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Game dying


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On 8/17/2019 at 10:21 PM, Snowyamur said:

If users are going to keep coming on to these forums, let alone the r/bladeandsoul Reddit to keep exclaiming how much this game is dying, at least come with proof, otherwise, it's a waste of time.

North America F8

No more hard mode

Shrinking ladders

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10 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

What do you thin would happend when NC-Soft would tell the Devs either they fix the problem asap or they stop publishing BnS, Ill guess there would be a lot ov overtime for the devs. Again you still dont understand who have the power to make desisions.

Devs would then simply pay nc off and find another publisher. Easy as that. Publisher publishes the game, they buy the license to offer the game to players, they do not own the game or buy ownership of it.


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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

Devs would then simply pay nc off and find another publisher. Easy as that. Publisher publishes the game, they buy the license to offer the game to players, they do not own the game or buy ownership of it.

The Publisher might not own the Copyright of the game, but they own the right to publish the game and most time the exclusive right. Changing a publisher is not that easy as you imagine. Game, Music and Movie Industry is one of the hardest and not the dreamland...

Also, when the devs would have enough money and ressources to pay of a publisher, they for sure wouldnt need a publisher in first place and would publish the game by themself LoL

You think its just that easy to find another publisher who would take over a game with a bad reputation?

When NC-Soft stop publishing BnS it would presumably be the end of the game and for sure the end in NA/EU.


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1 hour ago, Merlin DE said:

Also, when the devs would have enough money and ressources to pay of a publisher, they for sure wouldnt need a publisher in first place and would publish the game by themself LoL

If they are smart enough they would learn from Bless Online and continue having a publisher.

1 hour ago, Merlin DE said:

You think its just that easy to find another publisher who would take over a game with a bad reputation?

It is. Nobody in business cares about "reputation" (don't be silly) as long as a games make money. And B&S makes more money than Aion. Who do you think would happily step in when NC had enough and focussed on mobile gaming? Hell-ooo(hh) GF!



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Too much arguing back and forth, makes the eyes glaze over.


I've been playing with the same group for about 2 years now and all of us at this point are on break or super casuals now.

Here are the reasons why;


  • 1. Too much lag. When I watch their streams, often there is server lag where they all freeze during a raid. Usually happens on Wednesdays. Very inconvenient/frustrating to deal with.
  • 2. Repetitive events without much or dull rewards. If it's not an great deal, there's no point to it. Sorry, not logging in.
  • 3. Ugly costume releases/good costumes again walled behind gambling
  • 4. Fumbled costume contest
  • 5. CM's slacking a bit. Now this one is a big thing for me. I'm really not trying to be mean, you're nice people. but I'm not seeing the A game. I'm seeing the...'let me look busy until it's time to leave' game. Which I do too-I get it, I know time drags and it gets boring and you're hungry and wanna go home and back to sleep. but with your jobs it's much harder to get away that with because it actually does impact the game and it's entire playerbase when you're only giving half the effort. Compare your event pages to ones of the past. What's missing? Important to the point information. There's way too much wordplay, it's like when you're trying to stretch an essay for a better grade. Maybe like, do one line of catchphrase, then get straight to business. The charts are good, you're fine there. But you never post the event costumes either. You just put a name. Personally find this a bit insulting. Come on. Take a screenshot of the costumes and post them. Again, go back and look at previous announcement news pages. Put in the effort. You not even showing us what's coming doesn't encourage us to go look in game to see what it is, it just says you don't even care to do that and that we have nothing to look forward to so we can just skip that event too. It's one button. Screenshot.
  • 6. Forum pleas/ideas/feedback ignored.
  • 7. Game lacks in social things to do. Fishing was a great step, until everyone realized it was a huge gold sinking ripoff. If you could add something to fishing so that it was no longer such a blatant scam, that could breathe that fresh air back into the game that was there upon it's first day of release.

Tired of not being listened to. Moving to dbd and xiv until there's finally some good news again.

