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To people who rush dungeons.


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or this people that go to spider and then complain because you don't have 20 min to wait every nyerk idiot out there to move hes butt faster.I wait....20 sec if people are not pass the fire wall spawn spot I start.If they run into the fire is ther own faut.Because you wait first 20 sec then another one another 30 sec and then 3rd-4th one another god know how long.And you have to wait them in every boss? Get a life - most of us don't have time to just sit in a dung for 20 min so all idiots bid on some shit copper,2 copper,3 copper until someone get bored and pass.If you want not to rush make your own f7 group.


Thx god I'm not doing this anymore.

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All those *cricket*ers who are saying rushing dungeons is absolutely fine need to understand that being nice is a good way to lead life. I can solo Tomb of Exilis, but I wait for at least 4 other members before I go in and kill the boss.  AS for the last member, I try to wait, but if he/she takes too much time, I move on.


I consider two things -

1. I was the same low level players a few days ago and I know how I thought every Soul Shield or weapon mattered or a few extra copper/silver is necessary for a low level player. Same is the case for that other player who is now with me.

2. Help others. I did not forget the time when I was low level and a *few*(which really is few in this game) lvl 45 carried me. If you want to farm something specific which requires running a dungeon continuously, then do it solo or with clanmates or your real life friends. You have absolutely no right to spoil the fun for other players by joining a random lower level dungeon party.


As for the fire, I always wondered as to why it is necessary? It is a huge nuissance if you die and resurrect and then you go near the room, but cant go inside.

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I think there would be a lot less flame in this thread if instead of complaining in forums people worked a few extra hours to afford to upgrade their dinosaur pcs. sorry I don't have ten mins to wait for you to enter the dungeon plus an extra hour while you clear the entire bloodshade harbor map. 

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3 minutes ago, Teffy said:

or this people that go to spider and then complain because you don't have 20 min to wait every nyerk idiot out there to move hes butt faster.I wait....20 sec if people are not pass the fire wall spawn spot I start.If they run into the fire is ther own faut.Because you wait first 20 sec then another one another 30 sec and then 3rd-4th one another god know how long.And you have to wait them in every boss? Get a life - most of us don't have time to just sit in a dung for 20 min so all idiots bid on some shit copper,2 copper,3 copper until someone get bored and pass.If you want not to rush make your own f7 group.


Thx god I'm not doing this anymore.

Actually, it is the other way around. If YOU want to rush, make YOUR own group. Just because you think that a Soulshield piece is not worth it does not necessarily mean its not important to another low-ranked player.

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52 minutes ago, Lassie said:

Don't complain on the forums, it's a waste of time, most here are the high levels you're complaining about and they don't care.


Well, i care. And i bet there are others there who care too.


52 minutes ago, Lassie said:

You're just in their way to whatever they came to the dungeon for. All you'll get is stop being a scrub and enjoy your carry.down even more.


And the rushers are screwing the rest of the players because of their impatience.


Seriously, i understand why someone would rush a dungueon if he wants to get in/out fast because of a daily or a specific drop, i can try to get in their skin. And they should do the same and stop, think about the other players they are with. If you want to rush, you can go to the crosservers and find a group that suit your needs. If you just press LFG you are bound to be placed with people who even dont know how said dungueon even works, boss mechanics or even traps. The first time i entered the Blackram Supply Dungueon the first thing i said was "Hi guys, i am new in this dungueon". No one replied and rushed, so i just adapted at the situation the best i could and you dont see me telling no one how to play.


If you are paired with a random party you must communicate and play/wait for the rest of the members, that's how a dungueon is played. If you dont want to wait, do it solo or look for a rush-group.

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1 minute ago, xtclikeafox said:

I think there would be a lot less flame in this thread if instead of complaining in forums people worked a few extra hours to afford to upgrade their dinosaur pcs. sorry I don't have ten mins to wait for you to enter the dungeon plus an extra hour while you clear the entire bloodshade harbor map. 

I would love a new PC with twin 980's and an i7... you offering to pay?

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I always wait for people, but seriously, some people take like 10 minutes to enter to the dungeon...It's ok, but if you need to put things on the bank, do it later or something.

About green dungeons... you can solo it or something. These dungeons doesn't take too much. You can always call for help on faction too.

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1 minute ago, Riliane said:

I always wait for people, but seriously, some people take like 10 minutes to enter to the dungeon...It's ok, but if you need to put things on the bank, do it later or something.

