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Another Dungeon Difficulty Rant


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So, after the patch yesterday, some stuff was supposed to be fixed. Well I done as many dungeons as I could and looked for as many bugs as I could. Here is my findings. Please note I am not the best player in the game and I probably missed some stuff. So feel free to add whatever I missed or got wrong in the comments. 


Starstone Mines - Volberus ember debuff deals heavy damage over time and the boss kills the tank if tha tank gets knocked down and cannot escape
Hollows Heart - Boss 1 spawns orbs like old hardmode mechanic which roots you
Hollows Heart - Boss 2 looks for new target is mark dies during phase instead of jumping down, like old hardmode mechanic
Drowning Deeps - Boss 1 black pool does massive damage over time, like old hardmode.
Ransacked Treasury - Boss 1 if you don't place the chain on the pillar, you get insta-killed
Shadowmoor - Mookwan kills the curse mark after sometime
Dreamsong Theatre - Boss 1 now starts mechs at 90% like old hardmode mechanics
Broodchamber - Boss 1 does incredibly high bleed damage, like old hardmode mechanics
Warped Citadel - Last boss, pizzas cannot be iframed anymore and will throw you across the room


So now I would like to refer back to the stream, "easy mode will be significantly easier". Well, it's not. Infact it's significantly harder, but you have also lowered our rewards? I need to work harder for less? Could you please explain to us what is going on, because these "stat changes" that happened are bullshit. 


Now I refer to "Easy Mode was more of a balance change that hoped to prepare everyone for the more difficult Hard Mode. We understand the name “Easy mode” can be misleading, but there were some changes done to boss fight mechanics to help everyone learn these fights to be better prepared for their harder counterparts.While some of these mechanics can instantly kill you in Hard Mode, the aim was to simplify it in such that it only removes a percentage of your health in Easy Mode." 

So firstly, there is no Hardmode for TSM and down, so this statement is completely invalid for the increase in difficulty for those dungeons.

Secondly, it's much easier to wipe in Easy Mode for DST to WC now than it was when we had normal mode. 

So your statements, at least in my opinion, are completely invalid. The way I see it, these are your options:

1. Keep things the way it is, however increase our rewards to compensate for the increased difficulty

2. Revert the dungeons back to last patch, that includes difficulty and rewards. Give us back Hardmode from SST-TSM, revert all the changes

3. Keep the rewards the way they are now, but adjust the difficulty to reflect the value of those rewards, so give us a legitimate easy mode. 


Personally I would prefer option 2, just to go back to how things were last patch. I know some people might have mixed opinions on how to fix this but we can all agree that something needs to be done about this, because if you're going to keep us on the current system. Even yesterdays "stats were changed", could you tell us exactly what was changed? Because as far I am concerned from my testing, everything looked the same. Give us a legitimate breakdown, tell us Boss X had 1 Billion HP and now has 750 Million HP or something like that. 

Anyway, I hope you hear my rants because I do want to carry on playing this game, but if this trend of high investment / low reward continues, there's not going to be any point for me.

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Or in short terms, you could say.. all dungeons have Normal Mode HP but the old Hardmode Mechanics. This needs to be fixed ASAP, because now everything is harder than before and giving alot less rewards. I would say.. give us the beginner mode from KR, the old normal mode and hardmode for DST and up and for TSM downwards beginner mode and normal mode

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I believe that what they should do is reduce the bosses HP significantly, like they said on the patch notes, the dungeons are not hard at all please, but we could do them a lot faster which is what they promised on the stream.

Why do people want brain dead content? All the complains you listed about the dungeons are easily avoidable, if you know what to do. But I do agree this change was stupid, no reason to have done it, they understimated this community stupidity, most just want a dummy for boss instead of a real fight.

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vor 31 Minuten schrieb Xzard:

Why do people want brain dead content? All the complains you listed about the dungeons are easily avoidable, if you know what to do. But I do agree this change was stupid, no reason to have done it, they understimated this community stupidity, most just want a dummy for boss instead of a real fight.

I dont think so, but the point is, they blatantly lied again through us when they claimed the Gold reduction is due to the much more easy and faster to do new Easymode.

Personaly i dont mind the mechanics since i had to learn them anyway when the dungeons where released and can do most parts of the mech suitable for my class.

They can leave it as it is, but then they should give us at least the old gold rewards and stop finding stupid excuses and consider the community stupid like @Cyan did here:

Telling people on stream new Easymode will be significantly easier and faster to do and then


We understand the name “Easy mode” can be misleading, but there were some changes done to boss fight mechanics to help everyone learn these fights to be better prepared for their harder counterparts

is an outrageous insult against the community.

We are not stupid, well maybe we are, cause we once again trusted you for what you told us in the lifestream, and that was something totaly different from what we got...


And btw Cyan, if you didnt noticed, most dungeons got their hardmode counterpart removed, so what should this mode prepare us for? LOL


Edited by Merlin DE
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1 hour ago, Xzard said:

Yeah, thats why I believe they have to reduce the HP of the bosses. By 50%, 40%, 30%. Depending of the dungeon.

I get that mechanics could be adjusted a bit to make them easier but a flat out 30-50% hp nerf on bosses at least i think its way too excessive.10% yes, 15% maybe but more than that no.

