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Fix your summoners


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Oh yes go away with those again -what you have with summoners ,seems you are hit pretty bad.get some fresh air ,enjoy some RL walking and get better .We are not imbatabile,enjoy game ,learn your skills maybe.I got kicked by KFM and Destroyers alot ,untill i learnt to make my way.Chill out ,don't put it into your nervs .Stress kills,not the poor summys xD


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 rofl what nerf on summoners? i actualy saw improvements for them when i read it ... +my block can be disabled.And sumoners who say git gud becouse KFM and destroyer can kill you.Reroll a BM where pet ruins u combo  while u are actualy in air lol which actualy   is bm specialty lol ... aaaand now we cant even block sometimes .... srsly  everyother class i am okey to play against fck even sin with 80% stealthtime but atleast they are easy to get if u actualy get them out of stealth and block body swap while summoner.well summoner is summoner....just face sssssmaash keyboard. admit it most of you guys playing summoners doesnt even know most of other class skills for example KFM blue buff or destroyer both buffs and when u can actualy get tru spin when its not immune anymore or same about LBD. i am nearly platinium but i wont ever reach it becouse there is always gatekeeper summoner train lol.Srsly reroll BM and then say git gud .....until then stfu aand stop making these complain threads it wotn change anything anyway just deal with this for a period of time or just make  summoner for pvp like everyone does by seeing 80% arena matches now are against summoner lol its like everyone reroll it .....

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You clearly have nothing better to do than complain with nonconstructive posts on the forums I've noticed.




On the same page... Another nonconstructive thread talking about classes. To most people I would explain stuff to. In your case, you my as well just give up. If you're finding it rough now, leave before other people actually start learning their classes. Because clearly you aren't taking much time to learn yours.

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From what I heard, Summoners will be losing their advantage in the future and it comes from the game being balanced at lv50.

As for what nerfs, their soloing got nerfed (taunt less dependable, healing against multiple enemies reduced).

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3 minutes ago, Destinykraze said:

I came in to laugh at losers. You probably get pwned by everyone anyway.


Is that the new trend ?Calling people that dont play summoners "losers" ? i guess summoners are really starting to feel like some skill gods ...

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39 minutes ago, zibouyah said:


Is that the new trend ?Calling people that dont play summoners "losers" ? i guess summoners are really starting to feel like some skill gods ...

I call a spade a spade. Thats all. I'm @ 1950 ratings for 1v1, sin. I played 3v3 tag. and got teamed up with bad kfm and FM. We lost to 3 summoners. But it was purely because they are freaking bad. Then they blame it on the freaking class. Losers that get carried in tag whine the most. Everytime, I see idiots in my team, they always cry about summoners being op, though it's true that summoners have advantage against some classes(Which most of the classes also has). It doesn't mean it's an omnipotent class.

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Just now, Destinykraze said:

I call a spade a spade. Thats all. I'm @ 1950 ratings for 1v1, sin. I played 3v3 tag. and got teamed up with bad kfm and FM. We lost to 3 summoners. But it was purely because they are freaking bad. Then they blame it on the freaking class. Losers that get carried in tag whine the most. Everytime, I see idiots in my team, they always cry about summoners being op, though it's true that summoners have advantage against some classes(Which most of the classes also has). It doesn't mean it's an omnipotent class.



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Trying to argue with a summoner whos #1 rule is summoners are balance, everyone just needs to know how to play the game is never gonna end. Its like to a brick wall.

Doesnt matter how much people hate (ALOT) they are apparently still balance. 

Even if its like this:
Everyone Else                                          Summoners 

Clearly its balance as hell. So I advice stopping with this rants because the system will never go linear towads the "other classes that needs to know how to play", yes, the balance of summoners are in relevance only to other summoners (stupidest logic ive EVER heard). 7 classes, apparently the other 6 are imbalance and only 1 class is balance... how does that makes sesnse?

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Nerfing the pet won't change much, lol. They'll still be destroying you the same.

The biggest problem with the class is the high damage and that damage is coming from the summoner himself.


Of course, the class isn't invincible, it's all about paying close attention to the summoner and making sure to stop

a) Doom 'n' Bloom (long cast time with animation, #1 source of healing & focus & damage. Pierces defense but can be resisted.)

b) Power Pounce (grapple when enemy is vulnerable or defending. A smart summoner could stunlock you for 10+ seconds with your defense skills disabled --> game over. To prevent kill the cat or unconscious. The cat is the one performing the stunlock.)

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  • Amraith changed the title to Fix your summoners
2 hours ago, Vexe said:

Nerfing the pet won't change much, lol. They'll still be destroying you the same.

The biggest problem with the class is the high damage and that damage is coming from the summoner himself.


Of course, the class isn't invincible, it's all about paying close attention to the summoner and making sure to stop

a) Doom 'n' Bloom (long cast time with animation, #1 source of healing & focus & damage. Pierces defense but can be resisted.)

b) Power Pounce (grapple when enemy is vulnerable or defending. A smart summoner could stunlock you for 10+ seconds with your defense skills disabled --> game over. To prevent kill the cat or unconscious. The cat is the one performing the stunlock.)

The problem is that even if you play well against mechanics A and B listed, as some classes like sin or bm you simply lose regardless of how well you play unless the summoner is just god awful. They have a grapple on an 18 second cd, which is exactly 1/2 of a sins only escape. Use it once to force our tab, then use it again and you are guaranteed a kill. BM has it even worse, but not by much.

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IF they increased cd of curl , pet charge and pounce, better yet make pounce a 2-3s knock down..Then you could kill/kite pet and you shouldn't be able to effectively stun locked while they do max dps with a grapple. 


also pet *cricket*s up targeting makes the game feel terrible win or lose game not fun.

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You stretch the time by using stealth and you can prevent pounce by resisting dazes & knockdowns / quickly pressing F, so it's not like you can't do anything about it. °>_>


Kiting/killing cats is usually suicide, either unconscious it or kill the summoner. Even if you kill the cat without getting sunflowered to death, the summoner might dandelion into Wish (revive) and you're back to step 1.


Pet screwing up targeting is purely a problem with the player's skill

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Honestly the only change I'd like to see for summoner is with Huzzah. 10% of the summoners max health to restore 30% of the familiars, or 20% for 60% is just too much. We can argue that it takes the summoners HP, but then the summoner can restore their own transferring it back with True friend for 10% or 20%/Damage shield if specced every 24 seconds. It becomes a giant HP transfer game where you can restore a tonne to the cat, and then siphon back off to yourself.


I don't care about the HP transfer back to the summoner, leave that for all I care, but restoring that huge chunk of HP to the cat is over the top. Reduce that, and make killing the cat a viable option, that way summoners would have to actually manage the pet, the skill floor on the class would be raised slightly, as a bad summoner who doesn't protect the cat with Crouching tiger properly or swap it out of danger, is gonna lose. A good summoner shouldn't really feel the nerf, as they keep the cat protected an punish anyone that just rushes the cat and ignores everything else all together.

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I'm not even using Huzzah in PvP.

In most cases it's a waste of health and you can just use crouching tiger & Doom'n'Bloom to keep a House Cat's health close to 100% (it should never be Alley Cat, unless you catch a player who never attacks the cat). Predict when the enemy will switch to the cat. In emergencies we can shield it with True Friend or Beckon --> Lunge it out of danger.


You guys complain about pretty much everything we do, but the real problem is that we do way too much damage for a class with so many advantages.

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