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Class Changer Item

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If Ncsoft  would put this Item into the Game.

Who of u would use it?!


As for me.. i have to say... this Item would be extremly useful and Fun.

Not Interrested lving all Classes and Gearing them up etc to max ... like anyone got time for that XD


Also since Meeles in this Game simply Sux... i bet 99.99% of ppl who would use this Item are Close Range Classes..

Tell me what u think c=

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Changing high level char into another class is in my opinion pretty bad option. Why? Because the player will have 0 clue about how to play it efficiently. It ruins the fact that when you level up you learn the class and you will be better in everything. On the other hand I understand why would people want to do this but personally I wouldn't want those HM10 playing like lv 45 first timers in my dungeons. I have already seen HM6-8 who say it is their first time on that character doing what ever pleases them while others try to save their asses. Especially think that you reroll into FM with the scroll and join Yeti or Asura 4-man because your AP is good for that. Then again you have no idea about your skills and what to do and when to do properly. I can see already the amount of flaming.

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I'm all aboard for class change items. Since when is speculative player behaviour a factor for anything? By that logic we shouldn't have a player driven economy because they will eventually *cricket* it up and make getting into the game nigh impossible for newer players. One could also easily speculate that players would try out the new toon in lower level dungeons to get a feel for it before resuming their usual routine. Furthermore....assuming these players aren't sociopaths, the increased population of players in relatively underpopulated dungeons and world bosses could mean newer players will be less likely to become frustrated due to long wait times for help in clearing dungeons or killing bosses.


See how easy and utterly pointless it is to 'justify' things based on speculation?


Levelling up in this game is fun...the first two times. Honestly, it's more the RNG than anything else that's the real turnoff. When I think about the number of times I had to open chests to get the item I want....doing it a third time...yeah no. However, having gotten to 50 with SF and 48 with FM....I'm wondering what the point of the former is and would rather have a KFM or even destroyer. At least the destroyer can CC bosses. The SF is damn near useless-it has lower damage than summoner, FM or assassin but can't taunt like BM or KFM. It also provides zero party buffs like WL and KFM. It also doesn't provide any damage resistance like FM. You have one heal you an pop every minute and a res....but it has nothing to prevent people from going down in the first place. The only think I can see is it has 2 chainable aoe cc's, 3 if you're changing stance but it seems silly to blow all 3 cc's like that and it has a lot of options to negate damage for itself. I mean....ok.....I guess. I still prefer the FM as it negates ranged attacks and reduces damage by 20% for all party members for 2-3x as long as the SF cc chains.


So +1 for class change. Change your class, get practice with world bosses or lower level dungeons for a few days then build yourself back up to doing level appropriate content. As for people saying that 'oh you're just 'lazy''....I won't bother to deconstruct the lunacy of that sentiment as anyone does any form of thinking before speaking wouldn't utter such a thing when speaking about a recreational activity (you do remember games are for fun right?) in the first place. However I will turn that very same reasoning on you. If your doomsday fears come to pass and you have a bunch of people who do not now the name of their skills doing high level content....stop doing pugs and form your own groups. It takes exponentially less work and effort to form your own group than it does to level a new character from scratch....don't deny players the option to not repeat ten of hours in grinding simply because you're too lazy to form your own group. There's enough room for everyone.

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I think the argument of "Won't learn class" isn't valid.  :p  People can learn from playing high level as well and most of them aren't that hard to get into.


Not sure if I'm for it, but what could help is shared Accessories :)

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6 hours ago, Lunakitty said:

Changing high level char into another class is in my opinion pretty bad option. Why?

That's pretty much an old excuse that people use to disapprove instant-leveling, you know. While the learning curve may be steeper than playing one from the start, they will eventually get better with the new class, as long as they're willing to learn their class. What class-changer saves is a lot of time and efforts spending to invest in other characters, consider how alt-unfriendly this game is.


The trouble is that the developer will have to code the change the weapon of the original class to the new one, as well as HM skill inheritance. While it sounds simple, it might be actually difficult, programing wise, not mentioning you are risk to break what is fine.


If there is Class Changer Ticket, I believe it will rule above Race Changer one, because you will have to change race if the class you want does not support by your current race.

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1 hour ago, SilentOne said:

according to this i think you should go play less complex games, like tetris on minesweeper mabye

I asked for Point of View regarding this Item, not that u try atk me with such a Statement.

Simply spoke for all close Range(they alottt~ complain) it was specialy meant for SSP.

Lets be Honest this Game is Meele unfriendly, still i luv my Class.

Its just that PPl might wanna try other Classes at high LV too and see what it is like ... but lag the Time.

Would be incredible Fun playing all Classes in higher lv for once...

Ofc i allready tryed all but ... who got time to lv them all to HM 10 or above and equip them with HM Skills on top... thats unrealstic...

