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Game dying


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Guess one of the main BnS issue is that this game, even if offering one of the best combat gameplay i ever played, also offer a pretty too straight foward world...

Its not a real open world, many map are tiny and are used only to pass by only for the story,and you end up spending the rest of your life in the multi server thing dungeon queue.

And indeed spaming the same dungeon XXXX time for a drop tend to be very quickly annoying


that's personaly the main reasons of why i'am not that much into BnS anymore and just playing here and there, despite really loving the class gameplay


That game would be a real open world, with more "sandbox-y" content it would certainly be way way more popular.

The current way their world is build is just a bit too outdated imho.


After i wont speak about issue related to what NC do or doesnt for the game because i didnt followed very closely that game since a lot of time now

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8 hours ago, KzE said:

Its not an excuse, its a fact. I dont say its impossible to catch up, but most of ppl will be burned out very fast. If you like to run same things for years on 10 chars, its your decision or taste. I hate doing dailies even on 3 chars. Why? Because its boring.

Trying to play this game on 1 character you are so limited on the amount of income you can make compared to those of us who play on many that yes you do get frustrated and eventually quit not to mention limited on amount of quests you can do literally. But this game isn't exactly designed as such. To fully use events for free stuff at bare min. you'd need at least 5 (maybe 4 depending on exact figures of the event tokens earned weekly) characters now with the limit per week. So while I understand your issue but you also have to see it my way. You say you run dailies on 3 characters. Do you run it solo or with clan that you can speak to, have fun with and just do stupid ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ together to make it fun? I only run dailies on all of my characters not because of the gold (seriously ask my clan members I'm lazy as hell when it comes to upgrading) but I enjoy running dungeons, we do them on normal and hard depending on if a new member needs the achievements etc and also because frankly I enjoy the game play and different play types of each class.

@wootwoots There was much more to do in the world but they removed most of the side quests to kind of rush players towards end game (yes I consider out of story your end game guys sue me) which was a mistake because honestly it killed off like half of the game. You don't get the background on some npc, you don't understand the lore behind some anymore not to mention a few outfits your now forced to pvp in order to get that used to be from a quest (rng base mind you). A lot of things need to be updated and less load screens in my opinion.


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6 hours ago, Kitsune Takahashi said:

Trying to play this game on 1 character you are so limited on the amount of income you can make compared to those of us who play on many that yes you do get frustrated and eventually quit not to mention limited on amount of quests you can do literally. But this game isn't exactly designed as such.

Bad game design is bad game design. Only thing for what is this good to hide the low population.


6 hours ago, Kitsune Takahashi said:

Do you run it solo or with clan that you can speak to

I have friends to play with, but they plan to quit too. Everyone who i know is digusted by this point now.

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On 9/10/2019 at 6:42 AM, Kitsune Takahashi said:

By complaining about the drop rate of the fragments you kind of are. Either way without them being more transparent about the exact drop rates of things it is your 'guess' that they lowered it while I haven't seen a difference across all 3 of the solo dungeons starting with outlaw island, circle of sundering, and den of ancients. Either way this is a good read Merlin. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/lesson-gamers-rng/

Ok let this set straight. Just for you i try to explain it again.

I farmed Mao Neck on my main in May / June and for my alt in the last 3 weeks.

While i got 1-2 fragments from the first 2 bosses, i only got 0-1 fragment (quite often just Naryu coins) from the first 2 bosses after the maintenance at June 5th, 2 weeks befor trove ;)

It also took me more than twice as much runs to farm the neck for my alt then i need for my main.

Must be a series of bad luck/rng over weeks / month


Since we are talking about NC-Soft which is known for always careing, listenning and communicating with the playerbase and never would do such a things like reducing droprates, or selling unity stones only for real money but not HM-Coins, you must be right, maybe im just so braindead that i cant count my runs nor i can count to 2. [/zynism]


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32 minutes ago, Merlin DE said:

Since we are talking about NC-Soft which is known for always careing, listenning and communicating with the playerbase and never would do such a things like reducing droprates, or selling unity stones only for real money but not HM-Coins, you must be right, maybe im just so braindead that i cant count my runs nor i can count to 2.