Take care

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17 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Quite easy solution. You remeber the Poharan Event? Since NC-Soft recycle all events every year it should come up again later this year.
Instead of reducing gold / mats from old dungeons, make them like Poharan Event, every dungeon with mechanic and reduced stats so they are challangeing again.

I loved the mech in Shattered Masts, Nexus, Asura, Desolate Tomb, just to mention a few, and other dungeons which are now vanished to oblivian or just solo dungeons when you are bored.

Ill guess many people miss the old 45 / 50 content and would have fun doing these dungeons again.

With shrinking playerbase there is no point to divide them between 30-40 dungeons. Just phase out the old content and use them as events.


17 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

What do you thin would happend when NC-Soft would tell the Devs either they fix the problem asap or they stop publishing BnS, Ill guess there would be a lot ov overtime for the devs. Again you still dont understand who have the power to make desisions.


The most common problem is, NC-Soft seem to still make enough money cause there are still some people buying Ncoins worth a car when there is a trove.

As long as the cash flows there is no need for NC-Soft to listen.

Guess when no one would buy Keys for the next rove they imediatly would start listening, or they just shut down the servers...

Its an in-house development. They developing their own game. And no, they wont change. It was already hinted, if things will turn in to even worse state, they will discontinue the western release.

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2 hours ago, KzE said:

... It was already hinted, if things will turn in to even worse state, they will discontinue the western release ...

I've seen this mentioned a few times on this thread but I can't seem to find anything as reference to them hinting this, can anyone source it?


Otherwise, it is clear that the state of the game is not fantastic and seemingly declining which I assume will only get worse once school (apart from the tactically placed Archer Release) has started again for many ppl. Naturally us posting about it here will not really help unless the publishers really want it to help.


What hurts this game the most in my opinion is;

  • repetitive nature; I think it is pretty clear what I mean with this but in case it's not, Every week the same dailies, the same weeklies, the same events.
  • Cash Grab mentality; Instead of making the game more accessible to all players the developers have given a clear advantage to players who cash shop (myself included) by selling items which are required to progress - Gem Powder for example in the cashshop. By doing this there is certainly always demand & a very limited supply for the general playerbase which ensure that players who are new to the game get shot double in the foot as they can not afford to buy it from the auction house.
  • Lack of support;  When the one of the most used support answers is "check the forums" you know you have a problem. Or when things are clearly bugs and the response from the devs is "It's not a bug, it's working exactly as it should... boss dominates everything that moves without showing aoes"
  • (while similar to my first point but not the same) This game is a constant grind: I feel like the slogan for Bns should be Blade & Souls; Keep up with the grind or get left behind. In a game where players make x alts in order to stay above the grind limit, like Grimoir said earlier in this thread, they have 10 characters where they do the daily/Weekly stuff on to make money and farm mats. This is ludacris (for me, not judging ppl who do it) that the game is that much of a job that people are "ok" with having 10 characters to do the exact same thing on every day, of every week, of every month.  I play games after work to enjoy my free time, not to balance another full time job.
  • Lack of Social Community: This links into the aforementioned job mentality of the game, people stop having time to be social and only want to burn through everything to go do it on their other chars.
  • Increase of Toxicity: In general players seem to believe and practice this, it is easier to break people down the build them up, as long as this is the general mentality of players here the new players will continue stopping shortly after starting.

While I am not stopping the game, I still play every day, I can definately see that the community is changing and getting smaller. Many of my friends have quit and many of the people that I thought were becoming friends left as well lol. 


Oh we are all on this rollercoaster together, lets see how fast it goes!




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On 8/19/2019 at 9:04 AM, Merlin DE said:

NC-Soft as the publisher is responsible to make sure problems get solved / fixed. We already had the discussion about the relation between Publisher and Developer and the Publisher for sure have any power to force the Developer to fix a problem. So yeah its not NC-Soft who need to fix it but its NC-Softs responsibility to tell the Developer to fix it.
I never said its easy to debug code. As i said im a semi professional PHP-coder and have done a lot of debugging, I know how complicated it can be espacialy with randomly appearing bugs. But its the damn job of a coder to find and solve a bug/problem and 14+ month are more than enough to already solve this bug.


