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Plz. Remove open pvp!


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1 minute ago, Grevier said:

Soulstone are gathered trough PvP for PvE purposes.

You don't need Soulstones in Arena, so there's no reason for them to be PvP related.

So you are basically saying that people who mostly play arena and do open world PvP shouldn't have any source of income?

Why is wrong to force PvE players to do PvP, but it's totally okay to force PvP players to do PvE? What is the point on being diamond in the arena and suck at open PvP at the same time, cuz you don't have enough gold to finally upgrade that infernal weapon to profane?


No one is forced to do anything. Some people only PvP, some only PvE, and some are super jelly when someone is capable of doing both and doesn't care if he dies few times while walking around in the Talus base.


Also I don't want to be forced to go back to Jadestone to get red roses. PLS REMOVE JADESTONE FROM GAME. AND SOME OTHER DUNGEONS THAT I DONT LIKE TOO. AND DESTROYERS. I CRI EVRI NIGHT ;_;

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You can sit in Arena from Level 15, you don't need to repair, you don't need gear.

What income do you need?


Soulstones are meant for gear that is meant to be played PvE, unless we're not going to talk about Open PvP where one can even win with Blue Gear as long they outnumber the opponents (a.k.a ZergFest).

There are also Soulshield such as Moonwater Arena that can be gathered trough PvP NPCs. All you need is PvP gear so you can leave Soulstones into PvE, because you don't need them.


Once again, PvP is forced. Prove my wrong by bringing me a player that only buys Soulstone and does No-PvP

Oh wait... there are NONE!


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4 hours ago, Azurrei said:

Nah, not needed OP.  What IS needed is soulstones attached to PvE dailies/dungeons - not PvP garbage only (which is counter intuitive given you don't use soulstones for the primary form of PvP in this game, Arena.)  Just like every other MMO, this one seems to feel the need to overly incentivize/reward PvP so people actually participate...they are not naive to how few people actually want to PvP in an MMO vs PvE...

This. While I honestly don't mind a bit of PvP, and I do my daily quests relatively easily, I feel that it's in the best future of the game to provide equal balance on both sides. here's what that means:


1) provide PvE players a way via quests to achieve what they need for PvE advancement. buying off the market is really a backdoor that shouldn't have to be. whats wrong with providing a small group of dailies that reward SS? And by PvE I mean quests that do not require you to put on your fraction uniform.


2) provide PvP a way to advance their necessary gear by doing only PvP. I don't think it's fair to force PvP players to do PvE just to get upgrade equipment as an example.


simple as that. I'm not against PvP, and honestly this is one of the first games that I don't mind doing PvP on (thought it's really just grouping up for the dailies). And I also knew coming in that Blade and soul was PvP heavy. But there is opportunity for them to increase their popularity if they provide what both sides want.


On the note of incentive...I do find it interesting that they have to "Inspire" players to PvP in order to get their PvE gear. It's ironic that in a PvP game, they need to get the PvE players to PvP. you would think that if PvP was so much fun and so popular that they wouldn't have need to do that. but I digress...


EDIT: Oh, and to the OP and others, easy way to get the PvP dailies done is grouping up. It helps avoid situations with gankers from the other team. And yes, channel hunting sucks...but at least it's there. my server tends to be red heavy, but there is usually a channel where the blues get theirs done. it's not the best solution, but it's there in the meantime.

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8 hours ago, Kromede said:

*PvP is PVP it doesn't matter in open world or in arena

*A win is a win no matter how or the way you archived it.

Also, don't expect other players have mercy or honor in them, they play their own game on their own time, if you can't deal with it then go do something else. 

Ask ppls to leave you alone when you flagged for PvP is ridiculous.

Please show me where exactly I said "Open World PvP" was not Pvp? I am simply pointing out the fact that most people who Enjoy Open world PvP do so because it requires no skill, and is almost always on an un-even playing field.


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6 hours ago, Temjiu said:

1) provide PvE players a way via quests to achieve what they need for PvE advancement. buying off the market is really a backdoor that shouldn't have to be. whats wrong with providing a small group of dailies that reward SS? And by PvE I mean quests that do not require you to put on your fraction uniform.


2) provide PvP a way to advance their necessary gear by doing only PvP. I don't think it's fair to force PvP players to do PvE just to get upgrade equipment as an example.


I could be down with this only if it is one or the other.

You do the PvP "Quests" and you are locked out of the PvE ones (and Vice Versa), because it has been shown over and over again that PvPers have no problems doing the PvE content if it makes them better at "PvP". Whereas PvE players will *never* Pvp If given an equally valid alternative path to the same goal.

For the Record I consider myself PvX but I suck at Arena so.. *shrugs*

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Make party of 6 is your best chance of a successful quest. Alone you're an easy target.

Attack first if you want to survive, it is of no use in minding your own business at misty wood, if you see red names, attack. 


Specially lbm and summoners, they *cricket* you so hard if you don't watch out. 