Last ninja change was like 2 days ago, you can ask them about Catwalk achi :DDD

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Unity System Update

The maximum unity rank will be been increased from 120 to 150 and six (6) new Radiance Stone slots will be added (two for each stone type).

Speaking of stones—new Awakened Radiance and Ascension Stones will be available! Both can be purchased from the Merchant of Wonders and will also available for a limited time in the upcoming Treasure Trove, while the Awakened Ascension Stone can also be obtained from the Scarlet Conservatory Raid. New things don’t just stop there; Reputation Charms will also be available and can be obtained from Transmutation and the new raid, Throne of Oblivion. Keep your eyes out for the details when the patch notes are published on September 17.

Meanwhile i tried a second time to refine 1 violet with 6-7 blue to get another violet with maybe better stats.

Guess what i got. Both times i got a blue stone. WOW seriously? Never felt so fooled...

Guess its time to cancle premium and look for another game with a not so greedy publisher who only want to rip off the playerbase.


Honestly, it reminds me more and more about MxM. One cash event after the other and a few weeks later they anounced the shutdown of the servers.

At least they refund coins bought in the last 2 or 3 weeks but only to avoid getting sued for comercial fraud.

I wouldnt be surprised, when NC-Soft already decided to shut down the EU/NA server and exactly know the date when it will happens.


Maybe we will be able to celebrate the 4th "birthday" but i highly doubt BnS will survive the 5th year in EU/NA, at least if they dont change a few things quite quickly.



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ofc the game is dying :


 * bad or no customer support, unless you swipe alot then they suddenly can do more for you

 * more p2w with every path

 * 0 communication between ncsoft and the players

 * low fps ( 20fps in raid with a 1080ti, like come ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing on ..... )

 * P2W

 * high latency

 * (extended) maintenance in the middle of the day ( EU )

 * more P2W

 * new bugs on existing things with almost every patch and they refuse to acknowledge them ( middle zone on HQ getting bug bomb instead of a player for example )

 * constant gold nerf on lower dungeon so new players cant gear up

 * Even more P2W


As a f2p you cant play this game on 1 char, you need multiple alts just to get your main somewhat geared to keep up with the content => to much doing the same every day, this is BORING and tedious, people just get burned out ....


they just dont understand that their eastern business model does not work here, we dont like p2w

If i was looking for an mmo, i wouldnt even try BnS at current state, just for the p2w alone ....  but unfortunatly i started bns before it was p2w

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10 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Ok let this set straight. Just for you i try to explain it again.

I farmed Mao Neck on my main in May / June and for my alt in the last 3 weeks.

While i got 1-2 fragments from the first 2 bosses, i only got 0-1 fragment (quite often just Naryu coins) from the first 2 bosses after the maintenance at June 5th, 2 weeks befor trove ;)

It also took me more than twice as much runs to farm the neck for my alt then i need for my main.

Must be a series of bad luck/rng over weeks / month


Since we are talking about NC-Soft which is known for always careing, listenning and communicating with the playerbase and never would do such a things like reducing droprates, or selling unity stones only for real money but not HM-Coins, you must be right, maybe im just so braindead that i cant count my runs nor i can count to 2. [/zynism]










Again that is exactly how the RNG thing works, sometimes you will get a loot sometimes not. While I don't deny the fact that the KR team can change the % as which the frequency of the event which triggers the fragments to drop, I honestly do not see the point in them doing so since you could always buy gear in things like trove to speed up your progression. Just other day I ran it 10 times and came out with 2 gloves and @ 14 fragments.

Also about your failure rate, my guess as most if you use 8 stones will be roughly 40%. Your result again is RNG base on 3 possible outcomes. A normal blue, a superior blue, a purple. Same applies for when going for legendary. When I refine personally I only do so with 8 stones and while I'm not going to lie and say I get purple every time, it happens more then not. What people need to realize is while whales will have some advantage, overtime things get reductions which I'm sure Unity will be no different and they will lower the % to fail in order to help others catch up to a point. Much like they did with Souls, will do in time for other items.