Even if they decided to wait for UE4, and hope this wil solve the problem, they can at least show some care about the affected players, like i said. Just something small to show they care.

Did i mention what mode? Guess not, Anyway, about 1/2 to 2/3 of my runs have been hardmode ;)


You do realize this is a Korean game foremost. I can't speak for you but I have played a few and I can tell you there is always a grind to them. This one has many forms of grinding. If you can't handle the drop rate, the amount of experience needed for leveling up ect.. Please don't play Korean games then. Many games have trends of adding grinds to drops. Also, they can pass information along but they aren't demanded to provide a timeline for it. With things like discord you make it sound like friend list bug is a game breaking thing its more of a QoL fix. Now I do admit since this isn't beta most bugs should be gone new bugs spring up with every update just because not only do we get the updates in segments but also it has to be translated. Things would run much smoother overall if we just got the Korean client with a language option.

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3 hours ago, Showta said:

Too much arguing back and forth, makes the eyes glaze over.


I've been playing with the same group for about 2 years now and all of us at this point are on break or super casuals now.

Here are the reasons why;


  • 1. Too much lag. When I watch their streams, often there is server lag where they all freeze during a raid. Usually happens on Wednesdays. Very inconvenient/frustrating to deal with.
  • 2. Repetitive events without much or dull rewards. If it's not an great deal, there's no point to it. Sorry, not logging in.
  • 3. Ugly costume releases/good costumes again walled behind gambling
  • 4. Fumbled costume contest
  • 5. CM's slacking a bit. Now this one is a big thing for me. I'm really not trying to be mean, you're nice people. but I'm not seeing the A game. I'm seeing the...'let me look busy until it's time to leave' game. Which I do too-I get it, I know time drags and it gets boring and you're hungry and wanna go home and back to sleep. but with your jobs it's much harder to get away that with because it actually does impact the game and it's entire playerbase when you're only giving half the effort. Compare your event pages to ones of the past. What's missing? Important to the point information. There's way too much wordplay, it's like when you're trying to stretch an essay for a better grade. Maybe like, do one line of catchphrase, then get straight to business. The charts are good, you're fine there. But you never post the event costumes either. You just put a name. Personally find this a bit insulting. Come on. Take a screenshot of the costumes and post them. Again, go back and look at previous announcement news pages. Put in the effort. You not even showing us what's coming doesn't encourage us to go look in game to see what it is, it just says you don't even care to do that and that we have nothing to look forward to so we can just skip that event too. It's one button. Screenshot.
  • 6. Forum pleas/ideas/feedback ignored.
  • 7. Game lacks in social things to do. Fishing was a great step, until everyone realized it was a huge gold sinking ripoff. If you could add something to fishing so that it was no longer such a blatant scam, that could breathe that fresh air back into the game that was there upon it's first day of release.

Tired of not being listened to. Moving to dbd and xiv until there's finally some good news again.

Take care

1. There will always be server lag even if your right there next to the server.
2. They could cut back on events instead of doing every month, to every 2 months allowing for newer events that people never seen.
3. Your opinion, sure I will agree most of the good looking bikinis and custom outfits are locked behind F10 but a lot of them are still nice.
4. They never had to hold a contest, everything could be handled better but you offer no real feedback other then fail!
5. *shrug*
6. No one knows that, could be they are looking but just simply don't wish to put in the changes.
7. I slightly agree. But fishing isn't a ripoff as such you don't have to use the best bait to earn achievements / enough points. You pay the gold for better bait you get the chance to speed it up (much like being free to play compared to whaling out).

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27 minutes ago, criticalnature said:

I've seen this mentioned a few times on this thread but I can't seem to find anything as reference to them hinting this, can anyone source it?


