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Everything posted by Belido

  1. with the current player count I don't think there is "a lot" of player left at all. To make it correct just add some minor changes, ie. in name or color and you will be fine. Everything else will be a business decision, get used to it.
  2. Now NCwest also added a UE4 preview website: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/game/revival/
  3. for you some more video stuff I found: [B&S] Blade & Soul'Tae Dongrok' UE4 asynchronous loading official teasing video [B&S] Blade & Soul'Taedongrok' art official teasing video [B&S] Blade & Soul'Taedongrok' UE4 optimization official teasing video
  4. in some gaming website they called summer 2021 for KR. meanwhile I found a little video (well I'd loved to see some real raid situations but nvm) [B&S] Blade & Soul'Taedongrok' UE4 official teasing video
  5. guess true info can be expected in summer 2021 when KR getting this update.
  6. OK now I got it, haven't checked the old pet gems so far. But I seen the same for the new pet gems, which are also dropping in primeweald, they are not upgradable while they got the same name as the upgradeable one. I expected they just messed up the new stuff for a bit, but nvm, seems they did worse. Some fix would be cool btw!
  7. May I ask why you even bother to visit this forum, if the game is such a dead thing? Stop wasting your time! Just don't look behind, leave it and be gone.
  8. nope, they definitely gone from the usual "next year" to a "this year" 😃
  9. the upgradable version, which could also be salvaged should be still account bound (stupid mail expense) those who are not, are character bound. just the names of the newest ones are a bit confusing
  10. I got a 2 TB NVMe SSD for gaming, so gimme that update!
  11. If you renew now, for another 365 days, I am pretty sure you will get the current outfit 🥳
  12. yes, there been already some posts about this, even from me! the only true question is: we got Friday now, where is our news update? PS: free Character Alteration Voucher would be always welcome, I need plenty anyway
  13. this is why my FM refused to visit that place so far....
  14. I just want to say, that I personally dislike all the early access special cash cow offers. This sadly remember me to actions when SOE still been existing and had whatever offers for EQ-next and the game was dead before it actually arrived.
  15. we will find out, well if we like. This can be done pretty good or bad.
  16. as things stand atm, they announced the shutdown of the KR UE4 frontier server and the UE4 upgrade for regular BnS in 2021, don't mix both things. And the announced more news about it at Friday
  17. indeed, the blue one is working OK, the purple one is totally worthless, it also don't work in Primewald. Maybe they should better antique that stuff.
  18. Some of the stuff still seems to exist ingame, it just need to be adjusted a bit. I seen this when I recently did screenshots without weapon and entered F8 forgetting to re-equip it and was unable to hit any LFP.
  19. Quite easy, at that time I only knew about the shutdown of the frontier ue4 server and nothing else. And hey you see, there was further info.
  20. Alright, so there will be some further announcements on Friday - let's see what they got They updated as well : https://www.mmorpg.com/news/looks-like-blade-and-souls-unreal-engine-4-update-is-coming-to-the-west-after-all-this-summer-2000121208
  21. Any one else seen this: https://www.mmorpg.com/news/blade-and-soul-unreal-engine-4-overhaul-being-shut-down-in-may-2000121199 To me this is not looking good, anyone got further info?
  22. that is not BnS 2 and in KR it is up since, like 2019?
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