@Javice Low fps and such are more or less due to the engine and how badly coded the game is which might be fixed with UE4, might not only time will show us. Your ping is based on your internet in most cases, so it is 50/50 their/your problem as it also depends on server placement for say EU. I mean from what I can tell Texas is where the NA server is located and I'm in Maryland with roughly 60-100 ping in most times, 150 at peak. They redone and buffed gold amount on 2 key dungeons, Heaven's Mandate and Cold Storage which now a days you can complete just fine out of story. All the way up to Shadowmoor baring mechanics of RT is a snooze fest for everyone so I don't exactly see a issue with gold. Hell they can faceroll (knowing minor mechanics of course) things like skybreak now for another 70-80 gold and start to learn / run SK/VT. But they also shuffle materials around not really nerf it. Again it is the community that limits others on 'what they feel they can do' just to speed up their dungeon runs, doesn't mean you need that in order to actually run it and therefor sets a bad example making new players think they truly need to be "end game whales" in order to do dungeons like warped citadel ect..

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Again that is exactly how the RNG thing works, sometimes you will get a loot sometimes not.

Dude, im a semi professional php coder and have coded a lot of rng functions, so you dont have to explain to me how rng works.

What happend here is statistical impossible to explain with just rng, overall over such a long timescale. 


vor 14 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

While I don't deny the fact that the KR team can change the % as which the frequency of the event which triggers the fragments to drop, I honestly do not see the point in them doing so since you could always buy gear in things like trove to speed up your progression.

Oh you honestly dont see the point why they sould do?

Here are 2 Hints


vor 16 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

While i got 1-2 fragments from the first 2 bosses, i only got 0-1 fragment (quite often just Naryu coins) from the first 2 bosses after the maintenance at June 5th, 2 weeks befor trove ;)



since you could always buy gear in things like trove to speed up your progression.

Its not the first time they reduced droprates and for sure not the last time.


Another hint. You remeber when Soulfighter was released? At this time you still had the old hongmoon weapon which later was upgradable to the first Light/Dark legendary weapon. For one breathrough you needed a weapon from Tainted Lab an annoying booring dungeon. Theweapon and weaponchest only was availabe from the bossloot and the weapon itself was tradable.
A friend and i made 4 freaking HM levels just from doing this dungeon to get the weapon. Every weapon dropped a 100 times except the soulfighter weapon and surprise surprice just at this time the Silverfrost key got a discount in the HM-Store, funny coincidence


And another hint. Remeber how NC-Soft announced to change radiant energy for gem powder and remember how they cancled the exchange not even 24 hours befor the patch?

As reason for not exchanging radiant energy for gempowder they mentioned it would have a bad influence on the econemy.

Just at the first update of the offer of the day right after the maintenance they offered gem poweder in the HM-Store, just another coincidence ;)


NC-Soft annonced a reducting of the legendary weapon upgrade costs. Well at this time you needed another upraded Hongmoon weapon for the breakthrough from stage 2 to 3 or 3 to 4, not sure wich it was. Sadly NC-Soft forgott to mention that they also changed the breaktrough weapon and you now need a weapon from Asura and not the upgraded Hongmoon weapon anymore.
Many players upgraded another hongmoon weapon in preperation, many bought moonwater keys in the HM-Store and spend money for nothing.
Support refused to refund the mats / money you spend for the keys you bought and only offer to exchange the weapon for the newly needed one.
Stupid thing, most of us already had the newly needed weapon already in our vaults. So we lost mats, gold and real money for keys.
You may call it random error, i call it intentional commercial fraud because they refused to refund real money, people just spend because of an (intentional?) missing information in the patchnotes. They knew people would prepare to upgrade after they annonced the reduction of upgrade costs.


And you will tell me i just had countinusly bad luck with the droprate?

vor einer Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Also about your failure rate, my guess as most if you use 8 stones will be roughly 40%. Your result again is RNG base on 3 possible outcomes. A normal blue, a superior blue, a purple. Same applies for when going for legendary. When I refine personally I only do so with 8 stones and while I'm not going to lie and say I get purple every time, it happens more then not.