Otherwise, it is clear that the state of the game is not fantastic and seemingly declining which I assume will only get worse once school (apart from the tactically placed Archer Release) has started again for many ppl. Naturally us posting about it here will not really help unless the publishers really want it to help.


What hurts this game the most in my opinion is;

  • repetitive nature; I think it is pretty clear what I mean with this but in case it's not, Every week the same dailies, the same weeklies, the same events.
  • Cash Grab mentality; Instead of making the game more accessible to all players the developers have given a clear advantage to players who cash shop (myself included) by selling items which are required to progress - Gem Powder for example in the cashshop. By doing this there is certainly always demand & a very limited supply for the general playerbase which ensure that players who are new to the game get shot double in the foot as they can not afford to buy it from the auction house.
  • Lack of support;  When the one of the most used support answers is "check the forums" you know you have a problem. Or when things are clearly bugs and the response from the devs is "It's not a bug, it's working exactly as it should... boss dominates everything that moves without showing aoes"
  • (while similar to my first point but not the same) This game is a constant grind: I feel like the slogan for Bns should be Blade & Souls; Keep up with the grind or get left behind. In a game where players make x alts in order to stay above the grind limit, like Grimoir said earlier in this thread, they have 10 characters where they do the daily/Weekly stuff on to make money and farm mats. This is ludacris (for me, not judging ppl who do it) that the game is that much of a job that people are "ok" with having 10 characters to do the exact same thing on every day, of every week, of every month.  I play games after work to enjoy my free time, not to balance another full time job.
  • Lack of Social Community: This links into the aforementioned job mentality of the game, people stop having time to be social and only want to burn through everything to go do it on their other chars.
  • Increase of Toxicity: In general players seem to believe and practice this, it is easier to break people down the build them up, as long as this is the general mentality of players here the new players will continue stopping shortly after starting.

While I am not stopping the game, I still play every day, I can definately see that the community is changing and getting smaller. Many of my friends have quit and many of the people that I thought were becoming friends left as well lol. 


Oh we are all on this rollercoaster together, lets see how fast it goes!





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Well, I would not be surprised but if it is true then he is wrong about why.

Market reading? Play the western version and anyone can see that where it came from. No, just look at any complaint in forum and in reddit and you can see it and even you can even compile what everyone said:


-Software fps drops (even if with same hardware no fps problem in kr).


-Bad ping due to bad server placement(for Europe for exemple) and likely useless network exchange for disable game objects.


-Nothing for people who like just to enjoy something different after a year: same events even if people tell them what they want (poharan event with another dungeon), no outside group thing to do aside turtle, solo dungeon cannot scale to your gear level etc...


-Cosmetics which is with the gameplay the selling point of the game is mostly behind random chess or trove.


-Elitism making people who have good gear start being toxic for anything (seeing an ET geared player raging against a HM10 warlock for not placing sb at right time is not something rare). No incentive to play with lower gear while the game want you to live by your dps-meter.


-This is not about the west part but many mechanics are more something to read, remember and apply instead of reaction and reflex in front of telegraphed attack/combo that could be quicker and more complex the harder the content is (only tanks can enjoy that sometimes) : they rely to much on enrage time, enrage if what you do is not in textbook strategies (also make people wanting to burst to not having to do it). And I said too much: because there is a difference between a nexus(first boss if updated is a good exemple) where you can explain in few sentence the strategy but there is dangerous attack to evade and a RT or BC or even new dungeon where it need many paragraph.


-Farm not rewarding enough if not in last dungeons -> result on a progressive change of player strategy on obligatory multi chars farm.

-Bad user experience in case of miscommunication, bugs and short-sight modifications: gem/powder conversion not retroactive, cs/hm orb lie and then bug, weekly challenge problems, contest coming back to original state: NCS decide the winners.



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1 hour ago, criticalnature said:

Like the thread says - Unofficial source, to be taken with a grain of salt. Thanks for linking the source though :-)

People pointing to it, because the reorganization part was true, same goes for the decline. So the source doesnt really matter. Its outdated news already.