And yes exactly a Game is for fun... some ppl take the game to serious...

They wanna be the bes of the best... but sry... this Game is RNG and fun based or u need pay insane amount of cash...

Keep trying be the best but i want play fo fun ... and fun would be try all classes at higher lv... coz each class is unique and a Gameplay changer itself.

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I think the amount of people who would use it for good is far less than those who would use it for evil. What i mean is that there's already dumbass people who rerolled to FM/sum that don't know how to play their class at all. So you have to think about how many people who are purposely taking the lazy way out would even think to put in the effort to learn everything about their class and their roles in certain dungeons. 

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14 minutes ago, Shelly said:

I think the amount of people who would use it for good is far less than those who would use it for evil. What i mean is that there's already dumbass people who rerolled to FM/sum that don't know how to play their class at all. So you have to think about how many people who are purposely taking the lazy way out would even think to put in the effort to learn everything about their class and their roles in certain dungeons. 

The Main Purpose of this Item is to Transfer Gear, Achivments and Skills and Story Progress and transform it to the new Main.

Its Obvious that a Person who would use this Item ... should be aware how to to Play this Class he desire to be his Main...

Else he would just dmg himself?

What u afraid of? Good and Evil... haha evil lurking around every corner... also it depends on your point of view what is evil or not.

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That's my point. I used good and evil to describe perspectives. You think people are going to use this item for "good" because you say things like "it's obvious that a person who would use this item would be aware of how to play this class as a main" but that's not true to the people who have rerolled to fm's and sums currently. So it may not be true if they did put this item in.  It's a game and people will play how they want. Not everyone takes pride in learning how to play their class to the best of their ability. It might work in the aspect of a pvp player. Of course they have to learn their character to be able to win if it's for arena. But in PvE, they could just dps and nothing else. And I've met bad melee players all the time too. The dumb could get dumber. Truthfully how many would switch because they're actually bored of their main (which is good) vs how many switch because they wanna be dumber and dps and don't worry all day long. The only credible reasons for switching is pvp variety, hard lag on a melee character constantly,  or just being bored and wanting to try something new. I just don't have any faith in this community is what it is. 

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5 hours ago, StellaNoxFleuret said:

I asked for Point of View regarding this Item, not that u try atk me with such a Statement.

Simply spoke for all close Range(they alottt~ complain) it was specialy meant for SSP.

Lets be Honest this Game is Meele unfriendly, still i luv my Class.

Its just that PPl might wanna try other Classes at high LV too and see what it is like ... but lag the Time.

Would be incredible Fun playing all Classes in higher lv for once...

Ofc i allready tryed all but ... who got time to lv them all to HM 10 or above and equip them with HM Skills on top... thats unrealstic...

And yes exactly a Game is for fun... some ppl take the game to serious...

They wanna be the bes of the best... but sry... this Game is RNG and fun based or u need pay insane amount of cash...

Keep trying be the best but i want play fo fun ... and fun would be try all classes at higher lv... coz each class is unique and a Gameplay changer itself.

The game is not melee unfriendly. You just have to actually USE SOME SKILLS instead just stay away and pewpew. Because this is what do you consider fun, right? Stay still and spam attack skills mindlessly?

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22 minutes ago, SilentOne said:

The game is not melee unfriendly. You just have to actually USE SOME SKILLS instead just stay away and pewpew. 

lol.. yes it is..

If melee always have to avoid abilities, and "use some skills".. while at the same time, ranged never get forced to move, that is the very definition of being melee unfriendly..

Mix it up, make both ranged and melee have to avoid and move their asses. But most of this game, is only focused on melee range.



I don't think they should make any way to "change one class into another".. but I don't have a problem with people that want to  change main, but can't find the will to do it, because of the gear grind..


If they had to implement anything for those players, it should be to transfer accessories and weapon, and soul from one char to another.. 

But make people still need to level up and earn a soulshield (atleast until legendary, if those are upgradable like normal gear)

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11 minutes ago, TheQuibbler said:

lol.. yes it is..

If melee always have to avoid abilities, and "use some skills".. while at the same time, ranged never get forced to move, that is the very definition of being melee unfriendly..


lol, by this logic every single game which contains melee characters are melee unfriendly. It would be melee unfriendly if the melee characters did not have abilities to survive.

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37 minutes ago, TheQuibbler said:

If melee always have to avoid abilities, and "use some skills".. while at the same time, ranged never get forced to move, that is the very definition of being melee unfriendly..

Mix it up, make both ranged and melee have to avoid and move their asses. But most of this game, is only focused on melee range.

Melee classes were from the beginning rated harder than the ranged ones so it was to be expected. I agree that some parts are a bit unfriendly towards melees (grindtooth at ssp especially) but otherwise it is not that "ranged never get forced to move". I assume you haven't yet been to Asura or higher dungeons?