1 Heroic (violet), 6 or 7 superior (blue) Chances annonced as Superior -> very low , Heroic -> very high, and 2 times i got a superior, yeah thats what i call very high chance LoL

Not 1 heroic from Dialy / Weekly chest nor a single successfull transformation, instead 2 downgrade, since these chests are in the store but let me guess, just bad luck and another bad coincidence


LoL wake up dude and stop defending every BS NC-Soft do...




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55 minutes ago, Merlin DE said:

A friend and i made 4 freaking HM levels just from doing this dungeon to get the weapon. Every weapon dropped a 100 times except the soulfighter weapon and surprise surprice just at this time the Silverfrost key got a discount in the HM-Store, funny coincidence

This was at single boss wheel at lvl45 patch. Ofc keys were in shop if you give up :D

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2 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

the jiangshi near awaken necro? this was also the last breakthrough of the HM weapon you need for the breakthrough of the galaxy weapon


Then explain my current rates on just 10 runs? And Trove should be announced soon for the 18th. I guess I'm just lucky? Also, I understand that they could but with the RNG being what it is especially on some items it is basically he/she said on IF they actually touched the rates. I mean look at the drop rate on certain outfits like Infinite Challenge, Red Mask, Secret Agent (yes I know you can no longer get agent outfit) just to name a few and here I got Infinite Challenge during my Story run through of it back when we still had the side quests and such while others take 500-1000 runs and still not have it, care to explain that? I have obtained a few purple from the Daily Challenge box as well as refining since they put those in F10, so I just say the same thing to you I'm not defending the company I'm sharing my experience which to you that seems to have some really bad luck on things want to seem like I'm defending them go right ahead and keep thinking that because honestly it doesn't matter in the long run.

Also, I wasn't on the game back then as I have stated before I've only played since Feb. 3 2018. They gave you the option to buy keys from my understanding if you just gave up on the odds of obtaining it by normal means which frankly in my opinion is also how trove works currently. Sorry it just seems to me your too jaded as a player dealing with the past to really see clearly when it comes to NCSoft. I've played on many of their games and can say while I might not agree with some of the practices, they have done a very good job on Blade and Soul for the most part aside from the bugs that shouldn't of made it past beta stage and some stupid removals of certain items making it very hard for players now a days to obtain without spending ncoin / most of their gold on (ie: fabric) and the fact that they removed the world boss from Misty Woods etc.. All of my posts are based on my current experience.

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4 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

And another hint. Remeber how NC-Soft announced to change radiant energy for gem powder and remember how they cancled the exchange not even 24 hours befor the patch?

As reason for not exchanging radiant energy for gempowder they mentioned it would have a bad influence on the econemy.

Just at the first update of the offer of the day right after the maintenance they offered gem poweder in the HM-Store, just another coincidence ;)

I wasn't around for that but if it is anything like the change for like the orbs / feathers for Heaven's Mandate / Cold Storage, it kind of would of screwed up the economy to a point. You forget one key thing that others do as well. Korea had time to adjust to different changes. We are catching up to them too fast for those content hungry players which results in a lot of weird changes being put in place just after we got a patch last month. If our timeline was more like Korea's things wouldn't be so bad as people have more time to adept to systems and adjust for certain changes.

I know this is Korea so don't mention it and try to make some irreverent post about such since yes we are NA/EU however Korea still determines what we get and what we don't.

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I'd be on the game, but unfortunately, my Pc crashed and I'm stuck with a Laptop that can't play it. So unlucky me has to play the waiting game. Unfortunately it means I miss a bunch of things. Anyways the game is still one of my favorites to play and I can't wait until I can get back on.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

I wasn't around for that but if it is anything like the change for like the orbs / feathers for Heaven's Mandate / Cold Storage, it kind of would of screwed up the economy to a point.