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11 minutes ago, KzE said:

People pointing to it, because the reorganization part was true, same goes for the decline. So the source doesnt really matter. Its outdated news already.

The source always matters regardless of how recent or outdated something is :-), but it is undeniable that there is a decline.

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23 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

You are talking about this most blatant lie, i always use to show friends how bold a publisher fooled the playerbase?

June 23, 2015 | Announcement

Business Model Revealed


Also i never saw any buissness modell like this
400 NCoins - 5 Eur, 800 NCoins - 10 Eur, 1600 NCoins - 20 Eur, ..., 20.000 NCoin - 250 Eur. No Discount, not even at the 20.000NCoin offer, seriuosly?
Shows how unrestrained greedy NC-Soft is.

"We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases."


Well, clearly this practice went out the drain now that Blade & Soul does more Trove and has its daily pool of in-game upgradeable materials that affect the gameplay in the cash shop, which players can buy with real world money.


NCSOFT clearly caters to the whales, and one would be foolish not to see that. It's a damn shame, but a business is a business. Too bad other game industries are leaning in this direction.

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Not true number but a good view of the trend since not everyone use bns buddy.

Bns buddy online user

2018 Summer 4000-6000

2018/2019 Winter trove 3500

2019 Post fishing event 2500-2900

2019 Summer 2000-2300


And today right now 2196 online. 




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2 hours ago, Shouteha said:

Not true number but a good view of the trend since not everyone use bns buddy.

Bns buddy online user

2018 Summer 4000-6000

2018/2019 Winter trove 3500

2019 Post fishing event 2500-2900

2019 Summer 2000-2300


And today right now 2196 online. 

I wouldn't use those numbers as a good projection of the current Blade & Soul player population, mainly because of the reason you explained: not everyone uses BnS Buddy. Better to use MMO-Population, as the statistics closely resemble those from Statista.


The Blade & Soul MMO-Population graphs can be found here: https://mmo-population.com/r/bladeandsoul/

Edited by Snowyamur
Adjusted and fixed link; still doesn't seem to work
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1 minute ago, Snowyamur said:

I wouldn't use those numbers as a good projection of the current Blade & Soul player population, mainly because of the reason you explained: not everyone uses BnS Buddy. Better to use MMO-Population, as the statistics closely resemble those from Statista.


The Blade & Soul MMO-Population graphs can be found here: https://mmo-population.com/r/bladeandsoul/


Oh that good to know. 


My only question now is, is that total population from all region (KR, NA, EU, etc) ?  If so, then it would not necessary reflect the U.S. population since it is still quite popular in KR and there is a noticeable decline on the U.S. side (at least that how I feel base) .    



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36 minutes ago, Shouteha said:

Oh that good to know. 


My only question now is, is that total population from all region (KR, NA, EU, etc) ?  If so, then it would not necessary reflect the U.S. population since it is still quite popular in KR and there is a noticeable decline on the U.S. side (at least that how I feel base) .    

I didn't make MMO-Populations, so I wouldn't know if it tracks the player activity across all regions, but I think it does.


However, what's important to understand about MMO-Populations is that their tracked MMO player counts are based primarily on active Reddit subscribers and users for the respective MMORPG Reddit pages. The actual player count is not as accurate as it's shown, mainly because getting accurate player numbers for any MMORPG game is very difficult unless this data was publicly released by the leading industry that developed the game(s).


What makes the site good, though, is that it provides accurate comparisons between different MMORPGs as they are ranked against each other. So for Blade & Soul being at Rank 14 might not be accurate considering there are some dead MMORPG games not removed from the charts, but the fact that it's up there is a compelling argument against the fact that the game isn't dying.


If there are still players talking about Blade & Soul on both Reddit and general social media platforms, it means the game's community is still active, and with that comes the assumption that in-game, there is an almost-equal number of active players as well. It's just about being on at the right place at the right time to find said players.