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On 9/26/2019 at 8:51 PM, Xzard said:

Why do people want brain dead content? All the complains you listed about the dungeons are easily avoidable, if you know what to do. But I do agree this change was stupid, no reason to have done it, they understimated this community stupidity, most just want a dummy for boss instead of a real fight.

Please don't misunderstand. The point and I'll use SSM as an example, used to give around 5 gold and was braindead and fast to run even with low dps team. Now it gives us like 2 gold and with low dps team you have to do things and know things and takes much longer. Inb4 whiteknights say "yeah but boss dies in like 2 seconds anyway", please run it with 6 man story gear. Yes it's not impossible but it's not easy either, and this is your third easiest DC dungeon now. Whereas before this SSM was a breeze 6 man story gear and gave decent rewards, and we still had basin, NS, ToI, F20, EL, IF to do DC as new player was much better to start getting geared up. 


TL;DR More Work Less Reward is not cool

Edited by klibo
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22 minutes ago, klibo said:

Whereas before this SSM was a breeze 6 man story gear and gave decent rewards, and we still had basin, NS, ToI, F20, EL, IF to do DC as new player was much better to start getting geared up. 

Just a question:

Say the gold reward was returned to normal, and HP was slightly reduced of the boss (not reduced it so much that it would be an "instant win", but reduced so the clear goes a little bit faster), but you still had to do mechanics, but without a party wipe. Would that be ok in your opinion?

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On 26.9.2019 at 9:25 PM, Xzard said:

Yeah, thats why I believe they have to reduce the HP of the bosses. By 50%, 40%, 30%. Depending of the dungeon.

exactly, its outdated content anyway. I dont want to work longer for less rewards. They promised significantly reduced hp and that would be at least 50% 

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My 2 won of grief as a new player:

1) Outlaw Island has 50% gold reduction. It was a good farming spot for my out of story characters. With slightly geared main it takes 7 min to finish it. Pure out of story alt makes it in 15 min without wipes. If it doesn't count for daily then 4 golds for 15 min seem a little too low. HP of bosses is not lowered. Also I feel like bosses (3 and 5) hit a little harder on strong attacks. Like there was some scaling applied after introducing new raid tier. That's a feeling though. And OI is the only solo source of DGS :(

2) Circle of Sundering I didn't finish yet and lowered gold doesn't encourage me to continue. Same for Den of Ancients. Until I get to much higher dps level. They will require insane amount of time and don't have any meaningful rewards.

3) Moon Refuge. I didn't see anyone mention this on forum but mobs there have their HP buffed for about 20-25%. While it doesn't matter for groups (mobs always respawn slower then we kill them), for solo player it became harder and slower. Remove fast ToI, CB and instead give buffed MR? Well... thank you, I guess. Another straw for the camel.


PS: I saw similar decisions in other games so I don't expect anything good to be honest. Perhaps there will be some damage control but not much.

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1 hour ago, Crimhare said:

3) Moon Refuge. I didn't see anyone mention this on forum but mobs there have their HP buffed for about 20-25%. While it doesn't matter for groups (mobs always respawn slower then we kill them), for solo player it became harder and slower. Remove fast ToI, CB and instead give buffed MR? Well... thank you, I guess. Another straw for the camel.

Just wanted to touch this: The reason the mbos have higher HP is because its a new area, new content, which came scaled for level 60. So for new players that come to the game it wont matter because new players never had a chance to do basin quest, they will start off with moon refuge.

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This is precisely my rant as well.  I posted something similar here:

Harder Dungeons for less Gold?  That does not sound rewarding. (For now im playing wow classic) and only doing an event on my kfm character for the badge. ) BNS would have been better off being subscription based. There is still time to save the game if the devs decide to get rid of pay to win and decided instead on a subscription.   If the game needs money to survive a subscription is a better system. Make all items easily attainable ingame because we know that certain items also sell in the HM store. This is whats killing the game. The more difficult it becomes to get geared the more frustrating the game becomes. Almost feels like a carrot on a stick.


Edited by CastielSeven
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On 9/30/2019 at 6:40 PM, klibo said:

Please don't misunderstand. The point and I'll use SSM as an example, used to give around 5 gold and was braindead and fast to run even with low dps team. Now it gives us like 2 gold and with low dps team you have to do things and know things and takes much longer. Inb4 whiteknights say "yeah but boss dies in like 2 seconds anyway", please run it with 6 man story gear. Yes it's not impossible but it's not easy either, and this is your third easiest DC dungeon now. Whereas before this SSM was a breeze 6 man story gear and gave decent rewards, and we still had basin, NS, ToI, F20, EL, IF to do DC as new player was much better to start getting geared up. 


TL;DR More Work Less Reward is not cool

Can't understand why some people still whiteknights by saying ''SSM boss dies in 2 sec anyway'' kind of stuff.

It is obviously giving disadvantage to the community for giving less reward for more difficult dungeon.

If you say it dies in 2sec, that means you are a near/max geared players and all 6 in the party are the same, do you think every party is like that?


Those people who still defends this patch should check their brains.....SERIOUSLY! or probably defending and speaking for the company is their jobs anyway, that's why they don't side with most people in the community >>> which means it is useless to talk to them. waste of time.

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