I start playing since may 2016, so i started a few month after release. I have seen a lot of things where NC-Soft screewed the playerbase. 

vor 8 Stunden schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

they have done a very good job on Blade and Soul

You mean things like

- Promesing new sources for moonstones?

instead they introduced the crystal version, removed moonstones from SSE during the week, removed moonstones from Naksun and made them available at Battleground

Price fro moonstones befor they introduced the crystals 2-3 gold and PTS 200-300 gold max., price today 6-7 gold for Moonstones, mostly 400+ for PTS

- introducing pet illusion stones?
well honestly its nice you can change the appearance of your pet now and you are not bound to a single pet. But

Befor they introduced the pet illusion stones  you could salvage a blue pet for 1 pet pouch and a violet one for 2 pet pouches.

Now you could only salvage violet pet illusion stones for 1 pet pouch

Price for a pet pouch befor this patch ~30 gold. Today ~ 120 gold making upgrading the pet 4 times more expensive with just 1 patch.


Ok they did a few good things like giving people first legendary stage of pet and soul from an event but also screewed old players who already had this stage and didnt get anything from these events.

Or making TT Soulshields and Metals available in MSP so people can catch up more easy. Anyway this way is still gatet for most players cause they either cant do TT or cant buy TT ring/earring/weaponmat since its still quite expensive.


For the announcede excange of radiant energy for gempowder.
They announced the exchange a week or two befor the patch. They also had radiant energy every two or three days at the offer of the day in the HM-Shop.

People bought radiant energy like crazy. Then not even 24 hours befor the patch the announced to exchange radiant energy for 15 gold each.

This resulted in a shitstorm cause the price on the market was about 20-25 gold.

At least they gave additional 5 gold for each radiant energy a week later so you got 20 gold for each and they also refund people who bought radiant energy from the store after the anoncement.

Anyway lot of people, including me, made great looses cause they had invested their gold to upgrade their gems.

Maybe it would have had a bad influence on the market, but that should have been known way longer and not less than 24 hours befor the patch.


And there are a lot more examples on how NC-Soft screewed the playerbase since release. I dont even took 3 years to go from formaly 12 EU server to just 1 and player still leaving. BnS is a good game with lot of potential and i love playing it but with more and more of my friends leaving the game its just a mater of time untill i  will leave to.

So yeah, NC-Soft did a realy good job, at least in screewing their players and scaring most of them away.


Oh and BTW. You know NC-Softs philosophy?


Our Philosophy

We believe in letting everyone play the game as it’s intended to be played – skill-based progression throughout all the available content. No paywalls will hold you back, and no amount of money will give you an unfair competitive advantage over other players. We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases. We’re also going to make sure that we have a regular schedule of content updates that everyone will be able to enjoy.


Take a look at F10 ;)


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11 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Oh and BTW. You know NC-Softs philosophy?

So many things to touch on so little time. You ignored my results the RNG and jumped to something else. Let me ask you this. You mention moonstones, they give you the option to get them from doing battlegrounds, you get them in rng / small amounts from the daily and weekly challenge chests. Could the amount be better? Sure buddy! They gave you some more sources for the crystals. Upgrading your gear cost crystals. Also prices adjust due to the amount of supplies on market. If less people are selling the materials in order to transmute a item of course the item in question will raise in price. Marketing 101.

Now them giving out the stage 11 soul / pet aura. Did it really screw out older players all that much? I mean before the change to a 5 stage system, they only saved 10 stages and maybe 1 event worth of pet pods. However it was to help 'newer players' catch up to a very low point much like the weapon upgrade / accessory upgrade events. Could they of handled your example of the energy > powder thing better sure, but at least you got some sort of gold returned. So they tried to make some kind of amends to it.

I've looked at F10 and honestly all I see trove is included is pay 2 progress. While we / you might not like to admit what they are doing currently while it may look like pay 2 win, is more of a grey area. "No paywalls will hold you back, and no amount of money will give you an unfair competitive advantage over other players. We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases." Pay walls do not hold anyone back, grant it the time frame for the amount of effort might make some think otherwise..Everyone is able to get the same items as everyone else just the time frame is vastly different.

