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Everything posted by Immunity

  1. use the available ingame sources of information: - item info: exchange/process/use/aquired from (new ways not always updated) - ctrl+j rewards - ctrl+i paths - f11 class ranking - faction chat - clan if thats not enough, go to: - https://bns.academy - https://bns.life - https://discord.gg/bnsrecruitment most things will take much time if you dont want to use real money.
  2. i bought the new pvp amulet (pve amulet is currently out of reach) and then i noticed that my pvp weapon doesnt have a slot yet. since it also has mystic, i could put it into my pve weapon and later replace it with an pve amulet and put it into my pvp weapon. is this possible? i dont want to try it and waste the amulet.
  3. the game needs a fast ssd and a fast cpu. while loading it can use more than 16 threads, while gaming only 4. it can even run ok on an integrated gpu but the cpu needs a high clock rate. the 32bit-client has better performance/loadtimes, but it will crash after a while because of ram usage (bns needs more memory than 32bit allows).
  4. i knew the mechs from the past and ran the new version once (with strong experienced players). it was a waste of time and i will never run it again. just give us the easy modes already! people who want to have a challenge can still run normal+hard modes.
  5. in every thread where people ask about removing the requirement to do pvp you come and repeat this nonsense. pve is so easy, every pvp player can do it on the side. if all you want to do is pvp without farming then do 1v1 and 3v3 only. pvp is hard, because for one to win, someone else has to lose. to get any ranking rewards (>1400) you have to have a >50% winrate... to get fusion stones, you have to be top90, meaning everyone else who "isnt lazy and plays 1 match pvp a week" doesnt get any. i myself know what im talking about because i hate pvp and still manage to get some stones ever week.
  6. the question on how much time is spent on pvp didnt say if per day or per week. and i think there should be a bit more differentiation between main and alts and why and how much we are playing alts.
  7. why do you remove vials and packs? let us spend the remaining currency like always!
  8. i was once afk at koldrak (thats the one where you get better rewards when you deal more dmg, so i did the others a favor) and someone reported me. then i was warned by the gms that this is against tos and i get banned if i do it repeatedly.
  9. seems like it was unintended, because it is already fixed.
  10. learn mechs or wait for the next event to get the items for free or buy them in the itemshop.
  11. you can check the battle chat for when you died and why. i play with max settings (only turned off motion blur/depth of field) in 1680x1050 window mode and i have 20-40fps inside that zone, rarely below 20. im always on auto-combat and the thing i hate most is that the terrain isnt flat, because of that my directional aoe skills dont hit the mobs.
  12. some more results: most dcs happen while porting/entering a portal. the online time could also be a factor, because currently im all day afk farming in the event zone and then i often get a dc when porting to another zone. this dc issue is still ongoing: yesterday there were 4 dcs while raiding, one of them was mine.
  13. please put such changes into the patchnotes, not as they are currently: and i didnt see any merchant since that update anywhere.
  14. what developer lets users edit files on their client and not verify them on the server?
  15. i wanted to do the 6v6 dailies and then in the middle of a match the game froze, so i had to kill it. i then joined just in time 5 seconds before we lost. later the game crashed in the middle of a match (which happens sometimes when im alt-tabbing out of the game like this time). i restarted it and couldnt join, because i was dead. then i got a penalty for "leaving during the matching process"... so i had to waste 5 minutes watching a countdown. and i dont get it why you guys are talking about my isp. i quote myself: "in every raid 1 or 2 got a dc." thats not me alone, thats many people including myself. you dont see these? well maybe we all have the same isp: unitymedia (recently bought by vodafone).
  16. some more info: the missing 6 charms (or maybe i alreadyhad a key but only saw it after i entered this one): https://games.steelseries.com/giveaway/23/details (always check https://games.steelseries.com/home and https://de.alienwarearena.com/forums/board/438/contest-and-giveaways-global and https://shop.ncsoft.com/myshop/applyacode for keys)
  17. we hate both, because one doesnt hurt without the other. you are not forced to use the system, you choose to do.
  18. of course i play on the 64bit client and network error means dc, not crash like 32bit clients which exceed the ram limit. maybe you play on north america, but on eu there were dc issues last weekend. like i said in every raid 1 or 2 people got a dc (not only me) and that is no exaggeration. also like i said there are no issues with my connection because anything else is still connected. like games that immediately go to the login screen when the internet is disconnected for a millisecond. i recently checked my installation files because there are some issues with the german client (and i reported them in the german forum). since then im playing on the english client.
  19. in the last few days i saw an massive increase in disconnects (dcs). in every raid 1 or 2 got a dc. today i got 3 dcs so far (while anything else on my pc is still connected like other games/streams). the biggest annoyance is, that the stupid game dies after a dc, which goes like this: - dc with a small popup (network error or something) - game closes itself - kill the game with task manager or otherwise i cant start it again (error: game still runnning) - start the launcher: loading - login: loading - select europe server, because it often defaults to north america - start the game: ultra long loading (ssd usage: 0%, cpu usage: 5%) - second password, accept tos, select char: loading - reenter the dungeon/raid: loading - run/teleport from the beginning to the spot where the others hopefully wait for you - say good bye to the dynamic quests from before the dc or the quest progress if the others werent so patient other games do it like this: - dc with a small popup and the login behind/below - login: loading - you are back! maybe you have to run/teleport to the spot where the others are waiting (no patience needed)
  20. i played some 6v6 recently before the patch as a fire fm with low-mid pvp gear. sometimes i killed someone, sometimes i got killed. now as a lighning fm i deal 0 dmg (pvp modifiers are at 0.15-0.2...) but i get onehitted every time. very rarely im lucky to find someone with even worse equip than me to deal a little dmg. im having so much fun to run there and then resurrect right after i arrive.
  21. i recently started to do some battleground pvp and of course i should lose against pvp veterans with their full pvp gear. but the matchmaking is stupid. that pvp ranking number whatever it is called starts at 1300 but doesnt go lower. and it seems like the winning team doesnt gain many points, so i can lose several times in a row and still get the same opponents (or sometimes im lucky they are put into my group). easy fix: let us lose points to go below 1300 and use this number for better matchmaking. like the average of one team must be the average of the other team. maybe it is already like that but the average currently cant go below 1300. i should have maybe 800-1000 so the average of my team should be much less than it is now. why even is that number 1300 and not 0 when it cant decrease?
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