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1 hour ago, Snowyamur said:

I didn't make MMO-Populations, so I wouldn't know if it tracks the player activity across all regions, but I think it does.


However, what's important to understand about MMO-Populations is that their tracked MMO player counts are based primarily on active Reddit subscribers and users for the respective MMORPG Reddit pages. The actual player count is not as accurate as it's shown, mainly because getting accurate player numbers for any MMORPG game is very difficult unless this data was publicly released by the leading industry that developed the game(s).


What makes the site good, though, is that it provides accurate comparisons between different MMORPGs as they are ranked against each other. So for Blade & Soul being at Rank 14 might not be accurate considering there are some dead MMORPG games not removed from the charts, but the fact that it's up there is a compelling argument against the fact that the game isn't dying.


If there are still players talking about Blade & Soul on both Reddit and general social media platforms, it means the game's community is still active, and with that comes the assumption that in-game, there is an almost-equal number of active players as well. It's just about being on at the right place at the right time to find said players.

I also assume that the algorithm from mmo-pop.. is counting all players that connect to the game from every region. The kind of numbers the game pulls there seems to be heavily askewed, 180k + daily players - with a playbase like that you would have to be in the golden age of MMO's. (when compaired to other MMO's via steamcharts, FF14 - avg 19,000 Daily, ESO - avg 13,000 daily.)

I think it may be safe to say, While BnS Asia is holding steady the general interest from BnS Europe/NA is declining, which is something we are all witnesses to.

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1 hour ago, criticalnature said:

I also assume that the algorithm from mmo-pop.. is counting all players that connect to the game from every region. The kind of numbers the game pulls there seems to be heavily askewed, 180k + daily players - with a playbase like that you would have to be in the golden age of MMO's. (when compaired to other MMO's via steamcharts, FF14 - avg 19,000 Daily, ESO - avg 13,000 daily.)

I think it may be safe to say, While BnS Asia is holding steady the general interest from BnS Europe/NA is declining, which is something we are all witnesses to.

Yeah, and the fact BnS is declining in Europe/NA isn't good for the lot of us who continue playing the game because, knowing how NCSOFT operates their business, they might just withdraw the game from both regions just to profit heavily off of their Korean and general Asia player base.


It's sad that most game industries are turning into this, but no one said life is fair, right? We just have to roll with it and see where it goes.


Or, we can take a step forward with initiative to helping new players get into the game, all the while improving the community-aspect of Blade & Soul while it's still in-check.

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Oh yeah forgot something,  apparently couldnt be bothered to do a stream this time??

What's going on there.

Is there a procrastination issue?

There are some super last minute announced things in those patch notes too like the spec swaps. At this point it's actually unprofessional.

What are you doing?? What are you guys doing. lol

How swamped are you that you can only respond in the forum once every 3 weeks, can't do streams anymore, can't take a screenshot to post in your event news page, and can't write an event page without word padding.


Had no idea CMs were busier than government workers-try rock paper scissoring who should do what a couple days in advance so there won't be any more "I thought you were going to do that" confusion the day before a patch or whatevers going on there.

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

You do realize this is a Korean game foremost. I can't speak for you but I have played a few and I can tell you there is always a grind to them. This one has many forms of grinding. If you can't handle the drop rate, the amount of experience needed for leveling up ect.. Please don't play Korean games then. Many games have trends of adding grinds to drops

You do realize a.) we are not in korea and b.) im not agains grinding at all but...

When droprates of ressources and items get more and more cut off, to force people to spend money, its not fun anymore.

When people have 150+ Mao kills and not seen a single glove, which is just a freaking break through assessouir and you need two of them, this is not grinding anymore, this became ridicolous.