Anyways, I'm going to go get my breakfast, was a fun read Merlin but in the end I still say, nothing in this game requires end game gear in order to do unless your speaking about raids which honestly should since they are to be harder content, however to enjoy the game and to progress you honestly do not need to rush everything and be at the max gear when the new tier is released on day 1. If you feel you 'must' be at that level in gear then you have the option to pay money for a shortcut. It is a option but not required.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

You ignored my results the RNG and jumped to something else

As i said, i know how rng works, i have coded quite a lot Randon Number Generators using different types to create seeds.

As i said befor maintenacne on june 5th every run 1-2 fragments from first to bosses, after maintenance 0-1 fragment from first 2 bosses.

More than twice as much runs for farming the neck for my alt than i neede for my main. Thats even hard to explain with NC-Soft RNG and statitical nearly impossible without lowering the droprate ;)

Im not talking about 2,3,4 runs, im talking about a over 200 runs and the 3 fragments from daily quest didnt change much.


vor einer Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

You mention moonstones, they give you the option to get them from doing battlegrounds, you get them in rng / small amounts from the daily and weekly challenge chests.

Let me quote something:


We’ve also heard your requests for additional Moonstone sources, and so we’ll also be adding more locations to earn them, and we’ll be providing more info on those sources as we get closer to the upcoming content release

Source: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/silverfrost-weapon-cost-changes/


Well they introduced Moonstone Crystals which are still RNG drop from the chests and at least for me the most least ressource. Befor they introduced the crystals you could farm moonstones in SSP 24/7. If you didnt like PVP / SSP you could farm Naksun who could drop 1, 10 and even 100 stacks.

With the introduction of the crystals they removed moonstones from Naksun and he now can only drop 1 or max 10 crystals.

Removing Moonstones from Naksun isolated people who dont like PVP from any moonstone source.

Well ok Naksun is lvl 45/50 content, but anyway, there are enough places where they could have added an alternative moonstone source for PVE player.

They also removed Moonstones from SSP during the week, Now you can farm them only Sat / Sun from 1 PM to 1 AM.

Therefore they introduced moonstones in the BG- Chests what resultet in an price twice as high as befor the patch.

Nowadays moonstones cost 2-3times more than befor this patch.

It wouldnt be much of a problem, when you wouldnt need moonstones for  crafting (Premium) Transformation Stones or if there would be an untradeable version you could craft with crystals.

vor einer Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Upgrading your gear cost crystals.

What about all those Transformation and Premium Transformation Stones you can only craft with Moonstones and not with crystals?


vor einer Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Also prices adjust due to the amount of supplies on market.

Here is the next problem, People who mostly play PVP are running out of Keys to open the chests while most PVE players threw them away or have  a stack of a few k in  their vault. Overall most changes resulted in higher prices while gold income continusly where decreased.

vor einer Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Now them giving out the stage 11 soul / pet aura. Did it really screw out older players all that much? I mean before the change to a 5 stage system, they only saved 10 stages and maybe 1 event worth of pet pods. However it was to help 'newer players' catch up to a very low point much like the weapon upgrade / accessory upgrade events.

There is nothing to say against this, on the contraryit was nessesary and importent so people can at least catch up a tiny bit. Anyway, would have been nice for old players who already spend tons of mats / oils / Pet pouches when you could have salvage the items and got a few mats in return.


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Could they of handled your example of the energy > powder thing better sure, but at least you got some sort of gold returned. So they tried to make some kind of amends to it.

Yeah they tried, but anyway most of us had a big loss. Buying an item for 20-25 gold and getting 20 gold in return is a quite bad trade. I lost 200-300 gold and a friend even lost over 1k gold.


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

I've looked at F10 and honestly all I see trove is included is pay 2 progress. While we / you might not like to admit what they are doing currently while it may look like pay 2 win, is more of a grey area. "No paywalls will hold you back, and no amount of money will give you an unfair competitive advantage over other players. We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases." Pay walls do not hold anyone back, grant it the time frame for the amount of effort might make some think otherwise..Everyone is able to get the same items as everyone else just the time frame is vastly different.

