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Everything posted by Belido

  1. those from cash event currency in dragon express you mean? Those don't look upgradable as far as I see... if you are on EU server you can check Marketplace for an upgradeable soul 😇
  2. I think they got a job, they got a boss and orders what to do. That's all, as for any other regular job. Maybe its good, may be it's bad for us... hell, do I really start to defend NCwest from you now????
  3. as long there are no crystal balls sold in NCoin shop this will be hard to tell. But yes, they launch some mobile games now, they do have most of their income from mobile game atm, so if if you would have to do a business choice, what would you do? My guess for now there will be limited manpower on our BnS atm, but as said, I still wait for my crystal ball....
  4. already guessed that you community folks are under some NDA like orders.
  5. for those who didn't watch the show:
  6. have you checked for some quest markers in the areas you been before? If you stop the questline at some points it is often the case that you need to talk to a npc to get back into main quest mode.
  7. Hello, it is bothering since ages, but now I seen it within a message for the 1st time. Why on earth does toggling a single costume item needs 8 free slots in my bag??? It would be cool if this could be fixed one day, this would make opening boxes less bothering as well.
  8. rules are here 😃 https://cdn.ncwest.com/bladeandsoul/pdf/BnS 5th Anniversary Battle Station Sweepstakes Rules - English.pdf
  9. I wondered the same, so I checked the Alienware website, they already offer the link, dunno if ours is forgotten or we are supposed to wait till tomorrow. Anyway it is here: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/game/5th-anniversary/ PS: they will also hand you some Keys soon™
  10. yep indeed, it took my last two support tokens to re-box them and undo the purchase after, but nvm it's almost end of year which will reset 'em anyway. But still, this stuff should be mentioned at some point, ie. patch notes.
  11. it is not upgradable, it is amazing NCsoft innovation skills focuses on creating new crap items! but hey, that is just a few full nights afk farming.
  12. I don't know who did the math here, but it looks odd imho: Or anyone knows how the price range should ever fit with the Unit price rate?
  13. in case someone missed their mail, we are getting a FUSER™ Holiday Sale as XMas gift from NCsoft, wohoo!
  14. sure, sadly I got a bit delay as I forgot to plug in my afk-farm-laptop last night, which shortened the farm session quite a bit.
  15. dunno maybe you play in US, on EU server there weren't this much 1000g offers, if 20-30 players did same as me, we would have had that count easily. And btw. how do you detect bot offers? the same way you spot the lot of complaints?
  16. with some luck an alt of mine will know tomorrow.
  17. I think we got at least 4-5 majorities in this game 🤪 jokes beside, it always sounds more important to speak for the majority! And if you can't get your majority to speak up, you just speak for the silent majority - problem solved😇
  18. I stepped into same issue once, I gifted all back, no clue if that helps to get the count.... best is to just prevent this by moving stuff into bank - at least that is what I do.
  19. The idea of Blade&Soul running on Flash Player would answer a lot of questions. But no it doesn't, many have Flash already deactivated because it is outdated crap and it had no impact to BnS.
  20. in RL something like this is called fraud, but not in the Grimoir realm😋
  21. well it is stuff for alts! And I got no chance to get all the square gem boxes I got on main from last event, to my alt (yes I asked), I leave my poor alt spending the nights in Ebon Realm. I hope using my ol Laptop for this limits the waste a bit.
  22. I guess the same, lol! Only good point, all the mess came up BEFORE I bought any keys! Well, apart from those premium freebies.
  23. While this is correct, at least in current situation you should not waste money to aim for a 3 star hit alone....... maybe you still want to stay on the topic, did you get any 3 stars hits?
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