About green dungeons... you can solo it or something. These dungeons doesn't take too much. You can always call for help on faction too.


I assume we are talking purple dungueons here, i soloed nearly every green dungueon leveling with KFM before i realized they where meant to be played with companions o.O

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Just now, Vysaek said:


I assume we are talking purple dungueons here, i soloed nearly every green dungueon leveling with KFM before i realized they where meant to be played with companions o.O

I said that about green vaults because i read it somewhere but I didn't quote xD

But yeah, I agree.

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26 minutes ago, icyterror said:

One stupid showoff 45 assassin rush the ruin of exile boss alone and burnt other players. He took super long azz time killing the boss. I think he did like 5-6red aoe. If that stupid jerk let us in there we would have kill the boss before it even start the first red aoe.


Now now if these jerks were at least being fast at whatever they are doing I wouldn't complain as much.

I had exactly the same issue with a 45 assassin. He just stealthed through all the mobs on his own in The Pigsty. He finished the first boss fairly fast but the last one took ages and the whole party, 5 other people, had to wait outside, before the fire, doing nothing, being bored. We could've finished almost all our dailies in that time... I don't get what's the reasoning behind being such an *cricket*. If he really wanted to show off, he could as well just not look for a party and solo it that way.Screenshot_160215_001_zpso8gwgja1.jpg


On topic: I'm not really bothered with people rushing dungeons, it is annoying yes but the example I just mentioned, that is what I call being a pure douche and deliberately wasting other player's time for no significant reason what so ever.

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Then STOP being dicks with waiting the last second on bidding. That is frustrating we don't have time to wait for your nonsense. If, i mean if you will be parred with me in dungeon and you gonna do this bullshit I'm not gonna wait for you and rush straight to boss. You have minimap and can see where your party members are. Im trying not to burn others in fire, cause my laptop specs are not insanely awesome and mostly of the time I'm almost the last loading into. So if my laptop capability is lower than your, that must conclude that you are doing something out of dungeon business, so i wont wait till you take wc break or something, except you called it earlier and everyone including me are waiting for you.


P.S. STOP raging ;)

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19 minutes ago, Vaidas said:

Then STOP being dicks with waiting the last second on bidding. That is frustrating we don't have time to wait for your nonsense. If, i mean if you will be parred with me in dungeon and you gonna do this bullshit I'm not gonna wait for you and rush straight to boss. You have minimap and can see where your party members are. Im trying not to burn others in fire, cause my laptop specs are not insanely awesome and mostly of the time I'm almost the last loading into. So if my laptop capability is lower than your, that must conclude that you are doing something out of dungeon business, so i wont wait till you take wc break or something, except you called it earlier and everyone including me are waiting for you.


P.S. STOP raging ;)


That is how the bidding system works. If 2 or more party members bid on the same loot, whatever it is, they are not going to go forward and loosing it because you want to run into the boss shouting "Leeroy Jenkins" and wasting everyone else time killing the boss alone. You have your right to complete the dungueon fast ane expect everyone to follow you, yes.. And they have their right to make the bid and wait for it to finish, even if you have to wait 1 or 2 more minutes to enter the boss area.


Also, this:


19 minutes ago, Vaidas said:

You have minimap and can see where your party members are.


This very thing applies to you.

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I guess what bothers me the most about doing dungeon in this game is the lack of communication, no weapon repair and portals. Which is rather essential in promoting healthy team work among players.


I don't mind rushing or fighting every mobs in purple dungeons (I often skip on other ones). But SAY you to want skip it.


We are not mind readers. If your computer/internet is slow or experiencing lags, SAY IT. Don't just stand there for minutes at a time and expect people to know what is happening at the other end of the screen.

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5 hours ago, restarter said:

Eeehm.. if you guys are able to rush dungeons so fast, try doing it solo :P

You will have all the loot and other people dont get anoyed. To be honest, I also got people flaming me, because I rushed through dungeons, and gettin people killed in the flames. Now doing those dungeons solo. The blue dungeons like skittering a halt is something I cant solo yet. Got stuck at dokumo (with a destroyer). Still need teammates for help.


