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28 minutes ago, Wholemilk said:

Any advice?

Hope you don't normally play healers like myself, and tend to suck at any other role that isn't a healer/buffer/support


I was terrible even in skyforge .-.

but maybe ill learn to dps halfway decently in my journey through this game...

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so far up to level 20ish dungeons seem to be fairly easy with just auto-groups. biggest reason i fail them is disconnects, something i hope they fix eventually.  i've seen so many f2p games have issue with disconnects even years after release, it's the #1 thing that could kill this game, but i'm not concerned yet, it just came out. 

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1 hour ago, LoliKa said:

Hope you don't normally play healers like myself, and tend to suck at any other role that isn't a healer/buffer/support


I was terrible even in skyforge .-.

but maybe ill learn to dps halfway decently in my journey through this game...

Same here entirely...Any game without a Trinity that us Healers/Supporters aren't use to may pose a problem.

It did for me in GW2 and I quit...but I'm willing to give BnS a shot but I am in no way a good Dpsers.

I love a Summon class and it's as close as we got for a healer so let's see. :/

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Summoner sadly for you isn't a bit of a healer, just because it got a skill that so-so heals your HP, is due to the fact that you're communicating with the nature. All the HP recovering you will get by the amount of healing you have in stats and the life draining from gems.

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5 hours ago, Wholemilk said:

Any advice?

Primarily - get some good gems (you get one at Lv24, which is a bit late), update your equipment frequently and you should do fine ( unless the dungeon is some kind of purple instance like Blackram Narrows or Tomb of the Exiles.

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Kill all mobs(so tired of idiots "skipping" mobs only for them to aggro later on)

If someone aggroed a patrol or "skipped" mobs, just don't freaking run ahead and ignore them(gave up doing Blackram today due to freaking morons constantly doing this and letting me/others die)

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14 hours ago, Zengrath said:

so far up to level 20ish dungeons seem to be fairly easy with just auto-groups. biggest reason i fail them is disconnects, something i hope they fix eventually.  i've seen so many f2p games have issue with disconnects even years after release, it's the #1 thing that could kill this game, but i'm not concerned yet, it just came out. 

Ok, I might be a bit confused as to how dungeons "work" in general, so a bit of help would be highly appreciated:)


I never ran into any dungeons and I am lvl19, currently (dealing with pot dogs and such, around the temple). I mean, there were instanced quests, but I haven't encountered any "real" dungeon with multiple bosses and overpowered mobs, nor the story suggested them to me.

Your post suggests that I've missed on at least few of them?:)

When is the first dungeon? Is the duneon system going easy on a player (as in, first dungen would be easy, just to get the feel of party play)? There's no mention of them in the game/tutorial and, due to the lack of a good combat tutorial (proper combos and especially mechanics haven't been explained, which is odd to me, as they put a whole questline with training session which does basically nothing - it shows you like one combo consisting of two skills and it shows you three skills and that's it, even though you are getting like three skills per level. and you have reactionary skills etc. so I feel like I know literally nothing about the game) I feel that I'll be a major liability when I finally get to my first dungeon, even though the game isn't even out yet:D

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On 1/17/2016 at 1:03 AM, Mikhail said:

Same here entirely...Any game without a Trinity that us Healers/Supporters aren't use to may pose a problem.

It did for me in GW2 and I quit...but I'm willing to give BnS a shot but I am in no way a good Dpsers.

I love a Summon class and it's as close as we got for a healer so let's see. :/

trinity... oh, warframe???


also, i've found out that i don't like my blade dancer anymore, im making an assassin with support skills. 


which confuses the crap out of me, BUT ILL TAKE IT, smoke screen and decoy to heal my teammates and crap? granted they're awful heals, they are still heals. and boy are they fantastic. im thinking i might make other classes as well to look at skill lists and such, find some other stuff like that, i assume force master and summoner have some of those. 


either way, teleporty stabby poisons and enjoy my heals people, now im going to jump awayyyyy and i hope i dont grab aggro.

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On 1/17/2016 at 2:03 AM, Mikhail said:

Same here entirely...Any game without a Trinity that us Healers/Supporters aren't use to may pose a problem.

It did for me in GW2 and I quit...but I'm willing to give BnS a shot but I am in no way a good Dpsers.

I love a Summon class and it's as close as we got for a healer so let's see. :/


Screw trinity games,  It makes combat so boring.
Herp derp I hit things.
Herp derp things hit me.
herp derp I unhit the second guy.

The real answer for action games for how to deal with a hard dungeon is usually to "git gud," since they allow for a lot of skill-based combat where mistakes are the only real source of damage taken, and your goal is to avoid those mistakes.  The alternative is to get good...gear.  It lowers the difficulty if you can't handle it as you are currently.  


Still, you can generally find good synergies in the action archetypes.  I don't know BnS specifically yet, but I can tell you how they usually work in a more general sense.


Duelists:  Great to engage a single problem enemy and lock them down in 1v1 combat, removing them from the fight for the rest of the group.  Generally needs help to avoid multi-aggro.


Controllers: Large AoE crowd control, and can bring and keep the mobs in a desirable position.  Generally tanky with lots of super armor, but focuses more on crowd control than damage.


AoE:  Big AoE and splash damage attacks, especially with a controller to keep mobs in a nice tight spot.  Generally long animations or casts reducing mobility and allowing easy interruption, making it difficult solo but great in a group.


Support:  Catchall for buffs, debuffs, healing, or anything else that generally improves the rest of the party's ability to deal with things.  Lower output on their own, but the amount they boost their party's more than makes up for it.



Again, I don't know how this applies to BnS specifically, these are just general action MMO archetypes.  Still, a basic knowledge should help.

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 5:29 AM, Pwnz said:

Primarily - get some good gems (you get one at Lv24, which is a bit late), update your equipment frequently and you should do fine ( unless the dungeon is some kind of purple instance like Blackram Narrows or Tomb of the Exiles.

Tomb of the Exiles is a fun dungeon

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Unlike other MMO's there are no healing classes, u mainly heal in combat by using potions or using certain skills(some skills heal when u put train in them)

So combat is mainly about avoiding attacks and breaking trough your enemies defence, so always keep moving and keep a distance if possible or when uncertain till u know how to tackle them.


Also keep an awareness of your surroundings at all times so no one sneaks up on u(like exstra ads spawning ect) and watch for telegraphed attacks so u can avoid them since they can indeed 1-shot u.


But more then anything, learn how to play your class! In this game thats more inportant then anything else since gear is so limited and know how to spec your class really makes a difference depending on what u are focusing on.(pvp,pve or both)


Hope this helps a little :)

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2 minutes ago, fatalystic said:

Oh. Haven't had too much trouble getting a party in my server, surprisingly. :x

Not only that, the cross-server lobby is also helpful if you're doing dailies since you can access the dungeon from wherever on the map :D

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Why hate blade dancer? Im lvl 23 and i can solo blackram narrows. They key is "instant recovery, additional damage" you get from gems and ofc upgrading ur weapon. A decent PVE skill build will do. Like the "Maelstorm when you train Vortex will help you alot. Or whenever you do vortex ur are vulnerable to all stuns, snares, or whatsoever. Just watch on your focus. So you wont get stuck and get killed. I finished the whole dungeon without even using any pots.

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