You could try talk them out of it, "I come in peace" lol - Just make sure you do it before they attack you.


The amount of negative replies on this thread is beyond me, cancer.

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Its not so much having PvE progression behind PvP. Its having PvE progression behind pointless PvP. World PvP in this game is pointless aside from a single quest. To have essentially PvE quests that require you be PvP flagged to complete just makes those who choose to PvP to be justified griefers or at least seen as that to the majority of players. There is little to nothing they're gaining in impeding other's progression.



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11 hours ago, Zartan said:

i dont mind if they want to go into the arena and pvp but this dumb crap searching for a ch. so i can do my faction quests alone and then getting plowed just trying to get soulstones and minding my own business is BS!!!! Take the open pvp out its pure crap also your 24 man bw is a joke also it is more like 224 man that needs to be a 24 man raid dungeon there is way to many people and lots of lagg when there is that many!!! And before you idiots say why you playing a pvp game, this is not a pvp game only, and the pvp needs to be contained to a arena only or make soulstones obtainable threw non faction quests not just one quest!!!

Faction - pvp.

Dont want pvp- dont go faction.


Say THANKS that we don't have Player Kill option.

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12 hours ago, Zartan said:

i dont mind if they want to go into the arena and pvp but this dumb crap searching for a ch. so i can do my faction quests alone and then getting plowed just trying to get soulstones and minding my own business is BS!!!! Take the open pvp out its pure crap also your 24 man bw is a joke also it is more like 224 man that needs to be a 24 man raid dungeon there is way to many people and lots of lagg when there is that many!!! And before you idiots say why you playing a pvp game, this is not a pvp game only, and the pvp needs to be contained to a arena only or make soulstones obtainable threw non faction quests not just one quest!!!


This is a Korean MMORPG. Throw out all your pvp outfits and there ya go, no more pvp for you. It seem's you dont know how korean mmorpgs operate, if you don't like it go back to WoW. Also, if anything, the pvp SHOULD be more like Tera, Archeage or Lineage II so people cant talk shit and hide behind a carebear outfit. There's my 2 cents on this madness.

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You cry babies should shut up and suck it up or uninstall already. Blade & Soul isn't a PvP only game but it's a PvP CENTRIC game. It's main selling point is the PvP. If you think PvE is going to be catered to in such a game with open world PvP being removed, you're mistaken and all your pleas and cries will fall on the deafest of ears. Soulstones will be common as *cricket* pretty soon and fall into the copper range most likely but you can forget world PvP going away.

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14 minutes ago, MoltenHeaven said:

You cry babies should shut up and suck it up or uninstall already. Blade & Soul isn't a PvP only game but it's a PvP CENTRIC game. It's main selling point is the PvP. If you think PvE is going to be catered to in such a game with open world PvP being removed, you're mistaken and all your pleas and cries will fall on the deafest of ears. Soulstones will be common as *cricket* pretty soon and fall into the copper range most likely but you can forget world PvP going away.



You got it backward. Blade and soul is a PvE game.

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Stop being such a child. Many people die in PvP and coming on the forums to complain about it doesn't help. It's open world for a reason. People take advantage because they don't get taken advantage of in arena. 


The match ups in arena are physically unfair. While they match up and bring down attributes. It's doesn't matter to a 45 because they still have way more skills to use rather than spamming T and R. 


People led only do faction dailies to: 


A.) Get a hidden identity mask by killing 1k players. 

B.) To farm insignias. 

C.) To rank up clan/guild

D.) Increase their rank ( I hated running around with initiate 


E.) To recieve prestige points 

F.) Farm the opposite faction NPC's in order to summon a boss in order to recieve insignias for outfits. 


Dont take it to hard on yourself it's happened to me plenty of times. Of course I switched to my alt and killed a few. But, being farmed or farming people is a regularly scheduled program in this game. It's not anything to take personal. People don't just do it for no reason. 


Oh and Misty Woods? Anywhere you go no matter the Channel you always see someone whether Crimson or Cerulean. I saw 20 Crimson get ganked by 35 Cerulean!


Point is.  NCsoft loves putting open world PvP in many of there games. Such as Aion (great game) where it just happens. You don't have uniforms to control it. However in this game you do. Even in Aion when I had awesome conversations with the Asmodians (before they killed me brutally) it felt nice knowing what PvP was. 


I really understand how how you do I really really do. Unfortunately many people love the PvP options in BnS as do I. It feels great knowing that you don't see separate worlds between the factions, Pink, Red and Purple names as the last thing you see before the revive station. 


My I understand the concerns you have but I think that if its been in Korea and China, Japan must I go on? For so long that they won't change it now. 


Sorry, that's just the truth. 

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Imo, there isnt enough pvp in this game outside of boring arena.  Arena gets old, looking at the same setting time after time.  If there was more open world pvp or more pvp types like territory wars it would make this game more worthwhile to play.  You are not forced to do pvp, if you see another of the opposing faction you got something in your head called "eyes" so use them and just avoid them, or simply not wear the uniform.  Or you can do faction dailies with a group of people.   But in the end this game needs more forms of pvp cause endgame pve is nothing but dailies, and endgame dungeons are pathetically easy to do, even 4 mans are absurdly easy.