Have a nice day :D

This. If your rushing the run to the point that your leaving 4/5ths of the team 2 stages behind...you can solo. Don't waste everyone's precious time if you don't care. seriously...I'm soloing all the lower level stuff for my dailies on my FM, cause I realized that I was just making life miserable for the people who were actually the RIGHT LEVEL to run the dungeon. So I solo everything under lvl 45 material now. If you want to help other people run the dungeon...then help them. Rushing a group of players new to the instance or at the level for the instance doesn't help them...it usually frustrates them.


Example: it took me about 7 runs in tombs to finally figure out why I kept dying from fire...because no one stopped, took the time to wait, and discusses what was going on. Now evertime I run it, I wait in front of that area until we have the group (unless some cowboy decides to run ahead). Because I know how irritating it was to die all the time and have no clue what was going on. Trust me...you aren't helping people in those situations. Your doing the selfish persons version of "I'm helping you so shut up". No offense...but that works in action movies in the US...doesn't work in real life.


There are a few exceptions. any of the green moonwater instances I just follow the crowd. if they rush....I rush. Those are usually simple enough that most classes (when played well) can duo the thing....a group of 6 is vast overkill. if you want to run green instances slowly and enjoy the scenery, it's better to start a group at the entrance, and jump in when you feel like you have enough people. I have yet to have a dragon portal take so much time that I couldn't do that instance before I left the area. If i have a story quest in there...i go do it solo. most of the storyline quests are early enough in the instances that you don't need extra people. go do it, start a group at the dragon portal, and go finish a few quests in the area till you get 2 or 3 peeps. it's not hard.


either way, both sides really need to see it from the other persons perspective. 45's need to understand that they aren't helping someone in a lvl 20 dungeon when they speed rush through it, and people who want to mosey on through the instance need to realize that if it's a green or "easy" instance, they need to respect that the other 5 people probably want to do it as fast as possible.

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6 minutes ago, LagunaL8 said:

They should make it so the kill doesnt count unless all party members are present at the boss lol...

The idea is going in the right direction. Unfortunately, if they do that, then the AFK'er may still not get his rewards, but he will also take away the rewards for everyone else. I would be pretty frustrated If i ran through an entire dungeon run, only to not get credit for my quests because an AFK'er AFk'ed.


Better to set it up so that the person who isn't in range simply doesn't get. the rest do. That way the people who actually put in the work get rewarded...and those who stood at the entrance don't. 

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6 minutes ago, Temjiu said:

The idea is going in the right direction. Unfortunately, if they do that, then the AFK'er may still not get his rewards, but he will also take away the rewards for everyone else. I would be pretty frustrated If i ran through an entire dungeon run, only to not get credit for my quests because an AFK'er AFk'ed.


Better to set it up so that the person who isn't in range simply doesn't get. the rest do. That way the people who actually put in the work get rewarded...and those who stood at the entrance don't. 

Its a hard issue i guess. Even a dmg ratio would be unfair to those who do try but die and cannot be ress-ed due to boss mechanics. (which is pretty often)

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7 minutes ago, LagunaL8 said:

Its a hard issue i guess. Even a dmg ratio would be unfair to those who do try but die and cannot be ress-ed due to boss mechanics. (which is pretty often)

Gah! I totally replied to the wrong thread on that one. too many posts i guess :D i was responding at the same time to a post about AFK'ers, sorry about that!


To your point (with the appropriate thread hehe), It has more merit for sure with this scenario. a possible alternative....set up cross server dungeons so that it groups within level ranges. so the lvl 36 players running tombs for the first time won't get lvl 45's. perhaps up to 40 or so with that one. 


another idea: Vote system. This could also be an alternative to the AFK thing. at the end of a run you have an option (needs to be optional...if people don't care, they don't have to go through it) where you put a vote on a person. the votes tally up, and once a person reaches a certain threshold, they can't run that dungeon until they get more positive votes to put them under the threshold.


You put the threshold at a count that's high enough that it takes more then 1 or 2 groups to trigger it. That way those people that just have a bad day, or a bad group, wont' get unduly punished for it. And since it's all based on good vs. bad votes, there can be self correction. 

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I like to rush when it's with lowbies who don't mind getting carried. 


I've actually seen people legit complaining about themselves getting carried even though there's absolutely nothing of value in the dungeon they run (mostly green dungeons). But mostly, lowbies actually like the rush because they wanna get things out the way quickly. 


Dungeons like Tomb vary since there's people who put master loot on just for the sake of getting outfits and adornments... which is really a dick move at best but nothing that's affected most players I've been with so far seriously.  

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