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Just now, Dotimus said:

really, i got 5 50+ ( mostly ranged),  and after you get the usual combo to level up ( around 25-30) you just keep at it, it is not like you are going to change the rotation for a 1s less time to kill  a pack of mobs with a harder ( complex ) rotation to level to 50,

you dont leaarn nothing mostly  levling as a ranged

I do also have 50+ characters both melee and ranged and there are dungeons where I find melee easier and some dungeons where I find ranged easier. But there hasn't yet been a dungeon where my ranged is just brainless DPS without needing to do anything special. There are still AoEs that demand ranged to do something and sometimes even more than melee.

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15 hours ago, Lunakitty said:

Changing high level char into another class is in my opinion pretty bad option. Why? Because the player will have 0 clue about how to play it efficiently. It ruins the fact that when you level up you learn the class and you will be better in everything.

really, i got 5 50+ ( mostly ranged),  and after you get the usual combo to level up ( around 25-30) you just keep at it, it is not like you are going to change the rotation for a 1s less time to kill  a pack of mobs with a harder ( complex ) rotation to level to 50,

you dont leaarn nothing mostly  levling as a ranged

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5 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

I do also have 50+ characters both melee and ranged and there are dungeons where I find melee easier and some dungeons where I find ranged easier. But there hasn't yet been a dungeon where my ranged is just brainless DPS without needing to do anything special. There are still AoEs that demand ranged to do something and sometimes even more than melee.

last time i did it the only ones i would need to know anything would be the green ones ( as you would be mostly alone without the x-dungeon ) and those when i entered i was way overlevled ( like 10+ levels) they even increased the xp now from the story... any new player will overlevel the content way faster and still learn nothing at all

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1 hour ago, Lunakitty said:

Melee classes were from the beginning rated harder than the ranged ones so it was to be expected. I agree that some parts are a bit unfriendly towards melees (grindtooth at ssp especially) but otherwise it is not that "ranged never get forced to move". I assume you haven't yet been to Asura or higher dungeons?

I wasn't aware, ranged was all rated "easier" than melee, I also didn't know that there was a rating regarding the class, before NC pointed it out to me in a survey.


Also, where in asura does range have it hard? I do realize that, they have a few specific jobs, that would be ideal for them to do, but not anything they are required to do.


First boss: Melee have to iframe spins, and move from frontal attacks, if the tank happen to get it turned towards you.
Ranged, stand still and pew pew, until the boss's make the unavoidable AoE and 1 player from each side, move to the wall to bait spunk. Ideally this should be a ranged.


Second boss: Depending on the tank and how he avoids the frontal attacks, you might need to constantly move or iframe shit. Ranged just stand and pew pew.

The shadows, target melee as well as ranged..


3rd boss: Melee, avoid the fire birds aoe. Avoid the frontal frost / fire spewing, if the "tank" has ended up with boss facing you.

Ranged, stand still and pew pew..

This boss, needs someone to take care of the fire / frost kiting, and ranged would be an ideal choice.. 


Asura: Melee avoid, spins and slashes.

Ranged, stand at distance and pew pew. Don't even have to move out for the fire / frost aoe.

Then there is a few pulls / big aoes, that target everyone.

And posions, that again, ranged would be ideal for, but I more often than anything else, see that handled by destoryers and blade dancers.


Everything, is always melee attacks, or aoe's centered around the caster. Hardly any boss in the game, will randomly target and throw shit on range players :) Imo, that is being melee unfriendly.


Why does, none of these boss', instead of only having melee attacks, have some skills, that are targeting ranged, throughout the fights? instead of the very limited amount of moving, a ranged might do, if he actually does the jobs, that they are ideal for.


Btw, Terrors in SSP.. have this nice ability where they throw a bomb or something at a player.. however, for some reason, the only people that are targeted by this (atleast in my experience, I might be wrong), is melee players, that are trying to get to a safe distance to sit down and regain HP.

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On 22.7.2016 at 8:26 PM, TheQuibbler said:

First boss: Melee have to iframe spins, and move from frontal attacks, if the tank happen to get it turned towards you.
Ranged, stand still and pew pew, until the boss's make the unavoidable AoE and 1 player from each side, move to the wall to bait spunk. Ideally this should be a ranged.

Would be nice if this always worked like this but no. There are times where ranged especially some summoners and FMs steal aggro when there isn't experienced tank on both sides. What then? Oh yeah as ranged you need to come out from your safety zone to close ranged and kite close to the boss just to make sure it doesn't throw double amount of sparkly goo that hurts like hell. Also most likely ranged are the ones being aimed by the other side's boss with the goo and they are the ones protecting melees' sorry asses from not getting hit by the goo that would otherwise get thrown at the melee tank.