Well we can now diskus where Pay to progress ends and where P2W begins. In my opinnion P2W sbeginns when you cant get your stuff in a reasonable amount of time and since they always add upgrades on a regular base you are not realy able to catch up. So this is, at least in my opinion, P2W.

Also you have overlooked a tiny but importent detail


what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases

So Assessoirs / Weaponmats in trove, or the currently buyable unity stones are just cosmetics, they dont give power or increas stats permanent?


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Anyways, I'm going to go get my breakfast, was a fun read Merlin but in the end I still say, nothing in this game requires end game gear in order to do unless your speaking about raids which honestly should since they are to be harder content, however to enjoy the game and to progress you honestly do not need to rush everything and be at the max gear when the new tier is released on day 1. If you feel you 'must' be at that level in gear then you have the option to pay money for a shortcut. It is a option but not required.

Im GC9 full TT, but i could do TT (at least boss 1 and 2) even with my aransu 3 gunner which have assessoiurs max at stage 3 since i can hold up to 500-600k, i maybe should try to find a group, would be a nice challange ;)


Dont get me wrong, i dont want things for free. I left BnS in Dec. 2018 and came back at the awakening patch. It took me 8 weekends hardcore MSP farming to get from full VT to full TT gear including prophecy neck and the new glove both at awakening 3. So im not to lazy to farm. Meanwhile my alt also have TT Ring stage 9, TT Earring, prophecy neck and new glove stage 10 and went from aransu 3 to aransu 6 in the last 3 weeks. Ok my main now is out of mats, but anyway it was worth it.

I also dont care what they sell in F10, according to me, they could sell even Raid-weapons / assessoirs in F10, but at least give us the opportunity to farm our stuff in a reasonable amount of time especialy Oils and pet pouches ;)
And we will need a hell of a lot more oils in future when we get the ancient weapon level.


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2 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

What about all those Transformation and Premium Transformation Stones you can only craft with Moonstones and not with crystals?

That is why I listed the other sources of moonstone which do pile up over time. While limited on the amount it is still a means to save up and then craft. Again you do not have to rush in upgrades which most people seem to want to do regardless.


2 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

So Assessoirs / Weaponmats in trove, or the currently buyable unity stones are just cosmetics, they dont give power or increas stats permanent?

Convenience. You can obtain the same thing by normal means or speed up the process by doing Trove or F10. Now it would be very different if say the outfits or whatever you got from the cash shop would offer stats that you couldn't obtain by normal playing (and please don't include time frames because I get tired of repeating myself) ie: A special outfit that would offer extra hp, critical etc.. while free players are stuck with vanity only event outfits that offer none. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

I always felt when it came to raiding which I still laugh when I see in-game personally people still putting requirements on even Skybreak for like Aransu, when you can legit run it with basic understanding of the mechanics involved straight out of story now a days and meet the damage requirements so each boss doesn't hit the enrage timer.

Temple of Eluvium really only requires at most Raven,Rift or Dawnforge 9 with maxed Skybreak Accessories.
Nightfall Sanctuary really only requires at most Aransu, Storm or Exalted 9 with max Skybreak and Hellion Accessories.
Scarlet Conservatory really only requires at most Grand Celestial, Sky or Shadowforge 9 with max Celestial Accessories and Imperial Accessories.

Also to note. The Most you truly need in order to do Midnight Skypetal Plains effectively is Aransu, Storm or Exalted 3 with Skybreak and Hellion Accessories (doesnt need max).

2 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

I also dont care what they sell in F10, according to me, they could sell even Raid-weapons / assessoirs in F10, but at least give us the opportunity to farm our stuff in a reasonable amount of time especialy Oils and pet pouches ;)
And we will need a hell of a lot more oils in future when we get the ancient weapon level.

While they could of did a better job to make it more friendly for those who choose to only use 1 character, that I will at least agree on. It could of been so much more worst then it is currently and you can while not ideal catch up by using more then 1 character. As for the Ancient Weapon which will sit above Thornbreaker most will stop at +13 due to the failure rate so don't expect to see many if any at +20.

