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Everything posted by Belido

  1. hmm isn't it just sold by NPC around there? The only quest I know about this is for the blackram (the opposing faction) which starts in a house in jadestone, on other side of the road from radiant ring.
  2. You should be able to do some Orange quest right now, you will need them anyway, sooner or later. About the gear, a new event will start tomorrow and even its first reward should solve this issue anyway, while it is still odd imho.
  3. cheers! good to hear you passed that "test". I am going to add the "watch full video" to my list 😃
  4. people already asking for a carrot on the stick, this must be happy days for NCwest 😃
  5. well just my lil personal opinion, but I am not very sad to stay without another stream to watch. It was hard enough to stand all the thrilling and vibrant news at last one^^
  6. the new upgradable pet and the new pet gem for Primewald (not upgradeable) have exactly the same name atm (you can check in Transmute window). It would be cool if someone could fix this mess.
  7. just leave Jinsoyun alone and let her play with that Hong Wannabe and run for the Training Area of Heavens Reach, there should be the next target for you.
  8. 1. it is not locked, you just need a "little" luck. 2. at least there is a point were you can be sure to get it, other then with typical Trove.
  9. check your map for mushin tower, then windwalk there, look for the next stairway and go upstairs, there you should be able to meet Yura again. That letter is afaik no real letter, but rather a notice you can click at you quest log. The missing gear will come with the ongoing story quest.
  10. math is a good joke without knowing the % values.
  11. Yes the event will be a bit grindy, I guess. I will not go for the full run on more then 2 toons, but still, there will be some chance for random TT stuff for 3 others. No pain, no gain. But after all I don't think it will be more time consuming then my 60 gem powder a day goal right now. Anyway, if you are really under geared atm, just start the event, with the 1st starting chest your toon will already look way more shiny.
  12. I wasn't aware that there could be any issue with that part. Maybe try simple mode, if your dps rotation isn't good enough. You can also go for some orange quest if you want to add a bit of gear.
  13. have you started it already sometime before? oh I watched your screenshot for more detail, you haven't done much of your yellow story quest - in your case I'd finish the current Act and look for this quest again, after.
  14. This was not meant as an attack. It was just a viewpoint, and ofc those character are not looking the same, but realism alone will not safe a game either. So it doesn't matter what you or I like most, it must be liked by a playerbase solid enough to run a mmorpg with.
  15. next week preview: so I guess we can take this as a yes 😄
  16. Show off your gear, I am now truly curious if it's rly that good! Then tell your DPS numbers, then we may see what other with similar gear are dealing.
  17. you can't change your class at all. If you want another class you need to re-roll. You maybe able to transfer some stuff but probably you don't have gear worth or enabled to do it.
  18. do you use any scaling options in your Win 10 System->Display settings? If yes, anything else then 100% had quite odd performance issues for me.
  19. Dunno if they adjusted but in the past, a while ago, story brought me rather to HM13. For daily challenge you simply will need to have the max. lvl, which is 60 atm. If the ever increase the max lvl again, you will need to lvl up before going for it. They fooled me once that way, I had prepared all to turn in after update, but tadaaaa, no way, get max lvl before thinking about 😃 PS: I just seen another post, it is HM12 with main story, for detail of time used you can read:
  20. OK, we got different ideas of realistic graphics I guess, but nvm that's not why we are here. We are looking for a proper BnS UE4 client!
  21. For me it brings back old memories of the long gone Vanguard - Saga of Heroes, they told us, they'd remove some bones and triangles to optimize performance. The result was quite ugly and hard to adjust through settings. But nevermind, performance of the game was still crap and it was shut down a few years after.
  22. So what? People need to like the look! Realistic images? I get those every morning when I look in the mirror and I truly don't need that in my game! So look into other games, When WoW had it's massive impact to the mmorpgs over 15 years ago, it wasn't for the realistic look either. Anyway, I can't help myself, the mind-numbing gameplay I experienced in BoD quite at the beginning broke it for me, no mater what graphics or not. And if you want "realistic" graphics, you should go for TESO, you will have the chance to run around in rugs as much as you like. Some like it, I do not. So for now I prefer to run around in the unrealistic cool outfits BnS has to offer and look forward what 2021 will bring.
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