from my very few crits are really crappy.  Even the one and only 3-star crit I had just brought me in a discount for 75 Legendary Jewels.... but well on from bright side, this trove is saving my RL cash for other important stuff...like SSDs, shoes and so on


PS: NCsoft, if you want to make $$ from F10 sales, you better put a carrot on the stick, a stick alone will not work!

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13 hours ago, Fortunaea said:

3 star isn't automatically a guarantee sadly. It's still gambling and chance. It's unfortunate you didn't get what you wish for and spent so much. Everyone hopes for something good, even the ones who can't afford 100 keys and such. What you may think as useless is another's treasure, and so on. But, ya know, gambling is gambling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and yeah I know people on this game work so hard and grind so much, so when there's a loss suffered it's felt extra strongly.




@Imouto ooooh me wants 42k hmc lol 

I will repeat myself again then...... Have you taken a look at my picture in the link? https://ibb.co/QQX4VFW


What I am asking is WHY ON EARTH is 1-star trove selling MUCH MORE VALUABLE items than 3-star trove?


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5 hours ago, prietess said:

I will repeat myself again then...... Have you taken a look at my picture in the link? https://ibb.co/QQX4VFW


What I am asking is WHY ON EARTH is 1-star trove selling MUCH MORE VALUABLE items than 3-star trove?


It's because 1-star trove has ALL items in the possible drop list, however, the chances to get lets say a 3-star item in a 1-star trove is like 20 times lower than in a 3-star critical. When you get a 2-star or 3-star criticals they only take away the 1-star items and slightly increases the chances for the other items. That's what I think anyways. Also each tier seems to favor certain preset items so that's why you see lot of same stuff and why 1-star trove can sometimes have way better loot.

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1 hour ago, Amarathiel said:

It's because 1-star trove has ALL items in the possible drop list, however, the chances to get lets say a 3-star item in a 1-star trove is like 20 times lower than in a 3-star critical. When you get a 2-star or 3-star criticals they only take away the 1-star items and slightly increases the chances for the other items. That's what I think anyways. Also each tier seems to favor certain preset items so that's why you see lot of same stuff and why 1-star trove can sometimes have way better loot.

I think the same. So either people got lucky or it is actualy a bug and shouldnt happen.

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16 hours ago, prietess said:

I will repeat myself again then...... Have you taken a look at my picture in the link? https://ibb.co/QQX4VFW


What I am asking is WHY ON EARTH is 1-star trove selling MUCH MORE VALUABLE items than 3-star trove?


Because stars represent the tier, not the value. In every tier you can have bad or good rolls. Best roll in tier 1 is better than worst in tier 3. Thats all.

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On 20. 12. 2019 at 8:52 AM, Jack Valent said:

WTH those 3 star loots sooo damn super scam.


I feel bad for you.


Well again trove as always getting worse. I follow every single trove since early 2017.

now wait for white knights to come up. YaY

There were always 2 good rolls except the costume rolls. One with the gems and that was super rare, and the other with the oil pack, what was only rare. rest was meh... always...

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