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How can we even enjoy the game when we have to spend 80%-90% of playtime on alts?

Makina Usui

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The benefit of playing alts is just more than anything else. We have to play alts for event rewards. We have to play alts for gold. We have to play alts for unity (and now unity exp cap per day is raised more than double). In other words, we have to play alts a lot to be competitive. If we have a life, we have limited time for this game, we will have to rush through daily challenge on alts with easy quests. We will rush through pleb dungeons with simple mode, so that in the end we will have our shiny gears and HIGHER NUMBERS. But when will we have time to learn our main class? When will we have time to study mechanics of endgame instances?

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Makina Usui:

When will we have time to study mechanics of endgame instances?

Calm down, when you got your gear to finaly do endcontent its already outdated an mechs are removed or nerfed to oblivion whil the rush for next endcontend already is running. So no need to learn mech or even your class [/sarcasm]

BnS has become a fultime job daily overtime inclusive when you want keep up. Alternatively, if you dont have an unlimited creditcard,  you are free to sell your kidney and/or firstborn to the russian/chineese mafia and just buy your stuff in F10.

Thats why so many already left the game and more will follow. My motivation is gone after 3.5 years and i realy loved the game, but now i just dont want to even log in.

Premium will run another 2 or 3 weeks, then it will be cancled. Maybe i will go and rent a comfortable nice little ark survival server for the money a save for premium on an publisher who does everything to kick their custumers backpart...

Edited by Merlin DE
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Meanwhile me sitting at 9k gold after 2 months of 2 hours per day gameplay with only 1 character, except weekends. Don't see any issues with anything when it comes to gold and material acquisition. But that's just me lol. All solo dungeons, all dailies from NS to shadowmoor, HM and CS and sometimes msp. That's literally all i do and i got no issues getting things in reasonable amount of time. And that's with 0 farming. I personally don't see any issues here.

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If all you're doing is playing alts.... wait, for what? What do you do with your main? I'm keeping up just fine being f2p, having ET raid and doing nicely in arena and 6v6. If I wanted to catch up to absolute max geared people.... yea I guess I'd have to play lots of alts. Do I want to? No. Play at your own pace, otherwise you'll burn yourself out

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Are you guys gonna say that you can get fame capped for a full week with out resorting to alts? You guys probably disregard half of the content/gear and believe yourselfs to be well geared... This game does force you to spend most of your time playing alts, either to farm events or to get ur fame cap. If you say your 9k gold in 2 months is enough for anything then you're just a casual. Most of you who disagree that alts are like 80/90% of current gameplay are probably just casuals not aware of the end game situation of the game. Real ways to make money? You need to already have money in order to make money, best ways to get ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ in the game are by raiding/BGs. Which require a good amount of time/gold invested already.

Edited by Starthz
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1 hour ago, Starthz said:

Are you guys gonna say that you can get fame capped for a full week with out resorting to alts? You guys probably disregard half of the content/gear and believe yourselfs to be well geared... This game does force you to spend most of your time playing alts, either to farm events or to get ur fame cap. If you say your 9k gold in 2 months is enough for anything then you're just a casual. Most of you who disagree that alts are like 80/90% of current gameplay are probably just casuals not aware of the end game situation of the game. Real ways to make money? You need to already have money in order to make money, best ways to get ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ in the game are by raiding/BGs. Which require a good amount of time/gold invested already.

Dude, I am nowhere near a casual who doesn't know anything. You people are too content on getting max gear/fame WAY TOO FAST. You do no need them to be maxed to enjoy PVE content, bgs perhaps but that's a different balance problem and nothing to do with gearing. You aren't supposed to gear yourself with only gold and even then 9k gold is more than enough to get full aransu gear. Ofc this game requires time investment, its Korean game. That is expected. My point was, you can get enough resources with almost no gameplay in a reasonable time to be able to do every piece of PVE content there is.


If having full aransu gear + GC weapon is not well geared to you, idk whats wrong with this world. As a side note, I consider max soul to be not worth getting based on its stats compared to true tiger. Cost is too high compared how little boost it gives. Even true cosmic is enough to give majority of your dps boost, after that it ain't much of a boost.

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How can 2 year old raid content be well geared? That's my alts. And what? You expect people to carry your enjoyment through ET raid? The best dungeon you're running is at least 1 year old which is Shadowmoor... How can you consider yourself well geared?

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10 minutes ago, Starthz said:

How can 2 year old raid content be well geared? That's my alts. And what? You expect people to carry your enjoyment through ET raid? The best dungeon you're running is at least 1 year old which is Shadowmoor... How can you consider yourself well geared?

They have enough gear to potentially solo tsm nm but im sure your right and a group of 6 with that gear would enrage in BC... how dare he play content.

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The new cap is clearly not meant to be reached just by playing the game,

i could do the 220.000 before in about 90-120 minutes depending on the daily quests with 3 or 4 characters.


now it is impossible, i did 5 weekly and 5 daily challenges yesterday and still didn't reach cap.

Is the cap increase good? if you palyed to the cap every day and "wasted" points because of this, then yes.


But the real reason they made it that high is to sell exp charms, remove them and there's no problem really.

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On 8/21/2019 at 8:30 AM, Amarathiel said:

Meanwhile me sitting at 9k gold after 2 months of 2 hours per day gameplay with only 1 character, except weekends. Don't see any issues with anything when it comes to gold and material acquisition. But that's just me lol. All solo dungeons, all dailies from NS to shadowmoor, HM and CS and sometimes msp. That's literally all i do and i got no issues getting things in reasonable amount of time. And that's with 0 farming. I personally don't see any issues here.

lol lies ..... you do all solo dungeon dailies ns to shadow moor in 2 hours plus  hm and cold sotrage . unless you are geared already . and in a clan that 1 shots everything we talking from regular perspective ... who has to queue f8 solo or req people ...... and gear that doesnt one shot .....if you already gear and whale then enough to do if not all end game raid ,question doesn't apply to u .


its like saying ..you dont habve a problem with gold nerfs cause u buy gold from store ...its talking about regular people who go hard way to get things done ....just be real.if spending 2 hours gets you that amount in such and such time then we all should be end game gear . its depends on what you can do that everyone else cant .


obviously you spend more that two hours on some days and if u cant do high end co


what i agree with is the fact that unity increase just to benefit pay 2 win .... if you a regular player that change has nothing to do with literally ... if they increase the amount of reputation we get are something as a trade off but its like adding another room to your house when you not sleeping in it ...its just here .



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Hmm... looks like my point was not understood at all. Let's try again.


Firstly, DO NOT make assumptions about how i got my gear or about me in general. Especially when those assumptions are not true in the slightest.


Secondly, I am not talking about the p2w aspect of this game. There clearly are some pw2 elements here. All Korean games have that, it's their core gameplay mechanic. That will never change just because game is ported to NA/EU.


My main point is still that you can get gear reputation etc. in a reasonable amount of time in game without having to use insane amounts of time, create billion alts. It is doable. However toxic people are the idiots that prevent people from getting things done. That has nothing to do with the game itself. it's the people themselves that are causing most of those problems. Gear necessary to do any dungeon without issues, as long as you know how to play and have decent ping, can be easily obtained with reasonable amount of time. That is my point. Game cannot fix the problems a community creates, unless it forces it and that is a nono. NA/EU are probably the only regions that are this toxic to prevent regular players from gearing up.


As soon as you play with some friends everyday and don't have to deal with random people, you suddenly start progressing way faster and having more fun in the game. Reason my and my friend duo everything so we don't have to deal with that toxic bs. She even refuses to play in groups most of the time because of how toxic things are.

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