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Everything posted by Belido

  1. I just wanted to give a thumbs up for the recent changes of the daily dash reward, I really like the idea of the reward selections, which mean more useful stuff for me
  2. tbh i wonder how that CPU was able to run the game properly ever, for gaming AMD been sucking pretty hard before Ryzen generation... but anyway just to try out, you checked the FPS of the 32Bit client? Yes it sucks and crashes often, but it's good for checking FPS issues.
  3. this is true and it's a reliable source, but they just should add that to the weapons tool-tip info, so newbies in need get the info.
  4. Well the hack and slay approaches are a downside, but on other hand you don't find your butt flamed to hell that often, as in early days, when ppl went ballistic when someone stole em some precious 5 minutes of playtime by messing some stuff up. What we got now is pretty much the result of the player-base itself. And well about that easy mode, if they pee on you and call it rain, no wonder about that feedback. If they want to advertise HM mechs, they should not add random HM fragments to the so called easy mode, they should rather add a training mode or whatever, which offers descriptions/walkthrough and such to get ppl finishing it and learn the stuff. And btw. always keep in mind, the true important thing are not dungeon or any mechs, it's the wardrobe here!
  5. OK this one is almost funny, considering that easy mode even brought kill mechs to HH
  6. Most of the party dungeons maybe, no big deal. But those dungeons needed and rewarding atm might be a rather rough ride. Anyway I am gladly watching you showing solo runs starting at top from list (on new easy mode ofc)!
  7. I am very proud of you, but may I ask the average AP of the group? Those struggling with the so called easy mode probably don't have the gear for much burst dmg and ain't able to eat much dmg either. Am I the only one looking for the weekly lobby numbers before the reset? That one is going downwards again. So maybe the average player just don't like to be fooled by some "easy mode" which is basically the old normal mode with some Hard mode elements added.... And to all those folks who are whining about the lack of skill needed here, why you don't just ask for a harder mode made harder? Instead you try to rub in your opinion to those folks who don't looking for it.
  8. If i try out to sell at this range I set 15 stacks of gold, yes that might be irrelevant, but I bet there are other fools like me =) PS: ever tried to set 1k gold, to run out in late (weekend) evening prime time, after 48h runtime? I just sold 2k that way last night....
  9. Oh as it is quite a mess atm, in search for HMcoins I also tried to set a whole bunch of 74g offers, just for the chance of a sell. Ofc it failed. Only thing which works for me, with good timing and some luck is to set 1k Gold bunches. OP should just face the closest guess: there is too much gold ingame and lowering income is not welcome, as you also can see right here in the forum. Lower the min ratio for F9 would be the other approach, but that wouldn't be loved either I guess.
  10. this should be Act I Chapter 19: Unearthed Plot, this it at the point of the story line before you going enter Songhu Island and not much after the Test of the Eight (Masters)
  11. yeah the stupid EU/NA region button within launcher sometimes just toggles without reason, this also brought me some scary moments....
  12. Dann machs m,al gut, musste doch glatt ein wenig an den guten alten noob denken: http://thenoobcomic.com/comic/6
  13. anyone else remember the legendary SOE 5-6 weeks downtime because of hacked database?
  14. WTT broken server for broken stuff ;)
  15. and they just added another 1:30h downtime right now, so maybe just fetch some ice cream right after dinner =)
  16. Hallo, für all die, die dem Spiel nicht auf Twitter folgen, für unseren EU Server wurde die Wartung um 2 Stunden verlängert. https://twitter.com/BladeAndSoulOps?s=17
  17. for those not following this on Twitter, EU server got some issues and will get a 2h bonus downtime, so have a nice dinner =) https://twitter.com/BladeAndSoulOps?s=17
  18. and with some bad luck and/or bad choice it will be still pretty much the same as BnS will not care about the recent trend to multi-cores with 8 or more physical processing units.
  19. Hello there, I read the following in the preview: this is a point where I want to add a suggestion: instead of just that toggle it would be cool to add some language selection, ie. I can read/write and curse ins both English and German, so for me it would be cool to be able to select the languages I am able to handle, even if it more then one.
  20. there must been a major mess up in their verification system, I tried to get it done since two hours and right now it seems to work again. At beginning the verification window even failed within seconds and without any input, while the mail with the code took about 1 minute. Must be some odd kind of fun they are doin with us....
  21. Solang das Spiel F2P und noch nicht ganz tot, gibts auch die Typen wie gm01 oder xllwerfg oder wie auch immer, die meier Schätzung nach gern mal Accounts von irgendwelchen dep...., ich meine Leichtgläubigen übernehmen. Jedem der seine Accountdaten rausgibt oder in einer nicht zu ncsoft gehörenden Webseite eingibt ist eigentlich nicht mehr zu Helfen, auch wenns dann mit Sicherheit heißt "ich wurde gehackt".
  22. Ich glaube ich hatte noch nie eine Gamecard, immer Paypal oder CC. Wobei stimmt, CreditCard dient quasi als Gamecard, also meine ist Visa/Barclaycard.
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