Another example, In may / june i farmed my mao neck it went quite well until beginning of june. After a maintenance suddenly the droprates of the Alphacoin fragments at boss 1 and boss 2 have been reduced by ~50-60% right in time for the upcomming summertrove. Surprise, surprise. I thought i start farming mao neck for one of my alts and wow droprate still is 50-60% lower then in may. Tell me how this is fair for people who start farming their stuff now. Why do they have to do twice as much runs as people who already got their stuff in the past?
I need daily, weekly, BT, VT on 4 chars to fairly keep up with my gear on my main and BnS has become more and more like a full time job with overtime included. An jet i still cant upgrade my Heart, Soul, Amulett any further because i need tons of oils which are hidden behind a paywall, even i do a lot of MSP grinding during the weekends. 


vor 17 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

With things like discord you make it sound like friend list bug is a game breaking thing its more of a QoL fix

It is gamebraking for multiple reasons

1. friends are spread over multiple Discord- and/or Teamspeak-Servers.

2. why do i need an external programm to find friends?

3. i have to tab out of the game to check for friends which often results in a gamecrash

4. not everyone is online in Discord / Teamspeak while they are ingame. Many people only use it for raids

5. any other reason


vor 8 Stunden schrieb Snowyamur:

I wouldn't use those numbers as a good projection of the current Blade & Soul player population, mainly because of the reason you explained: not everyone uses BnS Buddy.

Thinking about that i dont know anyone who is NOT using BnS-Buddy and that at least 25-50% of the playerbase use it i think thats a good source.

At least it shows a real amount of ingame players and its not based on reddit activity.

Anyway, both, the graph and the numbers posted by

vor 11 Stunden schrieb Shouteha:

Not true number but a good view of the trend since not everyone use bns buddy.

Bns buddy online user
2018 Summer 4000-6000
2018/2019 Winter trove 3500
2019 Post fishing event 2500-2900
2019 Summer 2000-2300

And today right now 2196 online. 

clearly shows a huge drop in active players.



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10 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

You do realize a.) we are not in korea and b.) im not agains grinding at all but...

When droprates of ressources and items get more and more cut off, to force people to spend money, its not fun anymore.

When people have 150+ Mao kills and not seen a single glove, which is just a freaking break through assessouir and you need two of them, this is not grinding anymore, this became ridicolous.

Another example, In may / june i farmed my mao neck it went quite well until beginning of june. After a maintenance suddenly the droprates of the Alphacoin fragments at boss 1 and boss 2 have been reduced by ~50-60% right in time for the upcomming summertrove. Surprise, surprise. I thought i start farming mao neck for one of my alts and wow droprate still is 50-60% lower then in may. Tell me how this is fair for people who start farming their stuff now. Why do they have to do twice as much runs as people who already got their stuff in the past?
I need daily, weekly, BT, VT on 4 chars to fairly keep up with my gear on my main and BnS has become more and more like a full time job with overtime included. An jet i still cant upgrade my Heart, Soul, Amulett any further because i need tons of oils which are hidden behind a paywall, even i do a lot of MSP grinding during the weekends. 

It still doesn't remove the fact that all Korean games have grinds in them whether we are in Korea or not you do realize this right? As far as drop rates they suck I agree however, it is part of the grind considering that is more or less for most classes / specs the Best in slot "endgame" necklace for now. Should it really be that quick to get without needing to farm? I mean they could offer us a true % figure on the actual drop rates but they really aren't inclined to. Also, my friend got a few gloves to drop the other day with very little grinding its just the RNG.

Like I told a few of my members, if you find a game to be a full time job or just not having that much fun go find something else to occupy your time. Blade and Soul is one of those games that you honestly do not to be at the very end game in order to progress unless your attempting the newest raid. If you feel you MUST have that to do anything in this game then we are playing 2 different versions. As for your discord / friend list bug comment. While I get you it should of been fixed back during beta, it still isn't a game breaking bug like certain things that come in mind that people are abusing that I rather not discuss openly to further promote doing it. Again though you can either farm your ass off and spend in-game gold to also buy what you need or you can swipe to speed up your progression. It could be done much better but that is how Blade and Soul has been since the start due to their F2P model.

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