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  1. Well, I would not be surprised but if it is true then he is wrong about why. Market reading? Play the western version and anyone can see that where it came from. No, just look at any complaint in forum and in reddit and you can see it and even you can even compile what everyone said: -Software fps drops (even if with same hardware no fps problem in kr). -Bad ping due to bad server placement(for Europe for exemple) and likely useless network exchange for disable game objects. -Nothing for people who like just to enjoy something different after a year: same events even if people tell them what they want (poharan event with another dungeon), no outside group thing to do aside turtle, solo dungeon cannot scale to your gear level etc... -Cosmetics which is with the gameplay the selling point of the game is mostly behind random chess or trove. -Elitism making people who have good gear start being toxic for anything (seeing an ET geared player raging against a HM10 warlock for not placing sb at right time is not something rare). No incentive to play with lower gear while the game want you to live by your dps-meter. -This is not about the west part but many mechanics are more something to read, remember and apply instead of reaction and reflex in front of telegraphed attack/combo that could be quicker and more complex the harder the content is (only tanks can enjoy that sometimes) : they rely to much on enrage time, enrage if what you do is not in textbook strategies (also make people wanting to burst to not having to do it). And I said too much: because there is a difference between a nexus(first boss if updated is a good exemple) where you can explain in few sentence the strategy but there is dangerous attack to evade and a RT or BC or even new dungeon where it need many paragraph. -Farm not rewarding enough if not in last dungeons -> result on a progressive change of player strategy on obligatory multi chars farm. -Bad user experience in case of miscommunication, bugs and short-sight modifications: gem/powder conversion not retroactive, cs/hm orb lie and then bug, weekly challenge problems, contest coming back to original state: NCS decide the winners.
  2. Better add some graph of players count: https://mmo-population.com/r/bladeandsoul/graph
  3. This is gold. People think that more skin automatically eq to more sexy. If entry 4 is one of the more sexy outfits in bns in same category as the black widow outfit or Zulia outfit or the qipao outfit then being naked is more sexy than lingerie then. Time for lingerie industry to go bankrupt... Beautiful? I am not commenting on it, but sexiest???
  4. So what about accept them but ask to modify before deadline or hide the bows to be fair? It is so simple...
  5. If you wanna know search them on twitter or reddit, you will see your self that they actually select the one they want to win. And the thing is that the people who did the design of the game as we know it are not in the team anymore so saying that they know better than anyone what fit the design is false. And if they want to select anyway (it is their game) then why make us vote? Other game usually have like community winner and game team winner.
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