Second boss: Depending on the tank and how he avoids the frontal attacks, you might need to constantly move or iframe shit. Ranged just stand and pew pew.

The shadows, target melee as well as ranged..

Second boss overall is super easy but summoners here are completely broken with knockdowns. Call kitty and boom their knockdown skill hits the opposite direction even if they face the shadow's direction. Even if melees have to dodge the attacks of Iruga they are completely nothing compared to anything.



3rd boss: Melee, avoid the fire birds aoe. Avoid the frontal frost / fire spewing, if the "tank" has ended up with boss facing you.

Ranged, stand still and pew pew..

This boss, needs someone to take care of the fire / frost kiting, and ranged would be an ideal choice..

I think you forgot the immortal phase of the birds when they shoot I assume feathers towards players. I still have to figure out properly whom they aim since sometimes it seems like they go for the one who had aggro and sometimes it goes by random but they still do hit ranged players so they also have to be on their toes during that time.


Asura: Melee avoid, spins and slashes.

Ranged, stand at distance and pew pew. Don't even have to move out for the fire / frost aoe.

Then there is a few pulls / big aoes, that target everyone.

And posions, that again, ranged would be ideal for, but I more often than anything else, see that handled by destoryers and blade dancers.

I'm not sure if you ever noticed that Asura does sometimes pull skills if you don't iframe even as ranged and hit even them quite hard. Just because people don't realize this they assume ranged get it super easy. What comes to the best part for ranged, they got too used to getting it easy while sitting in one spot on their asses not willing to bother learn how it would be easiest done. Melees have to always be careful of their surroundings and they are more often tanking so ranged sometimes miss the mechanics that will come pretty clear once they lack the melee tanks. Not to mention those jump on or throw attacks if the tank is too far away = if the tank happens to be ranged who doesn't realize being close to the boss is important.



Btw, Terrors in SSP.. have this nice ability where they throw a bomb or something at a player.. however, for some reason, the only people that are targeted by this (atleast in my experience, I might be wrong), is melee players, that are trying to get to a safe distance to sit down and regain HP.

Whenever I do ssp it's ALWAYS my summoner who gets aimed by the frigging throw attack. It's always like 3 times stun just after I used the only skill that can remove stun status and then after the 3 hits most likely it's finally the big AoE that kills me. It might seem to you that melees got it super hard but it's not. Ranged also got it hard if they don't play with super computers that allow 0.5 second reaction times for iframes. The AoEs are that huge that ranged aren't fully saved from them. After I played ranged class I got to respect even their gameplay even if it might seem unfair.



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When did this topic become melle vs range???


I play melee  and dont find them that hard, I like tanking and avoiding boss hits,  after a while you learn boss mechanics BOTH as melee and range, so the "range dont know mechs" argument does not even matter anymore, both range and melee require skill to be played properly.


there are several advantages to melee such as tanking world bosses, many more iframes ect ect


as for the idea that they should add a class changer item,

I 100% disagree with this... can you guys give me an example of one mmorpg that lets people do this?

Furthermore, people would exploit this item and i agree with the idea posted that people need to learn a class from scratch lvl 1-50 to know its mechanics and skillz/ect, it takes experience and time to learn all the "tricks" of a class. 


my opinion : If you hate being melee because of ssp, make an alt like everyone else to farm ssp, I farm SSP just fine as a kfm, although i do rage sometimes /tears

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I personally wouldn't use one but I certainly won't begrudge anyone else who might.


In response to the question of any other mmorpg that does this... WoW provides an insta level 90 ability which is kinda sorta the same. Having said that, I've not used my freebie 90 in that game for the reasons stated here.... I like the idea of learning my chars thru the leveling process.



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On 7/22/2016 at 6:06 PM, Lunakitty said:

Changing high level char into another class is in my opinion pretty bad option. Why? Because the player will have 0 clue about how to play it efficiently. It ruins the fact that when you level up you learn the class and you will be better in everything. On the other hand I understand why would people want to do this but personally I wouldn't want those HM10 playing like lv 45 first timers in my dungeons. I have already seen HM6-8 who say it is their first time on that character doing what ever pleases them while others try to save their asses. Especially think that you reroll into FM with the scroll and join Yeti or Asura 4-man because your AP is good for that. Then again you have no idea about your skills and what to do and when to do properly. I can see already the amount of flaming.

I would use it. The way how this game punish alts is unreal. You have to grind everything from the beginnging. I have a ton of weapons/accessories.siren/priate emblems Mushin tower emblems on my main that I love to transfer it to my alt but I can/t. I do want to try to do more difficult dungeons with my alts but the grind to hear up is too hard. Is not just the materils and gold but also the breakthrough weapons/accessoires.

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