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vor 22 Minuten schrieb Kitsune Takahashi:

Convenience. You can obtain the same thing by normal means or speed up the process by doing Trove or F10

Thats not the point, for my sake they could sell raidweapons / Assessoiursor even their grandma (if anyone want to buy her xD). The point is they clearly stated

vor 16 Stunden schrieb Merlin DE:

We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases

in their Philosophy but do sell gear/permanet stat increases.
Lets finish with a famous qoute and a little lesson in history ;) :


"Nobody has the intention to build a wall"

(Walter Ulbricht, at an international press conference in East Berlin on June 15, 1961)

Less than two months later, on August 13, 1961, work on the construction of the Wall began


Thats the point. they lied and betrayed the playerbase and thats why most players are so angry.


BTW: i dont think we will get the RNG-version of the ancient weapon level, i guess we will get a version with save upgrades but it will cost a ton of oils

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1 hour ago, Merlin DE said:

Thats not the point, for my sake they could sell raidweapons / Assessoiursor even their grandma (if anyone want to buy her xD). The point is they clearly stated

in their Philosophy but do sell gear/permanet stat increases.
Lets finish with a famous qoute and a little lesson in history ;) :

(Walter Ulbricht, at an international press conference in East Berlin on June 15, 1961)

Less than two months later, on August 13, 1961, work on the construction of the Wall began


Thats the point. they lied and betrayed the playerbase and thats why most players are so angry.


BTW: i dont think we will get the RNG-version of the ancient weapon level, i guess we will get a version with save upgrades but it will cost a ton of oils

Game would actually be much different in my opinion if you couldn't buy raid stuff, gems from the market and honestly that could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it, just like the current market system is. People who can spend don't mind it, people who can't or choose not to hate it. You can never please everyone and in that regard they are trying to play the middle ground while it seems like they are going against their policy. Policies can change just as much as everything else and honestly it is probably what keeps this game afloat due to the amount of other issues it has with the bugs.

Edited by Kitsune Takahashi
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i did not see the stream but from what im reading :


 * 3 DC reward changed to 4 DC

 * CB removed from DC

 So just that alone its gonna take twice the amount of dungeons on alts to get same reward as we get now from 3DC

 * normal mode from most dungeons removed and replaced by beginner mode with less gold reward

 * hard mode dungeons are a part of DC now


screw you guys but im quiting the game if this is true, this is a huge ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ you for f2p players, my daily routine on the game is gonna take atleast twice as long and i have to do hard modes on top of that, i dont have time for that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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vor 20 Minuten schrieb Javice:

i did not see the stream but from what im reading :


 * 3 DC reward changed to 4 DC

 * CB removed from DC

 So just that alone its gonna take twice the amount of dungeons on alts to get same reward as we get now from 3DC

 * normal mode from most dungeons removed and replaced by beginner mode with less gold reward

 * hard mode dungeons are a part of DC now


screw you guys but im quiting the game if this is true, this is a huge ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ you for f2p players, my daily routine on the game is gonna take atleast twice as long and i have to do hard modes on top of that, i dont have time for that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

I watched the stream but i didnt see anything about having to do hardmode. As much as i understood they just renamed it. Easy is now normal mode and Hardmode is now Normalmode. There shouldnt be any difference expect for the drops we already have. Its just a simple rename of hard and normalmode as far as i understood.


If this is true and you are forced to do hardmodes wow even more stuff to hurt PVP Players than i already knew but i doubt it.

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5 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

I watched the stream but i didnt see anything about having to do hardmode. As much as i understood they just renamed it. Easy is now normal mode and Hardmode is now Normalmode. There shouldnt be any difference expect for the drops we already have. Its just a simple rename of hard and normalmode as far as i understood.


If this is true and you are forced to do hardmodes wow even more stuff to hurt PVP Players than i already knew but i doubt it.

There is a single HM quest. Rest is EM. I dont think, they renamed it, they told its easier and less gold rewards too. Koreans have easy, normal and hard, we will have only easy and hard. They just deleted the normal mode.

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