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14 hours ago, Ari-Shadow said:

Faction - pvp.

Dont want pvp- dont go faction.


Say THANKS that we don't have Player Kill option.

lol if PKing (opposing faction, your faction, with or without the outfit on)  was allowed I would be hated by soooo many, but sadly I have to stick with people in faction outfits only.




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Op is Op XD 


But nope if u don't wish to pvp u don't play a pvp mmo 


Its like u don't play fps games when u hate guns and killing people lmao


Like myself I hate zombies so I don't really play zombie game haha


At the end of the day nobody but you can be responsible for the choice of game you pick to play, if u don't like pvp go play some pve grind game like aura kingdom or something XD

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15 hours ago, Ishtar said:

The amount of negative replies on this thread is beyond me, cancer.


BnS eu/na community at its finest. Your reaction to me is equal to walking into the ghetto and not understanding why you're getting robbed.


22 minutes ago, Saebyol said:

Dont take it to hard on yourself it's happened to me plenty of times. Of course I switched to my alt and killed a few. But, being farmed or farming people is a regularly scheduled program in this game. It's not anything to take personal. People don't just do it for no reason. 


Yeah ... that still doesn't explain why 3 lowbies tried ganking me at the beach faction quests with 0 prestige... They learned it was not a good idea though. All in all people kill everything thats red in a pvp game. They need no reasons to grief, some do most don't. 

11 minutes ago, 882260_1452550489 said:

Imo, there isnt enough pvp in this game outside of boring arena.  Arena gets old, looking at the same setting time after time.  If there was more open world pvp or more pvp types like territory wars it would make this game more worthwhile to play.  You are not forced to do pvp, if you see another of the opposing faction you got something in your head called "eyes" so use them and just avoid them, or simply not wear the uniform.  Or you can do faction dailies with a group of people.   But in the end this game needs more forms of pvp cause endgame pve is nothing but dailies, and endgame dungeons are pathetically easy to do, even 4 mans are absurdly easy.


Yes i agree they should make a continent or arena in a sort of open world form where you could go and pvp for goals. King of the hill, domination you name it. With rewards that are usefull for pvp or cool outfits. However if you don't want to go there to PVP it should in no way hinder your progress in PVE. Just make it for the people that actually want to. I would most likely even go there to PVP. As it stands now i have to go PVP to get what i need for PVE and thats where it's going wrong at the moment.

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I have a very bad PC, enormous latency issues and low skills (need a dose of git gud), however, I do my misty woods faction quests daily. Most of the time I don't do the kill other faction players quest 'cos i play on crtl+f. What i really wanted to say was that i don't mind being killed while doing them. If there is too many reds in the area, ill come back later if channel switch is not being helpful.

With all that I still buy at least as much soulstones on the AH and through trade. I earn a decent amount of "monies" to slowly upgrade both my gear and my crafting mats stash. I know it can be frustrating when you get ganked while doing those quests, but come on, repair hammers are like 2 silver a piece, and that( besides time and in my case awfully long loading screens) is the only expense.

Do them, or don't, it's up to you, however you should never judge people for wanting to have some fun in this game, and we all know, fun is in the mouse and keyboard of the beholder(git gud player in this case)

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On 2/24/2016 at 0:40 PM, Rawrzory said:

Yes i agree they should make a continent or arena in a sort of open world form where you could go and pvp for goals. King of the hill, domination you name it. With rewards that are usefull for pvp or cool outfits. However if you don't want to go there to PVP it should in no way hinder your progress in PVE. Just make it for the people that actually want to. I would most likely even go there to PVP. As it stands now i have to go PVP to get what i need for PVE and thats where it's going wrong at the moment.

That.. Sounds Fun.

Honestly, *I* have no issue with the way it is now. I used to Play UO for *cricket* sake.. I know what its like to die to a PK and lose *everything* So this.. this is a cake walk for me.. But I do understand how some people might be angry at any game for using PvE goals to force you in to PvP

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but the game is like 4 years old, released in multiple places...  isn't it... a little too late now?  lol

yeah, it does kind of force you to participate to pvp in some way.  but didn't you know what you were getting into when you decided to play?

this game had a CN, TW, KR & JP version...  there is the dojo with a ton of players willing to provide info.  you sure, you had no idea when you signed up?

like some responders, hubby played a pvp intense mmo waaay back then when losing in open world pvp could mean losing your gear.

to him this is a breeze, only thing you lose is the your weapon's durability, or your prestige if you have any.  well time too, because you have to respawn.

it's frustrating to be killed when questing, but that's why there are channels.  usually a faction will dominate at least one channel.  quest in that channel.

do that going forward and chances of your getting killed will lower.  it's also very fun to help zerg whomever dare to step into your faction dominating channel.  lol

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