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Everything posted by LynMasterRace

  1. So much is wrong with this post. The Soul Arena event does not provide any significant progression, so it doesn't matter what stage you can get to. It's mostly for fun and a few transformation stones. Premium can only get 2 Wonder Ascension Stone Chests...unless the purchases for them stay after maint, plus Call to Arms gave one already anyways. Some smaller events the Dragon Express shop vanishes right away. They've also always sold Call to Arms keys near the end of C2A, and it's only for people that failed to start the event on time or cannot otherwise complete it.
  2. I bet people love you at parties. Also Hime is not responsible for any coding, fixes, additions or removals of any or all content in the game.
  3. I received no warnings about my thread being deleted. Yet another reason not to support this company.
  4. For one, the c2a pet diamond, obsidian, and garnet are bugged. Those three are not available in Primeweald. The other three provided in C2A are fine. And for two, that's not how companies work. Decline in profits means they kill off what they think isn't profitable. You think the stockholders are gonna let them keep a franchise up that clearly is draining THEIR money away from their point of view?
  5. Since at least a few years ago, each event has ended with another event starting...even if it is not a big one. Expect an announcement within the next few days I'd say.
  6. No one at NCWest who operates NA/EU servers can make any changes to the game. They're probably waiting on KR to give them a patch.
  7. There are a pair of launchers not made by NCSoft which did get updated for UE4, but it doesn't matter what you use: anyone can get disconnected swapping characters.
  8. Please don't spread such obvious false statements. I know quite a few people that get disconnected on character swap with a vanilla launcher including myself. The launcher only launches the game and does nothing after the fact.
  9. Feedback is ignored and there is significant evidence of this. I don't see any changes coming any time soon.
  10. NCWest makes no balancing choices whatsoever. Only NCSoft in Korea does: NCWest cannot alter, change, add, or remove content and can only apply patches sent to them. Maybe if we ever get KR story rewards (they get like Thornbreaker 9 and other stuff by their end of their story) it'll be fixed, but I doubt it.
  11. Oddly enough the gems for Chest 12 did give stats for me and lists their stats, but Chest 11 is absolutely bugged. They're undoubtably aware of it, so we can only hope the Sept 22nd patch fixes it.
  12. Players that claim 'dead game' should be banned because it is directly damaging the game with such claims. It can kill itself without your input.
  13. Clearly this system of inequality can only be stopped by the rise of the proletariat!
  14. Yeash. The most gold I've ever had at once was like 50,000...
  15. The CPU is a little lackluster, but I doubt there's a bottleneck there. There's no reason you should be getting less then 30 FPS.
  16. The loss of DST and RT for Obsidians hurts massively and I have no idea why they did it.
  17. Keep in mind that NCWest, who manages NA/EU has no say whatsoever in what is added, removed or changed in the game. They have to apply patches as given to them by NCSoft in Korea and cannot reject them for any reason.
  18. Unlikely to be fixed: in KR anything lower then Elder doesn't exist anymore.
  19. I don't trust NCSoft to be able to develop a anti-cheat that won't be instantly bypassed or ignored by the community anyways. It won't change anything.
  20. It is utterly pointless to suggest ANYTHING. Hime and no one here can make any changes, modifications, alterations, additions or removals of things. Only NCSoft in Korea can, and they are known to ignore any and all input from NCWest. This game is finished.
  21. I didn't say that, but many, many players use simply Quality of Life edits. Faster chest opening, transmutes, things like that. No anticheat could tell the difference between malicious edits and those.
  22. This game is finished. Over half of the playerbase uses modifications of some sort, if you do this then I expect the 'unfortunate' shutdown notice sometime next year. With BNS2 tanking, this is not a wise choice by any metric.
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