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Everything posted by LaVersus

  1. @Hime UE4 was a success, we honestly expected worse from it not gonna lie. But despite the positive feedback we can give for increased Performance, graphics, convenience systems and skillpatches, we have to adress what is threatening to make all the effort that went into UE4, worthless. Please for the love of this game bring us a strict form of Anticheat. All the returning new players will be scared away by -the Cheaters ruining the Economy with cheated multiruns and sold bossloot (some players sitting on literal millions from sold Thornwind Cavern runs.) -XML, Autocaster, Skillpatcher, people cheating their way to victory in Battlegrounds and Arena making the PvP ladder -Speedhackers left and right -Jump XMLs to avoid Boss enrages the list is endless long, and some of these cheats have their roots in the inconvenience this game is made (looking at Box opening times, transmute, The ability to only disable 5 skills and not rebind the abilitys) but others is just blatant cheating for the sake of achieving profit trough high ladder rewards and exploiting the economy. Last but not least it is sadly known that some of the most spending whales have been banned in the past and unbanned within short times. Other cases sugest that well spending players dont get banned in the first place. Its apearing to look like this game is not just pay2win but pay2cheat as well.
  2. please share your wisdom, how can I grind to 4k ap, 20k mystic as free2play? Oh right you cant. sure you can buy stuff from raids, but thats barely mediocre gear, for the real endgame items you need years of grind, basically playing the game as a full time job, and when a game becomes like a repetetive job it hardly can be fun. or well...just 500$ and you can skip an entire year of grind.
  3. But thats exactly how it works. Everyone who plays since release will tell you that the game became equaly more unsuccessfull and lost more playerbase as pay2win increased. Dude you can even look up NCsoft Quarter reports where they show how much every game made them in profit every quarter for the last years and you will see that it went down and down and down as it proceeded. You have to be hell of a rich ignorant idiot to think that this not real thing. Pay2Win destroys games, Pay2win games have the smallest playerbases because only the smallest amount of people can quite literaly afford to compete. And unless amongst these players are like 10 sheichs who swipe in the 6digits every month they are also ultimately less successfull then their non pay2win counterparts.
  4. You say p2w is needed for a game to financially survive. How come the most popular games out there are free games with no p2w only cosmetic shops? Grind isnt needed either, grind only exists in p2w games to drive players into the cash shop. Making games Inconvenient is to drive players into the cash shop. Rather have a million players of which 10% buy a costume once a month, then having 50k players of which 50% swipe a 100$ a month there are old games that worked so much without grind, by adding more social interactions, more casual play, more exploration. And there are new games in development striving to get back to these social mechanics, the aspects of exploring and connecting with people. looking at Palia, Ashes of Creation for example, of course they are in development still and you can never be certain but the amount of followship for these games shows how much people are sick of grinding pay2win mmos. Palia has probably more exited people on their discord already then blade and soul has active players. Also these Studios actually connect and listen to their playerbase, something NCsoft hasnt done in the last centurie at all.
  5. This game is long past pay2win. its Cheat2Win. Players that sold thousands of TC cheated speedruns sit on millions of gold and scales now, ready to literly just buy every upgrade that comes for the next year or two. And no, saying that Pay2Win is okey and the game is still fun is the biggest lie ive heard. only a whale would say that. No Free2play player that has been absolutely outgeard by 1000AP and 500k HP in BG would ever say that pay2win is fine, neither would say any PvE player that isnt taken into any endgame raids or CM groups because he has X AP less then another player that reguarly swipes. the basegame might be fun, but the fun ends instantaniously at the second it becomes even just a slight competetive and a swiping player will just deal 3 times your dps/points/oneshot you in bg etc.
  6. I agree, however the late game is extremely competitive. Ladder rewards are a huge thing to gain a reasonable amount of Cash-Shop currence, allowing to use pay2win events without swiping. Which again is of course also benefiting the already max geared whales. New Raids want to be cleared asap to gain the advantage of the new gear and make tons of gold by selling the loot to others. Gold which is worth hard cash as the gold selling market is booming. Of course it should be Entertainment. But most of the ingame Mechanics force and allow for a heavy competitive Gameplay. Sure you can play Blade and soul once a week with your 1500 Attackpower hm 16 Character and enjoy the game for its graphics, story and whatnot. But if your anywhere near endgame youll quickly see that your left behind if your not take advantage of what everybody else is using.
  7. Well while I agree that the failing rate is somewhat frustrating I have to say that they are farmable after all trough Challengemode where 1 per kill is rewarded and stacks of 5 will drop fairly common
  8. Hate to break it to ya. The fittest cheat. Be it ingame, in sports, In IRL money perspective. nobody is the best anymore by being honest thats the truth of todays society in general
  9. Yes the playerbase chose to do so. They did so in the beginning for performance reasons. First it was just FPS fixes, animations removal. Then people figured out when optimizing Performance why not optimize the class performance. Because Initially everything had the target to solve a problem that NC created like terrible performance and class balance. Problem being those "Optimizations" also Benefit those that dont need it, seeing 99% of the cheaters are the Endgame playerbase with absolutely enough gear for enough dps in any situation. But then there are Ladder rankings for clearing stuff very very fast. There are dungeons you need to run a few hundred times to get what you need, some taking as much as 20 minutes per run on average, looking at you Naryu Sanctum rework that nobody asked for. Point is this game is either dead or playable but full of cheaters. You forbid any form of tempering with the files and 3rd party launchers and 90% of the playerbase will be gone by bans or because they just cant play the game anymore. NC might as well shut the servers down once and for all. And nope your not part of the solution. Not by crying on forums, not by reporting the same guy for the 5th time because NCsupport is corrupt and will just look at the players recent transactions to confirm that he is to valuable to ban. Seriously in no game ive ever played Ive seen this many permanent bans of obviously well paying players been revoked within just a few days. You either play cheating or you die crying. The world isnt Fair, this game just prove it yet again, sorry dear social justice warriors.
