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Why Is This Even Allowed?


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Why is it when opposite factions take off their uniforms they still are able to attack other bosses in SSP?

All I see in Group 3 (Jiwan , Soha , Dochun)


Crimson takes off their uniform - BD Perma Grabs Kang Gwi and resets it

They Grab our terror's in mining and reset it so our mines will be wiped


It is very hard and frustrating to know they can grief people like this.


Shouldn't they be considered neutral which you can't attack or get attacked?


Also is there any development that prevented this in KR version? since it seems every content we get it's still doable (starting with blackwyrm)


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Gotta Luv toxic *cricket*s ... man if there is 0.1% chance to exploit something ... this Community do it... just plain sad...


Simpel Solution: Make all PPl only abel to enter SSP when they wear the Uniform... once they take it off... they instantly get Teleported outside of it... done...

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I just actually posted about this very thing, in another thread.  I didn't think it was possible for a mob, terror, or boss to be grabbed and attacked without a faction uniform on. But I saw this happening tonight on my server.  We couldn't fight back either, since we can't kill or attack a player not wearing an opposite faction outfit.  We were powerless to stop it.


First we have to fight bots for a spot in a channel.  Then we have to fight bots and each other to get enough damage done to get a box- or fulfill a quest.  We have to deal with the opposite faction destroying the drills.  Now we have this level of toxic behavior.  SSP needs to be revamped or another method of getting moonstones needs to come out. Sure we will be able to get some on mushin's floor 14 and 15.  But you need good gear for that.  To get good gear, you need moonstones. 


AHH! This nonsense is really destroying the fun parts of the game.  People are starting to get so fed up, they are giving away their items and gold- and leaving the game. It is sad what the actions of a few people can destroy.

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2 hours ago, EliteRebo said:

Shouldn't they be considered neutral which you can't attack or get attacked?

sadly not.
there are quests which you can do only if u enter the enemy's camp. if the mobs wouldn't attack you, people just would take their uniform off, walk inside the camp and then take it back. that's why it's never gonna happen. to make it harder for us. but you still can get in from behind easely so it does not make so much difference :D
but yes, i get your point. the other guy suggested that to make the zone available-to-enter only in uniform. that would solve the mob pulling problem by the jerks as well.

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Like Stella posted, an easy solution to this problem would be to have the game remove the player from the area.  If a player takes off their faction outfit, have the game instantly teleport them out of ssp. 


edit reason:  quote messed up somehow.  So removed the quote lol

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3 hours ago, EliteRebo said:

Why is it when opposite factions take off their uniforms they still are able to attack other bosses in SSP?

All I see in Group 3 (Jiwan , Soha , Dochun)


Crimson takes off their uniform - BD Perma Grabs Kang Gwi and resets it

They Grab our terror's in mining and reset it so our mines will be wiped


It is very hard and frustrating to know they can grief people like this.


Shouldn't they be considered neutral which you can't attack or get attacked?


Also is there any development that prevented this in KR version? since it seems every content we get it's still doable (starting with blackwyrm)


They are committing a bannable offence. Video or screenshot their actions and report.

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43 minutes ago, CheungRR said:

You can always report them, as Domi said...


Me and some guild members are let fraps open when we go farm SSP, cuz there's always someone doing it... We just need to upload vid and report. :)

I would also suggest notifying the player that this is being done & by a number of reporters. In many cases those are not disposable alts of bots and hackers, but real players that are immature, and may be deterred by the threat of losing access to their character.

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18 minutes ago, KurooSakura said:

How about instead of completely dominating one faction and complaining when they retaliate, allow them to mine a few channels while you mine a few, and you can both do each others main boss and everyones happy.

Because the specific actions described by the poster are against ToS. If the player was in a uniform, the complaints would be unwarranted, because of the nature of the faction Warfare. It is the fact that the disruptive behavior is performed in a neutral outfit that warrants the reports and bans.


Yes, absolutely, the vast majority of players will prefer a peaceful split of the channels. But there are always will be trespassing, because there is a portion of the population that doesn't know when to stop and is driven by excessive greed and a sense of entitlement. It is the nature of the beast.


Most folks are pretty happy to fight during the capture, and if the channel is lost, move on to the next one. If both are left in peace, and enough channels are there to accommodate the number of each faction AND the access to loot is better that it is now....


But it is not the case. So, do your worst, but there is a line where the tomfoolery breaches ToS.

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15 minutes ago, KurooSakura said:

In my server the population is like 10 cerus for 1 crimson, I'm starting to think doing this would be a good idea, as they were doing Gwi yesterday and some of us tried to kill them but ofc failed as we got chased by 20+ of them ..

Two wrongs one right doth not make.

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2 minutes ago, DomiSotto said:

Two wrongs one right doth not make.

You don't even know how many times I tried to make a right by literally begging big ceru clan leaders to give us a channel while they mine the other 2. Didn't do *cricket*. 


