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Dear NcSoft ...


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Dear Ncsoft. Everbody makes mistakes, its natural we are humans maybe this isnt even your fault if your world map looks like THIS i think you guys have to get a new one !

But seriosuly. Ncsoft i will be so kind to link a world map to you, HERE maybe now you can see the difference.


And here comes a few fact Blade and soul was relesed in TW Nov. 20 2014, and EU release was in Jan. 19 2016 !

So Summoner got nerfed based on the damage we can deal on TW client what is 2 years older, progressed then our clinet, and we got the same changes ?


EU/NA Summoner is farm from KR, TW, Summoners. This makes no sense this patch shouldnt be exist "now", maybe 2 years later but now its ridicilous, Getting a nerf because 2-3 years later Summoner will be the highest dps !!!





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If the past is our guide no matter how much complaining we do we will never get that lost DPS back. I used Bee's exclusively with mine, up until today, so the nerf was more then I will deal with. Fortunately this isn't my main anymore. Add this nerf to the fact the refuse to fix the combat bug related to my cat and this class is pointless to me. I wll continue playing my Sin, and FM, and enjoy them until the nerf hammer smashes them too.

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what the F blade and soul developers why do u ruin the chars rly now ..... epic nerf to summ QQ go on with one more nerf and u can call this class a healer or go to a fking rework if u want this class to be a support - healer or gave him some buffs like sb or some shits

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Funny, NCsoft can't seem to nerf you guys well enough. No matter what, it seems all you have to do is use the cancer stick to win. Summoners are by far the most OP thing in the arena, I know I complain a lot about BMs but once they're under control, they stay under control. Scummoners, even when stunned can still rely on their pet. KO the pet? The scummoner will just get into cloak and stand right the f*** next to their pet, daring you to accidentally hit it awake. Which makes it a waste of a perfectly good skill, and time. 


Then there's their slow effects, and block defense. FMs I can easily respect because they can't CC for s*** if they don't stack those chills, and even then you can just block them. But scummoners are a whole new level of stupid. They literally have to "JUMP!" and spam sunflower until you're dead. The animations and voice acting is even more annoying to. Seeing them f***ing jump up and down like someone's banging them and hearing that childish scream when they use...whatever it is that skill is where they scream. XD


It seems like they were designed to *cricket* people off. So I'm happy to see them nerfed to a point where they require brains to play. 

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Please not again ! Dont make this post argument between classes ! Please ! Iam mad beacuse this is the exactly the same nerf what TW summoner got (TW summoner Do 150k-200k DPS EU/NA Summoner do about 30k DPS).  The main problem with this nerf !

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On 26. 10. 2016 at 4:48 PM, KenzoAlex said:

what the F blade and soul developers why do u ruin the chars rly now ..... epic nerf to summ QQ go on with one more nerf and u can call this class a healer or go to a fking rework if u want this class to be a support - healer or gave him some buffs like sb or some shits

oh hey and wls are on opposite side, as support class, they have nothing to give, except sb...

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4 hours ago, Deathchill said:

"You have successfully finished Easy Mode. You can now play on other difficulties by selecting a different class."

I LOL'd.


Oh guys remember, the: up, up, down ,down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start code unlocks the summoners infinite lives cheat.


(Otherwise known as infinity stealth w/perma I-frame sunflowers spam ani hacks...and a cat.)

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