  10. Well im glad when it gets fixed, until then I just play the way everybody does without putting myself at a disadvantage. This way I dont have to cry out in the forums over something that has been reported to the death but may never get fixed. Edit: as the plogs said it: "Its a dog eat dog world" You aint getting anything for playing fair, your either eating or you are being eaten NCsoft aint going to refund the fair players their ranking rewards like :"oh yeah your gear you totaly be top 30 or top 15 but 50 gcd people got in the way." And I disagree you are either part of the problem, or you do nothing. Because you CANT be the part of the solution. You can report it all you want that not doing anything. NCwest devs dont have the power to do something, and Korea Devs only do something if it affects Korea as well.
  11. People send reports to the devs about the pet pod and skin vendor problem 5 months before it blew up but only did they fix it when everybody was abusing it.
  12. If I had the 10ms ingame ping that I should have I wouldnt have to bother about it. Its the same as with the Pet-Pod event. Being part of the problem is helping to fix it and is more profitable. If still only the "elites" as you people like to call em, who where paying a Dev who sold the gcd, where using it it would be less likely to be fixed and it would only benefit those who are already the best. Now everyone profits until it get fixed. Same with any xml edits. It only becomes public when someone doesnt keep it secret and the more people know about it the more likely it will get to the devs. Just look at volt-salvo xml a cheat only used by 3 FMs on the server only very few where aware of it at all. Recently it became public, majority started to used it and just today or yesterday it got fixed in Korea and is soon to be fixed in EU too. Of course its ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ that it has to work this way, but thats the way it works for this bns aparently
  13. Yeah seriously, how dare the players keep fixing the performance on their own...NCs been promising UE4 for 3 years im sure the game will be better soon how dare players use gcd when the ingameping of 150ms while literly living next to the servers is totaly justifyable? how dare the players keep editing gamefiles, because 90% of this game is aparently handled clientside instant of serverside how it should be for any mildly competitive online game. You have no idea how stupid and naiv you are. NC doesnt fix ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ until it blows up and crushes their income,: See pet Pod event, which was known to the support months before the bubble popped and everyone used it. Same reason they wont ban anyone, Since it would crush their income, they would rather try to fix it but their one single overworked dev they have over there in NA cant even figure out how those mods works probably.
  14. from a support ticket which was leaked on reddit you can also see that this bug was reported 4 months ago, they realy failed on the entire line.
  15. so since we know now that the bug was reported 4 months ago already and not fixed. NcSoft themselves helped getting it public with their dumbass forum post. We can say all that is a surprise is that this didnt blew up earlyer. I totaly blame NCsoft on this they had 4 months to fix it, and instead of doing so they even posted how to exploit it now and expect noone to milk that event like NC milked the playerbase. Any punishments would be injustified. Imagine there is a broken traffic light state refuses to fix, and your being sued for causing an accident there simply because you chose to drive that road.
  16. the only people i know of being banned where nero for streaming it and that was probably and automated ban after he got reported by salt peoples via ingame function as it was just a 7 day ban
  17. Okey all jokes asside. Realistically speaking it happened on a Weekend and NC is in Homeoffice, so they probably had very limited ways engaging the problem. We will see what happens tomorow.
  18. Thats literly happening every few patches with cost reductions. Im playing from start as well. and with every few patches they give away stuff for free that I once worked hours upon hours farming it.
  19. yeah i feel you, there is no sense in it at all. He wants it to be wrong for the sake of it. Like an Alman calling the police 2 minutes after bedtime to file a noise complaint over his neighbour whos hearing music at 2 decibels too loud.
  20. your horrible english is the least that makes me laugh about this. If you had to pay 200gold for a pet stone before and now 10-15gold after. what are you still crying about. You can make decent gold multirunning high dungeons. you can make gold playing 6v6. You have so little clue about the game in general im wondering if you even reached level 60 yet.
  21. they can get real cheap pet stones from the market. I realy dont see anybody exept ncsoft loosing in this.
  22. absolute bullshit. First of all your making more money with 1 single PvP match then with 20 bug boxes. i played for an hour and made soulstones worth 900 gold. you need 60 pet pods to get the same amount which what ive seen from screenshots would be opening at least 1500 boxes. Second of all, nobody is holding you back. go ahead and use the merchant like everybody else. Sayin that the majority is not using the bug is so obviously wrong that its funny. Have you seen how empty F8 was once this was discoverd? Have you seen that even in the middle of the night at 2AM european time the game had as much logins as last we got like 2 years ago? Literally everybody i know has at least used it a bit just to get the costumes.
  23. I honestly dont get where there is honesty in not taking free stuff. This isnt a XML edit, or a script or anything else involving a third party. It's NCsoft that messed up and after being milked and scammed over by dozen of pay2win events and catering towards the geared playerbase this is the first thing that caters to EVERYONE being it intentionally or not. You dont gain anything by QQing around over it. Just shut it or join it. Its like crying that your poor because you refuse to take a daily 100 dollar bill that literly spawns infront of your homedoor. Who knows maybe somebody looses it everyday there, but you would still take it. Especially if you know that person made this 100 dollars by scamming others.
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