Now we just zerg them when ever they start mining and instantly kill both Conta and Chosu. 

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I'm so happy to hear this behavior is being taken seriously. The ceru on our server were doing this even before the merge and it has gotten worse afterwards. Yeah I can understand them being cranky that they are suddenly not getting to run mining because the crimson are fairly aggressive, but they are free to change factions or get better. SSP is supposed to be a tough area, but grabbing our bosses so we get 2 or 3 at the same time to kill our mining is basically admitting defeat in my mind. They can't beat us in a fair fight so resort to cheating, such a fall for a group that is supposed to pride themselves on their noble nature.

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15 minutes ago, KurooSakura said:

You don't even know how many times I tried to make a right by literally begging big ceru clan leaders to give us a channel while they mine the other 2. Didn't do *cricket*.


Now we just zerg them when ever they start mining and instantly kill both Conta and Chosu.

I've only been playing MMOs for barely 3 years, and both times mostly on the 'wrong' side. I was a Pub in SWTOR where Imps ruled supreme, and I've played Cerulean on Iksanun in this game. My experience is that it's best to have characters in both camps, because there might be silver lining to being on the under-populated side.


Failing that, if the time is limited, dominant side is a better value for money so to speak.


In the toxic setting of the internet with the PvP players, when you try to forge a voluntary agreement, you don't just herd cats, you herd the wildest, most skittish, most mangy, most neurotic and psyco cats that has ever trodden this planet. PvPers are good people, but they are not the community-minded, common-good sort. They'd rather suffer ten-fold on the hopes to win big but for themselves, than work quietly towards everyone getting a good enough lot in life.

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Just now, DomiSotto said:

I've only been playing MMOs for barely 3 years, and both times mostly on the 'wrong' side. I was a Pub in SWTOR where Imps ruled supreme, and I've played Cerulean on Iksanun in this game. My experience is that it's best to have characters in both camps, because there might be silver lining to being on the under-populated side.


Failing that, if the time is limited, dominant side is a better value for money so to speak.


In the toxic setting of the internet with the PvP players, when you try to forge a voluntary agreement, you don't just herd cats, you herd the wildest, most skittish, most mangy, most neurotic and psyco cats that has ever trodden this planet. PvPers are good people, but they are not the community-minded, common-good sort. They'd rather suffer ten-fold on the hopes to win big but for themselves, than work quietly towards everyone getting a good enough lot in life.

Games didn't used to be this way. Back in Everquest people would sign up to take turns killing world bosses and god planes. Its the millennials that doesn't seem to care.

They want things fast and easy but don't know how to co-operate and work to get things

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13 minutes ago, Natose said:

Games didn't used to be this way. Back in Everquest people would sign up to take turns killing world bosses and god planes. Its the millennials that doesn't seem to care.

They want things fast and easy but don't know how to co-operate and work to get things

Well, back when the other folks played Everquest and WoW and all the other old MMOs, I've played Baldur's Gate, and was under the impression that MMOs were the games where players killed your character, looted its corpse from the meager possession you managed to scrape together and then urinated on it.


From what I see in other players' posts, some of them wax poetic about those "good old times" when it could done, and tbh, it came from people that were born more than 16 seasons ago.


So, I doubt it's all the Millennials fault.


And, I much prefer the more modern MMOs that offer minimal rights to the underprivileged players. Yes, I came to hate the leet with the burning passion of a proletarian pleb, but at least they can only kill me, not take my toys away too.

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Still don't get why is against ToS is just a dirty way to shove it up A$$ and watch the other faction in pain. I think everyone on ever server shoudl do this. Ruins mining for everyone to show GMs and BnS and Ncsoft that the way how SSP runs and the ways to farm SS and moonstone in this game is bad especially after server merge that they NEED to fix this.

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3 minutes ago, spongemike said:

Still don't get why is against ToS is just a dirty way to shove it up A$$ and watch the other faction in pain. I think everyone on ever server shoudl do this. Ruins mining for everyone to show GMs and BnS and Ncsoft that the way how SSP runs and the ways to farm SS and moonstone in this game is bad especially after server merge that they NEED to fix this.

Because it makes the player invulnerable to the other Faction players. Because people who suffer the most are always the most disinherited ones. You do not punish those who will not concede the channel or will go raid your camp for the sole purpose to raid the camp. You punish those who actually are perfectly happy tp peacefully co-exist.


Least of all you send a message to NC Soft. Their metrics when you ruin the mining show that the SSP is working as intended with a lively warfare going on that no doubts everyone is enjoying to the fullest.


NC Soft has done nothing to change the SSP save for the removal of machine guns. They won't even increase the drop rate for the keys, the simplest, most logical and most asked for change.


LBDs fracking up mining for the rest of the server are not clever and brave martyrs fighting for high cause. They are perennial trolls that exist in every game and if they could be banned on the spot, we'd all be better of for it.

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